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How many joints are in the wrist and hand?


what joints are in the thumb?


actions of elbow?

Flex and extend

ulnar nerve injury?

Loose ability to grip

what joints are in the fingers?


opponens digiti minimi

OPM rotates 5th finger so the pinky and thumb can meet for opposition

hypo thenar muscles

abductor digit minimi flexor digit minimi opponens digiti minimi palamr interossi dorsal interossi dorsal interossi lumbricals palamr apnerosis extensor retinaculum

Thenar muscles

abductor pollicis brevis flexor pollicis brevis opponens pollicis

dorsal interossi

abducts finger

flexor digitorum superficilais

bends fingers @ PIP

Palamar interossi

big pad adducts digits

purpose of elbow?

bring hand closer to body ex: feed and brush teeth

extensor digitorum

cannot act alone, needs interossi extends fingers

injury to musculocutaneous nerve?

cannot flex elbow

ulnar nerve injury

claw hand

radial nerve injury or spinal injury?

could not extend elbow because it would effect triceps

extensor indicis

extends index fingers @ MP joint

extensor carpi radalis brevis

extends wrist in midline

extensor digiti minimi

extension of pinky @ MP joint

anatomical snuffbox

extensor pollicis longus extensor pollicis brevis abductor pollicis longus adductor pollicis

flexor carpi ulnaris

flex in ulnar direction adducts with extensor carpi ulnaris

flexor carpi radialis

flex wrist radially abduct with extensor carpi radialis longus

flexor digiti minimi

flexes 5th metacarpal

scapular depression transfer

general stiffness and flexion contractures

median nerve injury

hand of benediction

tendesis grasp

injury @c6 finger paralysis teach functional grasp fingers pull up into ball activer wrist extension

intrinsic muscles of hand?

inside of hand fine motor

what is the most commonly dislocated carpal bone?


Finger joints

mcp > pip > dip


move fingers independently

extensor carpi radialis longus

moves wrist in radial direction

flexor pollicis brevis

opposition simultaneous combo movement of abduction, flexion, and medial rotation

extrinsic muscles of hand?

outside of hand force

pinky abduction

parallel to palm stabalizer

thumb abduction

perpendicular to palm

Bicept brachi?

powerful supinator of forearm elbow flexor

radial section of palm


function of radius and ulna?

pronation and supination

abductor pollicis longus

radial thumb abduction and extension

cubital tunnel syndrome

ring and small fingers numb and tingley due to increased pressure and tension on the ulnar nerve while elbow is flexed

what is the most common carpal fracture?


opponens pollicis

simlutaneous combo of abduction, flexion and medial rotation


simultaneous flexion of MP joints and extension of IP

palmaris brevis

small muscle in hand deepens grip with hypothenar muscles

abductor digiti minimi

stablaizer abduction of pinky

ulnar section of palm


Significance of finger tendons?

the fingers do not have any muscles only tendons

muscles of elbow?

tricepts brachi (e) ancoenus (e) brachialis (f) brachioradialis (f) bicepts brachi (f)

palmaris longus

used for tendon repairs b/c you dont really need it and its long/skinny

flexor digitorum profundus

works with flexor digitorum superficialis to flex @ DIP

radial nerve injury

wrist drop

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