World History (Neck): Chapter 10

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In February 1429, Joan made her way to Charles's court, where her sincerity and simplicity persuaded him to allow her to accompany a French army to _________.


In the second half of the twelfth century, a number of students and masters (teachers) left Paris and started their own university at ___________________ in England.


The struggle between ___________________ and ___________________ had serious consequences for the papacy.

Pope Boniface VIII, King Phillip IV

Realizing the need to be free from secular interference in the appointment of church officials, ___________________ decided to fight lay investiture.

Pope Gregory VII

During the papacy of ___________________ in the thirteenth century, the Catholic Church reached the height of its political power.

Pope Innocent III

Peasants were required to pay their local village church a tithe, which was ______________.

10% of their produce

Explain the significance of the invention of the flying buttress in architecture.

A massive, arched support, built on the outside of the church. There was no longer a need for heavy, thick walls to support the weight of the rood. Larger windows could be used and decorated with stained glass

What was the Concordat of Worms?

An agreement under which a bishop in Germany was first elected by Church officials. After election, the new bishop paid homage to the king as his lord. The king in turn invested him with the symbols of temporal (earthly) office. A representative of the pope, however, then invested the new bishop with the symbols of his spiritual office.

In the twelfth century, largely because of the work of Muslim and Jewish scholars, western Europe was introduced to the works of ___________________.


Pope Clement V took up residence in ___________________ in southern France.


The first European university appeared in ___________________.


Merchants and artisans living in walled cities came to be called _____________.


___________________ was formed by a group of Benedictines who were unhappy with the lack of discipline in their order.


The first major battle of the Hundred Years' War occurred in 1346 at ________.


Who wanted to defend the Church from heresy?

Dominic de Guzman

Who were referred to as the "most Catholic" monarchs?

Ferdinand and Isabella

While Venice and other northern Italian cities were busy trading in the Mediterranean, the town of ____________ was doing the same in northern Europe.


In the thirteenth century, two new religious orders emerged that had a strong impact on the lives of ordinary people. They were the ____________ and the ____________.

Franciscans and Dominicans

Gregory VII soon found himself in conflict with ___________________, the king of Germany, over Gregory's claims that he was truly God's "vicar on earth".

Henry IV

Who defeated the French at the Battle of Agincourt?

Henry V

Who was a composer and important contributor to Gregorian chant?

Hildegard of Bingen

Explain how the increase in bartering helped lead to the rise of commercial capitalism.

Increased barter helped lead to the rise of commercial capitalism in the Middle Ages when the demand for gold and silver coins arose at fairs and trading markets of all kinds. Trading fairs had been initially established by the counts of the Champagne region of France, in order to encourage trade between Italy and Flanders. Slowly, a money economy began to emerge. New trading companies and banking firms were set up to manage the exchange and sale of goods. All of these new practices were part of the rise of commercial capitalism, an economic system in which people invested in trade and goods in order to make profits.

Spain's two strongest kingdoms, Castile and Aragon, were united when ___________________.

Isabella of Castile married Ferdinand of Aragon

Explain why the Hundred Years' War was a turning point in the ways of warfare.

It proved the value of peasant foot soldiers over heavily armored and mounted knights. Until the battle of Crecy, the French knights looked down on foot soldiers as inferior. The English armies proved that foot soldiers could defeat knights in battle, especially through the use of the longbow, which was another new aspect to warfare. Toward the end of the war, the use of the cannon changed the face of warfare forever and helped the French defeat the English armies at last.

A group of Czech reformers led by ___________________ called for an end to the corruption of the clergy and the excessive power of the papacy within the Catholic Church.

John Hus

Who was accused of heresy by the Council of Constance and burned at the stake in 1415?

John Hus

What is an agricultural estate run by a lord and worked by peasants?


What is the earliest and perhaps finest example of a heroic epic poem?

Song of Roland

Who attempted to reconcile Aristotle's teachings with the doctrines of Christianity?

St. Thomas Aquinas

Thomas Aquinas is best known for his ___________________.

Summa Theologica

Identify the economic consequences of the Black Death.

The Black Death epidemic and the death of so many people had severe economic consequences in the Middle Ages. Trade declined, and some industries suffered greatly. Lower demand of food because of lower amount of people.

How was the medieval serf's life different from that of a slave?

The property assigned to a serf could not be taken away from him. His duties to the lord were fairly well defined. The lord had a responsibility to protect and provide for his serfs.

The first university in northern Europe was ___________________.

University of Paris

__________ had emerged by the end of the eighth century as a town with close trading ties to the Byzantine Empire.


After the Hundred Years' War, England faced more turmoil from __________________.

War of the Roses

Why did the Hundred Years' War between England and France start?

When King Phillip VI of France seized Gascony in 1337 in an attempt to make the duchy part of the French Kingdom, the duke of Gascony-- King Edward III of England- declared war on Phillip

Born to a wealthy merchant family, Francis of Assisi ___________________.

abandon all worldly goods and material pursuits

A person who wanted to learn a trade first became an ____________, usually at around the age of 10, to a master craftsperson.


One cause of anti-Semitism in Medieval Europe was the spread of the ___________________.

bubonic plague

Elections for city council in medieval times were often ___________________.

carefully rigged

A __________ was a heavy, wheeled plow with an iron plowshare


Besides troubadour poetry, another type of vernacular literature was the ___________________, or heroic epic.

chanson de geste

Dominic de Guzman believed the best way to attack heresy was ___________________.

founded a new religious order of men who lived lives of poverty and preached effectively

After the election of Pope Urban VI, a group of French cardinals declared the election invalid and chose a Frenchman as pope. Because there were two popes, there began the ___________________ of the Church, which lasted from 1378-1417.

great schism

From the eleventh century on, craftspeople began to organize themselves into ___________________, or business associations.


Two inventions that improved farming in the Middle Ages were the __________ and ____________.

horse collar, horse shoe

In order to encourage trade between Flanders and Italy, the counts of Champagne ___________________.

initiated a series of trade fairs

Joan of Arc brought the Hundred Years' War to a decisive turning point by ___________________.

inspiring the French with her faith

The struggle between Henry the IV and Gregory VII was known as ___________________.

investiture controversy

After five to seven years of service during which they learned their craft, apprentices became ___________ and worked for wages for other masters.


To become masters, journeymen were expected to produce a ____________, a finished piece in their craft.


Slowly, a ___________________ - an economic system based on money, rather than barter - began to emerge.

money economy

In a medieval university, how often were written examinations given?


In the fifteenth century, a number of new rulers attempted to reestablish the centralized power of monarchies. Some historians have called these ____________________.

new monarchies

The Catholic Church gained control of territories in central Italy that came to be known as the ___________________.

papal states

Members of the wealthiest and most powerful families were ___________________.


Emphasis on the role of the saints was closely tied to the use of ___________________, usually bones of saints or objects connected with saints that were considered worthy of worship because the provided a link between the earthly world and God.


The chief task of ___________________ was to harmonize Christian teachings with the works of the Greek philosophers.


Lay investiture was a practice by which ___________________.

secular/lay rulers usually both chose nominees to church offices and gave them the symbols of their offices

__________ are peasants legally bound to the land.


Serfs were different from peasants in that serfs ___________________.

serfs could not leave the manor without the lord's permission and could not marry anyone outside the manor without the lord's permission

The Black Death killed nearly 38 million people, resulting in ___________________.

severe economic consequences

Hildegard of Bingen's work is especially remarkable because she ___________________.

succeeded in a man's world

Louis XI used the ___________________, a permanent tax, to create the foundations of a strong French monarchy.


What was the most devastating natural disaster in European history?

the Black Death

The Inquisition was ___________________.

the court created by the Catholic Church to find and try heretics

What is heresy?

the denial of basic church doctrines

___________________ is the study of religion and God, and was the most highly regarded subject of the medieval university.


Why did the Christians of the thirteenth century believe that they were justified in using force?

to save souls

___________________ literature was literature written in the language of everyday speech in a particular region.


Were serfs required to provide labor services for the manor?


To achieve his political ends, Pope Innocent III often used an interdict, which ___________________.

• Prohibited priests from giving the sacraments of the Church to a particular group of people

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