world history

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economic motivation for imperialism?

A) Cheap raw materials from overseas colonies were needed to sustain industrialization. B) Overseas colonies offered markets for manufactured goods. C) Overseas colonies offered a haven for the settlement of surplus populations.

The Ottoman military had declined by the nineteenth century because

A) the Janissary corps was more interested in palace intrigues than in military training. B) the Janissaries resisted all efforts to modernize the army. C) many provincial rulers had private mercenary armies. D) Ottoman forces carried outmoded equipment.

The Battle of Omdurman clearly demonstrated that

European troops with modern weapons could subdue a vast native army.

which one of the following factors most distinguished the Japanese success in attaining modern power from the failure of the russians, ottomans, and chinese to do the same?

a pragmatic sense of nationalism that was open to economic, social, and political change

The United States acquired Hawai`i by

annexing the islands after American planters had overthrown the monarchy.

what allowed European influence to dominate Ottoman economics in the late nineteenth century?

as well as a poor balance of trade, the ottomans were required to borrow funds from european sources

when comparing the early successes of the qing dynasty under Kangxi with its nineteenth century failures, which of the following has the most similar patterns?

india under Akbar and the period of the East India Company

Which of the following was NOT a provision of the Treaty of Nanjing in 1842?

apan gained control of the island of Taiwan.

the indian national congress was originally formed

as a forum for educated indians to communicate their views to colonial officials

Which of the following would NOT be typical of labor migration patterns in the age of empire?

German migrants to plantations in the Congo

modern imperialism

-(french) sending settlers -(britstain) indirect rule

Unlike the British in India, the French in Indochina

encouraged conversion to Christianity.

hundred day reform

national cultural, political and educational reform movement in qing china failed

to what extent were the Ottoman people interested in democratic reforms in the nineteenth century?

political pressure resulted in some changes but reform efforts were halted later on

Which of the following improved communication between India and Britain?

A) completion of the Suez Canal B) use of steamships C) invention of the telegraph D) laying of submarine cables

whittes policy of industrialization

A) construction of the trans-Siberian railroad B) banking reform to encourage domestic savings and investment C) protective tariffs to support emerging Russian industries promotion of foreign investment in Russian industry

Tanzimat legal reforms included all of the following rights

A) equality before the law for all subjects. B) public trials in civil courts. C) the right to privacy. NO WOMEN RIGHT

boxer rebllion

violent anti foreign group killing foreigners in china

The emancipation of Russian serfs in 1861

A) was achieved at the tsar's insistence. B) was intended to avert a revolution. C) brought freedom but few political rights for the peasants. D) did not significantly increase agricultural production.

The Russian empire was defeated in the Crimean War because

Britain and France joined forces to prevent Russian expansion into the Ottoman empire.

By 1913, all of the following provinces gained either independence or autonomy from Ottoman control execpt

A) Anatolia.<- B) Egypt. C) Greece. D) Serbia.

crimean war

French promoted the rights of Catholics, while Russia promoted those of the Orthodox Christians decline of ottoman

Colonial rule dramatically altered the environment in which of the following places?

A) India, due to tea production B) Ceylon, due to tea production C) Malaya, due to rubber production D) Sumatra, due to rubber production

Proponents of "scientific racism" argued that

A) race could be biologically defined and characterized. B) western dominance was justified on the basis on racial superiority. C) the theories of Charles Darwin supported world dominance by the "fittest" races. D) people of European descent were morally superior to other races.

Which of the Young Turk proposals caused the most dissension in the empire?

Turkish as the official language of the empire

which of the following colonial structures involved the least amount of European governmental involvement

concessionary company

The most significant achievement of Sultan Mahmud II was the

creation of a modern army.

african colonies where european personnel collected taxes, maintained order and organized labor and military recruitment were run under which system?

direct rule

At the end of the nineteenth century, the Ottoman empire, Russian empire, Qing dynasty, and Tokugawa Japan were "societies at crossroads" because they

discovered through wars and confrontations that they were militarily much weaker than the western powers.

In China, a "sphere of influence" was a

district in which a foreign power had exclusive trade, transportation, and mineral rights

One social goal of the British authorities in India was to

establish English-style schools for children of Indian elites.

the outcome of the sepoy rebellion was ultimately the

establishment of direct imperial rule in india


exportation of social, political, and cultural structures which come to dominate the subject lands and seek to supplant similar traditional structures

berlin conference

germany got countries together to split africa "fairly" with out africa

justification for imperialism

have a say benefitting (trade) not being left behind converts to christianity mahanism

The capital for the early industrialization of Meiji Japan came primarily from

land taxes.

the 1905 bloody sunday massacre eventually

led to the establishment of he duma in russia

despite industrialization and the emancipation of slaves, Russia continued to be subjected to internal problems. Why was there so much discontent

serfs and urban workers banded together to share their problems and work toward better living and working conditions


strong navy need fuel = need colonies

which of the following regions did NOT become a European colony during the 19th century


The Berlin West Africa Conference in 1884-1885 established

that, if a European power indicated its intention to colonize and then proceeded to occupy an African territory, it could claim that colony.

The success of the Meiji restoration depended on destroying the power of

the daimyo and samurai classes.

the key to social reform in russia was

the emancipation of serfs

British rule undermined the Indian cotton industry by

undercutting the cost of Indian cloth with cheap British textiles.

The scramble for Pacific island colonies in the late nineteenth century was motivated by

A) the desire for tropical produce. B) the need to defend the whaling industry. C) concerns about Japanese expansion to nearby islands. D) the desire for strategic ports and refueling stations in the Pacific Ocean.

Which of the following could be considered a contributing cause of the Russian revolution of 1905?

A) the lack of a representative legislative body B) the defeat of Russia in the Russo-Japanese War C) the Bloody Sunday massacre D) the government's failure to address the inequities of land ownership

The Mughal dynasty fell primarily because

A) the state had been weakened by conflicts during the reign of Aurangzeb. B) the East India Company established powerful, coastal trading forts. C) British merchants gained access to interior territories. D) the sepoy mutiny failed to drive the British out of India.

Which of the following is NOT true about the settlement of Australia?

Australia became a multicultural society, drawing settlers from all over the Pacific.

The "Great Game" refers to the

Russian contest with Britain for central Asia.

Panama was supported in its uprising against Colombia by U.S. president

Theodore Roosevelt.

taiping rebellion

abolition of private property, shared wealth plan, public education last of multiple rebellions in china

monroe doctrine

document that got US involved in imperialism influence in west but not colonize


reorganization of the Ottoman Empire,

Under British imperial rule, India was governed

with British bureaucrats and officers overseeing Indian civil servants.

The Taiping rebellion was defeated when

Nanjing was defeated by a combined force of imperial and European soldiers.

Why had most European governments abandoned concessionary companies in Africa by the early twentieth century?

The brutal use of forced African labor by companies provoked a public outcry in Europe.

Which of the following was NOT a provision of the Meiji constitution?

The lower classes were represented in the lower chamber of the Diet.

Cecil Rhodes was

a leading British imperialist active in south Africa.

the centerpiece of sergei wittes Russian industrial policy was

a massive program of railway construction

both cecil rhodes and otto von bismarck

believed overseas expansion benefitted both european industrialist and workers

The colonization of the Belgian Congo is noted for the

brutal treatment of the Congolese people by King Leopold II.

scientific rasism drew on whose works to support its premise that europeans were intellectually, culturally, and morally superior to all other peoples?

charles darwin


domination of european powers over subject lands which would later add to US and japan

Pressure for reform in British India came from

educated Indians seeking self-rule.

the most significant territorial loss for the ottomans was


which of the following descriptions best fits the role of muhammad ali in ottoman empire?

he conquered regions of the ottoman state but never severed the formal subservient relationship

why was Cecil Rhodes so interested in controlling cape colony

he hoped cape colony would serve as a base of operations to extend british control of africa from the cape to cairo

The "capitulations" were humiliating concessions to the west that

held European citizens exempt from Ottoman laws and taxes.

the suez canal was constructed to reduce travel time between britian and


which of the following areas was NOT considered a settler colony in the 19th century?


what key decision did the Meiji government make that changed the longstanding social order in Japan?

it outlawed the samurai class

to what extent was the Meiji constitution similar in effectiveness to western constitutions?

it was different in that it had few checks on executive power

The British insisted on their right to trade opium with China because

it was the only trade good that they could sell in China at a profit.

The "white man's burden" proposed by Rudyard Kipling referred to the

moral duty of the west to work to "civilize" the rest of the world.

the imposition of foreign rule provoked nationalist response in colonized lands in the later 19th century, just as nationalism had resulted from

napoleons march across europe in the late eighteenth and early 19th centuries

Japanese imperial expansion in the late nineteenth century was primarily motivated by

resentment at the unequal treaties forced on them by the United States.

One striking difference between the British and the French imperial models in Africa is that

the British preferred to use local institutions to control subject populations.

The Tokugawa shogunate was overthrown because

the Japanese were outraged by the unequal treaty forced on them by Commodore Perry.

which of the following is the best example of the extreme extent of the qing reaction to domination of foreigners?

the boxer rebellion

the nationalist movements of the 19th century generally incorporated radical reforms. Which of the following did not include fundamental reforms?

the boxers

the term "great game" is applied to the struggle between

the british and russian adventurers for control of central asia

of the following factors, which was a weakness in china that allowed europeans to carve out spheres of influence

the qing dynasty had an antiquated military and little support from its own citizens

The Russian intelligentsia promoted terrorism as a strategy for political reform because

their attempts at more peaceful reform were crushed by the tsarist authorities.

what was the role of the military in the gradual decline of the Ottoman empire?

they controlled the government at times and were resistant to modernization

which of the following stements is not true about capitulations

they were imposed on the europeans by the outomans

young turk party

universal suffrage, free public education, equal treatment under the law, secularization of the state, and emancipation of women

in which of the following colonies was conversion to christianity most effective?


what were the effects of Alexander II's emancipations of serfs in Russia?

while the immediate effects was freedom, disappointed peasants found that their lives changed little

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