World History A Unit 3

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Which of these were outcomes of the Council of Trent? Select all that apply.

the Vulgate Bible became the only legitimate biblical source indulgences were to no longer be sold

Read the sentence. Humanism caused a major shift in society, moving it to focus primarily on _[blank]_. Which correctly completes the sentence?

the individual person

Which inventions were developed during the Renaissance? Select all that apply.

the microscope the printing press the telescope

Which identifies the 16th-century English scholar who translated the Bible into English and was executed for it?

William Tyndale

Which identifies a science whose study allowed Renaissance artists to produce more accurate and lifelike paintings of humans?


How did the Catholic Church react to the increase of books that it found unfavorable?

by attempting to ban books

Which artistic elements of the Renaissance reflected the shift toward humanist thought? Select all that apply.

depiction of the unclothed human body use of contrapposto

How did the Renaissance movement affect artistic innovations? Select all that apply.

Artists studied anatomy to better understand human form and create lifelike paintings. Artwork evolved from flat and cartoonish to realistic and detailed, including shadowing and perspective.

Which options identify key differences between Catholic and humanist ideologies during the Renaissance? Select all that apply.

Catholic ideology taught obedience to centralized authority, while humanism supported representative democracy. Catholic ideology believed in a Church-controlled education, while humanists believed in private education.

Which accurately describe ideological differences between Catholicism and humanism during the Renaissance? Select all that apply.

Catholicism promoted a central government, whereas humanism promoted a representative democracy. Catholicism considered the Church the foremost authority on nature, whereas humanism recognized science as a way to understand nature.

Which identify Protestant arguments that challenge the sanctity and infallibility of the Catholic papacy? Select all that apply.

During the Western Schism, two feuding popes ruled at the same time. The principle of a papacy controlling the Church does not appear in the Bible.

What were prevailing styles of Gothic architecture? Select all that apply.

Gothic architecture used flying buttresses to support outer walls. Gothic architecture included buildings decorated with statues of saints and gargoyles.

Which accurately describes an impact of scientific innovation during the Renaissance?

Gutenberg's printing press enabled the flow of knowledge and literacy throughout Europe.

What was revolutionary about Martin Luther and his beliefs? Select all that apply.

He believed that the Bible was the ultimate authority on Christianity, not the pope. He translated the Bible into German for more people to read, which was illegal. His theological stand against the Catholic Church began the Protestant Reformation.

Who was the English king who turned England into a Protestant nation by breaking from the Catholic Church and founding the Church of England?

Henry VIII

Which accurately describes the origins and principles of the humanist philosophy?

Humanism originated in Italy and spread through Europe, promoting lost Greco-Roman ideals.

How did the humanism of the Renaissance compare with traditional Church teachings?

Humanism's focus on individual free thinking clashed with the Church's teaching of obedience to Church doctrine.

Which option best describes a difference between the ideas of humanists and those of the Catholic Church during the Renaissance?

Humanists believed in a revival of Greek and Roman educational practices for the masses, whereas the Catholic Church kept education exclusive for monks.

Which option identifies the Catholic court that attempted to suppress anti-Catholic ideas by banning some books?


Which accurately defines Petrarch?

Italian scholar and poet who was one of the earliest Renaissance humanists

Who invented the first movable-type printing press in Europe?

Johannes Gutenberg

Which identifies the French Protestant theologian who taught the principle of predestination in salvation?

John Calvin

Which Renaissance artist painted the Mona Lisa and Last Supper?

Leonardo da Vinci

Who wrote the famous political work The Prince?


Which groups did Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain target and persecute during the Spanish Inquisition? Select all that apply.

Muslims Jews Protestants

Which leader declared England a Puritan nation and took military action against Irish Catholics?

Oliver Cromwell

Which accurately describes a scientific innovation of the Renaissance and its impact?

The mariner's compass aided navigation and eventual discovery of the Americas.

How did the Renaissance and humanism affect educational opportunities in Europe? Select all that apply.

The publishing and distribution of books increased during the Renaissance, which made knowledge more widely available. Libraries sprang up in major population centers during the Renaissance, increasing education opportunities.

How did the Protestant Reformation contribute to migration to the New World?

The religious disunity in Europe caused wars and persecution, which Protestant groups attempted to escape through migration.

Which best evaluates how humanist ideas introduced by the Renaissance changed European society?

They undermined the rigid social structure that gave privilege to aristocrats by encouraging a spirit of social mobility.

Read the summary. The Renaissance positively impacted education in Europe (1). During the Renaissance educational methods changed from passive rote recitation to active analysis (2). Advancements in education spread literacy and led to new innovations and knowledge (3). In addition, education changed from primarily secular topics to religious education taught by the Catholic Church (4). Which option correctly critiques the accuracy of the summary?

While parts (1), (2), and (3) are accurate, part (4) needs revision.

Which identifies how the Catholic Church and Protestants viewed religious art?

While religious images were considered acceptable by the Catholic Church, they were regarded as idolatry by most Protestants.

Which identify how the Renaissance contributed to greater education opportunities in European society? Select all that apply.

establishment of new colleges and universities increased publishing and distribution of books

Which term is best defined as a religious opinion that goes against Church doctrine or established views?


What are scientific innovations of the Renaissance? Select all that apply.

microscope mechanical clock

In his 95 Theses, which practices did Martin Luther criticize about the Roman Catholic Church? Select all that apply.

unethical money lending the selling of indulgences clerics holding multiple offices

Review the sentence. Protestant churches wanted the word of God to reach as many people as possible, so the Bible was translated into _[blank]_. Which term best completes the sentence?

vernacular languages

Which identifies the main cause of the English Civil War?

Charles ruled as a tyrant and angered Puritans.

What best describes the outcome of the Spanish Inquisition?

Christian armies defeated Muslims and took control of Spain.

Which term means to deprive a person of a right or privilege?


Which artist is credited with bringing the message of Greco-Roman revival to Germany?

Albrecht Dürer

Which identifies a key stance taken by Luther that was in opposition to the Catholic Church?

A relationship with God does not require facilitation by the clergy.

Which accurately describe the theology of the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages? Select all that apply.

Catholics could rise to the kingdom of heaven by faithfully following the seven sacraments. The price of sin was penance, through which sinners repented and atoned for their misdeeds.

What sparked the beginning of the Thirty Years' War?

Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II issued a decree that everyone in Bohemia must be Catholic, and his officials began closing down Protestant churches.

What was a prevailing characteristic of Renaissance architecture?

Renaissance architecture followed classical Greco-Roman design.

Which identifies a main cause for the schism between the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of England?

The English king wanted to end his marriage, but the pope would not annul the union.

Which accurately compares the theology that dominated during the Middle Ages with the philosophy that came to prominence during the Renaissance? Select all that apply.

The Middle Ages followed Roman Catholic traditions, whereas the Renaissance was inspired by the revival of Greek and Roman teachings. The Middle Ages followed feudalist ideals with a structured hierarchical society, whereas the Renaissance shifted to humanist ideals.

Which identify similarities between Pilgrims and Puritans? Select all that apply.

Both groups migrated to the New World to be able to practice their religion freely. Both were Protestant groups that were persecuted in England for their beliefs.

Which identifies an important discovery made during the Renaissance with the use of the newly invented telescope?

The sun is at the center of the solar system.

How did the ancient Greek and Roman focus on education, individualism, and a search for truth impact Renaissance educators?

They focused on the study of rhetoric.

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