WWI qestions

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what does total war mean

when countris use all resources to destroy another. they do not care if civilens get hurt or killed in the proccess

what were the causes of the war

-milterism -allices -imperlism -nationalism

what weapons were used during WWI

-tanks -machince guns - airplanes -chemcial weapons [poison gas] -u boats/subrines

Why did the U.S. join the war

1 The Lusitania sinking 2 The Zimmermann Telegram

when did WWI begin and end


How did Woodrow Wilson feel about the war and how did it change over time

He originally wanted to keep the U.S. out of the war and wanted to remain neutral. Eventually changed his mind after Germany betrayed the U.S.

What did Germany offer Mexico if they joined the war? (This was offered in the Zimmerman Telegram)

If Mexico joined the Central Powers, then Germany would help Mexico take back land it had lost from the U.S.

Why did the Russian Revolution happen

People were mistreated and when the war happened the Tsar sent many soldiers out to fight who were not prepared. - Did not have shoes or weapons/were not trained

What year did the U.S. join the war and which side did they join

They joined in 1917 on the side of the Allies

How did the U.S. limit freedoms for Americans during the war

They passed the Espionage and Sedition Act which took away Freedom of Speech

What was Bloody Sunday

When the working class people in Russia marched to ask for better working conditions. Instead, the Tsar ordered the soldiers to shoot them. -Over 100 people were shot -Happened in 1905

what is a terroist

a person who uses vilolence for a political cause

what does blockade mean and who used this strategy during the war

a strategy to block anything from coming in or out of a country - britain used this strategy against germany

what was life like in the trenches

life was horrible and unhealthy -there were rats that chould bite them [carreid disese -many dead bodeis -trecnhes were very dirty

what event set the war in motion

the assanation of the Archduke Franz Ferdainand

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