World History 1st Semester Final Units 1-5

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New Stone Age

-Old Stone Age, Agricultural Revolution--Old Stone Age, Old Stone Age--New Stone Age, Agricultural Revolution--Middle Stone Age- Old Stone Age--New Stone Age

The Punic Wars were fought between

Rome and Carthage.

What important advancement did the Sumerians introduce by 3200 B.C. that would later allow historians to study their culture?

The Sumerians introduced cuneiform, the earliest known form of writing.

Which early civilization used the Mandate of Heaven in deciding who should rule China?


Who was able to conquer the Shang Dynasty?


The Persians were responsible for the emergence of what religion?


The Han dynasty helped run their government by establishing

a civil service system.

A republic is

a form of government in which voters elect officials to run the state (government).

The 10 year stalemate of the Trojan War ended when

a wooden horse was used to invade the city of Troy.

Which of the following historical events would fit under the theme of political structures? the establishment of the German nation, the writing of the American Constitution, the over throw of the French monarchy

all of the above

Archaeologists would classify all of the following objects as artifacts EXCEPT: the remains of a cooking pot, an antelope skull, a metal blade, a stone bead

an antelope skull

The idea that everything in nature has a spirit is called


Scientists who search for, dig up, and study human remains to understand the past are


After sponsoring a brutal war against a neighboring kingdom, Asoka

became a Buddhist

The Qin (Ch'in) dynasty attempted to protect themselves against invasion from the north by

building a great wall along the border.

After the Agricultural Revolution, the main social unit was the


Independent cities with their own governments, laws, religion, fields, etc.


Before the Agricultural Revolution, the main social unit was the

clan or tribe

A common cause of all ancient Greek wars is

conflict over land and resources

The agricultural lifestyle led to the development of all of the following EXCEPT: settle lifestyle, division of labor, cooperative hunting groups, governments

cooperative hunting groups

The Roman Republic suffered revolution because of

corruption, greed, differences between the rich and poor.

What was the main achievement of the Maurya family?

created a unified Indian empire

Customs, art, religious beliefs, and a sense of identity all contribute to the formation of


As a result of European feudalism, trade in Europe _____


Athenian citizens had the right to attend the assembly, where they could meet in the open to discuss and cast votes. This situation is an example of a form of


The adaptation of plants and animals for the benefit of humans.


The Ch'in (Qin) dynasty did all of the following except:

encouraging citizens to question authority.

Which of these was a part of hunter

gatherer culture? complex hierarchical society led by kings, a centrally managed economy, knowledge of how to make tools, the climate of a geographical area- knowledge of how to make tools

Why were people hunter

gatherers during the Ice Age? - all of the above are true (It was too cold to farm, some lands were covered by glaciers, they had not developed agriculture yet)

Which of the following is a topic which would fall under the theme of social structures? The development of religion, the rise of industry, gender roles and relations, forms of government

gender roles and relations

The Pax Romana was a time of

general peace.

The calendar was an important development for early people because it

helped people plan their agricultural activities and keep track of the passage of time.

The two most recent type of hominids in pre

history are- neanderthal and cro-magnon.


history is characterized by all of the following except:

The spread of diseases like the bubonic plague (spread by fleas) from Asia to Europe in the 14th century best illustrates which theme of world history?

human-environment interaction

Before the invention of agriculture, people got food by

hunting and gathering.

One similarity in the Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Indus Valley (Harappans), and ancient Chinese civilizations was that they each developed

irrigation systems.

According to Hindus, this determines your next cycle of reincarnation


Who was at the top of Sumerian society?

kings and priests

The fall of Rome is attributed to all of the following except:

low taxes.

Why was the development of government necessary in early cities?

maintenance of order among growing populations

The geography of Greece helped create

many small city-states.

Spartan civilization was centered primarily around

military training.

The belief in one single god is


Before Christianity, Roman religion was all of the following except:


According to Hinduism and Buddhism, a place or state of perfect peace and happiness is known as


Which of the following was NOT a result of the safer, more settled life of agricultural villages? Specialization, living close together, nomadic lifestyle, domestication

nomadic lifestyle

People moving from place to place in search of food is known as


Although the Roman Empire _____________ Christians as first, it eventually ______________ Christianity.

persecuted; adopted

The belief in many gods is


Ancient Egyptian religion was primarily


The belief that when someone dies, their soul is reborn into a new body is called


The following are all key reasons for Roman expansion and success except:


Confucius taught about the importance of family, respect for elders, and

respect for ancestors.

The earliest settled societies developed in areas that were

rich in natural resources like rivers.

All of the following are characteristics of ancient Greek architecture except:

sculptures of Jesus.

Which geographic characteristic of Greece provided a link to the outside world?


The Persian Wars helped the Greek city

states-unify to protect themselves.

The Eastern Roman Empire came to exist because

the Roman Empire was split.

early Christianity first impacted

the Roman Empire.

The shift from food gathering to food producing was known as

the agricultural revolution

Pharaohs that ruled during Egypt's New Kingdom or Golden Age included all of the following except... Hammurabi & Amen-Ra, Ramses & Tutankhamen, Hatshepsut & Amenhotep, Akenaton & Ahmose

Hammurabi & Amen-Ra

In which year did writing 1st begin in Sumer?

3500 BCE

The rules of the caste system include all of the following except:

A person could change social classes with the acquisition of skills & education.

The great Macedonian (Greek) warrior and king who conquered much territory throughout Greece, Egypt, Mesopotamia and Asia Minor was

Alexander the Great.

The Indo

Aryan (or Aryan) religion eventually evolved into- Hinduism

The Peloponnesian War was primarily a conflict between

Athens and Sparta

Which of these is NOT one of the Four Noble Truths?

Become one with Brahma

This religion/philosophy spread from India to China in ancient times and became very important there:


The person who had the Roman Senate declare him dictator for life was


Achieving harmony by understanding nature and being one with nature is a major part of


The river valleys of the Tigris

Euphrates, the Nile, and the Indus were centers of civilization because they- provided a means of agriculture, transportation and irrigation.

Which early civilization had public baths, brick sewer systems, and carefully planned cities?

Indus Valley (Harappan)

The ancient Persians originated in the modern country of


The Code of Hammurabi was a major achievement for which of the following reasons? It rejected the principle of an "eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.", It was the first major collection of laws, It ended capital punishment, It treated men and women as equals.

It was the first major collection of laws.

An early monotheistic religion founded by Abraham, that believed in a covenant with their god (Lord) and created the 10 Commandments is known as


Which philosophical/religious system best describes the rulers of the Chin (Qin) dynasty?


All of the following are true about the area of the Fertile Crescent except: military strategy wasn't needed, Many "firsts" occured there like written law codes, wheel, base 60 math, writing, etc., It was easily invaded, It was home to the Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Phoenicians.

Military strategy wasn't needed.

The emperors Cyrus, Darius, and Xerxes are associated with which empire?


The first historic dynasty in China was the


Three famous Greek philosophers are

Socrates, Plato, Aristotle

The period of time before the use of metal tools is called the

Stone Age

_________was/were at the bottom of the social hierarchy during the Middle Ages.

The serfs/peasants

The Persians were successful rulers for all of the following reasons except:

They created unfair laws

A civilization is characterized by all of the following except: complex governments, building large complex temples, the creation of small hunting parties, the development of large cities

the creation of small hunting parties

One result of the Neolithic/Agricultural Revolution was

the establishment of villages and the rise of governments

The Middle Ages in Western Europe generally starts with

the fall of the Roman Empire.

Siddhartha Guatama was

the founder of Buddhism.

The feudal system gave the most power to

the king.

Who was at the top of ancient Egyptian society?

the pharaoh

The Chinese symbol of balance and harmony is known as

the yin and yang.

Feudalism developed in Europe during the Middle Ages because

there was no strong central government.

The Romans put Jesus to death because

they feared he would lead an uprising.

The ultimate goal of Hindus was to

to become one with Brahma.

The Greek myths

told stories about gods and goddesses.

hunting and gathering., traveling to find food, trading with each other, keeping written records.

trading with each other.

The purpose of the Silk Road was to

transport Chinese merchandise to other parts of the world.

The people in ancient Indian society who were outcasts and considered impure were called


This group had no political rights in Athens.


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