World History Chap. 4

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each _______ had its own government and was not part of any larger governing state.


forced the Assyrians out of Uruk and was crowned king of Babylonia.

Tigris and Euphrates Rivers

The civilization began on the plain between the


The earliest known civilization, developed in what is now southern ____.

The wheel, the sailboat, the 60 second minute, 60 minute hour, and the 360 degree circle and the chariot

The people of Mesopotamia made many useful inventions. What were some of these inventions?

They were well trained and disciplined. They took tribute, or forced payments, from conquered people.

What made the Assyrian Army so powerful and why were people so afraid of them?

Eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth; This means that the punishment for a crime should match the seriousness of the crime. it was meant to limit punishment and do away with blood feuds.

What was Hammurabi's code and why was it so different from other codes or laws?


A people called _______ lived in the region west of Mesopotamia.


Around 1792 B.C., the Babylonian King, _________, began conquering cities controlled by the Smorities.


Flooded rivers were filled with _____ or small particles

Babylonian Empire

By adding these lands he created the __________________.


An Ancient Assyrian king named ______ built one of the world's first libraries in Nineveh.

Hanging Gardens

Babylon's _________ were considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.


Because stone and wood were in short supply, the Sumerians used ___ from the rovers as their main building material.


By 3000 B.C., several cities developed _____, a region in southern Mesopotamia


Civilizations first developed about 3000 B.C. in the river valleys of ___________.


Cuneform comes from a latin word meaning _________.


Each City-state claimed _____ God(s).


For jewelry making, Sumerians valued a red stone called _____ from India's Indus Valley.

7000 B.C.

Historians believe that people first settled Mesopotamia about


In 539 B.C., the _______ recognized that the Chaldeans had lost their strength and leadership. They captured Babylon and made Mesopotamia part of their empire.


In the 1800s B.C., they conquered Mesopotamia and built their own cities. The best known city was _______.


In the early days, _______ of the ziggurat ruled the city-states.


Of all the contributions made by Sumerians to the world, _______ is perhaps the most important.


One of the key factors in the Assyrians successes was _____ weapons.


Overtime, the king's rule became _____________, meaning after a king died, his son took over.


Silt proved to be a very good soil for _________.

Hammurabi Code

The ______ dealt with crimes, farming, business, marriage, and the family.


Sumer's people were known as


The Assyrians divided their empire into _____, or political districts.

New Babylonian empire

The Chaldean Empire sometimes called the _______________________.


The Sumerian people worshipped many gods, a type of belief known as ___________.

They contributed Writing, technology and mathematics, inventions

The Sumerians made many contributions that have made a lasting effect on history. What were these contributions.


The _____ Empire arose about 1,000 years after the empire of Hammurabi.


The _____ writing system was made up of about 1,200 different characters.

Epic of Gilgamesh

The worlds oldest known story is from Sumer. It is known as ________________.

lapis lazuli

They also searched for a blue stone known as ____. ____ from what is now Afghanistan.

Ur, Uruk, and Erido

They built the first cities in Southwest Asia, including


To honor its god, a city-state often included a large temple called a __________.


With the Assyrians in turmoil, a group of people called the _____ took power.

Fertile Crescent

a curing strip of good farmland that extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf.


was an ambitious leader who ruled the people of Akkad, known as the Akkadians.


wrote documents that recorded much of the everyday life in Mesopotamia.

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