World History B

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idea of a large powerful country controlling a smaller/weaker nation

Jean Jacques Rousseau

idea of a social contract or agreement between the people and government

Allied Nations

the nations of Britain, the US. and Soviet Union in world war II

During the Thirty Years War, both the Protestants and Catholics hoped to _____.

gain territory under their religion and stop the other from gaining territory.

What was the purpose of the Forbidden City?

government building

Oliver Cromwell

leader of England during the period known as the common wealth

Which of the following is a political impact of the Industrial Revolution?

middle class involvement in labor reform

Sphere of Influence

outside rulers gain exclusive trade rights

Robert Boyle

Conducted experiments on gasses and pressure

TRUE OR FALSE: The majority of citizens in the United States wanted to enter the world war to prove their strength to the world, but Wilson chose to delay the U.S.'s entry as long as possible.


TRUE OR FALSE: Mohandas Gandhi fought against genocide in India.


Which of the following best describes how the Ottoman Empire impacted trade?

Istanbul became a major center of trade.

TRUE OR FALSE: Roosevelt won his first term as president with promises of a more proactive federal approach to the economy.


TRUE OR FALSE: The Electoral College is the method by which the US chooses the President of the United States.


How were the Ottomans able to conquer such a vast area of land?

Use of cannons and Janissary armies.

Prince Henry

explorer from Portugal

Title: _____ took control of the Orthodox Church forced "westernization" improved canals and education Which of the following would be the best title for the text above?

Accomplishments of Peter the Great

TRUE OR FALSE: Divine right is the idea that God tells absolute monarchs how to rule.


TRUE OR FALSE: Prior to European Imperialism, the Ming Dynasty sponsored overseas explorations and encouraged trade between China and Europe.


TRUE OR FALSE: Queen Victoria had significant political control in Great Britain and named herself Empress of India.


TRUE OR FALSE: The Glorious Revolution was a violent overthrow of the king of England.


How did the Safavid Empire impact art in the Ottoman and Mughal Empires?

Safavid miniature paintings became popular in the Ottoman and Mughal Empires.

Where did the Safavid Empire originate from?

Timurid Dynasty

TRUE OR FALSE: Germany was considered the most military ready of all the European forces prior to WWI.


TRUE OR FALSE: Great works of art were created during the Renaissance because of fierce competition between city-states in Italy and the patronage of wealthy individuals.


TRUE OR FALSE: Historians assert that the harsh peace of WWI was a direct cause for WWII.


TRUE OR FALSE: Horses and cattle originated in Europe.


Which of the following best describes socialism?

production and distribution is controlled by the community

"The checks and balances is a way to prevent government from either devolving into an autocratic tyranny or an autocratic mob mentality." Beau Willimon Which of the following Enlightenment philosophers would agree with the quote above?

Baron de Montesquieu

How did Islam influence art and architecture in the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires?

Building of mosques and avoidance of icons.

An increase in literacy, more books available, information travelling farther can all be attributed to the ______.

Gutenberg Press.

Which of the following individuals is NOT considered an absolute monarch?

Louis Napoleon



James II

King of England who was overthrown in the glorious revolution

effects of the Holocaust

Over six million Jews were murdered. Jewish business, graveyards, and other sites were destroyed. Jewish citizens were forced to live in ghettos.

effect of imperialism: Geographic

Degradation of natural resources and development of water ways

What is the significance of the Camp David Accords, and how did this aid peace in the Middle East?

Egypt and Israel agreed to peace between the two countries, and to settle land disputes diplomatically.

TRUE OR FALSE: Human Rights are rights people must earn.



a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state.

TRUE OR FALSE: The British were interested in colonizing India to gain raw materials and increase their market for British goods.


Adam Smith

laissez-faire economics with little or no government involvement

Drought, overproduction of goods, bank failures and loose credit are characteristics of what event?

All of these caused the Great Depression.

TRUE OR FALSE: Fourteen European nations met during the Berlin Conference and negotiated with African leaders on how land would be settled with respect to tribal boundaries.


TRUE OR FALSE: Genocide is the deliberate killing of religious group.


TRUE OR FALSE: Hideki Tojo was the Japanese navel commander during World War II.



Heliocentric Theory of the universe


Machu picchu

Which of the following had the largest impact on Ottoman art and architecture?


How did Islam impact the society in the gunpowder empires?

Islam influenced art, architecture, and family roles.

How did The Wealth of Nations impact industrialized countries economics?

It led to a more competitive and prosperous market.

Which of the following statements regarding Nelson Mandela is true?

Mandela often used violent tactics to fight against apartheid. Mandela became president of South Africa. Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years.

Which of the following statements best represents the Renaissance?

It was a time period of rebirth for Greco-Roman art and philosophy.

"One general law, leading to the advancement of all organic beings, namely,multiply, vary let the strongest live and the weakest die."

Karl Marx

William and Mary

King and queen who took power after the glorious revolution and signed the English bill of rights

King John

King of England who was forced in the sign of the Magna carta

Which of the following is NOT a country where genocide occurred in the 20th century?


How was the Church able to gain so much wealth?

levying taxes

India was considered the jewel in the crown of the British because _____.

of the resources and markets it provided England

Direct Rule

Rulers sent over from the imperial country to rule the colony from within.

How did transportation change during the Industrial Revolution?

Railroads and aviation

Which of the following is a social effect of 20th century globalization?

Social media allows people from around the world to connect instantly.

Which of the following nations was NOT a fascist government in the 1930s?

Soviet Union

Which of the following impacted the Safavid's military campaigns the most?

use of cannons

TRUE OR FALSE: During the Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution, the Roman Catholic Church maintained power by being at the forefront of education sponsoring scientists and artists.


TRUE OR FALSE: In the idea of laissez-faire economics the government should have a strong role in the economy.



Middle Ages

The armistice established a temporary cease fire, but a treaty was needed to end the war. The Treaty of Versailles took is name from what person, place or event?

The French Peace Talks were in the town on Versailles.

Which of the following was a cause of the Ming Dynasty's successful maintaining its territory?

The Great Wall, gunpowder, superior naval technology

Identify the new devastating weapon developed and used heavily during the great war? This weapon led to trench warfare and high casualties.

The Machine Gun

TRUE OR FALSE: According to the Social Contract, the people agree to give up some individual power to the government.


TRUE OR FALSE: Adolf Hitler had a solid plan to get Germany out of the depression in the 1920's and 1930's.


TRUE OR FALSE: After the Colombian colony of Panama decided not to let the United State build the Panama Canal, the United States supported Panama's fight for independence.


TRUE OR FALSE: Louis Pasteur, a French chemist, invented vaccines and pasteurized milk, which contributed to healthier and longer living.


TRUE OR FALSE: Philip II expelled Jews and Muslims from Spain in order to advance the Catholic religion.


TRUE OR FALSE: Social Darwinism adapted the ideas of Charles Darwin and applied them society. This belief was used to justify European imperialism because Europeans saw themselves as superior since they were Christian and had advanced technology.


TRUE OR FALSE: The Russian Revolution of 1917 created the USSR.


TRUE OR FALSE: The end of the Cold War was a reason for the increase in globalization.


TRUE OR FALSE: The fighting that took place between Protestants and Catholics during the Thirty Years War resulted in more autonomy for European countries.



an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

Labor Unions

an organization of wage earners or salaried employees for mutual aid and protection and for dealing collectively with employers; trade union.

How did the Industrial Revolution impact science?

vaccines and medicine

Why did the Mughal Empire collapse?

They were taken over by the British East India Company in 1858.

TRUE OR FALSE: Las Madres de la Plaza was a group of mothers who fought for human rights in Mexico.


Although all of the following choices were crops of the New World, _________was not harvested with slave labor.


Which of the following had the largest influence over Safavid art and architecture design?


The Normandy landings _____.

started the process of retaking occupies France.

Slavery was not exclusive to the New World, which groups used slave labor in previous civilizations.

Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome

Which of the following was NOT a similarity between the American and French Revolutions?

The American and French Revolutions saw long term success in the elimination of a monarchy.

How did the Mughal regard so many diverse cultures in their empire?

They blended various cultures and beliefs of the region.

How did the Ming improve the Grand Canal?

They created deep water locks.

Where did the Safavid Empire originate?

They emerged from the Timurid Empire.

Which statement best describes the the impact of the Protestant Reformation on England?

England became Protestant under Henry VIII, returned to Catholicism for a brief time before settling for Protestantism under Elizabeth I.

One political effect of Protestant Reformation was _____.

England became protestant under Henry VIII.

TRUE OR FALSE: The Renaissance and Scientific Revolution share similarities in their search for answers and expressions about the world that did not rely on the Roman Catholic Church.


effect of imperialism: Social

increased racist attitudes and a belief of European superiority

Which of the following best describes capitalism?

industry is controlled by private owners for profit

Disease and death were common with the slave ships, all are considered causes for this except_________.


Which of the following technology advances had the greatest impact on military technology?

interchangeable parts

Why was the communist takeover of China important to both the U.S. and Soviet Union? Give one reason for each country.

1. The Soviet union Gained a communist alley. 2. The U.S. wanted to make sure no other country fell to Communism

Explain two ways the American Revolution influenced the French Revolution.

1. The third estate wanted the rights guaranteed by the bill of rights and a government not controlled by an absolute monarch. 2. The French monarchy lived nicely while those who were poor were starving of taxes, because the monarchy was in debt from helping the Americans in their revolution

TRUE OR FALSE: Apartheid was the belief that whites and blacks should be equal in South Africa.


TRUE OR FALSE: The United States was forced into WWI due to Austrian naval attacks to commercial vessels.


TRUE OR FALSE: All African countries won their independence by the 1980s.


TRUE OR FALSE: Anti-Semitism is the idea that citizens should support Jewish citizens and fight against the discrimination.


TRUE OR FALSE: Both the Sepoy and Boxer Rebellions wanted to rid their nations of foreign control. The movements gained so much traction within their countries that multi-national forces were required to supress the rebellions.


TRUE OR FALSE: Chicken pox, cholera, yellow fever, influenza, measles, malaria, bubonic plague, leprosy, and the common cold originated in the New World (North and South America).


examples of Enlightenment ideas in government?

No cruel or unusual punishment found in the US Constitution, The quartering of troops in homes became illegal in the Bill of Rights, The formation of three branches of government in the US Constitution.

Isaac Newton

Observed laws of motion

How is the Protestant Reformation related to the Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution?

The authority of the Roman Catholic Church was questioned by all three.

Which of the following statements correctly explains John Locke's main philosophy?

John Locke believed in the idea of unalienable rights of life, liberty, and property.

What was the purpose of the Monroe Doctrine?

Keep European influence out of and to maintain American economic influence in Latin America.

Axis Nations

The nations of Italy, germany, and japan in world war II

Which of the following is an effect of globalization?

The news of political uprisings in the Middle East spread in a matter of minutes.

The potato is readily identified with the Irish, this is especially true with the Great Potato Famine and the many Irish recipes that use the potato as an ingredient. This is odd since the potato is a "New World" food, how did this Irish connection come to be?

The potato thrived in the rich soil found in Ireland.

Which of the following innovations allowed Martin Luther to spread his ideas rapidly throughout Europe?

The printing press

Wilson's Fourteen Points Speech identified reasons for war; which of the following best solves those issues?

The self dermination of ethnic groups, free access to trade and negotiation.

Which of the following events stalled globalization in the 20th century?

World War II

Which of the following are factors needed to industrialize?

land, labor, and capital

TRUE OR FALSE: The Jesuits were instrumental in the expansion of the Roman Catholic faith to the New World.


How did the Ming Dynasty pay for expansion of the empire?

taxation of citizens and trade

TRUE OR FALSE: During the Industrialization Revolution women started to work outside the home and become active in their government.


TRUE OR FALSE: Globalization started before the 20th century.


The Christian Churches performed mass conversions in the New World, this was especially true of the Catholic Church from the earliest eras of exploration. England did not convert the natives to the Catholic faith, why?

England had founded the Anglican Church under Henry VIII.

TRUE OR FALSE: World War II was caused in part by the rise of fascist governments.


TRUE OR FALSE: The Treaty of Versailles was a main cause of World War II.


The most accurate example of Wilson's 13th Point is what is _______________.

United Nations

What military technologies and strategies did the Ottoman Empire primarily use?

Use of gunpowder and Janissary armies.

Which of the following best describes communism?

property is owned by the government and appropriated by need

deep water locks

raises and lowers ships and water levels in canals

Which of the following was NOT a characteristic or role of Winston Churchill?

Churchill sent troops to help fight the Battle of Stalingrad.

Which of the following is a contributing factor to the British Agriculture Revolution?

higher crop yield due to new inventions such as dikes, fertilizer, and crop rotation

Thomas Hobbs

humans are naturally selfish and need an absolute government

TRUE OR FALSE: Japan felt they had been treated unfairly by the Treaty of Versailles.

true, Japan was not formally recognized.

The Germans threatened the safety and security of civilians with their use of __________ during WWI.

unrestricted sub warfare

How did the Ming Dynasty maintain effective administration?

use of the civil service exam

TRUE OR FALSE: The ideas of Adolf Hitler were immediately accepted by the German people.

False, Hitler was imprisoned for his ideas.

TRUE OR FALSE: The President of England during WWI was Lloyd George.

False, he was the prime minister

TRUE OR FALSE: Following independence from the British, the territory remained one country.

False,The territory was split into India and Pakistan.

Indentured servants and slaves were used extensively in the New World to supplement the labor force, which of the following is not true.

Indentured servants outnumbered slaves due to immigration.

Propaganda was used by both sides in WWI. Even though these were warring sides, their use of propaganda was for the same reasons. Which choice best lists those reasons?

It was used to generate funds, resources and support for the war effort.


Middle Ages, and Renaissance

Explain the role of Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev in ending the Cold War. Give at least two ways each leader helped end the Cold War.

1. He continued the policy of containment. 2. He increased government spending on the military. Mikhail Gorbachev: 1. he reformed the Soviet Union by allowing less government control of the economy, more political transparency, and citizen participation. 2. He withdrew Soviet troops from Afghanistan and entered into arms reduction talks with U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

Why were reason and observation important in the Scientific Revolution?

They gave scientists a basis to make observations and conduct experiments.

Smallpox was detrimental to the indigenous people of the Americas, as they lacked _____ to the European diseases.


Which statement best describes the motives for the way lands were settled in Africa?

Imperialist powers were driven by geographic features such as resources and access to ports.

One of the end results of WWI, was the creation of several new nations as republics, as compared to their previous state. What were most of these new nations prior to the end of WWI?

Most of these areas were colonial states of an empire.

What role did Pope John Paul II play in ending the Cold War?

a Polish Cardinal who was elected to the Papacy, who inspired change in Poland.

Which of the following was supported by Karl Marx?

a Proletariat revolution

Nationalism was a major cause of WWI, which of the following is not an example of nationalism from the WWI era?

Creation of a Jewish soveriegn state

TRUE OR FALSE: Hindus and Muslims rebelled against the British when they felt the British disregarded their religious beliefs by requiring them to bite a cartridge greased with animal fat. They were successful in permanently expelling British forces because the united.


TRUE OR FALSE: Martin Luther had many complaints about the Catholic Church including their practice of using the vernacular because it made it impossible for the commoner to be able to understand Church teachings.


Which of the following is NOT an effect of the idea of divine right?

The king put the majority of the tax burden on the nobility.


a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

TRUE OR FALSE: General Pershing was the highest ranking officer from the US as leader of the AEF.


TRUE OR FALSE: Imperialism is the economic, social, and political control of a country by another country.


TRUE OR FALSE: King Henry VIII was similar to Martin Luther because he went against the Catholic Church however they were different because Henry VIII was motivated by politics rather than religion.


Newspapers reported on the events of WWI with articles and photos of the battlegrounds. Some of the most memorable news clippings from WWI were neither of these things. They were political cartoons. What was the most significant appeal of political cartoons in shaping people's perspective of the war?

Use of parody and satire to provide content.


a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

Which of the following caused a decline in the Safavid Empire?

invasions and civil war

All of the following contributed to the end of the Atlantic Slave Trade except

piracy taking over slave ships in record numbers.

Which of the following was a cause of the Ottoman Empire's decline?


Wilson's Fourteen Points addressed the immediate need for resolution from WWI, but also provided a tool for continued peace with ____________.

the League of Nations

"The Big Four" was composed of the leaders that were in charge of designing the peace terms after WWI, which of the following was not in that group?

Kaiser Wilhelm II

The plantation system was developed in multiple regions upon the discovery of the Americas. These large farms required a significant labor force to ensure crops were harvested and land was used to its potential. Why was this system not used in Europe?

Land grants/plots were smaller than the vast land of the Americas.

'Never again' is the rallying cry for all who believe that mankind must speak out against genocide. Jon Corzine Which of the following groups would agree with the quote above?

Las Madres de la Plaza

The many alliances that existed among the various European nations was a direct cause of the rapid escalation of the regional conflict becoming a global war. Which of the following organizations was not considered an alliance but was an organized group of united countries.

League of Nations

Indirect Rule

Local rulers continue to rule acting in the best interest of the imperial power.

examples of globalization?

McDonald's opens a restaurant in Kuwait. The United States buys products from China. The economy in Greece collapses and US stock drop.

Peace of Westphlia

Ended the Thirty years war and redrew the map of Europe

TRUE OR FALSE: From the start of WWI, England had more troops in battle than France.

False, France had over 3 million with England having less than a million troops.

Which of the following was NOT an action taken by King Louis XIV to show is absolute power?

Fighting of the Seven Years War in order to gain territory

Specify what country was blamed for the war and forced to pay reparations to The Allied Powers for the destruction?


Which of the following was NOT a provision of the Treaty of Versailles for Germany?

Germany was not asked to pay reparations to the victorious nations.

Which of the following statements best describes the 95 Theses?

Grievances about the Catholic Church including the sale of indulgences and amount of wealth.

what are the effects of the idea of divine right?

The king has complete authority over the government, Religion is often controlled by the state, Freedom of speech and press are often restricted.

Airplanes were used to survey and observe the enemy prior to World War I. During World War I which of the following is the best evolution of the advanced use of planes in direct fighting?

Wright Brothers invented the plane, France added weapons to planes and Germany improving the accuracy/efficiency of the armed planes.

Which of the following impacted Ming diplomacy?

Zheng He's voyages in the Indian Ocean.

Focus on ordinary people


How did the Ming Dynasty impact European culture?

Chinese goods were widely popularized in Europe.


the idea of maintaining a strong or large military for a country

World War I introduced an innovative strategy to war known as trench warfare. This new approach had soldiers dig deep ditches and spend endless days and nights in those long trenches. Which of the following was not a cause for this new technique of fighting?

war planes

Queen Victoria was limited in her power because England was a Constitutional Monarchy, but had significant power because she _____.

was named Empress of India by the Royal Titles Act and ruled there.

Which of the following inventions had the largest impact on the textile industry?

water powered loom

Which of the following institutions had a lot of power at the time of Luther's birth?

Catholic Church

Linear perspective




What military technology allowed the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires to siege cities?



separation of church and state


Local rulers are left in place but have to follow advisors.


Proved the Heliocentric theory was correct

Alver Nunez de Vaca

Spanish explorer

Which of the following in NOT an example of globalization?

The European Union refuses to admit Turkey.

Which of the following was a cause of the English Civil War?

Charles I dismissed Parliament.

Louis Jolliette

French explorer

The Boer Wars between the British and the Boers resulted in _____.

the foundation of the apartheid

Which of the following was not a European motive for imperialism of Africa?


Why did the Industrial revolution start in in Britain?

Britain had natural resources, labor, and capital.

Which of the following was supported by Adam Smith?

free enterprise

Who traditionally held the most political power in the Ottoman Empire?


Total War

the idea of mobilizing an entire nation's resources for war.


Chichen Itza


a muslim mystic

Which industry was first impacted by the Industrial revolution?


Ignatius of Loyola

Founder of the Jesuit Order

What did the Ming do to protect its Northern border?

Maintaining and extending the Great Wall


massive ocean fairing ships

Explain two ways in which Simón Bolivar was influence by the American and French Revolutions.

1. After seeing the failure of the french revolution and learning about the ideas of Enlightenment, when he returned home, he started an uprising. 2. He saw how the united states united the 13 colonies and wanted to do the same with South America.

Which statement best describes the Columbian Exchange?

An exchange of foods, animals, and diseases between the "Old World" and the "New World"

John Calvin

Started a protestant religion that believed in predestination

Explain four reasons free-enterprise economies are more successful than communist economies.

1. Government has very few restrictions for businesses. 2. You are allowed to spend your money, without being told how to. 3. The owner set their own prices. 4. The owner is able to chose their suppliers for their business.

How did Zheng He impact Ming economics?

The treasure fleets exported many Ming goods.

What were the most popular exports of the Ming Dynasty?

silk and porcelain

Two Dimension

Middle Ages

Which of the following philosophers is least aligned with the ideas of the Enlightenment?

Thomas Hobbs


a market with diverse goods

How did the Communist Manifesto impact industrial society?

it led to political uprisings.

effect of imperialism: Economic

Africans forced to work for low wages for European nations

Great Wall

Massive wall extending along the northern border of the empire

How did the bubonic plague of the 14th century impact the Ming population?

Population decreased by nearly 2/3rds

Identify two Enlightenment ideas that influenced the American Revolution and explain how the idea was used in the creation of a new government.

1. John Locke believed that people were born with natural rights that could not be taken away, this idea caused the Americans to draft the declaration of Independence and then the constitution. 2. Baron De Montesquieu believed that the government should have three separate branches, judicial, legislative, executive. The constitution carried out this idea to create a new government.

Explain one war or event where Israel was attacked by Arab nations and explain Israel's response to the attack.

1. Six Day War, They managed to defeat their enemies and occupy more of the West Bank and Gaza Strip

With the end of the war and a near destroyed Europe, the rebuilding began. With so few resources for that to take place, how did the US benefit from the end of the war?

A period of short economic boom followed by a world wide depression.


A strong feeling of support for one's country or state


A tax on non-muslims

Which of the following is a result of the Opium Wars?

A treaty that gave Great Britain control of Hong Kong.

"Every individual is continually exerting himself to find out the most advantageous employment for whatever capital he can command. It is his own advantage, indeed, and not that of the society which he has in view. But the study of his own advantage naturally, or rather necessarily, leads him to prefer that employment which advantageous to society.... He intends only his own gain, and he is in this, and many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was not part of any intention."

Adam Smith

Which of the following contributed to European success in imperialism in Africa?

Advanced military technology.

Malaria is a disease carried by vectors such as the mosquito. With the humid conditions of the West Indies, malaria was a result with many that worked in those conditions for long periods contracting the disease and death soon followed. Which statement is most accurate with malaria and slavery.

African slaves had a natural resisitance to malaria so they were sought after for these disease stricken areas.

What were the major causes of the Industrial Revolution?

Agriculture revolution, population increase, and new inventions

Which of the following is NOT on commonality between the three fascist countries.

All three countries invaded other countries within ten years of the signing of the Treaty of Versailles.

Peace of Augsburg

Allowed German princes to determine the religion of their principality


Also known as The Night of the Broken Glass. On this night, November 9, 1938, almost 200 synagogues were destroyed, over 8,000 Jewish shops were sacked and looted, and tens of thousands of Jews were removed to concentration camps.

The following nations asserted colonial powers within Europe, as well as worldwide. These nations established themselves as world powers by restraining the rights of other regions to self rule. The nations aligned and stood as one against the world with a rapid escalation of conflict due to their alliances.

Austria-Hungary, Germany, & The Ottoman Empire

Alliance System

Before World War 1, countries developed alliances with each other to protect themselves from bigger threats

This European country was invaded in order for Germany to attack France.


Excerpt from 95 Theses: "Any truly repentant Christian has a right to full remission of penalty and guilt, even without indulgence letters" The excerpt above from Martin Luther's 95 Thesis would support his argument that the_____.

Catholic Church was gaining wealth by selling forgiveness

How were the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughal capable of controlling large empires?

Centralized administration and use of a bureaucracy.

What were the benefits to hiring children as factory workers?

Children were paid less and moved around the machinery easier.

Why did Europeans desir control the Suez Canal?

Control of the canal would greatly reduce shipping costs and time between Europe and Asia.

How did the Ming dynasty recruit its military?

Each family sent one male member.

Which of the following best describes the reason for the Berlin Conference?

European countries wanted to prevent conflicts between themselves over claims of African territories.

Rudyard Kipling's poem the "White Man's Burden" illustrates Social Darwinism because _____.

Europeans believed they were superior and had a duty to teach Western ways to nations who were not industrialized

Scientists have decided that the earliest migrations from Asia to North America was via the Bering Straight. The Bering Strait is found in what is now Alaska and Russia. The early migrations chose not to settle in this area but continued south. Choose the best reason or reasons for this to have taken place.

Extreme climate and few stable food sources

Title:_____ allowed for freedom of the press and liturature levied taxes in order to create a large army practiced religious tolerance Which of the following absolute monarchs would be the best title for the bullets above?

Fredrick the Great

Which of the following actions taken by Frederick the Great is not aligned to absolutism?

Fredrick the Great practiced a policy of religious tolerance.

actions taken by Frederick the Great, aligned to absolutism?

Fredrick the Great used ruthless tactics to conquer territories he believed belonged to Prussia. Fredrick the Great made it impossible for non nobles to be part of the government. Fredrick the Great discriminated against the Jewish faith.

Why did the Renaissance start in Italy?

Italy had access to ancient Greek and Roman art, literature and architecture.

Why was Italy an ideal location for the start of the Renaissance?

Italy had access to classical Greece and Roman texts which were revived during the Renaissance.

Summarize the factors led to World War 1?

Militarism, Alliance System, Nationalism, and Imperialism

Why did the Ming control much of the world's silver?

Ming exports were purchased in silver and highly sought after.

How did Safavid culture impact other cultures?

Miniatures were used in the Ottoman and Mughal Empires.

What role did Benito Mussolini play in World War II?

Mussolini allied with Germany and Japan to create the Axis powers, Mussolini maintained a fascist form of government in Italy, Mussolini invaded and conquered Ethiopia and Albania.

Based on the work of archeologists, the ___________is considered that oldest of the Mesoamerican tribes.


The earliest existence of irrigation in the New World was found to be used by the _______tribe.


Although the Allied forces claimed victory in WWI, historians have come to see the war as one of attrition. Why is this the case?

One side had no more materials to make work, such as guns and munitions.

Which of the following was a cause of the Ottoman decline?

Ottoman Empire grew too large to administer

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the Scientific Revolution?

People looking for answers about the world outside of the Roman Catholic Church.

"I am the state." Which of the following individuals would most likely agree with the quote above?

Philip II

How did religion impact the line of succession in the Ottoman and Safavid Empires?

Political succession was unclear due the Islamic Schism.

The common factor among all of the Mesoamerican tribes was a religion that chose the Sun as a god and multiple deities, as they were polytheistic in nature. Maya expanded their beliefs to include lunar deities as well. Archeologists have reached this decision after having studied what?

Pyramid of the Moon

Which of the following best describes the decline of the Ming Dynasty?

Rebellions caused by famine and crop failure

Which of the following was not a part of the Central Powers?


Which of the following best describes an impact of European imperialism?

Schools were developed but pushed Western culture and values.

Mexican pyramids are ______________ to their Egyptian pyramid counterparts found in Africa.


The Dutch and English were more involved in the slave trade than the Spanish, choose the reason that is most accurate for this lack of interest in the slave trade.

Spain had lost their navy in a battle with the English so limited in sea travel thereafter.ica.

Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer, yet he sailed for Spain.This was not uncommon, as some Portuguese explorers sailed under a Spanish flag. Choose the following answer that best explains why this took place.

Spanish royals saw potentail wealth and wanted to spread the Catholic faith into new lands.

Which of the following was NOT a role of Josef Stalin in World War II?

Stalin allowed freedom of speech against the war effort.

How did telegraph lines improve communication?

Telegraph lines allowed people to communicate faster.

similarities between the American and French Revolutions?

The American and French Revolutions both drew on the ideas of the Enlightenment, The American and French Revolutions both rebelled against oppressive kings, The American and French Revolutions both were caused by financial hardships on the people.

What was the impact of the German invasion of Poland in 1939?

The British abandoned appeasement and declared war against Germany.

How did the Roman Catholic Church react to the Protestant Reformation?

The Church had a series of meetings to discuss their practices and ended the sale of indulgences.

The peace terms for the end of WW I was very punitive towards Germany, as the French and the English leaders wanted Germany to take full responsibility for the war, but the Ottoman Empire was punished with the end of WWI as well. How was the Ottoman Empire punished?

The Mandate System allowed both France and England to oversee the newly independent regions from the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire.

The following events are all common to what choice: lavish wealth, assassination, relative to Queen Victoria and life threatening illness.

The Romanov family

Why did the arts flourish under Shah Abbas' rule?

The Shah paid for the development of the arts and architecture.

Alpacas are indigenous to South America, why did the Europeans domesticate them outside of their homeland?

The alpaca fleece is prized for its soft and durable qualities.

How did the Korean and Vietnam Wars affect the Cold War?

The U.S. sent soldiers to aid south Koreans and the south Vietnamese to help stop them being taken over by communist.

Which of the following was a cause of the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor?

The US cut off the Japanese supply of oil.

Which of the following best describes the relationship between the Industrial Revolution and imperialism?

The advancement in production and technology during the Industrial Revolution created a need for natural resources which drove Europeans to other nations that were not industrialized.

Revolutions are usually a direct result of the people of a nation not having needs met and living in conditions that do not allow for any existence beyond mere survival, as such which of the following was not a cause for the Russian Revolution.

The empathetic and sympathetic responses to the Russian people by Czarina Alexandria.

The Fourteen Points plan for peace had three distinctive sections, which of the following is the best example for each of those sections.

The establishment of free trade, restored Belgium and League of Nations.

Which of the following was NOT an effect of the German invasion of the Soviet Union?

The invasion convinced Britain to declare war on the Soviet Union.

How did religion influence the economy of the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires?

The jizya tax was placed on non-Muslims.

How did James Watt's invention change the industrial revolution?

The steam engine was converted to steamboats, locomotives, and utilized in factories.

When a nation uses the majority of its budget to make weapons and asks civilians to grow their own food so commercial stores can be sent to soldiers abroad, plus a universal draft to build forces, this is known as what?

This is considered Total War.


a non-muslim

Charles I

absolute ruler who was overthrown in the english civil war and executed

According to Karl Marx, history is the record of the _____.

class struggles between the rich and poor

Mesoamerica was the site of the origination for the advanced civilizations of the era, why?

climate was ideal for farming maize

"A prince, therefore, need not necessarily have all the good qualities I mentioned above, but he should certainly appear to have them...he should not deviate from what is good, if that is possible, but he should know how to do evil, if that's necessary." Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince The quote above from Machiavell's prince suggests that politicians during the Renaissance should be _____.

concerned with maintaining power if if that means harming others

Baron de Montesquieu

division of government between three branches

Which of the following was an economic impact of the Industrial Revolution?

development of socialism

Humanist artists of the Renaissance focused their art on ______.

dimension and perspective

All of the following contributed to the end of the Atlantic Slave Trade

economic factors, moral indignation, abolishment as an social issue.

How did the Pope react to Martin Luther's 95 Theses?

excommunicated Martin Luther from the Catholic Church

Grand Canal

extensive artificial running north and south of the empire

TRUE OR FALSE: Fascism is an extreme left wing government.


Before the Industrial Revolution the majority of people were _____.


One reason indulgences were sold was to raise money to _____.

finance the Church's spending and building projects

The Treaty of Versailles was considered a harsh peace, as Germany was subject to punitive measures for their part in the war. Which of the following was part of the peace accord but not punitive to the Germans?

free passage to the Dardanelles (a Turkish strait)

All of the reasons below were causes for the increased slave trade of the early 1800's except, _________________.

lack of indentured servants from Europe

Due to their new territorial acquisition, the Ottomans were able to thrive economically since they were able to control _____ between Europe and Asia.

land trade

Which of the following led to the rise of the Ottoman Empire?

military expansion in Eastern Europe

Which of the following was NOT a provision in the English Bill of Rights?

no double jeopardy in criminal cases

Today, scientists feel they are well versed in the ways of the ancient tribes of Mesoamerica because of the archeological findings and ______________.

ongoing research and discovery of artifacts.

The Scientific Revolution's influence reached ______.

philosophers who employed the same empirical methods to question the world

Which of the following was a social impact of the Industrial Revolution?

rise of the middle class

It is in another world. In the midst of so much wealth there seems to nothing but chimneys and flaring furnaces with wretched cottages around them. Add to this a thick and black atmosphere and you have but a first impression of the life a third of my subjects are forced to live."

seeks sanitation reform

Which of the following was NOT a tactic used by Mohandas Gandhi?

shooting British military, Gandhi was an advocate of peaceful protest.

Which industry was first to be industrialized?

textile industry

Humanists believe _____.

that questions about the world can be answered with reason.

One result of the Sepoy Mutiny was _____.

the British government had to rule directly because the East India Company was no longer able

Industrial Revolution

the totality of the changes in economic and social organization that began about 1760 in England and later in other countries, characterized chiefly by the replacement of hand tools with power-driven machines, as the power loom and the steam engine, and by the concentration of industry in large establishments.

Under Meiji rule, Japan underwent rapid industrialization because _____.

they recognized the need for advanced military to compete with the world

What was the purpose of the Grand Canal?

transportation of goods from North to South

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