World History 2 Final

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Which of the following was the uprising of Indian soldiers against their British commanders over the use of animal fat-smeared gun cartridges?

Sepoy mutiny

Which of the following best describes the Soviet Union under the leadership of Mikhail Gorbachev?

Soviet citizens experienced more freedoms under glasnost and perestroika

This was the atrocity committed on the people of China by the Japanese military, where they murdered about 300,000 civilians.

The Rape of Nanking

One of the major results of World War II was ___.

The U.S. and U.S.S.R. emerged as the world's two superpowers Colonized nations began to demand independence from the European countries The United Nations was created to help promote peace

Which of the following is true of the Cuban Missile Crisis?

The US had to create a naval blockade to prevent military reinforcements from arriving

The Treaty of ___________ officially brought an end to World War I.


What can be described as a sense of national identity among a group of people OR a desire for an ethnic group to have its own country OR pride in one's nation?


Which of the following was NOT a reason President Truman decided to use atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

using the atomic bomb was Truman's last attempt before defeat

A result of the Opium War between Britain and China was that China

was divided into spheres of influence

One result of the Opium War was that China

was divided into spheres of influence

Hitler wrote his autobiography, Mein Kampf ("My Struggle") while he

was in prison for treason

Karl Marx's ideas in the Communist Manifesto argue for an economic system in which:

workers lead a revolution over the wealthy, seize property, and create an equal society

Which statement about government during the Tokugawa period in Japan is most accurate?

Actual power was held by the shoguns

As a result of Henry VIII's break with the Catholic Church, he formed the Protestant faith called

Anglicanism (Church of England)

Which event sparked the beginning of World War I?

Assassination of Franz Ferdinand by a Serbian terrorist in 1914

Also known as Operation Overlord, this was the battle where the Americans, British, and Canadians invaded Nazi-occupied France.


From 1750 to 1850, ___________ was the most industrialized country in the world.


This form of totalitarian government features extreme nationalism, demands complete loyalty of its citizens, and has only one political party.


Why did the Industrial Revolution start in Great Britain?

abundance of natural resources

The German tactic of blitzkrieg ("lighting war") relied on __ for success.

air raids combined with fast moving tanks and troops

What did the United States mean when it suggested an "Open Door Policy" in China?

all nations get free trade at all Chinese ports

In 1914, fighting increased rapidly from a local conflict in Europe to a world war because

alliances dragged numerous countries in the conflict

When Britain and France did not declare war on Germany after Hitler annexed all of Czechoslovakia, they were following the policy of ___.


The Reign of Terror was a period in French history when

citizens were accused and put on trial to be executed for being disloyal to the new republic

What was one cause of the Protestant Reformation?

corruption among officials of the high church

One important change Napoleon made in France was:

creating a Bank of France and a fair tax system

Planters in the Americas began to use African slaves because

disease had killed off the Native Americans

What idea was the major reason for American intervention in Korea and Vietnam during the Cold War?

domino theory

The Renaissance led to the Age of Exploration because

encouraged a desire for new trade routes and new things

The Battle of the Bulge and the fall of Berlin were significant because these events marked the

end of the war in Europe against Germany

Which event was the symbolic end of the Cold War?

fall of the Berlin Wall

Which of the following best describes the reasons for the French Revolution?

french bourgeoise hated not having a say in the government while having to pay all the taxes

The beliefs of the Catholic Church and the Protestant Churches are both based on the

ideas of Christianity (Jesus and the Bible)

What was a MAJOR CHANGE resulting from industrialization?

increase in dangerous conditions for the workers

How did the Allies seize control of the war in the Pacific against Japan from 1942 to 1945?


Why was Woodrow Wilson's "Fourteen Points" important?

it was a plan to create world peace and a League of Nations

Italians were bitter and angry over the peace agreement, too. They were upset when they did not receive __ after being on the winning side of World War I.

land along the Adriatic Coast

The factors of production include

land, labor, capital

What were the two biggest problems facing China during the Qing Dynasty?

large population of peasants and incoming Europeans

Napoleon came to power in France by

leading a coup d'etat over the French republic

Russian czar Peter the Great's main reason for visiting the countries of Western Europe was to

learn about Western European customs and modernize Russia

Toussaint L'Ouverture, Simon Bolivar, and San Martin are similar because they

led independence moves

The Magna Carta was important in England because it

limited the power of the English monarchy

Which of the following BEST describes the Qing Dynasty under Emperor Kangxi?

lowered taxes and toured the country with peasants

Imperialism was a cause of World War I mainly because

made European nations fiercely compete for overseas colonies

Soon after the Bolsheviks seized power, Russia

made separate peace with Russia

The main reason France had colonies in Indochina and the Dutch had colonies in the islands of the East Indies was to

make money off cash crops such as tea, spices, and coffee

What was the purpose of the Council of Trent?

make reforms and reinforce the core Catholic beliefs

The policy of building up strong armed forced and weapons to prevent war is known as


The Western Front was the battleground between Germany and ___________ while the Eastern Front was the battleground between Germany and _____________

France..... Russia

On November 11, 1918 at 11:00 AM, ____________ asks for an armistice (cease fire).


This country was divided into four zones of occupation after World War II, each zone occupied by the United States, Soviet Union, Britain, or France.


Which three nations formed the Triple Alliance?

Germany, Itlay, Austria-Hungary

This event would lead to severe economic problems and high unemployment for the United States and Europe. It would help ruthless dictators seize power in Germany and Italy.

Great Depression

As a direct result of the Spanish American War, the United States annexed all of the following territories EXCEPT


Which of the following shows two important inventor during the Industrial Revolution?

Henry Bessemer and James Watt

What was the greatest achievement of the Ottoman ruler Suleyman the Magnificent?

His code of laws created a stable government.

Why was Indian the "Jewel in the Crown" of the British Empire?

India produced profitable cash crops like tea, cotton, and opium

The division of Europe into the Communist East and the Democratic West was called the ___ ___, a term invented by Winston Churchill when he made a speech warning against Soviet expansion.

Iron Curtain

What was the goal of Hitler's "Final Solution"

It was the genocide of people the Nazis considered inferior

Which nation directly drew the United States into World War II by attacking the U.S. Navy at Pearl Harbor?


The main victims of the Holocaust were the ____.


Who was the first shogun to begin unifying and restoring order in Japan (the first of the "Three Unifiers")?

Oda Nobunagwa

What three nations formed the Triple Entente?

Britain, France, Russia

When the United States intervened in the Korean War, this communist country decided to also get involved and fight for North Korea.


The exchange of plants, animals, and diseases between the Old World and the New World is known as the

Columbian Exchange

Which of the following is true about the Chinese Civil War?

Mao Zedong and the Communists won

"The sellers of indulgences are selling false salvation. Only through God's mercy can people be saved." This quotation above most likely came from which of the following sources?

Martin Luther's --- Ninety Five Theses

Which of the following groups made up the top of Latin America's class system?


Which two foreign groups invaded and rule China (forming the Yuan and Qing Dynasties)?

Mongols and Manchus

The Taj Mahal is an excellent example of architecture from which empire?


The theory that the United States and the Soviet Union had enough nuclear weapons to completely destroy each other is called ___.

Mutually Assured Destruction(MAD)

In response to the Soviets launching the Sputnik satellite and trying to catch up with the Soviets in the space race, the United States created ___.


The two blocs of military alliances that surrounded the United States and Soviet Union were

NATO and Warsaw Pact

The second atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of ___, which finally made Japan surrender in World War II.


T or F: Cities (urbanization) grew larger and factories were dirty and dangerous during the Industrial Revolutionn


Which leader is being described by these statements? • Led the Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution (1917) • Promised "Peace, Land, and Bread" • Was inspired by Karl Marx and The Communist Manifesto • Changed Russia into the Soviet Union, the world's first communist nation

Vladmir Lenin

The main goal of the Congress of Vienna was to create:

a balance in power after the fall of Napolean

The slogan, "no taxation without representation" that was used in the American Revolution shows the colonists belief that the Americans

believed they should be able to vote on taxes that affect them.

Describe Mughal ruler Akbar's Divine Faith?

blend of Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism

The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact between the Soviet Union and Germany included a secret agreement for:

both nations to divide Poland

The Treaty of Versailles punished Germany for its role in World War I

by forcing Germany to accept full blame for the war and pay steep reparations

If you went to a salon during the Enlightenment, you would have:

participated in intellectual conversations about government, economics, or culture

John Calvin's belief that God has already determined who was going to Heaven is known as


What invention helped spread the ideas throughout Western Europe in the 15th Century?

printing press (ex credit. Gutenberg Printing Press)

According to John Locke, the purpose of the government is to

protect the natural rights of the people

In the years before the American Revolution, the British Parliament passed the Stamp Act and other taxes in order to

raise money to pay off the debts of the French and Indian war

At the Congress of Berlin in 1884, European leaders decided that

rules were needed to claim African colonies for the European countries

During the Cold War, the main goal of the Soviet Union was to

spread communism throughout the world

Which statement would Social Darwinists most likely support?

stronger groups have the right to rule and control weaker groups

One goal of both Otto von Bismarck of Germany and Giuseppe Garibaldi of Italy was to

unify their nations

The Germans were defeated in the Soviet Union, then began to be pushed out of the territory they conquered after this battle in the city streets.

the Battle of Stalingrad

Why was Tokugawa Ieyasu upset by the success of Christian missionaries in Japan?

the Christian missionaries refused to follow and respect Japanese traditions

In what way did history repeat itself for Germany when you compare World War I and World War II?

the Germans found themselves fighting a two-front war again

President Truman's policy of ___ was designed to stop the spread of communism by offering military aid to any country threatened by communism.

the Truman Doctrine

The Declaration of Independence (America) and The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (France) were similar because both documents suggest that

the government should protect the rights of its citizens

Why did Henry VIII break away from the Catholic Church?

the pope wouldn't allow his divorce

What caused Napoleon to lose during his invasion of Russia?

the severe winters and scorched Earth policy of Russia

One similarity between Martin Luther and Henry VIII is that

they challenged the teachings of the Catholic Church

Baron de Montesquieu and Jean Jacques Rousseau would have agreed that:

too much power in the hands of one person is a bad idea

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