World Religions Sikhism

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The Khalsa (the pure)

A mix of religious devotion and military initiation--> the baptized Sikhs 1) Initiation (baptism) and taking of a new name (Singh for men (lion) and Kaur for women (princess)) 2) Code of conduct covenantal unity and single purpose underlined by standard clothing (as in the army), the 5 Ks (the 5 things they have to wear as Khalsa)

Successors of Guru Nanak

Following his death--> 9 more gurus (successors)

Guru Nanak

Founder of Sikhism Born in Hindu family of the Kshatriya caste (seemingly high up in the caste) Theophany (vision/conversion) in river or forest "No Hindu and no Musselman" Wanted to take down the formal barriers that separated religion and focus on only God Miracle at his death and other wonder tales (unifier of faiths)

Origin and Demographics

Fourth Indian Religion; Fifth Largest religion in the world (26 million members); Mostly concentrated in the Punjab Seen as a blend of Hinduism and Islam, but it is unique as well--> Muslims and Hindus had coexisted for centuries (influences by Hindu bhakti and Muslim monotheism); BUT an existing cultural religious environment does not necessarily lead to conscious syncretism--> the religion didn't arise BECAUSE of the surrounding religions, and it wasn't meant to be a compromise between the two Emerged in the 15th century (relatively new religion)

Moderate Way of Life

Great focus on hospitality and sharing Humans as God's highest creation (no taboo on meat); violence acceptable in self-defense Religion and worship--> a matter of the heart

Sikhs vs. Muslims

Have had to deal with a great deal of prejudice and hate--> Mistaken oftentimes for Muslims

1984 Golden Temple Attack

Prime minister ordered the Golden Temple to be stormed (believed to be a weapon storage for those separatists of the Sikhs led by Bhindrawle that wanted to have a individual nation from the Muslim population and the Sikh population)--> was assassinated by her Sikh bodyguard--> huge casualties on all sides --> massacre of Sikhs by Hindus, brutality by Sikhs--> India is only now recovering


Service kitchen to feed the poor and needy--> found in every gurdwara Meals are vegetarian--> not because they are vegetarian, but because they need to make food that everyone can eat

Meaning of the term "Sikh"

"Disciple, learner, student"

5 Virtues of Sikhism

1) Compassion 2) Contentment 3) Truth 4) Love 5) Humility

Three Pillars of Sikhism

1) Earning an honest and dedicated living 2) Singing and chanting the names of God 3) Giving and sharing

5 Vices of Sikhism

1) Ego 2) Lust 3) Anger 4) Attachment 5) Greed

Two foundations of Sikhism

1) Service 2) Remembrance of God's name

5 Ks of Khalsa (code of conduct)

1) Unshaven hair 2) Comb for hair 3) Sheathed dagger 4) Bracelet around wrist 5) Drawstring underwear


Adi Granth--> primarily including hymns written by Nanak and Arjun Carries the guru power in it (no more human successors, only the scripture) Very psalm-like material; poetic, hymns of praise and joy to God Recitations of these passages daily shows devotion to God The Granth is the living word of god, enthroned every day in Sikh's places of worship The Granth must be present for all important matters Original is in the Golden Temple Called the "Guru Granth Sahib," the 11th guru, the eternal guru

Role of Granth in birth and marriage

Name of child will be determined by turning to a random page in the Granth and the first letter they see will be the child's initial

Sikh Denominations

No denominations--> distinction between those with membership in the Khalsa (the baptized) and those without it (no theological difference--> being a member of the Khalsa does not mean you are better or more of a member, just means that you manifest your membership differently in physical form)


One God--> infinite, truth Extremely monotheistic and un-apologetically so Acceptance of karma, samsara, maya

Study of Scripture

Open their scriptures at random to find answers to their questions


Sikh place of worship


Sikh purpose of life--> release from samsara to be united with God in truth

Gobind Singh

The last guru (human guru) Instituted the Khalsa (the pure/the baptized) Society uniting in righteousness and military force They were recognized as very good soldiers, but highly outnumbered After Gobind Singh, he proclaimed there would be no more human successors--> the guru spiritual power was passed to the scripture

Mul Mantar

the confession of faith for Sikhism Excerpts: "one creator...without fear, without hate...God is made known to humanity...self-existent by the grace of the guru...True in the beginning, true now, and says Nanak, will be true forever." Aspects of both Islam and Hinduism in this--> monotheistic and worshipping to one God as Islam, but mentioning the cycle of death and rebirth as Hinduism, bits of both in Sikh definition of God

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