World History test 1

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From roughly 800 B.C.E., we can trace the development of strong agrarian-based states called janapadas in northern and northeastern India that by the sixth century B.C.E. had encompassed the entire Ganges valley. True False

The male sex organ symbolizing the male, or active, forces of both natural and supernatural creation. - correct answer

Harappan religion used a host of phallic images like stones in shrines, rituals, and festivals. What did phallic stones refer to and symbolize? The male sex organ symbolizing the male, or active, forces of both natural and supernatural creation. Cattle symbolizing the "sacred cow" common in India to this day. The female sex organ symbolizing fertility and the nurturing side of motherhood. The feline symbolizing prosperity and longevity.

Edward Gibbon

History . . . is indeed little more than the register of the crimes, follies, and misfortunes of mankind."

Around 280, 000 years ago in East Africa

Homo sapiens, the species of modern humans, appeared: Around 5 million years ago in South Asia Around 300, 000 years ago in the Americas Around 3.2 million years ago in Western Europe Around 280, 000 years ago in East Africa


In nomadic societies women were equal to men? T/F

"fertile cresent", Neotholic period

Agrictlure rev began in the _____, and started the ______ (9600-4500b.c.e.)


Around 600 B.C.E., the Ganges states were finally unified by one powerful king who ruled over the entire subcontinent of India by bringing peace and prosperity to the region for centuries to come. True False

The Yellow River

Around which river did the origins and development of some of China's first Neolithic cultures take place around 10,000 to 8,000 B.C.E.? The Banpo River The Yellow River The Longshan River The Ganges River

The Caste System

As agrarian-urban societies of India grew and became more complex, Indians developed a system in which people's places in society - how they live, the work they do, and who they marry - are determined by heredity and which restricts social mobility. What is this system called? The Kama Sutra System The Caste System The Moksha System The Upanishad System


Corn became a very versatile plant


Could women participate in the political and military events in the Shang dynasty?

technical skills, kinship group, gender roles, creation of symbols

characteristics of homo sapiens


clarified butter used to this day in india


developed in modern day mexico rich in spiritual life relied on obsidian to make tools left behind temples


fate or destiny in your next life - if you perform your duties, then you will be reincarnated


first mesoamerican civilization 1200 bcd gulf of mexico


first to make use of horse drawn chariots and master iron making ushering the iron age


forrunns of humans


hard black rock used for tools and weapons

xia dynasty

hieracy social structure literally dissapeard left behind wine beakers on tripod stands used jade for figures of dragons, ext "lost civilization"

shang dynasty

hieracy structure bronze weapons used chariots w/ bronze decorations used bronze for coffins, food, sacrifices, ect

yoga, ramayna

indian religious values and culture became encapsulated in?

oracle bones

item used to come pup with the writing system originally used by oracles


many gods

moonarchy demoracy aristrocary oligarcy tierny

methods of govt in greek city states


military oligarchy not dictatorship

homo sapiens

modern human or "wise man" emerges in east africa 280,000 years ago


reincarnation - each person has an ongoing series of lives


Scholars arrived at a solid and indisputable conclusion that the only cause of the collapse of the Harappan civilization is the arrival of Aryans to their region who wiped it out thanks to their superior weapons. True False


The Zhou dynasty in China implemented a system of centralized government under which local rulers were no match for and could not challenge Zhou central government. True False


The combination of state power and religion among the Ganges states had produced kings who were accorded god-like stature. What were these kings called? Lothals Maharajas Brahmans Dharmas

Start of social structure, transition to farming, start of poetry making, ect

The creation of agrian-urban society formed what things?


The oldest known hominin fossil, dating back to 7 million years ago, is called: "Lucy" "Spirit Cave Mummy" "Kennwick Man" Toumaï Clovis


Omlec writing has been able to be translated to modern day english T/f

False - correct answer [NOTE: "China's Sorrow" refers to the Yellow River for its treacherous nature that was difficult to harness, causing frequent floods.]

"China's Sorrow" refers to one of the Zhou emperors who used draconian policies by subjecting his people to hard work of building huge tombs, palaces, and canals all over China. True False


"History is the witness that testifies to the passing of time; it illuminates reality, vitalizes memory, provides guidance in daily life, and brings us tidings of antiquity."

James Joyce

" a nightmare from which I am trying to awake."

Sigmund Frued

"Only a good-for-nothing is not interested in his past"

E.H. Carr

"The function of the historian is neither to love the past nor to emancipate himself from the past, but to master and understand it as the key to the understanding of the present."

yangzi river

"chinas blessing"

yellow rive

"chinas sorrow"


"land between rivers"


"middle america"

All of the above

. Which of the following statements is/are true about human migration out of Africa that began 80,000 - 60,000 years ago? Human migration followed the route to South Asia and onto Europe where Homo Sapiens arrived on the European continent 35,000 years ago encountering another human species called the Neanderthals that was already settled there. Human migration included coastal migration along the Indian subcontinent and Indonesia. Human migration followed the route to South Asia and onto Australia where the descendants of the original settlers became known in our own time as Aboriginals. A and B only All of the above

True - correct answer

1. According to the work conducted by archeologists in the Supe valley in Peru, as indicated in the beginning of Chapter 5, monumental architecture discovered in that area is as old as the pyramids of Egypt and the most ancient Mesopotamian cities. a. True b. False

rosetta stone

1. upper text in egyptian hieroglyhics 2. middle part demotic (late egyptian script) 3. lowest part in accent greek

sumerian cunelform writing

1. written from right to left 2. used clay tablets 3.used to record laws and other forms of payment

The Nazca

10. Which of these American chiefdoms is credited with innovating geoglyphs, large geometrical and animal figures (monkey, spider, whales, etc.) laid out in the dry highlands and slopes? a. The Paracas b. The Nazca c. The Moche d. The Mayan

b. False - correct answer [Note: scholars estimate that such migration took place anytime between 40,000 and 13,500BCE]

2. Scholars have finally been able to pinpoint the time when Homo Sapiens migrated from Eurasia to the Americas and provided clear evidence that this migration occurred exactly in 13,500 BCE. a. True b. False

d. Unlike other cultures of the time, they were not interested in ceremonial or spiritual life and therefore we have no evidence of their burial sites, cave art, shamanistic rituals, and so on.

3. Which of these statements is NOT true about early American settlers? a. They were hunters and gatherers, or foragers, using initially large stabbing spears and subsequently shifting to smaller spears as big mammal species were becoming extinct in the Americas. b. They formed groups of extended families and lived in rock shelters, caves, and huts, moving whever the food resources in a given territory were exhausted. c. With time, they domesticated animals and the first domesticated animal, the dog, appeared perhaps descended from the wolves picking through human middens or perhaps accompanying hunters migrating to the new continents. d. Unlike other cultures of the time, they were not interested in ceremonial or spiritual life and therefore we have no evidence of their burial sites, cave art, shamanistic rituals, and so on.

Llama and alpaca

4. While early Americans were successful at the domestication of plants, the domestication of animals in the Americas was much more modest than that of plants and than that of animals in other civilizations. Which of the following animals available and suitable for domestication the Americas around 5,000 years ago? a. Horses and pigs b. Llama and alpaca c. Cow and cat d. Sheep and goat

d. A and B only

5. What do we know about CORN according to Chapter 5? a. The site where corn is believed to have been first cultivated is somewhere in what is now southern Mexico and it occurred about 6,000 - 7,000 years ago. b. Although it was long assumed that teosinte was the sole ancestor of corn and that the process was one of painstaking selection and replanting, scientists have recently theorized that corn is in fact the result of crossbreeding more than one species of plants. c. Corn can only be grown in moist and cool climates and it does not do very well in dry and hot climates, thereby making it a very rare and expensive food crop unable to feed large population and useless in industries that focus on making syrup, oil, or whiskey. d. A and B only e. All of the above

The Olmec in Mesoamerica - correct answer

6. Which of the following civilizations in the Americas are known for the colossal basalt heads? a. The Chavin in the Andes of Peru b. The Olmec in Mesoamerica c. The Shamans in Pecos, Texas d. Pedra Furada in northeast Brazil


7. The inhabitants of the Americas had no knowledge of agriculture and gained this knowledge only upon coming into contact with Eurasian cultures in 600 C.E. a. True b. False

Personification of the forces of nature and performance of rituals and sacrifices to assure the benevolence of gods and goddesses. - correct answer

8. What does polytheism mean? a. Perception of reality based on the concept of a life force pervading humans, other animals, and, by extension, plants and inanimate objects. b. An animistic belief in which an evil person (male or female) can harm an innocent victim at a distance and cause the victim to become possessed, with attendant illness. c. Personification of the forces of nature and performance of rituals and sacrifices to assure the benevolence of gods and goddesses. d. The transmigration of souls and reincarnation - the concept of a nonmaterial essence or "soul" carrying with it the residue of one's deeds which is coupled with the idea of the rebirth of the soul into a new body.

The Mayan kings in Yucatan

9. Which of the following kingdoms in the Americas recorded their histories in a glyphic script and played ball games with formal rules in stadiums? a. The Teotihuacan kings in the Mexican basin b. The Moche and Nazca chiefs in Peru c. The Aksum kings in the Ethiopian Highlands d. The Mayan kings in Yucatan


: the faithful performance of the duties which pertain to your cast or station in life


A large multi-ethnic, multi-linguistic, multi-religious state consisting of a conquering kingdom and several defeated kingdoms is called: Ma'at Empire Hieroglyph Nomad

The Neolithic Age - correct answer [NOTE: Neolithic means "New Stone"]

A period from ca. 9,600 to 4,500 B.C.E. when stone tools were adapted to the requirements of agriculture, through the making of sickles and spades, and animals were domesticated, is referred to in world history as: The Ice Age The Paleolithic Age The Neolithic Age The Iron Age


A system of state relations in which less powerful states directly or implicitly agree to defer to the lead of the most powerful state is called: Feudalism Clientelism Hegemony Social stratification

The transmigration of souls and reincarnation [NOTE: this is a concept of a nonmaterial essence or "soul" carrying with it the residue of one's deeds which is coupled with the idea of the rebirth of the soul into a new body. - correct answer

In the India of 600 B.C.E., the development of abstract religious and philosophical conceptualization began to take place dealing with speculation about the nature of individual and universal "essence." One of these concepts was Karma-Samsara which meant: Full or partial renunciation of the material world through practicing asceticism. The transmigration of souls and reincarnation Obtaining inner and outer balance by practicing yoga. Fulfilling one's prescribed role based on one's place in society and in the natural order and according to dharma.

Tigris and Euphrates

Mesopotamia, one of the smaller regions of the Middle East in present day Iraq and Kuwait and in which one of the first civilizations developed, is often referred to as "the land between the rivers." What are these rivers? Tigris and Euphrates Tigris and Nile Tigris and Euphrates Euphrates and Nile Indus and Tigris


Mesopotamian, Egyptian, and Greek civilizations practiced polytheism as their form of religion. True False


Much that scholars know about the Vedic period of Indian history is from famous epics such as whose stories remain the most popular entertainment in India today, depicting the adventures of Arjuna, Krishna, and so on. Epic of Gilgamesh Iliad and Odyssey Epic of David and Goliath Tales of Hammurabi Mahabharat


T/F Home sapiens were the first and only beings that did not think only in concrete, practical terms of tool-making, but also in abstract symbolic terms by using something to express something else, such as jewelry for feelings.


T/F Homo sapiens' cultural creativity, which had burst forth in Africa, continued after the migration into Europe in the form of figurines like Venus figurines and rock paintings like those depicting hunting scenes discovered in Lascaux, France and dating back to 17,000 years ago.


T/F Homo sapiens, like their forerunners, had the ability to hunt and scavenge meat from the carcasses with the help of stone scrapers.


The Assyrian Empire at one point included Ashkelon, Gaza, and Cyprus. True False

The Zhou Dynasty

The Mandate of Heaven, China's most enduring philosophical and political concept, set a pattern of dynastic cycles in China's governance for thousands of years. Which Chinese dynasty came up with the concept of the Mandate of Heaven? The Xia Dynasty The Shang Dynasty The Zhou Dynasty The Qin Dynasty

llamas, aplacas, dogs

What animals were domesticated in the Americas

All of the above

What did local assemblies in early towns of Mesopotamia usually decide on? Communal matters such as mutual help during the planting and harvesting seasons. The digging of canals and punishments for criminal acts by townspeople. Relations with other towns and villages. A and B only All of the above.

B and C only-

What do scholars know about Zhou religion, technology, and culture? The Zhou destroyed all forms of art and ritual practiced by the Shang whom they defeated. The Zhou introduced the concept of tian, "heaven," as a relatively neutral, impersonal controlling force of the universe. Perhaps the most significant technological innovation introduced during the Zhou period was the use of iron. B and C only All of the above

A and B only

What made it possible for Homo Sapiens to survive in a dangerous environment in prehistoric times? They relied on their stone tools, bows and arrows, and rock shelters. They were superb farmers, perfecting their techniques by using high-tech machines. They possessed unsurpassed knowledge of animals and plants to guide them through their daily lives as foragers. A and B only All of the above

80,000-60,000 years ago

When did homo sapiens leave africa?

In the area called the "Fertile Crescent", encompassing the Levant, the Taurus Mountains of eastern Anatolia, and the Zagros mountains of southwestern Iran, around 9,500 B.C.E

Where and when did the beginnings of agriculture take place? In the palace-states of Mycenae, including Sparta, Athens, Crete, and Ionia, around 1,450 B.C.E. In the area controlled by the Phoenicians, Philistines, and Israelites along the Mediterranean Sea around 3, 100 B.C.E In the lands occupied by the Hittites, Egyptians, and Assyrians around 2, 340 B.C.E. In the area called the "Fertile Crescent", encompassing the Levant, the Taurus Mountains of eastern Anatolia, and the Zagros mountains of southwestern Iran, around 9,500 B.C.E.

All of the above

Which of the following characteristics distinguished Homo sapiens ("wise man" or "modern human") from its less evolved forerunners? Rapidly developing technical skills Cultural creativity Bipedalism A and B only All of the above


Which of the following civilizations were the first to make use of horse-drawn chariots and composite bows for their military, as well as fully mastered the art of iron-making? Hittites Akkadians Egyptians Minoans

Babylonian Law Codes, including the Code of Hammurabi, were written in cuneiform.

Which of the following statements is CORRECT regarding one of the early writing systems called Cuneiform script? This writing system originated in Central America. "Cuneiform" writing looks like and means exactly the same as hieroglyphic writing. Scribes wrote cuneiform script on wet papyrus. Babylonian Law Codes, including the Code of Hammurabi, were written in cuneiform.

A and C only

Which of the following statements is TRUE about ice ages experienced by modern humans? The first ice age took place 70,000 to 60,000 years ago and was quite mild, enabling humans to traverse much of the Indonesian archipelago on foot and then by boat to Australia. The last ice age, which took place 25,000 to 13,500 years ago, had no impact on the flora and fauna on all continents. Although humans suffered during the last ice age, they exploited it for major achievement, that is, migration from Siberia to the Americas over the Beringia Land Bridge. A and C only All of the above

The Shang had no writing system and relied exclusively on oral communication and tradition. - correct answer [NOTE: it was under the Shang that Chinese writing system was developed in form of pictographical and ideographical characters that were written on ORLACE BONES]

Which of these Shang Dynasty characteristics is NOT true? Shang rulers fielded the most powerful armies of East Asia in their day, using bronze-tipped spears and pikes and chariots. The principal deity of the Shang was Di or Shangdi who presided over the spirit world and governed both natural and human affairs. Elite women of the Shang like queen warrior Fu Hao often participated in political and even military affairs. The use of bronze vessels with their elaborately stylized taotie motifs constituted a central part of Shang religious ceremonies among the elites who sought the guidance of their ancestral spirits. The Shang had no writing system and relied exclusively on oral communication and tradition.


Which of these civilizations developed systems of governments such as republicanism and democracy that evolved into the political institutions of the modern day? Philistines Greeks Israelites Phoenicians


Which of these is considered to be China's oldest dynasty of which we have some knowledge, but which is also considered a "lost" civilization? Shang Xia Zhou Qin

A and C only - correct answer

Which of these statements apply to the group of peoples called the "Aryans"? Although their homeland is unknown, some scholars believe that they came from the area around the Caspian Sea and are descendants of Indo-Europeans. They settled in northern India along the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers and composed religious hymns known as the Vedas. They were excellent horsemen, making extensive use of horse-drawn wagons and chariots, and they became known for making clarified butter called "ghee." A and C only All of the above

Hominins originated about 7 million years ago in Western Europe. - correct answer [NOTE: Hominins originated in AFRICA]

Which of these statements is INCORRECT about hominins? Hominins originated about 7 million years ago in Western Europe. They are forerunners of humans after genetically splitting from chimpanzees. Improved bipedalism became a key evolutionary advantage to hominins, although knuckle-walking and tree climbing continued to be practiced. Improved brainpower enabled one of the new lines of hominins called Homo habilis to make simple stones tools: sharp-edged scrapers, called Oldowan tools, marking the beginning of the Paleolithic Age.

The Harappan civilization developed in the very southern tip of the Indian subcontinent near the Bay of Bengal in 11, 500 B.C.E. - correct answer [NOTE: it developed in northern India along the Indus river]

Which of these statements is INCORRECT regarding the Harappan civilization of India? The Harappan pictographic symbols remain mostly undeciphered by scholars. Archeologists have named it the "Indus valley" culture. The Harappans remain by far the most mysterious of the early centers of agriculturally supported urban societies in world history. The Harappan civilization developed in the very southern tip of the Indian subcontinent near the Bay of Bengal in 11, 500 B.C.E.

A and B only

Which of these statements is/are TRUE regarding the Chinese writing system? Scholars agree that samples of Shang characters found on oracle bones are examples of China's earliest known writing, representing an entirely original system. Even in its archaic form, Chinese contained two basic types of characters: pictographs and ideographs. Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese cultures found no use for the Chinese writing system and therefore have never adapted it. A and B only

While the staple grain crops of the northern parts of China included strains of millet, the development of widespread cultivation took place south of the North China Plain

Which of these statements is/are TRUE regarding the origins of rice cultivation in China? While the staple grain crops of the northern parts of China included strains of millet, the development of widespread cultivation took place south of the North China Plain. The first evidence of rice cultivation is dated back to 15,000 B.C.E. in the Yellow River. Scholars agree and are deeply convinced that it was China, not Southeast Asia, which is the earliest center of rice experimentation in the world. A and B only All of the above


ag. rev leads emergence of agrian-urban societies


alcoholic beverage made of cactus

egyptian gods

amon, sun god and chief divinity

phoenician writing

ancestor of all alphabetical script


animism in the olmec culture were central to omlec, spiritual beliefs esicaaly the _____?

mespootamian gods

anu, god of the sky

to worships gods

what were ziggurats in mesopatmia used for?

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