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This model is used in research study that proposed a program or any interventions measure. It fits the situation producing level of questioning.

- P model.

refers to the aid or assistance that can be solicited from the school or extended by the community.

Administrative support

(Advantage or Disadvantage) - It allows the researcher to measure and analyze the data to arrive at an objective answer to the problem posed or stated.


(Advantage or Disadvantage) - It reduces and restructures a complex problem to a limited number of variables.


(Advantage or Disadvantage) - It uses statistics to generalize a finding.


(Advantage or Disadvantage) - Personal biases can be avoided since personal interaction is not part of the research process.


(Advantage or Disadvantage) - Process involved are simplified since the steps in doing quantitative research are made easy and systematic.


(Advantage or Disadvantage) - Quantitative research allows the researcher to measure and analyze the data to arrive at an objective answer to the problem posed or stated.


(Advantage or Disadvantage) - Results can be reduced through statistical treatments and interpreted in a few statements.


(Advantage or Disadvantage) - Standards are usually used in choosing the instruments, in sampling procedures, and in choosing the most appropriate statistical treatment, thus making the research replicable.


(Advantage or Disadvantage) - The result is reliable since the study uses a big sample of the population.


devices such as computers, telephones, WiFi, etc. used in undertaking the research must be considered.

Availability and adequacy of facilities and equipment

Study participants could easily be approached and their cooperation could be easily be gained.

Availability of subjects

Two variables are being study.

Bivariate study

- Quantitative research is a very valuable tool in business when it is used intelligently. - It can improve the overall marketing strategy; help the company make informed decisions on how to move forward with a particular product or service; and even solicit consumes' opinions for productivity. This type of research is largely utilized in product development and to create favorable marketing campaigns. Data that are often used in this type of research are market size, demographics, and user-preferences.


Variables that describe a quality or characteristic of a data unlike "what type" or "which category."


- A type of quantitative research that attempts to establish cause-effect relationships among the variables of the study. - In this research, the independent variable usually involves a demographic ( e.g., gender, race, social status) in which the researcher has no control of.

Casual-comparative research

It is a hypothesis formulated when predicting the relationship of two or more independent variables to two or more dependent variables.

Complex hypothesis

is generally accepted collection of characteristics that can be defined by a dictionary and commonly used by an educator.


- It is largely based on the theories or parts of theory combined with other parts of another theory, or on the intellectual synthesis or the various readings of the researcher. - It guides the researcher by giving clear directions to the research.

Conceptual Framework

is a new characteristic that results from the conduct of research. - usually combines two concepts. - its definition can be gleaned from context, and is not found in dictionaries.


- are also called interval variables - ex: time, age, temperature, height, and weight.

Continuous variables

These variables can assume any value between a certain set of real numbers. The values depend on the scale used.

Continuous variables

A type of quantitative research that attempts to determine the level of relation between two or more quantifiable variables.

Correlational research

these factors matter in choosing a research problem. Research is an expensive undertaking.

Costs and returns

These variables are usually influenced by the predictor variables.

Criterion variables

pertains to the boundaries of the study with respect of the major variable/s, and is further clarified by the sub-variables.


These variables are usually affected by the manipulation of the indepenent variables. They are also called response or predicted variable.

Dependent variables

- A type of quantitative research that involves the collection of data to either test a hypothesis or describe the variables mentioned in the study. - Data, which are typically numeric, are collected through surveys, interviews, or observations.

Descriptive research

Variables that represent only two categories

Dichotomous variables

It is a hypothesis that specify not only the existense but also the expected direction of the relationship between the independent and the dependent variables.

Directional hypothesis.

(Advantage or Disadvantage) - Findings can be influenced by the researcher's perspective since most of the time, the participants are unknown to him/her.


(Advantage or Disadvantage) - Having a large study sample requires researchers to spend more resources.


(Advantage or Disadvantage) - In experimental research, the level of control might not be normally placed in the real world because it is usually done in a laboratory.


(Advantage or Disadvantage) - It provides less elaborate accounts of human perceptions.


(Advantage or Disadvantage) - Preset or fixed alternative answers may not necessarily reflect the true answers of the participants.


(Advantage or Disadvantage) - Results are limited since they are usually based on the analysis of numbers and are not obtained from detailed narratives.


(Advantage or Disadvantage) - The context of the study of the experiment is ignored in such a way that it does not consider the natural setting where the study is conducted.


These variables can only assume any whole value within the limits of the given variables.

Discrete variables

- Quantitative research can be used in measuring the level of performance of students as well as the teachers. - It can also be used to assess the effectiveness of the methods used, the different programs conducted, and the satisfaction of all stakeholders in the educational sector including students, faculty, parents, administrators, the community, the government, and non-governmental organizations. - Through this research method, the interests of these groups can be advanced or enhanced by implementing quantifiable best practices.


ensure that all activities to be undertaken are acceptable and are done in accordance with what is legal and morally right.

Ethical considerations

constitute the researcher's knowledge, expertise, and experience in order for him/her to cope with the research demands.

Experience, training and professional qualifications

- A type of quantitative research that is similar to causal-comparative research, in that it also measures the effect of the independent variable ( cause) to the dependent variable ( effect); - however, the researcher can control the independent variables in the study, wherein the participants are randomly assigned.

Experimental research

These variables are also called mediating or intervening variables. These variables are already existing during the conduct of an experiment and could influence the result of the study. They are known as covariate variables.

Extraneous variables

(what is this?) They are sometimes called factor naming questions. They isolate, categorize, describe, or name factors or situations.

Factor-Isolating Question

("what is happening here?") Their goal is to determine the relationship among factors that have been identified. These are usually questions for a non- experimental type of research.

Factor-Relating Questions.

(True or False) A title should not include the major variable/s


(True or False) A title should not mention the participants and the setting


(True or False) A title should not summarize the main idea of the paper


(True or False) Quantitative research doesn't deal with the details of the subject.


(True or False) Specific problems are not empirically tested.


(True or False) Specific problems must not be in question form;


(True or False) The title must have 15 words above

False - 10 to 15 words

(True or false) The opening paragraph of the statement of the problem of the research contains the specific problems of the study.

False - General problem

(True or False) Quantitative research does not test theories or hypotheses.

False - It tests theories or hypotheses.

(True or False) Quantitative research does not use statistics to generalize a finding.

False - It uses statistics to generalize a finding.

In formulating the "scope and delimination," it is essential that the researcher has already defined the major variables of the study which are contained in the basic literature and in the general statement of the problem.

False - Title of the research (basic literature)

When the result of the experiment is the same as the hypothesis, then the hypothesis is rejected. When the result of the study is the exact opposite of the hypothesis, then the hypothesis is accepted.

False - When the result of the experiment is the same as the hypothesis, then the hypothesis is accepted. When the result of the study is the exact opposite of the hypothesis, then the hypothesis is rejected.

(True or False) In many cases, the general problem or even the specific question that the researcher intends to answer when rewritten in a statement form, should not serve as the title.

False - can serve as a title

(True or False) Quantitative research is reliable and subjective.

False - objective

(True or False) In Quantitative research, the subjectivity of its methodology is a primary concern.

False - secondary concern

These concepts and theories serve as the building blocks (or the skeleton) for the foundation or bases of the study.


are determined by the researcher's physical and intellectual capacity and moral judgement.

Hazards, penalties, and handcaps

The researcher must see the intensity and magnitude of the problem.

How serious is the chosen research problem?

- It also considered an intelligent guess that occurs with at least two variables: one is independent and the other is dependent. - It is only after the experimentation that the researcher can finally assess if his/her guess is correct or not.


It translate a research question into a prediction of expected outcomes. It is commonly used in an experiment - type research, formulated particularly before the conduct of an experimental - quantitive research.


is a tentative prediction about the relationship between two or more variables in a population under study (Polit, 2007)


research attemps to isolate the factor or major variables that causes the problem, subject, or phenomenon under investigation. This model is used when statements of the problem are all factor-isolating questions.

IPO model (input-process-output)

This model is used in experiment - based study. The questions raised are higher order and classified situation - relating.

IV - DV model (Independent variable - dependent variable).

These variables are usually manipulated in an experiment. Thus, it is also called manipulated or explanatory variable.

Independent variables

are the concepts or ideas the researcher has gathered from reading various literatures regarding the major variables and sub-variables. - The researcher can express the indicators by a phrase or a sentence (declarative or interrogative).


they satisfy the question "what to do" with the major variables such as to associate, to relate, to assess, to measure, to determine, etc.

Main Task

- Since health practitioners are concerned with human life, the discharge of their duties is very critical. l Thus, healthcare procedures, routines, and other systems must be based on the result of scientific investigation. - The statistics on the rate of recovery, the number of patients with illness and sicknesses, the efficacy of medicines and drugs, among others, when analyzed, can become rich sources of information and a basis of good practices in medical treatment and intervention. - Experimental research on effective medicines, vaccines and other drugs to cure specific sickness or illness is conducted through quantitative research. - Data on the level of satisfaction of patients on services rendered by the employees in a hospital and the patients' profile when treated statistically can be an ideal groups for the distribution of health funds and assistance.

Medical and Health Allied Services

these are essential attitudes that bring anticipated satisfaction or enjoyment in the completion of the research tasks.

Motivation, interest, intellectual curiosity, and perceptiveness of the researcher

These are variables with values that describe a measurable numerical quantity and answer the questions "how many" or "how much." These values are considered as quantitative data.


Variables whose values cannot be organized in a logical sequence.

Nominal variables

It is a hypothesis that does not stipulate the direction of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables

Non-directional hypothesis.

are questions of value. These are questions that are answerable by "yes or no."

Non-researchable questions

the topic must not have been used by many researchers or other fellow researchers


It is a hypothesis formulated for the purpose of statistical analysis. This kind is always expressed as a negative statement. It is subjected to testing in which the decision is either to accept or reject it.

Null hypothesis.

Variables can take a value which can be logically ordered or ranked.

Ordinal variables

This model is used when relating and assessing the influence between two or more variables. Study that focus on relationship, association, difference, and impacts will benefits from this model.

PC model (predictor - criterion model).

This model is used when the researcher presents an original paradigm. The requirement is that it must be scientific.

POM (Proposed Original Model).

- as a pattern, model, or set of forms which contains particular elements - It is the researcher's scientific imagination expressed graphically by drawings or sketches. - It is something like a visial representation of the entire thesis. - It is considered as the heart of the research paper.


Variables that have many categories.

Polychotomous variables

More than two variables are being studied

Polyvariate study

These variables change the other variable/s in a non-experimental study.

Predictor variables

It is systematic since the researcher progresses logically through a series of steps and according to a pre-specified plan of action.

Quantitative research

It utilizes deductive reasoning to generate predictions that are tested in the real world.

Quantitative research

according to Aliaga and Gunderson, (2000), is "explaining phenomena by collecting numerical data that are analyzed using mathematically based methods (in particular statistics)." This type of research utilizes numbers and statistical analysis. It is ideal in studying phenomenon which must contend with the problems of measurement.

Quantitative research

is the traditional, positivist scientific method which refers to a general set of orderly, disciplined procedures to acquire information.

Quantitative research

A type of quantitative research design that is an alternative to determine the causes and effects between two variables that cannot be subjected to experimental control. Most of the time, this design is used on a naturally given phenomenon and its effect on the people who are experiencing the occurrence.


It is a hypothesis which states the actual expected relationships between variables. It is always expressed affirmatively and is called substantive or scientific hypothesis.

Research hypothesis.

are questions of value, opinions, or policy raised to gather data. The basic form of a research question involves the use of question words such as who, what, where, when, why, and how.

Researchable questions

- The noted observation for a phenomenon, the rate of processing of certain devices, and the time consumed for any procedure are factors to be considered. - The data collected will lead to a more responsible and accountable operation of the different components of technology. - During experiments on new devices, inventions, discoveries, and innovations, the recorded data are very vital for any test of efficiency.

Science and Technology

It forms part of the delimitation of the problem, as it defines the geographic boundaries of the study and implies certain demographic characteristics. This describes to the reader the place where the research is conducted since the setting has a significant bearing on the variables being studied.


Identifying the beneficaries and the benefits it wil give when the problem is solved.

Significance of the study

It is a hypothesis formulated when predicting a relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable.

Simple hypothesis

("How can I make this happen?") these questions establish explicit goals for actions, develop plans or prescriptions to achieve goals, and specify the conditions under which these goals will be accomplished.

Situation-Producing Question.

("what will happen if...?") These questions usually yield hypotheses testing or experimental study designs in which the researcher manipulates the variables to see what will happen.

Situation-Relating Question.

helps the researcher clarify various essential elements of research such as the major variables, the general and specific objectives, and appropriate methdology.

Stating the problem

The first chapter of the research study is entitled as ___ and its purpose is to introduce the research problem, clarify important variables, discuss its delimitations, and specify its significance to the field of study

The Problem or The Problem and Its Background

is determined by the major variables of the study while sub-variables and their characteristics, attributes, or indicators serve as the delimitation

The Scope of the study

It is very important in establishing the cognitive setting of the research

The introduction

are usually stated as questions that the researcher seeks to answer.

The specific problems

which may be formulated from an existing theory/ies serves as the foundatio of the study.

Theoretical framework

It defines non-observable constructs that are inferred from observable facts and events that are thought to have an effect on the phenomenon under study


describes the relationship/s among variables for purposes of explaining a current state or predicting future events. It is therefore, primarily concerned with determining cause-effect relationships. Thus, a good theory expands visin and guides thinking, professional practice, and research.


is a conceptual idea that is used to describe, explain, predict, or understand a certain phenomenon.


is derived from Greek word, theoria, which means "vision."


considers the fact that studies must be pursued in a given time frame. Research is an expensive undertaking.

Time factor

(True or False) A title is needed to encapsulate the whole paradigm.


(True or False) A title should be a concise statement of the main topic


(True or False) A title should include the main task of the researcher about the major variables under study


(True or False) A title should show the relationship of the main variables of the study


(True or False) In formulating the title, the researcher should avoid using words that serve no useful purposes and can mislead indexers


(True or False) It is also beneficial to mention the locale or setting of the research and when the data will be gathered.


(True or False) Quantitative research assumes that the sample representative of the population.


(True or False) Quantitative research looks at the connections between variables and establishes cause and effect relationships in highly controlled circumstances.


(True or False) Quantitative research reduces and restructures a complex problem to a limited number of variables.


(True or False) Specific problems must define the population and the sample (that is, the respondents or subjects) of the study;


(True or False) Specific problems must identify the variables (major and minor) being studied;


(True or False) The general problem is followed by an enumeration of specific problems.


(True or False) The introduction must be short and concise. It must be composed of about three to five pages.


A type of quantitative research design that offers the highest internal validity of all the design

True Experimental

Only one variable is being study

Univariate study

- It is also the changing quantity or measure of any factor, trait, or condition that can exist in differing amounts or types. - It is also a logical set of attributes, characteristics, numbers, or quantities that can be measured or counted. It is also called a data item.


It is any factor or property that a researcher measures, controls, and/or manipulates.


This part defines or clarifies the terms or variables used in the study

What is the basic literature foundation of the study?

This is derived from the general statement of the problem and should be the basis of the enumerated statements of specific problems.

What is the general objective of the research problem?

It must be stressed that the researcher should be totally aware of the purpose of the research problem.

What is the overall purpose of the research problem?

This question is answered by sharing with the beneficaries the reasons why the researcher has decided to look for solutions to the problem in the narration of the researcher's experience.

What is the rationale of the research problem?

are propositions taken to be true based upon the presupposition without preponderance of the facts.


is similar to a skeleton. It is the basic structureor frame of reference which is designed to support or enclose something (Merriam-Webster,n.d).


The result of a clear understanding of the conceptual or theoretical framework is a diagrammatic presentation of the study called the ____


is a peculiar incident that can happen anywhere, with any discipline or in any organization.


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