10 The French Revolution

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"The incorruptable;" the leader of the bloodiest portion of the French Revolution. He set out to build a republic of virtue.

Semptember Massacres

"enemies of the revolution" are murdered

Louis XVI

- King of France (1774-1792). -restored the parlements after Rene Maupeou had abolished it -In 1789 he summoned the Estates-General, (1754-1793) -He was overthrown during the French Revolution and later beheaded.

Jacques Necker

-A French financial expert and Louis XVI's economic adviser- -intended to quiet the nation'd fear -too much expenture on American war and pensions of aristocracy and court favorites -he advised Louis to reduce court spending, reform his government, -the First and Second Estates got him fired

habeas corpus

-A court order requiring authorities to bring a prisoner before the court so that the court can determine whether the prisoner is being held legally. -Constitutional protection against unlawful imprisonment


-A moderate group that fought for control of the French National Convention in 1793. -didn't want to execute the king -believed that the revolution had gone far enough and wanted to go back to ways before revolution

Legislative Assembly

-After the National Constituent Assembly dissolved itself -A French congress with the power to create laws and approve declarations of war, established by the constitution of 1791.

what were the two opinions about the voting of Estates General?

-Aristocrats demanded an equal number of representatives for each estate -each estate, not each delegate shuold have one vote

the Estates General

-France's Legislative body that met infrequently and was overall weak -Represented the different classes; -all branches were equal

Declaration of the Rights of Woman

-Olympe de Gouges -property rights and improved education for women -equality between wives and husbands in marriage

the Society of Revolutionary Republican Women

-Pauline Léon -Claire Lacombe -This group took to the streets and demanded laws against hoarding. They called for women to be granted citizenship.

National Guard

-People's "army" of the revolution during those early days of the Revolution. -Led by Lafayette. -It was like a private volunteer police force that served as the "muscle" of the revolution in the summer of '89.

the causes of the French financial crisis in the late 1780s

-Seven Years' War -sending aid to England's rebellious American colonies in order to humiliate England

the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

-a statement of the political principles that would guide its wtiting of new constitution -all men were born free and equal -men and citizens had natural rights and the government should protect them -presumption of innocence until proof of guilt -freedom of religion -Taxation was to be apportioned according to ability to pay -property was declared a right ordained by God

Rene Maupeou

-chancellor appointed by Louis XV -Abolished parlements and exiled their members to different parts of the country.

active citizen

-citizens who can vote because they pay atleast 3 days of wages in taxes -higher property qualifications -50,000 out of 25 million

the Civil Constitution of the Clergy

-declared the RC Church in France to be a branch of the state -turned the remaining clergy into employees of the State and required that they take an oath of loyalty to the constitution

What was the consequent atmosphere after Louis XVI was headed

-increased the pressure of the governement -Prussian renewed their offensive -every major European power declared its opposition to the revolution -royalist revolt in the western France

what were the influences that assembly confiscated and sold the property of nation's Roman Catholic Church?

-inflation -religious schism -civil war

how was the financial situation of France in the late 1780s?

-major financial crisis -deeply in debt. -the monachy was not able to collect enough taxes

Charles Alexandre de Calonne

-minister of France who proposed to encourage internal trade, -lower taxes, transform peasants' services to money payments; -urged introduction of new land tax that would require payments from all landowners regardless of social status; -intended to make local assemblies to approve land taxes with voting power based on amount of land owned not social status

what made the revolution catalysmic?

-political: -social: femine and coldness; -economic: high food price and low wages

What was the significance of the war with Austria and Prussia?

-radicalized the revolution and led to a second revolutio that overthrew the constitutional monarchu and established republic

rational method to reorganize local foverment and the judiciary

-replace provinces with départements -replace various sighneuroal courts and parlements with a uniform court system

What happened on the night of August 4, 1789?

-several liberal nobles and churchmen rose in the assembly to renounce their feudal rights. -All French citizens were subjects to the same and equal laws

What were the two Economic policies to remove restraints on commerce and to built a natural economy

-surpressing guilds -liberating the grain trade

what did the Girondists (Brissotins) do to defeat the forces of counterrevolution?

-they passed measures confiscating the property of émigrés who refused to return to France -they deprived refractory clergy of state pensions

Why did the Girondists persuaded the Legislative Assembly to declare war on Austria and Prussia?

-to solidify domestic support for the revolution and make the revolution more radical -deviate its original intention because Louis XVI favored the war too

what happened on October 5th, 1789?

7000 Parisian armed women marched to Versailles to demand relief from a bread shortage


A French political leader of the eighteenth century. A Jacobin, he was one of the most radical leaders of the French Revolution. He was in charge of the government during the Reign of Terror, when thousands of persons were executed without trial. After a public reaction against his extreme policies, he was executed without trial.


A form of government in which citizens choose their leaders by voting

Jacques Danton

A leader of the Committee of Public Safety. A key leader in the Reign of Terror before he too fell victim to it.

The "Great Fear"

A period of panic and riot by *peasants* and others amid rumors of an *"aristocratic conspiracy"* by the king and the privileged to overthrow the Third Estate

Tennis Court Oath

A pledge made by the members of France's National Assembly in 1789, in which they vowed to continue meeting until they had drawn up a new constitution

thermidorian reaction

A reaction to the violence of the Reign of Terror in 1794, resulting in the execution of Robespierre and the loosening of economic controls.

Declaration of Pillnitz

A statement agreed upon by Leopold II of Austria and Fredrick William II of Pussia to intervene if Louis XVI was threatened by revolution

Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow

Alexander Radishchev


Calonne's successor, a member of the Assembly of Notables, who came to realize that Calonne was correct- new taxation had to be allowed


City at which Louis XVI was apprehended while trying to escape from France to the Austrian Netherlands; later Louis XVI and his family were captured by the national guard

what kind of monarchy was rejected by Louis XVI?

Constitutional monarchy

Olympe de Gouges

Declaration of the Rights of Woman

Reflections on the Revolution in France

Edmund Burke

the marquis de Lafayette

F. Young (age 19) French nobleman who joins the American cause, is a key leader under Washington, helps get French support for the Americans, and finances the supplies for his troops. He helps lead troops at the victory at Yorktown.

Claire Lacombe

Founded Society of Revolutionary Republican Women with Pauline Leon.

what was the situation at the begining of the Legislative Assembly?

Fractionalism plagued the Legislative Assembly

National Assembly

French Revolutionary assembly (1789-1791). Called first as the Estates General, the three estates came together and demanded radical change. It passed the Declaration of the Rights of Man in 1789.


French nobility who fled country to escape the Revolution

The Reign of Terror

French revolutionaries executed about 17,000 people, including the king and queen

what was the response to the leaders of the national Constituent to king's fleeflight?

He announced that the king had not fled but been abducted in order to save the constitutional monarchy

how did Robespierre fall?

He made an ill-tempered speech in the Convention. The members of the convention feared becoming his next victims and overthrew him.

Republic of Virtue

Ideal of French Revolution where all traces of the old order were wiped out(the monarchy, nobility and the Catholic Church)


In December of 1789 this was a paper currency issued by the Constituent Assembly which had confiscated church property and issued this paper money based on this land. Initially could just by land with it though later it was used as a general currency. Supposed to help ease the difficulties of peasants but all sorts of problems with it - overissued plus easily forged. -the public eagerness to buy them tempted thr assembly to print enough to liquidte the national debt -the value of them later fell and the rate of inflation began to increase


In the French Revolution, a radical group made up of Parisian wage-earners, and small shopkeepers who wanted a greater voice in government, lower prices, equity, and an end of food shortages

when was the act forbiding workers' associations enacted

June 14, 1791

Pauline Léon

Led a group of women to petition the Legislative Assembly for the right to bear arms and to fight and protect the revolution -the founder of the Society of Revolutionary Republican

Queen Marie Antoinette

Louis 16's wife.

Citizen Capet

Louis convicted in front of national convention of treason, voted guilty. Stripped of all titles and honorifics by the egalitarian, republican government, Citizen Louis Capet was guillotined in front of a cheering crowd


Medieval fortress that was converted to a prison stormed by peasants for ammunition during the early stages of the French Revolution.

what was the gender value in the late 1780s?

Men were said to be suited for public service (citizenship) and women for domestic duties of mother hood and homemaking

citizen militia

National Guard

What Is the Third Estate?

Pamphlet written by Abbe Sieyes in January 1789. It declared the nobility to be a useless caste that should be abolished. Only the Third Estate was necessary and was identical with the nation - should therefore be sovereign. Through these writings of Sieyes the ideas of Rousseau 's Social Contract entered the revolution. They also added to the fear between the classes even before the meeting of the Estates General.


People who gathered around Brissot. Were called Brissotins during the period of the Legislative Assembly. Later known as Girodins during the French National Convention.

Who urged Louis XVI to use force to break up the National Constituent Assembly?

Queen Marie Antoinette, Louis's brothers and the most conservative nobles


Radical republicans during the French Revolution. They were led by Maximilien Robespierre from 1793 to 1794.

Edmund Burke

Reflections on the Revolution in France

Whose theory did the deputies use to make it illegal for women to organize for political purposes?


how was the situation when Necker returned to the office?

Royal absolutism had been defeated.

the Cathedral of Notre Dame

Temple of Reason

how was the aristocracy and the clergy response to the monarchy's new taxation?

The Aristocracy and the Clergy Resist Taxation

Levée en Masse

The French policy of conscripting all males into the army. This created a new type of military force based upon mass participation and a fully mobilized economy.

the Committee of public Safety

The National Convention formed the Committee of Public Safety and gave it *dictatorial power* to deal with the crisis affecting France, primarily the economic struggles for the sans-culottes. Robespierre and other Mountain representatives were members. -against Gironfists,


The same Abbe who had written "What is the Third Estate?" and had voted for death of LXVI was now a civilian leader in the Directory. One of several who felt need for "confidence from below, authority from above". Saw Napoleon as the ideal candidate for the job though many in the council of the 500 and the Acients thought idea of a military dictatorship repugnant.

Paris Commune

The small government in Paris who wanted to resist the conservative leaders of France and tried to form their own government


These were even more extreme than the sans-culottes . They were leftist, extremists in Paris and the provinces who declared that parliamentary methods were useless. Included women. Worked thro-out the whole country. Formed revolutionary armies scouring countryside for food, denouncing suspects and preaching revolution.

the Mountain

They were called this because they had the highest seats in the assembly hall - they were the *radicals* who worked with the urban masses to carry the Revolution forward.

French National Convention

a radical group that eliminated the French monarchy.

what was the first action that Louis XVI take to break up Constiuent Assembly?

abruptly dismissing Necker, the minister of finance, without informing the assenbly

What did the Girondists persuaded the Legislative Assembly to do in 1792?

declare war on Austria and on Prussia

London Corresponding Society

founded in 1972; were allied with the jacobin club and served as a center for reform agitation in Englend

what was the king's response to the declaration and the aristocrats' renunciation of feudalism

he delayed ratification of them

what was the significance of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens

indicrment of the abuses of the absolutist monarchy

how was the Englightenment Absolutism in Estern Europe during the French Revolution?

it came to an end.

Maximilien Roberspierre

jacobin revolutionary who led the reign of terror

the significance of the second revolution

overthrew the monarchy and established republic

William Pitt the Younger

prime minister of Britain during French Revolution (guided England to Napoleon' year) -suppressed the London Corresponding Society


search out the enemies of the republic

cahiers de doleances

statements of local grievances that were drafted throughout France during the elections to the Estates-General

the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen and genders

the DOR of Man Citizen did not mentioned women at all

What did the assistance of France to Austrian Netherland imply?

the France would aid all peoples who wished to casr off the birdens of aristocratic and monarchical oppression

What was the assembly's attitude toward the royal debt

the assembly repudiated the royal debt

what was the significance of the fall of Bastille

the attack on the bastille was the first of many acts by the people of Paris that determined the course of the revolution. -It revealed that the National Constituent Assembly was not in control of all the forces hat were deternmine that

the American Constitutional Convention

the convention called by the Paris Commune to decree universal male suffrage

What did the deputies from the Third Estate do?

the deputies from the Third Estate established clubs to bring together persons with similar political philosophies

what was the significanceof the women's march

the first mass insurrenction to use the language of popular sovereignty against a monarch

the count of Artois

the king's younger brother who persuaded him to attempt to flee france

what was the Pope response to the Civil Constitution of the Clergy

the pope condemned not only the Civil Constitution of the Clergy but also the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen -the RC churchlaunched an offensive against liberalism and the revolution

why did the European monarchy oppose the French revolution?

to prevent the spread of its revolutionary ideology

why did the government abandoned the worship of reason?

too abastract for most people and endorsed the "Cult of the Supreme Being"

Lazare Carnot

was in charge of military of Committee of Public Safety (one of prominent leaders of Committee of Public Safety)

the royal council

who was the center of royal diplomacy

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