Your vs. You're
I hope you're resting and will feel better soon.
I hope your birthday is the happiest.
We are so sorry for your loss.
We are thinking of you as you're experiencing this difficult time.
You're in our thoughts.
Holding you close in our thoughts and hoping your doing okay.
incorrect, you're
I hope your feeling better.
incorrect, you're
This is just because your so wonderful.
incorrect, you're
Your in our thoughts and prayers.
incorrect, you're
Your my favorite person in the world.
incorrect, you're
Happy Anniversary! Hope you find time to look back on all you're sweet memories together.
incorrect, your
Love, You're best friend
incorrect, your
Sharing in you're happiness as you celebrate today!
incorrect, your
We hope you're birthday is really great!
incorrect, your
We hope you're day is just as wonderful as you are!
incorrect, your
rule for your vs. you're
replace with "you are"