World War 1 Quiz

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A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force. Germany had blocked France from getting Morocco. Germany wanted to get a lot of colonies as seeing other European countries expand. European countries did not want Germany to expand anymore.


A political orientation of people or a government to maintain a strong military force and to be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests. Militarism led to a belief in the inevitability of a general European war. A Naval Arms race, amongst other items, between Great Britain and German terms of naval power. Countries also started to mobilize their military even before countries declared war on each other.


A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country. Archduke Franz Ferdinand was killed by a Serbian nationalist. Serbia also wanted to have its own state. Also countries wanted to keep themselves safe so they allied with other countries.


Agreements between nations to aid and protect one another. Serbia and Austria-Hungary had a lot of alliances which made the war even bigger. Austria-Hungary's allies were the Triple Alliance (Germany, Italy), Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria. Serbia's allies were Russia but because France was an ally of Russia, the french had to help as well. The British were also on Serbia's side. These countries were call the Triple Entente. Other countries were also allied like United States, Italy (switched in the war), Japan and Belgium.

Gallipoli Campaign

April 25, 1915. Australian, New Zealand, British, French and Indian troops mount an amphibious landing to take the peninsula of Gallipoli, 100 miles south of the Ottoman capital Constantinople. But the Allies are unable to break out of their beachheads and suffer a crushing defeat by the end of the year. Almost a third of the New Zealand troops are killed and there are 28,000 Australian casualties. The Turks suffer 200,000 casualties.


August 4, 1914. First shots are fired in Africa. Germany surrenders in Togoland. Togoland was were the Kamina wireless station was placed. This event was important because Germany lost control of its colonies in Africa. By 1914 the German Empire has four colonies in East, West and South Africa. British and French forces invade Togoland the site of a key German wireless station, Kamina. It provides communications for German ships in the Atlantic. The Germans destroy it to stop it falling into the Allies' hands and soon after surrender Togoland.

Opening Act of War Declaration

Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia on July 28, 1914 having Germany on its side. Serbia looked for the Russians to help, which they did. Because France is Russia ally, France would come into the war as well.

British entry into World War I

Britain declared war on Germany after they marched through Belgium on their way to attack France. In order for Germany to defeat France quickly, they had to go through Belgium which was a neutral country. Because of the fact that Britain had signed a treaty guarding Belgian neutrality, they then declared war on Germany.


Britain had sufficient food. France, Italy, and Germany had serious food shortage. Austria-Hungary had near famine food conditions and Russia had near famine/famine food conditions. Serbia, and Belgium had famine conditions.

Battle of Verdun

February 21, 1916. The Battle of Verdun was the longest battle in World War I, being 9 months. Germany couldn't break France and both suffered a lost of 300,000 soldiers. For the French, Verdun became a symbol of their country's youth.

France's Goals

Germany should give the victor 60 billion dollars and give 66% to France. Germany should return the territory of Alsace-Lorraine. Reduce the German military to 100,00 people and evacuate the Rhine river valley.

Loss of Territory

Germany will give back Alsace-Lorraine to France. In the Treaty of Versailles, Germany's colonies were govern away to British, French, and Japanese delegates.

War Responsibility

Germany will take all of the blame for World War 1

America's Goals

Have peace without victory, don't punish Germany too heavily so Germany does not seek revenge. Wants league of nations to be established. 14 Point peace treaty which includes, free trade, disarmament, liberation of colonies


Ideas spread to influence public opinion for or against a cause.

US entry into WWI

July 1, 1916. In January 1917 Germany sends a message to Mexico, the infamous 'Zimmerman' telegram, inciting it to attack the US. Also German u-boats attack US commercial boats sailing from the US to Britain. President Wilson had to convince Congress to declare war on Germany.

Battle of Jutland

May 31, 1916. German Navy attacks the full British Navy off a coast in Denmark, at Jutland. In the biggest naval battle of the war the British lose more ships than the Germans and fail to destroy the German High Seas Fleet. But the German Navy retreats and remains bottled up in its North Sea and Baltic ports. It does not want to risk losing more ships in a full-scale battle. For the rest of the war Germany relies on U-boats to attack British supply lines.

Causes of World War I

Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism, Immediate causes

Russian Revolution

November 8, 1917. In March 1917 there is a popular uprising in Russia and Tsar Nicholas II abdicates. The provisional government continues with the highly unpopular and unsuccessful war. In November the Bolsheviks, led by Lenin, seize power under the slogan of "Peace, bread, land". Russia leaves the war, signing an armistice in December. In the peace treaty Germany gains large stripes of land from the armistice. Allies lose a very big power.

Siege of Tsingtao

October 31, 1914. Britain and Japan attack Germany's colony in China (Tsingtao) and take it over. Although the Germans put up a firm resistance a force of 23,000 Japanese soldiers seizes control. Japan also takes over Germany's colonies in the Caroline, Mariana and Marshall Islands. Later in the war, Japan sends warships to help protect Allied shipping in the Mediterranean.

German posters

Portrayed Germany against the world, fighting for its survival. The German posters also showed people to fund the army and navy. The German posters also asked for any material that can be used for war purposes or supplies. German posters wanted its citizens to sacrifice anything they had for war efforts. German posters wanted the women to give up its metal cooking supplies and fisherman to bring seal fur/train oil

Germany's Goals

Remind the allied powers of the 14 powers to suggest a fair peace treaty. Germany loses some colonies, so should the allies to keep it fair. Get Germany join the league of nations to resolve past issues.

Battle of the Marne

September 5, 1914. As the German Army advances towards Paris, French and British soldiers counterattack along the line of the River Marne. Defensive lines are drawn and mobile battle stops. After mobile battle stops and trench warfare started on the Western Front.

Wilson 14 Points

The Fourteen Points was a statement of principles for peace that was to be used for peace negotiations in order to end World War I. 1:Public diplomatic negations with more secret agreements or secret treaties 2:Freedom of navigation on all seas. 3:Free trade among nations and an end to all economic barriers between countries 4:There will be a guarantee that national military weapons and equipment will be reduced low enough, but there will still be enough to protect each country. 5:Colonial claims will be fair and must be equal the government. 6:Restoration of Russia territories and freedom to establish and develop its own political system 7:Preservation of the sovereignty of Belgium and that it should be independent as before the war 8:France will get back its territory and all the damaged that happened to its territory will be restored. Also the french will regain the disputed land of Alsace-Lorraine. 9:Italy's borders will be re-adjusted with clear recognizable lines and that the people who live within the lines will be considered Italian. 10:Self-determination should be allowed for all those living in Austria-Hungary 11:Self-determination and guarantees of independence for the Balkan states and its borders re-drawn 12:Self-determination for the Turkish people and for Non-Turks under Turkish rule 13:An independent Polish nation should be created which should have access to the sea 14:A group of countries must be formed with specific agreements for the purpose of helping other nations out, big or small

Limits on Military

The German military will be demobilized and will be reduced. The Allies are making the Germany military weaker. Germany's army could not exceed 100,000 men and they could build no military fortifications in the Rhineland.

Immediate Cause

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was an immediate cause of World War 1.Even though Franz Ferdinand would make life better for Serbia, Serbia wanted their own state. Austria-Hungary presented Serbia with a rigid ultimatum, which Serbia agreed to all of Austria's demands except one, and Austrian government broke diplomatic relations with the other country on July 25.

Total War

The organization of entire societies for war in a social, economic, and spiritual sense

War Reparations

They also had to pay for all civilian damages caused by the war.

Italy's Goals

Wants land of the Adriatic Coast. Increase nationally security (only if they receive more land). All Italian speaking people should be moved into Italy.

Allied Posters

Wanted to convince its people to join the military and posters show the enemy has as evil. Some of the messages of the posters are to destroy Germany and to enlist into the US Army and the message of the poster is that the dad did not do anything in the war and he feels ashamed.

Britain's Goals

Weaken Germany's army, but not too much so that France becomes too powerful and by not weakening the British Empire. Britain still wants to trade with Germany and if they pay high reparations, its economy will suffer greatly, and it will not be able to trade with any nation. There should be a peace-keeping system, but Britain should not provide troops. Italy should regain its lost territory from Austria-Hungary.

Treaty of Versailles

the treaty imposed on Germany by the Allied powers in 1920 after the end of World War I which demanded exorbitant reparations from the Germans

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