World History, Chapter 3 & 4, Test

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Which of the following happened at Thermopylae?

A Greek force of 7,000 held off the Persian army of 180,000 for two days.

Who were the ephors?

A group of five Spartan men who oversaw the education of the youth and all citizens' conduct.

What is the "Socratic method"?

A teaching method in which a teacher asks questions that help students find answers by using their own reasoning skills

Who was the hero that Alexander strove to imitate?

Achilles, hero of Homer's Iliad

What city did Alexander establish as the capital of Egypt?


Which pharaoh was ruling when the New Kingdom reached the height of its power?

Amenhotep III

Aristotle's approach to philosophy was to

Analyze and classify things based on investigation and observation

When Athens was an oligarchy, who were the people who served as its rulers?


How did Hellenistic sculpture differ from sculpture of the classical ere?

Artists began to try to create more emotional and realistic art

The center for philosophy during the Hellenistic era was


Hammurabi established a capital for his empire at


After the Akkadian empire, the next great empire in Mesopotamia was called the

Babylonian Empire

Why is the Greeks' adoption of the Phoenician alphabet considered a cultural innovation?

By reducing all words to combinations of 24 letters, the alphabet made it easier to learn to read and write.

The classical style of art and architecture was meant to

Civilize the emotions

The pharaoh Akhenaten believed that

Egyptians should worship only one god, Aten.

According to Homer, a man wins arete by

Engaging in a struggle or contest to protect his family and preserve his honor.

What was the most famous feature of the city of Babylon after Nebuchadnezzar II made it the center of his empire

Hanging Gardens

How did Cleisthenes lay the foundations for democracy in Athens?

He created a council of 500 that proposed, debated, and voted on laws before enacting them.

How was the Persian emperor Cyrus different from the Assyrian emperors

He had a reputation for being merciful and respectful to other civilizations.

Why did Alexander the Great bring together the Macedonian and Greek armies

He needed more men because he wanted to expand his empire by invading the Persian empire.

Sargon's power came primarily from

His military strength

What brought Alexander's empire-building campaign to an end?

His soldiers refused to travel any farther.

Herodotus wrote ____, a work commonly regarded as the first real history in Western civilization.

History of the Persian Wars

The first recorded Olympic festival including athletic games was held in 776 BC in order to

Honor the gods and goddesses

The Middle Kingdom ended around 1650 BC, when

Hyksos invaded Egypt

Why is the period between 1100 BC and 750 BC called the Dark Age?

Little is known of what happened during this time because few records have survived.

According to Greek religion, the gods lived

Mount Olympus

One of the sites discovered and excavated by the German archeologist Heinrich Schliemann was


Why do scholars believe that the Mycenaeans developed a wide commercial network?

Mycenaean pottery has been found throughout the Mediterranean area.

Before the independent state of Kush was established around 1000 B.C., the area was called


A society in which men hold the greatest control in both private and political shepherds is known as


In 539 B.C., Babylon fell to the


What was most seriously weakened the Athenians during the Peloponnesian War?

Plague in the overcrowded city and the defeat of their navy at Aegospotami

In the Persian empire, a system of well-maintained roads connected the various provinces, also known as


Invasions by the ______ in the 1200s B.C. marked the beginning of the end of the New Kingdom.

Sea Peoples

What was the name of the most popular school of though during the Hellenistic era?


Why did the Greeks come into conflict with the Persians?

The Greek settlements had begun to encroach on the Persian empire.

What technology advance helped bring the Dark Age to an end?

The Greeks began to make weapons and farming tools out of iron

The Iliad tells the story of

The actions of the Greek hero Achilles during the Trojan War

In a Mesopotamian family's who wielded the most power?

The father

The phrase "an eye for an eye" sums up a concept known as

The principle of retaliation

According to the Code of Hammurabi, how should a son be punished if he hits his father?

The son's hand should be cut off.

Why isn't it surprising that the Greeks became seafarers?

The territory is occupied by the Greeks included many small islands as well as 8,500 miles of coastland

Why did Alexander's empire fall apart after his death?

The top Macedonian generals got embroiled in a power struggle, instead of collaborating to preserve Alexander's legacy

What helped the Kushites establish a successful trading empire?

Their land had good supplies of iron ore, which they made into tools and weapons for sale abroad.

What did the Athenians do in preparation for Xerxes's invasion?

They built up their navy into a fleet of about 200 boats

What did the people of Sparta do when they wanted to expand their city-state?

They conquered the neighboring colonies of Laconia and Messenia.

What was one important advantage the Hyksos had over the Egyptians in battle?

They rode in horse-drawn war chariots.

Which of the following is considered by many historians today to be the greatest historian of the ancient world?


The Greeks believed that at the oracle at Delphi

a priestess was able to communicate with the god Apollo to learn the answers to questions asked by worshipers.

At its height, the Akkadian empire included

all of Mesopotamia and lands westward to the Mediterranean.

In Athenian society, women

always had a male guardian.

The central meeting place in a polis was usually a hill called

an acropolis

Hammurabi is now most remembered for

developing the set of laws known as the Code of Hammurabi.

In addition to iron goods, the major exports of Kush were

gold, ivory, ebony, and slaves.

The new Greek military system, based on the use of hoplites, involved

heavily armed footsoldiers who marched into battle in tight formations, carrying large shields to protect them from the enemy.

The Sophist philosophers argued that

it wasn't possible for humans to understand the universe, so they should work to improve themselves as individuals.

The Greeks spread their culture throughout the ancient world by

leaving their homeland to establish distant colonies with good prospects in farming and trading.

To help control his large empire, the Akkadian emperor Sargon

made the former rulers of the city-states he conquered into governors.

To protect the government from politicians with harmful intentions, the Athenians devised the policy of


The Mycenaean civilization was ruled by

powerful monarchies

At the height of their prosperity, the Kushites buried their kings in


The Pharaoh Hatshepsut first gained power by

serving as regent for her stepson, Thutmosis III.

According to Aristotle, to whom did a citizen of polis belong?


Greek city-states finally lost their independence when

the Greeks were defeated by the Macedonians, under the leadership of Philip II.

When the emperor Darius conquered Thrace,

the Persian empire became the largest the world had yet known.

As a result of the Athenian defeat in the Peloponnesian War,

the age of classical Greek culture came to an end.

The word Zoroastrianism comes from

the name of the prophet whose teachings are recorded in the sacred book of the religion.

The territory of Greece was about the size of

the state of Louisiana

The Zoroastrians believe that

the supreme god, Ahuramazda, is a good spirit who is opposed by an evil spirit, Ahriman.

What theory did Aristarchus develop?

the theory that the earth revolved around the sun

How did the Athenians react to the laws enacted by their leaders Draco?

they gave full power to Solon, who canceled debts and feed those who had been enslaved for owing money under Draco

Who supported the efforts of the Greek tyrants to control the city-states?

those who had used their skills in trade and industry to become wealthy

What was the mission of the Delian League

to liberate all Greek states that remained under Persian control

At the turn of the 5th century B.C., Greek city-colonies in Asia Minor

united to defeat the Persian invaders

Greek tragedies dealt with

universal themes that are still relevant today.

When an Assyrian army approached an enemy city, it would most likely

use battering rams and siege towers to destroy the walls surrounding the city.

The Assyrian communication system was so efficient that a governor could send a message anywhere within the empire and receive a response within


At its height, the Assyrian empire was ruled by kings

who claimed absolute power over their subjects.

Athenians produced ______, both for local use and export.

wine and olive oil

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