World History - The Age of Napoleon (Ch. 3 Lesson 8)

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What country remained outside Napoleon's European empire? How was this possible?

Britain. Britain relied on their sea power (strong naval forces) to stop Napoleon's drive to rule the whole continent.

In France, Napoleon's successes boosted the spirit of _______________.


How did Napoleon restore economic prosperity?

He controlled prices, encouraged new industry, and built roads and canals.

When did Napoleon die?

Napoleon died in 1821, but his legend lived on in France and around the world.

Explain the Congress of Vienna.

- A group of diplomats who wanted to build peace and stability in Europe. - They met for 10 months (Sep. 1814 - June 1815). - It was a brilliant gathering of European leaders - Diplomats attended many events such as parties arranged by the Emperor Francis I of Austria.

List some important things that Napoleon did/things that are apart of his legacy.

- He majorly impacted France and Europe. - The Napoleonic Code consolidated many changes of the Revolution. - Napoleon's France was a centralized state with a constitution. - Elections were held with expanded, though limited, suffrage. - Many more citizens had rights to property & access to education. -Still, French citizens lost many rights promised so fervently by republicans during the Convention. - The Napoleonic Wars spread the ideas of the French Revolution. - He failed to make Europe into a complete French Empire. - Instead, he sparked nationalist/(loyalty to their own countries) feelings across Europe (the exact opposite).

Although nationalism spurred French armies to success, it worked against them too. How?

- Many Europeans who had welcomed the ideas of the French Revolution nevertheless saw Napoleon and his armies as foreign oppressors - they resented the Continental System and Napoleon's efforts to impose French culture on them. - Nationalism unleashed revolts against France from all across Europe.

What happened the Winter of 1812 when Napoleon invaded Russia?

- Napoleon entered Moscow in September. Even as French troops entered Moscow, Napoleon realized that he would not be able to feed and supply his army through the long Russian winter, so in October, they turned homeward. - The 1000 mile retreat was a desperate battle of survival. Russian attacks and the brutal winter was tough - Fewer than 20,000 of the total 600,000 soldiers survived. - Napoleon rushed to Paris to raise a new force to defend France. *His reputation for success had been shattered*.

How did nationalism form resistance against the French?

- Nationalism unleashed revolts against France from all across Europe. - In German states, leaders encouraged people to counter French influence to show loyalty to the country. - Spain resisted foreign rule and made French-occupying forces run dry.

Who were a part of thee Congress of Vienna?

- Prince Clemens von Metternich of Austria - Tsar Alexander I of Russia - Lord Robert Castlereagh of Britain. - Defeated France was represented by Prince Charles Maurice de Talleyrand.

Describe the Napoleonic Code

-new set of laws he implemented -code that implemented Enlightenment principles (such as equality of all citizens, religious toleration, and abolition of feudalism). -women lost most of their rights of citizenship and could not exercise it. - males regained complete authority over their wives and children.

Between what years did Napoleon dominate France?

1799 to 1815

Time period of Napoleonic Wars.

1804 to 1812.

What was the Continental System?

A French blockade that disallowed any French lands from trading with Britain. Britain responded with its own blockade of European ports. Both Britain and France seized neutral ships suspected of trading with the other side.

What were the Napoleonic Wars?

A series of wars between France and the combined forces of the greatest European powers.

What helped to rekindle loyalty to Napoleon?

An economic depression and the fear of a return to the old regime.

What places did Napoleon annex into his empire?

Belgium, the Netherlands, and parts of Italy and Germany.

2 years later, what title did Napoleon acquire? What significant thing did he do?

Emperor of France. He invited the pope to preside over his coronation, but took the crown from his hand and placed it on his head, to show that he was the only source of his own power, not the pope.

After 1793, what did Napoleon do first?

He captured most of northern Italy and forced the Hapsburg emperor to make peace after winning several victories against the Austrians.

Why was it hard for opposing generals to predict what Napoleon ('s army) would do next? What tactic did he use?

He created a new plan for every battle so opposing generals would not be able to anticipate what he would do next.

What aspect did he back off from regarding the Revolution? How?

He made peace with the Catholic Church in the Concordat of 1801. This kept the Church under state rule, but recognized religious freedom for Catholics.

What did Napoleon value the most?

He valued order and authority over individual rights.

How did Napoleon escape Elba and return to France?

He was able to escape when the victorious allies gathered in Vienna for a general peace conference.

How long & when was Napoleon able to stay in France?

His star soared for only *100 days*, only while allies reassembled their forces.

What was the result of Russia, Britain, Austria, and Prussia working together to defeat Napoleon?

In 1814, Napoleon was forced to sign the act of abdication, stepping down from power after the united forces of Britain, Russia, Prussia, and Austria broke into Paris that year. He was then exiled to Elba, an island in the Mediterranean.

Why did the Continental System fail?

It failed because - Britain's powerful navy kept vital trade routes open to the Americas and India. - Trade restrictions were causing a *scarcity of goods* in Europe, were *sending prices soaring*, and was *intensifying resentment against French power*.

What is legitimacy?

It restored hereditary monarchies that the French Revolution or Napoleon had unseated.

What was the Concert of Europe?

It was a loose organization whose goal was to *preserve the agreements set up by the Congress of Vienna.* The four great power worked to suppress any uprising inspired by the French Revolution. The Concert of Europe was the first modern international peacekeeping organization.

What type of rule did Napoleon favor?

Jacobins & Republican rule

What happened as citizens cheered Napoleon's advance after his return from Elba?

King Louis XVIII fled. In March of 1815, the opposing armies met in Waterloo, Belgium. British forces under the Duke of Wellington and Prussian army commanded by General Blucher crushed the French in an agonizing day-long battle.

When and where did he lead an expedition? Why?

Napoleon lead an expedition to Egypt in 1798 because he wanted to disrupt British trade with India.

What is forceful diplomacy? How did Napoleon use this?

Napoleon placed his friends/relatives on the thrones of Europe. For example: - He placed his own brother, Joseph Bonaparte, on the throne of king of Spain. - He forced alliances on European power from Madrid to Moscow. - Many times the rulers of Austria, Prussia, and Russia reluctantly signed treaties with him.

Where was Napoleon exiled in 1815?

Napoleon was forced to go into exile and step down from power, going to St. Helena, a lonely island in the South Atlantic. This time, he would not return.

How did the disaster in Russia change the course of the Napoleonic Wars?

Now, Russia, Britain, Austria, and Prussia formed a new alliance against weakened France.

What 3 slogans replaced *liberty, equality, and fraternity*?

Order, Security, and Efficiency.

In 1812, Napoleon invaded _______________.


Hostility towards France - Spanish & Austrian:

Spain - Guerrilla Warfare: After Napoleon introduced reforms that sought to undermine (lessen) the Spanish Catholic Church, Spanish patriots conducted a campaign of hit-and-run raids against the French. Austria - Spanish resistance encouraged Austria to resume hostilities against the French.

What fueled Napoleon's amibition (after Egyptian campaign)?

Success. By 1799, he moved from being a victories general to a *political leader*.

What did Napoleon help overthrow in 1799?

The Directory. He then set up the Consulate, a three-man governing board. He took the name as First Consul, later having himself consul for life.

Explain Napoleon's Egyptian campaign.

The campaign was a disaster and the French fleet was decimated by British naval forces, leaving the French stranded until 1799, when some soldiers and Napoleon were able to find a boat to sail back to France, leaving only an apologetic letter behind to his other soldiers. He managed to hide stories of their losses from his French admirers.

What task did diplomats face when they sat down at the *Congress of Vienna*?

They faced the monumental task of restoring stability and order to Europe after years of war.

What course of actions were taken after Napoleon was exiled to Elba?

They recognized Louis XVIII (18th), brother of Louis XVI 16th, as king of France. Restoration of Louis XVIII did not go smoothly. He agreed to accept the Napoleonic Code, but emigres rushed back to France bent on revenge.

How did members of the Congress try to suppress French ambitions?

They tried to contain French ambitions by surrounding France with strong countries. In the north, they added Belgium and Luxembourg to Holland to create the Netherlands. To prevent French expansion eastward, they gave Prussia lands along the Rhine River. They also allowed Austria to reassert control over northern Italy.

What was the chief goal of the Congress of Vienna?

To create a lasting peace by establishing a balance of power and protecting the system of monarchy.

What caused Napoleon to assemble the *Grand Army*, an army comprised of soldiers from 20 nations?

Tsar Alexander I of Russia was once an ally of Napoleon, and the two planned to divide Europe if Alexander helped Napoleon in his Continental System. But like many countries who objected to this system, *Russia became unhappy with the economic effects of the system too*. Therefore, these issues led the Tsar to withdraw his Many issues led the tsar to withdraw his support from the Continental System. Napoleon responded to this by assembling an army with soldiers from 20 nations, known as the Grand Army.

French armies helped____________ ____________ ________________ that _____________ __________ ___ _____________, ended _____________ _____________, and opened _____________ ___ ___________ __________.

install revolutionary governments; abolished titles of nobility; Church privileges; careers to talented men.

Napoleon failed to make Europe into a complete French Empire. Instead, he sparked __________________ feelings across Europe (the exact opposite of what he wanted).

nationalist (loyalty to one's country)

Even after he assumed absolute power as emperor, the French ________.

strongly supported him.

When Napoleon invaded Russia in 1812, the army suffered as........

the French were left hungry as Winter came.

In 1812, Napoleon invaded Russia. To avoid battles with Napoleon, ______________________.

the Russians retreated eastward, burning crops and villages as they went.

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