ww1: Chp 26

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A secret message from a German diplomat to officials in Mexico in which Germany proposed that Mexico attack the United States

What was the Zimmerman Note?

Trench Warfare

What was the concept of digging deep ditches along the front lines to fortify positions against an enemy.

They were at a stalemate

What was the immediate result of trench warfare?

Battle of Verdun (France)

What was the longest battle in history?

It was a failure.

What was the result of the Gallipoli Campaign.


What were German submarines called?


When Rival empires seek to keep power it is called what?

NOVEMBER 11,1918, AT 11 a.m

When did WWI end?


When people feel loyalty and devotion to their country or culture its called:

Austria-Hungary and Serbia.

Which two countries started WW I?


Who battled on the Eastern Front?


Who battled on the Western Front?

The Germans

Who manned the Hindenburg Line?

Because of the assassination of the archduke Franz Ferdinand by Gavrilo Princip, who was Serbian.

Why did Austria-Hungary declare war on Serbia.

To help Serbia. Russia had a previous agreement to support Serbia if Austria-Hungary attacked.

Why did Russia enter the war?

To support Serbia (Blank Check) if Austria-Hungary attacked.

Why did Russia join the war.

They were at a stalemate in the trench warfare.

Why did both sides turn to new weapons during the fighting?

Because their European leaders talked about the importance of democracy and freedom but ultimately did not give them those freedoms. They just split up the lands and gave them to other colonial powers.

Why did colonial people fight during the war?

for independance

Why did colonial people fight during the war?

It is the day that World War I ended; November 11, 1918 at 11 a.m.

Why do we celebrate/have Armistice Day (another name for Veterans Day)?

They dug a series of deep ditches (trenches) resulting in trench warfare.

The 1st Battle of the Marne led to the German doing what in retreat?


There was something that called for a 2-front war. What was it?

The attempt by the Allied forces to destroy the fortification (defensive wall) along the straight of the Dardanelles (the sea passage they used to ship supplies to Russia. It was an attack against the Ottoman Turks who joined forces with the Germans (Central Powers). It was a failure.

What was the Gallipoli Campaign.

A message from Germany to Mexico proposing that Mexico attack the U.S.

What was the Zimmerman Note?

July 28, 1914

Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, and World War I begins on this date:

The Great War

Another name for World War I


Did most battles on the Eastern Front alter the lines or boundaries of contention?


Did most battles on the Western Front alter the lines or boundaries of contention?

No, (deadlock) the battles left the front lines virtually unchanged.

Did most battles on the Western Front alter the lines or boundaries of contention?

No, despite new technology neither side gained advantage on the battlefield.

Did new technology lead to a significant advantage on either side?


European countries form these types of partnerships to protect themselves.

Nearly 9 million soldiers

How many millions of soldiers died during the fighting?

Bosnian city of Sarajevo

In what city was the austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife assassinated?


Once Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, which country supported Serbia and joined in the fight?


Prior to WW I, European nations engaged in a massive military buildup called what?

Tensions in Europe caused by 4 main factors MAIN acronym - Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism and Nationalism The archduke of Austria-Hungary was assassinated by Serbian, Gavrillo Princip (from the Black Hand group). Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Russia stepped in to help Serbia. Then Germany stepped in to help Austria-Hungary by declaring war on Russia and Russia's ally, France. Germany plans to go through Belgium (a neutral territory) to get to (and attack) France. Germany's attack on the neutral country of Belgium led Great Britain to declare war on Germany. Central Powers: Austria-Hungary and Germany (Central Powers Are Great- CP:AG) Germany and Austria-Hungary made up one side, known as the Central Powers. Great Britain, France, Russia, and Serbia were known as the Allied Powers. Allied Powers : All People See ER For Greys Allied Powers: Serbia, Russia, France, Great Britain. Serbia, + Triple Entante (To ER For Greys) Germany and Austria-Hungary made up one side, known as the Central Powers. Great Britain, France, Russia, and Serbia were known as the Allied Powers. Alliances were formed in the 1800s in hopes of keeping the peace. (This happened long before WWI) -Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy [TAG A(n) I] -Triple Entante: Russia, France and Great Britain [To E R For Greys]


Germany. Germany declared war on Russia and then on Russia's ally, France.

Russia stepped in to help Serbia fight Austria-Hungary. Once Russia joined the fight what country took that as a threat and stepped in to help Austria-Hungary.


The building up of a massive, powerful military is called what?

Trench Warfare

The following were problems during this type of warfare: poor sanitary conditions, lice and rodents.


The quest to build empires is called:


Was either side able to make advances during trench warfare?

The Black Hand

What Serbian terrorist group plotted to kill Franz Ferdinand.

Central Powers Take All Germs Back Inside Office Areas Central Powers/Triple Alliance: Germany, Bulgaria, Italy, Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary

What acronym can be used to remember members of the Central Powers

The Enemy Seeks eR For Greys (anatomy :) Triple Entante: Serbia, Russia, France, Great Britain

What acronym can be used to remember the members of the Triple Entante (agreement between countries prior to WWI)

Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism

What are the 4 main causes of WWI (hint: MAIN)

Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism

What are the 4 main causes of WWI?

Schlieffen Plan

What called for German troops to quickly defeat France in the west and then head east to fight Russia.

Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy.

What countries were in the Triple Alliance? Alliances were formed Prior to WWI Hint: TA=GAI or TAG AnI

Where Germany promised full support to Austria in case of war.

What is Blank Check Policy

All Powers Seek eR For Greys Because of US Allied Powers: Serbia, Russia, France, Great Britain, U.S.

What is an acronym can be used to remember members of the Allied Powers? The start of the war caused new alliances.


What is the process of wearing your opponent down by constant bombardment and attacks?

Poison gas, rapid fire machine guns, tanks, aircraft, high explosive shells

What new technologies were used in the war?

The assassination of Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife

What one event triggered a chain of events that started WW I (The spark that started the war)

19-year- old Gavrilo Princip

What person assassinated Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife?

Had enemies on East and West so they faced a two front war.

What was Germany's geographical problem during the war?

They faced a two front war

What was Germany's geographical problem during the war?

tank warfare

What was first used by the British to easily go over rough terrain but were unreliable in the beginning so they didn't make an impact until later in the war.

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