WSU SOE 230 Exam 3 Learning Catalytics

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What is the approximate transfer efficiency of stored energy between trophic levels? 0.10% 1.0 % 10% 50% 100%


The euphotic zone in the clear water of the open ocean extends from the surface down to approximately ____. 20 meters 100 meters kilometer to 2 kilometers to 3 kilometers

100 meters

Since 1750, the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere has increased more than ________. 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%


Most reef-building corals receive about ________ of their nutrition from symbiotic zooxanthellae algae. 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%


Which of the following human threats to the ocean has resulted in making it more difficult for corals to build skeletons? Acidification Aquaculture Increased ocean warming Overfishing Sea level rise


A good working definition of life includes that living things ____. Are capable of reproduction Can adapt to their environment Can capture, store, and transmit energy Can change through time All of the above

All of the above

A small size is advantageous for marine organisms because it ____. Increases the ability to absorbe nutrients Increases the ability of wastes to diffuse out of the organism Increases the surface area to volume ratio that in turn reduces frictional resistance to sinking All of the above.

All of the above.

Most active swimming fish use dorsal and anal fins to ____. For swim propulsion As primary stabilizers To hold on to pray To increase surface area For manuvering--to turn, break, and balance

As primary stabilizers

What are the two main factors affecting primary production? Availability of solar radiation and temperature Availability of solar radiation and salinity Availability of nutrients and temperature Availability of nutrients and salinity Availability of solar radiation and nutrients

Availability of solar radiation and nutrients

Why do areas of upwelling typically have high primary productivity? Because of the cold water it brings to the surface Because of the nutrient-rich water at depth it brings to the surface Because of the high-salinity water at depth it brings to the surface Because it brings a large volume of zooplankton to the surface Upwelling doesn't exist; it's just made up by oceanographers in order to get funding for their research

Because of the nutrient-rich water at depth it brings to the surface

What accounts for the greatest diversity of life in the oceans, pelagic or benthic species? Pelagic Benthic


All organisms that live on (or in) the ocean bottom are classified as ____. Benthos Fungi Nekton Plankton Plantae


Ninety eight percent of marine species belong to which of the following? Benthos Fungi Nekton Plankton Plantae


In the deep-water part of the oceans, away from land, the water is often blue because __________ The water is deeper than the light can penetrate Blue is the wavelength of light that is most absorbed Blue is the wavelength of light that is most reflected Blue is simply the coolest color imaginable

Blue is the wavelength of light that is most reflected

Which of the following have tentacles armed with stinging cells called nematocysts? Coccolithophores Ctenophores Foraminifers Radiolarians Cnidarians


Although primary production in tropical areas is generally low, which of the following tropical locations have unusually high primary productivity rates? Equatorial downwelling zones Coastal upwelling zones Hypoxic zones Dead zones

Coastal upwelling zones

Which of the following compose the majority of the ocean's zooplankton biomass? Coccolithophores Copepods Ctenophores Foraminifers Radiolarians


Which of the following is not an effect of climate change in the oceans? Decreasing ocean acidity Increasing ocean temperatures Increasing hurricane intensity Changes in deep-water circulation Melting of polar ice

Decreasing ocean acidity

The photosynthetic marine organism in Figure 4 is a ____. Diatom Coccolithophore Dinoflagellate Foraminifera Macrocystis


The process of the movement of soluble substances (e.g., nutrients) from areas of high concentration to low concentration until balanced is called ____. Conduction Convection Diffusion Mixing Osmosis


The photosynthetic marine organism in Figure 5 is a ____. Diatom Coccolithophore Dinoflagellate Foraminifera Macrocystis


Red tides (and, more generally, harmful algal blooms) resulting in release of neurotoxins are produced by high concentrations of _____________ Diatoms Radiolarians Large industrial spills of Red Dye #2 Dinoflagellates Copepods


An organism that lives on top of benthic sediments is classified as ____. Nekton Holoplankton Infauna Meroplankton Epifauna


Humans are part of which of the following domains? Archaea Archaebacteria Bacteria Ediacaria Eukarya


Which of the following domains has cells that house DNA in a discrete nucleus and contain structures that supply energy to build the cell and maintain its functions? Archaea Archaebacteria Bacteria Ediacaria Eukarya


The zone that has no light is called the ____ zone. Disphotic Euphotic Hyperphotic Hypophotic Aphotic Euphoric


The zone that extends from the surface to a depth where enough light still exists to support photosynthesis is called the ____ zone. Aphotic Disphotic Hyperphotic Euphotic Hypophotic


Which of the following is not part of Earth's climate system? Exosphere Atmosphere Hydrosphere Biosphere Geosphere


Which of the following is considered the world's largest unintentional oil spill? Blowout of Ixtoc #1 oil-drilling platform in 1979 Explosion of Deepwater Horizon oil-drilling platform in 2010 Intentional dumping by the Iraqi army in 1991 Rupturing of the Exxon Valdez supertanker in 1989

Explosion of Deepwater Horizon oil-drilling platform in 2010

Most active swimming fish use pelvic fins and pectoral fins ____. For swim propulsion As primary stabilizers To hold on to pray To increase surface area For manuvering--to turn, break, and balance

For manuvering--to turn, break, and balance

Most high-speed fish use their caudal fins ____. For swim propulsion As primary stabilizers To hold on to pray To increase surface area To turn, break, and balance

For swim propulsion

Recent worldwide sea level rise cannot be attributed to which of the following? Geological uplifting of ocean basins Melting of Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets Melting of land-based glaciers and mountain ice caps Thermal expansion of deep-ocean waters Thermal expansion of surface ocean waters

Geological uplifting of ocean basins

Most marine animals have specifically designed fibrous respiratory organs called ____ that exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide directly with seawater. Bladder Lobes Gills Lungs Osmosis


Red muscle tissue in fish supplies a much ____ amount of oxygen and supports a much ____ metabolic rate than white tissue. Greater; higher Greater; lower Lower; higher Lower; lower

Greater; higher

Which of the following factors does not limit coral growth? High concentrations of calcium carbonate in the water High sediment load in the water Low light Low nutrient levels in the water Water temperatures below 18°C

High concentrations of calcium carbonate in the water

An organism that lives in benthic sediments is classified as ____. Nekton Holoplankton Infauna Meroplankton Epifauna


Which of the following is considered the world's largest oil spill? Blowout of Ixtoc #1 oil-drilling platform in 1979 Explosion of Deepwater Horizon oil-drilling platform in 2010 Intentional dumping by the Iraqi army in 1991 Rupturing of the Exxon Valdez supertanker in 1989

Intentional dumping by the Iraqi army in 1991

Which of the following is not a stage of development in coral reefs? Atoll Lagoon Barrier Fringing


The maximum sustainable yield (MSY) is best defined ____. Annual harvest that will balance natural mortality and predation Largest catch that can be taken without overfishing Largest catch that will cover the minimum cost of fishing Maximum fishing effort allowed after overfishing occurs Minimum catch that will still allow the population to increase

Largest catch that can be taken without overfishing

Productivity in the polar ocean is mostly ____. Light-limited Nutrient-limited Oxygen-limited Light- and nutrient-limited Nutrient- and oxygen-limited


The photosynthetic marine organism in Figure 3 is an example of ____. Green surf grass Sponge weed Red algae Sargassum Macrocystis (brown algae, giant kelp)

Macrocystis (brown algae, giant kelp)

Coastal wetland that occurs at tropical to subtropical latitudes (generally from equator to 30°) devoid of killing frosts is called ____. Salt marsh Hypersaline estuary Isothermal estuary Mangrove swamp Salt wedge estuary

Mangrove swamp

Planktonic organisms that spend part of their life in planktonic form and the rest of their life as either benthos or nekton are called ____. Bacterioplankton Holoplankton Macroplankton Meroplankton Zooplankton


Squids, fish, sea turtles, and marine mammals are examples of ____ organisms. Abyssal Benthic Nektonic Zooplanktonic Photosynthetic


The nutrients that tend to limit photosynthesis in marine environments include ____. Carbon dioxide and oxygen Nitrogen and carbon Phosphorous and carbon Carbon dioxide and nitrogen Nitrogen and phosphorous

Nitrogen and phosphorous

The term bycatch or incidental catch refers to ____. Krill or other shellfish Non-target species that are caught along with commercial species Species caught as part of traditional fisheries Species harvested for industrial purpose Species raised in aquaculture settings

Non-target species that are caught along with commercial species

In temperate oceans of the Northern Hemisphere during the winter months ____. Nutrient concentrations are high, solar input is low, and water temperatures decrease Nutrient concentrations are high, solar input is high, and water temperatures decrease Nutrient concentrations are high, solar input is high, and water temperatures increase Nutrient concentrations are low, solar input is high, and water temperatures decrease Nutrient concentrations are low, solar input is low, and water temperatures decrease

Nutrient concentrations are high, solar input is low, and water temperatures decrease

Productivity in the tropical ocean is generally ____. Light-limited Nutrient-limited Oxygen-limited Light- and nutrient-limited Nutrient- and oxygen-limited


Dead zones are low-oxygen regions caused by excess_________ from agricultural runoff that initial stimulates algae blooms but that then consume oxygen when the algae decomposes. Sediment Carbon Dioxide Nutrients Pesticides


What taxonomic classification best characterizes the marine mammal the fur seal? Order Cetacea, suborder Odontoceti Order Cetacea, suborder Mysticeti Order Sirenia Order Carnivora

Order Carnivora

What taxonomic classification best characterizes the marine mammal the grey whale? Order Cetacea, suborder Odontoceti Order Cetacea, suborder Mysticeti Order Sirenia Order Carnivora

Order Cetacea, suborder Mysticeti

What taxonomic classification best characterizes the marine mammal the killer whale? Order Cetacea, suborder Odontoceti Order Cetacea, suborder Mysticeti Order Sirenia Order Carnivora

Order Cetacea, suborder Odontoceti

What taxonomic classification best characterizes the marine mammal the manatee? Order Cetacea, suborder Odontoceti Order Cetacea, suborder Mysticeti Order Sirenia Order Carnivora

Order Sirenia

The process of water molecules moving through a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated solution to a more concentrated solution is called ____. Conduction Convection Diffusion Mixing Osmosis


What accounts for the greatest biomass in the oceans, pelagic or benthic species? Pelagic Benthic


The process by which energy is derived from solar radiation that is used by certain organisms to form organic matter is called ____. Photosynthesis Chemosynthesis Upwelling Visible light Biomass


Which of the following types of plankton can photosynthesize and produce its own food? Holoplankton Photoplankton Phytoplankton Synthoplankton Zooplankton


The relative productivity in the world's oceans from most productive to least is ____. Polar, temperate, tropical Polar, tropical, temperate Temperate, polar, tropical Temperate, tropical, polar Tropical, temperate, polar

Polar, temperate, tropical

The color we see represents wavelengths of the visible electromagnetic spectrum that are ____. Absorbed Reflected Transformed


Catches above the maximum sustainable yield ____. Can be increased to prevent overfishing Produce decreased fishing effort Result in increased populations of the target species Result in overfishing Result in underutilization of the target species

Result in overfishing

A coastal wetland occurring at temperate latitudes (generally 30°- 65°) that experience seasonal frosts is called ____. Salt marsh Hypersaline estuary Isothermal estuary Mangrove swamp Salt wedge

Salt marsh

Which of the following animals compensates for not having a swim bladder by using large flat pectoral fins and an asymmetrical caudal fin to produce lift? Nautilus Sepia Shark Spirula Tuna


For organisms with the same shape, which has the larger surface/volume ratio? Small organisms Large organisms

Small organisms

In primary production ____. Carbon dioxide is released into the water Oxygen is utilized by plants Oxygen is utilized by animals less than the oxygen consumed by autotrophs Proteins are made by animals There is a net gain in organic carbon by organisms

There is a net gain in organic carbon by organisms

What is the definition for parasitism? When an organism benefits at the expense of the host. When and organism benefits without harming the host When two or more organisms associate in a way that benefits at least one of them When both organisms benefit

When an organism benefits at the expense of the host.

What is the definition for commensalism? When an organism benefits at the expense of the host. When and organism benefits without harming the host When two or more organisms associate in a way that benefits at least one of them When both organisms benefit

When and organism benefits without harming the host

What is the definition for mutualism? When an organism benefits at the expense of the host. When and organism benefits without harming the host When two or more organisms associate in a way that benefits at least one of them When both organisms benefit

When both organisms benefit

What is the definition for symbiosis? When an organism benefits at the expense of the host. When and organism benefits without harming the host When two or more organisms associate in a way that benefits at least one of them When both organisms benefit

When two or more organisms associate in a way that benefits at least one of them

Which of the following types of plankton are heterotrophic, non-photosynthetic and must get their energy from consuming other organisms? Carnivoplankton Photoplankton Phytoplankton Synthoplankton Zooplankton


The most successful adaptation for living on a sediment-covered shore is ________. attachment to the substrate burrowing into the sediment flattened body shape sessile lifestyle swimming

burrowing into the sediment

The gas(es) that has/have the greatest relative contribution to increasing the greenhouse effect is/are ________. carbon dioxide (CO2) chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) methane (CH4) nitrous oxide (N2O) ozone (O3)

carbon dioxide (CO2)

The crown-of-thorns sea star destroys coral reefs by ______ Covering the coral with sediment excreting waste on the coral releasing toxins that kill zooxanthellae eating coral polyps

eating coral polyps

Variations in Earth's orbit that influence long-term climate changes include ________. the shape of Earth's orbit (eccentricity) the tilt of Earth's axis of rotation (obliquity) the wobbling of Earth's axis of rotation (precession) eccentricity, obliquity and precession (all of the above)

eccentricity, obliquity and precession (all of the above)

Coral bleaching often occurs in response to ________. decreased sunlight elevated temperatures high turbidity increased nutrients influx of freshwater

elevated temperatures

The loss of color (coral bleaching) in coral reef organisms can be a result of ________. crown-of-thorn sea stars fungal parasites increased sediment loads increase in zooxanthellae concentrations loss of zooxanthellae

loss of zooxanthellae

Organisms that live in the spaces between sediment particles are called ________. epifauna microfauna meiofauna mesofauna subfauna


The relationship between the protistan zooxanthellae and the polyps of reef-building corals is best described as a/an ________. facultative ectoparasitism facultative commensalism obligate endoparasitism mutualistic symbiosis obligate commensalism

mutualistic symbiosis

An increase in cloud cover and a corresponding decrease in absorption of solar radiation is an example of a ________. positive-feedback loop negative-feedback loop neutral feedback loop reversible feedback loop irreversible feedback loop

negative-feedback loop

An increase in cloud cover due to higher moisture content in the atmosphere is an example of a ________. positive-feedback loop negative-feedback loop neutral feedback loop reversible feedback loop irreversible feedback loop

negative-feedback loop

The distribution of benthic biomass is related to ________. current patterns primary productivity sediment variety thermocline depth wave energy

primary productivity

Burning of fossil fuels is chemically similar to ________. autotrophic processes chemosynthesis metabolism photosynthesis respiration


Does diffusion work more efficiently on small or large organisms? Small Large


The most important limiting factor in rocky communities is _______. light predation nutrients space


Primary producers in hydrothermal vent communities are ________. algae eyeless shrimp giant clams Riftia tubeworms sulfur-oxidizing archaea

sulfur-oxidizing archaea

Deep-water corals lack the ________ that their shallow-water cousins have. bright coloration calcium carbonate skeletons large reef structures stinging tentacles symbiotic zooxanthellae algae

symbiotic zooxanthellae algae

Water warm enough to support coral growth is found primarily in the ________ regions of the oceans. polar subpolar subtemperate temperate tropical


The atmospheric component that naturally contributes to the majority of greenhouse warming on Earth is ________. carbon dioxide methane nitrous oxide ozone water vapor

water vapor

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