12th Imam: Imam al-Asr (ajtfs)

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Where will some of the people give allegiance to the 12th Imam (ajfs) ?

Venue of Allegiance The venue where companions of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) pay the oath of fealty at his hands is between the Rukn and Maqam, which is the most sanctified and exalted spots. And a many traditions have been recorded on this subject. This was the location of the house of Prophet Ismael (as) to anyone because he did not like it to be walked on. Other prophets are buried in this place also. According to Imam Baqir [a], the place between Rukn and Maqam is full of graves of the Prophets. According to Imam Sadiq (as) seventy prophets are buried between; Rukn al-Aiman and Hajar al-Aswad.

Explain occultation and concealment?

Occultation(خفیہ کاری) (kept secret; hidden.): کسی چیزکے وجود کو چھپاديناthe state of being hidden from view or lost to notice. Concealment(چھپانا): کسی چیزکے وجود کااوجھل ہونا the action of hiding something or preventing it from being known. For example, an eclipse of a star or planet by the moon. Cover. The interruption of the light from a celestial body or of the signals from a spacecraft by the intervention of a celestial body especially: an eclipse of a star or planet by the moon.

Describe the miraculous birth of our 12th Imam (ajtfs)?

One day 11th Imam (as) said to his dear Aunt Hakima Khatoon, please to stay the night with us for tonight, because my son, the Hujjah, the proof of Almighty Allah, will be born. Hakima Khatoon was surprised and asked him(as) that how is this possible?! Who will give birth to this child? I have not seen any signs of pregnancy in your wife Narjis Khatoon. 11th Imam(as)explained her that As my father once said to you, the birth of my son is indeed a matter of great secrecy, but none other than Narjis shall give birth to the final Light in the household of my Grandmother Fatema. At dawn, the signs of pregnancy will appear in Narjis because she is like the mother of Musa, who never showed any sign of pregnancy. Please take care of her. Hakima Khatoon said to Bibi Narjus(sa) Sit down, my daughter. Your husband just gave me the good news that your son will be born tonight! Narjis Khatoon replied, How can this be, dear Aunt? I do not feel or show any signs of this! Hakima Khatoon said,My dear, you are like the mother of Prophet Musa, whose birth is hidden from the people due to fear of the evil ruler. This is the will of Allah, as he wishes to protect you and your son. Come, let's pray to Allah to grant us His Mercy! Hakima Khatoon and Narjis Khatoon start prayers. After a while, Hakima Khatoon appears restless, waiting for the birth to happen. Imam Hasan al-Askari (A) walks in. Hakima Khatoon (stands up and walks around looking restless): Oh my nephew, it is almost morning; the Hujjah has not arrived yet. 11th Imam said, Have no doubt, my Aunt. By the will of Allah, the child shall be born soon! Hakima Khatoon returns to Narjis Khatoon, who appears to be in distress Hakima Khatoon: What is the matter, my dear? Are you feeling alright?! Narjis Khatoon: My dear Aunt, I feel very strange. I think the arrival of this child is near. 11th Imam (saysMy dear Aunt, recite Suratul Qadr! Hakima Khatoon recites the verses of Surah Al-Qadr. She suddenly hears the baby from inside Narjis's womb begin to recite the same Surah along with her! Imam Mahdi recites Surah Qadr in a baby voice Hakima Khatoon seems frightened-looking around and runs towards 11th Imam! Hakima Khatoon: Who is that reciting along with me?! 11th Imam: Do not be surprised, my dear Aunt! This is a miracle of Allah; He has blessed the Imams with wisdom, even as infants. Hakima Khatoon sits on the floor beside the angels, raise their hands towards the sky, and starts praying. Bright white Light to symbolize the birth of Imam. The awaited savior of Allah, Imam al-Mahdi, finally enters this earth in the state of sajdah, reciting the following verse: (17:81) وَقُلْ جَاءَ الْحَقُّ وَزَهَقَ الْبَاطِلُ ۚ إِنَّ الْبَاطِلَ كَانَ زَهُوقًا Yusuf Ali: And say: "Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish." "Ja'al haq wa zahaqal baatil innal baatila kana zahooqa - 17:81-And say: "Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish." . اور کہہ دیجئے کہ حق آگیا اور باطل فنا ہوگیا کہ باطل بہرحال فنا ہونے والا ہے. justice has arrived, and falsehood has vanished, for surely falsehood is a vanishing thing." O Allah Almighty! Please fulfill Your promise for me and help me carry out my duty! Make my steps constant and firm, and allow me to spread Your Justice and Equality all over the World http://madressa.net/wp-content/uploads/Play_Life_of_B.Narjis_Khatoon.pdf more about bibi Bibi Nargis Khatoon https://www.al-islam.org/kamaaluddin-wa-tamaamun-nima-vol-2-shaykh-saduq/chapter-41-narration-about-lady-narjis-khatoon Video https://www.shiatv.net/video/1972750633

What happenned when Imam Mehdi(ajtf) was five year old?

When Imam Mehdi(ajtf) was in his fifth year, he lost his respected father. After this tragic event, Imamat was transferred upon him. Imam Mehdi (ajtfs) possessed all the qualities and divine knowledge bestowed the same as upon the previous Imams (as). And In the same way as Hazrat Yahya (as) in his childhood and Hazrat Isa (as) in his infancy was favored with the divine office of Prophethood by Allah(SWT). Although all the Imams (as) held the divine office of wilayat, the enemies' efforts to eliminate the twelfth Imam (as) were maximum. Hence Imam (atfs) was entrusted to Occultation (ghaibat) and away from people's sight. He had to fulfill all the duties of an Imam.

What are the reasons For The Occultation Of Imam Mahdi (aj)?

Reasons For The Occultation Of Imam Mahdi (aj) 1. Free From Allegiance Of Every Tyrant Amirul Momineen Ali (as) said, "Certainly', when the Qaem from among us shall arise, he will not have the allegiance of anyone upon his neck. It is for this reason that his birth is secret, and his person is in Ghaibat."(.Kamaaluddin, Vol.1. Pg.303 It must be mentioned that all of our Imams had to pledge allegiance to every tyrant ruler except for a short period during the rule of Umar bin Abdul Aziz. This was because it would seem that they are not against the ruler; in this way, they could protect Islam. In the absence of popular support, the Imams were left alone, and thus they entered into an understanding with the rulers. Therefore even Imam Husain (as) for a particular period did not find it necessary to revolt against the regime of Muawiya. In this regard, Hazrat Mahdi (aj) says: "Verily, each of my ancestors had the oath of allegiance, upon their necks, of their contemporary tyrant rulers. But I will reappear at such a time that I will not have any tyrant's allegiance upon my neck."(2.Ghaibat Tusi Pg.292, Kamaaluddin VoL2. Pg.485.) 2. Test Of The People Imam al Kazim (as) said, ........................... "My son! When the fifth descendant of the seventh of the Imams is not visible to you! It is when Allah will test your belief. Ghaibat is inevitable for the Master of this affair. Till the time when the religion is completely transformed, and only a few people will have belief in him. My son! That Ghaibat, It is a trial through which Allah, the Almighty tests His servants." (.Ghaibat al-Toosi Pg.166 & 337. Al Kafi vol.1 Pg.336. Kamaaluddin vol.2 Pg.359 and 360. Kifayatul Asar Pg.264-265) . 3. Fear Of The Enemy Imam Musa al-Kazim (as) said, "The Qaem is the one who will purify the earth from the enemies of Allah, the High, and the Mighty. And he will fill the earth will justice and equity just as it is filled with injustice and tyranny. He is the fifth of my descendants. He will go into occultation due to the fear of his own (life)."4 According to common sense, it is necessary for a man not to throw away his precious life without a legitimate aim. Thus, the prophets (as) and the Imams (as) have taught the people that it is their duty to protect their life under every circumstance and should never put their life in danger. Therefore it is the duty of the last of these exalted personalities to protect himself till the time of his reappearance when he will establish the new world order. 4. Weakness And Lack Of Co-operation Of The People Imam Mahdi (aj) said. "If our Shias, may Allah help them in His obedience, would have fulfilled their covenant with united hearts, then there would have. been no delay in our meeting, and they would have been blessed with our visitation at the earliest, along with the recognition of truth and confirmation of our rights."(.Al Ihtejaj vol.2 Pg.602.) https://www.al-islam.org/fazail-ul-mahdi-ali-akbar-talaafi/reasons-occultation-imam-mahdi-aj

Explain the occultation of Prophet Ibrahim(as), mentioned in the Quran? not---------------------------------- https://www.al-islam.org/kamaaluddin-wa-tamaamun-nima-vol-1-shaykh-saduq/chapter-4-regarding-occultation-prophet-ibrahim Surah Maryam - Verse 48 وَأَعْتَزِلُكُمْ وَمَا تَدْعُونَ مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ وَأَدْعُوا رَبّـِي عَسَي اَلآَّ أَكُونَ بِدُعَآءِ رَبّـِي شَقِيّاً 48. "And I will withdraw from you and what you call on besides Allah, and I will call upon my Lord: maybe I shall not remain unblessed in calling upon my Lord." . اور آپ کو آپ کے معبودوں سمیت چھوڑ کر الگ ہوجاؤں گا اور اپنے رب کو آواز دوں گاکہ اس طرح میں اپنے پروردگار کی عبادت سے محروم نہ رہوں گا. فَلَمَّا اعْتَزَلَهُمْ وَمَا يَعْبُدُونَ مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ وَهَبْنَا لَهُ إِسْحَاقَ وَيَعْقُوبَ وَكُلاًّ جَعَلْنَا نَبِيّاً 49. "So when he withdrew from them and what they worshipped besides Allah, We bestowed on him Isaac and Jacob and each (of them) We made a prophet." . پھر جب ابراہیم علیھ السّلامنے انہیں اور ان کے معبودوں کو چھوڑ دیا تو ہم نے انہیں اسحاق علیھ السّلامو یعقوب علیھ السّلام جیسی اولاد عطا کی اور سب کو نبی قرار دے دیا.

Regarding the Occultation (Ghaibat) of Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) 1 -It is Narrated by shaykh-saduq(in kamaaluddin-wa-tamaamun-nima-vol-1) "Ibrahim's father was the court astrologer of Nimrod, the son of Canaan, and Nimrod did not take any step without seeking his counsel. One night Aazar was studying the position of the stars, and the next morning he told Nimrod, 'I saw a strange thing last night.' 'What?' asked Nimrod. He replied: 'I saw that a boy is to take birth in our country and that he would destroy us all, and only a short time is left before his mother conceives him.'Though he had learned that the same boy would be burnt in the fire, he didn't know that the Almighty would save him. At the same time, Azar's wife got pregnant. It is more astonishing because Allah, the Mighty and Sublime kept Ibrahim (a.s.) concealed when he was in the womb, so much so that Allah, through His power, transferred him from her womb to her back. Then He(SWT) concealed(hid) the matter of his birth till an appointed time. When Ibrahim (a.s.) was born, his father decided to take him to Nimrod, but his wife restrained him, saying that the king would kill her son. 'Leave him to me. I shall take him to a cave and abandon him there. He will soon perish, and thus you won't be an accomplice in the murder of your son.' The father agreed, and Ibrahim's mother took him to a cave. She left him inside and closed the mouth of the cave with a boulder. The Almighty Allah caused his sustenance to flow from his thumb. He sucked his thumb and consumed the milk that flew from it. He grew up faster than ordinary children. His growth in a day was equal to a week's development in other children. In a week, he grew as much as others grow in a month. And in a month, his body developed as much as it develops in a year. After some days, his mother took leave of Azar and came to the cave. She saw that Ibrahim (a.s.) was alive, and his eyes shone like brilliant lamps. She embraced him, and When she returned, the father asked her about Ibrahim (a.s.). She said that it has died. 'I have buried him,' she wept. Whenever she got a chance, she came to the cave and saw Ibrahim (a.s.). This continued for quite some time. When Ibrahim (a.s.) could crawl on his knees, and his mother had come to feed him, he clung to her and pleaded her to take him with her. 'Have patience!' said the mother. 'Let me take your father's permission.' Thus, Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) kept his being in hiding and concealed his matter until the time he emerged and announced Allah's command, and the Almighty Allah expressed his power through him. Then Ibrahim (a.s.) went into another occultation. It was at the time when the tyrant ruler had expelled him from Egypt. maybe not correct because The Holy Prophet (S) has said that the essence of his existence had been transmitted and ultimately conveyed to his immediate parents through a pure, a holy and sanctified progeny.

What did Bibi Fatima(sa) predict to Bibi Narjis Khatoon in her dreams?

-Narjis Khatoon kept her first dream to herself, as she was afraid. However, the dream had planted a seed in her, which turned into a deep love for the Ahlul Bayt(as). Day by day, she grew more in love with the Holy Prophet (S) and Imam Hassan al-Askari (A) and yearned to meet the Imam(a.s). She soon lost her appetite, grew thin, and became very ill. Two weeks later, she has another dream, where Hazrat Maryam (s.a) and Syeda Fatima Zahra (s.a) come to visit her since she is sick. Hazrat Fatima(sa) said, My dear Narjis, when you accept the truth and embrace Islam, you will be able to meet my son. By declaring that "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, and Ali is the chosen one of Allah" you will be able to earn Allah's pleasure, and He will provide the means for you to reach your ImamHassan al-Askari(as). .

How was Hazrat Isa (as) raised to Heaven mentioned in Surah Nisa verse 157? Sura Nisa: 157. وَقَوْلِهِمْ إِنَّا قَتَلْنَا الْمَسِيحَ عِيسَى ابْنَ مَرْيَمَ رَسُولَ اللّهِ وَمَا قَتَلُوهُ وَمَا صَلَبُوهُ وَلَـكِن شُبِّهَ لَهُمْ وَإِنَّ الَّذِينَ اخْتَلَفُواْ فِيهِ لَفِي شَكٍّ مِّنْهُ مَا لَهُم بِهِ مِنْ عِلْمٍ إِلاَّ اتِّبَاعَ الظَّنِّ وَمَا قَتَلُوهُ يَقِينًا 157. "And because of their saying (in boast): 'Verily we slew Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, Allah's Messenger; 'but they did not slay him nor did they crucify him, but it appeared to them (a likeness of that); and indeed those who differ therein are only in doubt about it, they have no knowledge respecting it, but only follow a conjecture, and, certainly, they did not slay him." . اور ان کے کفر اور مریم پر عظیم بہتان لگانے کی بنا پر. اور یہ کہنے کی بنا پر کہ ہم نے مسیح عیسٰی علیھ السّلام بن مریم رسول اللہ کو قتل کردیا ہے حالانکہ انہوں نے نہ انہیں قتل کیا ہے اور نہ سولی دی ہے بلکہ دوسرے کو ان کی شبہیہ بنا دیا گیا تھا اور جن لوگوں نے عیسٰی علیھ السّلام کے بارے میں اختلاف کیا ہے وہ سب منزل ه شک میں ہیں اور کسی کو گمان کی پیروی کے علاوہ کوئی علم نہیں ہے اور انہوں نے یقینا انہیں قتل نہیں کیا ہے.

1-Hazrat Isa (as) informed his twelve disciples about how the disbelievers' army will storm their house and intend to crucify him (as). He (as) told them that Allah (SWT) will raise him (as) to Heaven, but someone, by the miracle of Allah, could become a lookalike to the Prophet so that the army's plan would fail by crucifying the follower. This follower would be granted Paradise. A young man from the disciples accepted this role and was crucified on the cross by the disbelieving Jewish army. 2-There is another narration describing this event. It said that the disbelieving Jewish army pursued Hazrat Isa (as) and seventeen companions into Hazrat Isa's house. When they entered that house, Allah (SWT) made the faces of all of them appear like the face of Hazrat Isa (as). When the Jewish army saw all of them, they said," Tell me which one of you Isa is, or we will kill all of you." Hazrat Isa (as) asked his companions, "Who among you is prepared today to have my appearance, get killed, and be admitted to Paradise?" One of them, named Sarjis, announced that he was Hazrat Isa (as). So, the people killed him and nailed him to the cross. Allah (SWT) raised Hazrat Isa into Heaven that day. 3-According to other narrations, When Prophet Isa (as) was raised to Heaven, the people could no longer catch him, so they crucified one of his companions. Then, the disbelievers stated that it was Hazrat Isa to deceive other people. However, they did not let people approach the crucified figure, so this matter became doubtful for them. 3-There is another narration, Allah(SWT) sent Hazrat Jibrael to help Hazrat Isa (as). Hazrat Isa (as) gathered the Jews, but all of them decided to kill Hazrat Isa (as). While the Jews were questioning him, Hazrat Isa (as) told them, "Oh Jews! Allah considers you His enemies." Hearing this, all of them rose to assassinate him. Then Jibrael took Hazrat Isa (as) into a building, then he lifted Hazrat Isa (as) to Heaven. One of the disbelievers, Tetanus, pursued Hazrat Isa (as) into the building but could not find him (as). Then Allah (SWT) changed Tetanus's face to resemble Hazrat Isa (as). When leaving the building to inform the rest of the group that he could not find Hazrat Isa (as), the disbelievers thought he was Hazrat Isa (as), but Tetanus denied this. However, he was nailed to the cross. Later, the group of disbelievers wondered if they truly killed Hazrat Isa (as) because it raised a question about the whereabouts of Tetanus's body. But, they wondered if the person they nailed to the cross was actually Tetanus, but this raised a question about what happened to Hazrat Isa (as). This caused doubt to rise between the disbelievers. In all of these scenarios, the evil-doers thought they crucified Jesus but were still in a great amount of doubt. This can be seen in verse 157. "And because of their saying (in boast): 'Verily we slew Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, Allah's Messenger; 'but they did not slay him nor did they crucify him, but it appeared to them (a likeness of that), and indeed those who differ therein are only in doubt about it, they have no knowledge respecting it, but only follow a conjecture, and, certainly, they did not slay him." "And (recall) when the disbelievers were conspiring against you to hold you as a captive, or to kill you, or to expel you. They were planning, and Allah was planning, and Allah is the best planner." (8:30) To save Jesus from the evil-doers of Bani Israel, God raised Jesus to the heavens. This shows that Jesus was in occultation. https://www.al-islam.org/hayat-al-qulub-vol-1-allamah-muhammad-baqir-al-majlisi/account-isa-ibn-maryam

How Imam Ali(as) mentioned the mother of Imām al-Asr (ajtf) described in Hadith?

1. In the final stages of the Battle of Naharwan, the matter of the advent and reappearance was presented before Imam Ali(as). Imam Ali (a.s.) praised and glorified the mother of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) and said thus: "O Son of the best of the maidservants! How long would you wait? I give the good news of a near victory from the Merciful Lord." "اے بہترین کنیز کے بیٹے! کب تک انتظار کرو گے؟ میں مہربان رب کی طرف سے قریب فتح کی بشارت دیتا ہوں۔" 2. Abu Basir (a.r), a student of the school of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.), says, "I asked Imam Sadiq (a.s.), 'O Son of the Messenger of Allah (S)! Who is the Qaim among you Ahlul Bayt (a.s.)?' He replied: ' O Abu Basir! He is my fifth descendant from my son, Musa (a.s.). He would be the son of the chief of the maidservants and the greatest of ladies. He would go into an occultation, and the followers of falsehood would doubt in him. After that, the Almighty Allah (SWT) would make him reappear and conquer the east and west of the earth through his powerful hands.'" These Hadith describe Imam Mahdi's (ajtf) mothers' (sa) pious traits. The Imams even go so far as to describe her as the "best of maidservants," which is one of the attributes of Bibi Khadija(sa). https://www.al-islam.org/life-imam-al-mahdi-baqir-shareef-al-qurashi/manifestation-light#honorable-father-imam-mahdi

Who will Imam Mahdi(as) resembleance with in his affairs?

5 - Narrated to us my father; and Muhammad bin Hasan - may Allah be pleased with them - they said: Narrated to us Abdullah bin Ja'far al-Himyari from Muhammad bin Isa from Sulaiman bin Dawood from Abi Baseer that he said: I heard Abu Ja'far (a.s.) say: "In the master of this affair there are four points of similarity with four prophets. Resemblance with Musa, resemblance with Isa, resemblance with Yusuf and resemblance with Muhammad (peace be on them all). The resemblance withHazrat Musa(as) is that he shall be fearing and awaiting, the resemblance with Hazrat Yusuf (as)is imprisonment, the resemblance with Hazrat Isa(as) is that it would be said regarding him that he has died while he would not be so and the resemblance with Prophet Muhammad(S) is armed uprising."

What are the physical signs of our 12th Imam in narrations?

Abu Basir (ar) tells that either Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) or Imam Jafar-as-Sadiq (a.s.) said, "There are two signs of the Qaim (a.s.). A black spot on the head and a black spot between the shoulders, just as the leaf of the sweet basil-Tulsi . He is the son of the female prisoner and the best of maidservants."

What are five significant signs of the reappearance of Imam Asr Zamam(ajtfs)

According to some Shia narrations, there are five certain signs that will occur prior to the reappearance of the twelfth Imam. The hadith of Ja'far al-Sadiq mentions these signs:"Five signs will be seen before the uprising of the Qaim: 1-Arrival of the Yemenite man, 2- Arrival of the Sufyani, 3-Call from the sky, 4-Sinking of the ground in Baidha desert 5-and Killing of the Pure Soul (Nafse Zakiyyah)." Behaarul Anwaar, vol. 52, pg. 254)

Explain the occultation of Prophet Ibrahim(as), mentioned in the Quran?shia Surah Maryam - Verse 48 وَأَعْتَزِلُكُمْ وَمَا تَدْعُونَ مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ وَأَدْعُوا رَبّـِي عَسَي اَلآَّ أَكُونَ بِدُعَآءِ رَبّـِي شَقِيّاً 48. "And I will withdraw from you and what you call on besides Allah, and I will call upon my Lord: maybe I shall not remain unblessed in calling upon my Lord." . اور آپ کو آپ کے معبودوں سمیت چھوڑ کر الگ ہوجاؤں گا اور اپنے رب کو آواز دوں گاکہ اس طرح میں اپنے پروردگار کی عبادت سے محروم نہ رہوں گا. فَلَمَّا اعْتَزَلَهُمْ وَمَا يَعْبُدُونَ مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ وَهَبْنَا لَهُ إِسْحَاقَ وَيَعْقُوبَ وَكُلاًّ جَعَلْنَا نَبِيّاً 49. "So when he withdrew from them and what they worshipped besides Allah, We bestowed on him Isaac and Jacob and each (of them) We made a prophet." . پھر جب ابراہیم علیھ السّلامنے انہیں اور ان کے معبودوں کو چھوڑ دیا تو ہم نے انہیں اسحاق علیھ السّلامو یعقوب علیھ السّلام جیسی اولاد عطا کی اور سب کو نبی قرار دے دیا.

According to some historical sources, in the year in which Abraham (a) was born, all new-born babies were killed at the command of Nimrud, because soothsayers had prognosticated that a child will be born in that year who will oppose Nimrod's religion and break the idols. Thus, Abraham's mother hid him in a cave near her house, and after fifteen months, she took him out of the cave. "Ibrahim's father was the court astrologer of Nimrod, the son of Canaan, and Nimrod did not take any step without seeking his counsel. One night Aazar was studying the position of the stars, and the next morning he told Nimrod, 'I saw a strange thing last night.' 'What?' asked Nimrod. He replied: 'I saw that a boy is to take birth in our country and that he would destroy us all, and only a short time is left before his mother conceives him.'Though he had learned that the same boy would be burnt in the fire, he didn't know that the Almighty would save him. At the same time, Hazrat Ibrahim's(as) mother got pregnant. It is more astonishing because Allah(SWT), the Mighty and Sublime kept Ibrahim (a.s.) concealed when he was in the womb, so much so that Allah, through His power, transferred him from her womb to her back. Then He(SWT) concealed(hid) the matter of his birth till an appointed time. When Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.) was born, took him to a cave and hid him there. She left him inside and closed the mouth of the cave with a boulder. The Almighty Allah caused his sustenance to flow from his thumb. He sucked his thumb and consumed the milk that flew from it. He grew up faster than ordinary children. His growth in a day was equal to a week's development in other children. In a week, he grew as much as others grow in a month. And in a month, his body developed as much as it develops in a year. After some days, his mother came to the cave. She saw that Ibrahim (a.s.) was alive, and his eyes shone like brilliant lamps. She embraced him. Whenever she got a chance, she came to the cave and saw Ibrahim (a.s.). This continued for quite some time. When Ibrahim (a.s.) could crawl on his knees, and his mother had come to feed him. Thus, Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) kept his being in hiding and concealed his matter until the time he emerged and announced Allah's command, and the Almighty Allah expressed his power through him. Then Ibrahim (a.s.) went into another occultation. It was at the time when the tyrant ruler had expelled him from Egypt.

Explain the rise of Sufyani and Yamani?

Ali bin Ahmad al-Bandaneeji narrated from Obaydillah bin Musa al-Alawi from Ahmad bin Abu Ahmad al-Warraq that Ya'qoob bin as-Sarraj had said: I asked Abu Abdullah as-Sadiq (as): "When will the deliverance of your Shia come?" He said: "When the Abbasids disagree, their rule will become weak, those, who have never thought of the rule, will seize the opportunity to gain their (the Abbasids') rule, the Arabs will become uncontrolled, as-Sufyani will rise, al-Yamani will come with his army, al-Hasani will move with his troops and then al- Qa'im will appear in Medina and move towards Mecca with the heritage of the Prophet (S)." I said: "What is the heritage of the Prophet (S)?" He said: "The heritage of the Prophet (S) is his sword, armor, turban, garment, banner, stick, horse and saddle." - Ghaibat Nomani, Chapter 14: The signs preceding the appearance, Hadith 42

What did 11th Imam inform Bibi Narjis Khatoon?

As promised by Syeda Fatema (sa), from that day onwards, Narjis sees the 11th Imam in her dreams every night. One night, the Imam informs her that her grandfather will soon be sending an army to fight the Muslims. He tells her that she should disguise herself by dressing like the women who help on the battlefield. After that, she will be captured with these women, and in this way, she will be transferred from Rome to the Islamic territory.

What happenned when Bibi Narjis khatoon was 13 years old?

At the age of 13, Narjis was supposed to get married to one of her Christian cousins, but Allah had other plans for her. By divine intervention, the wedding did not occur. On that same night, Narjis had a miraculous dream, where Prophet Isa(as), accompanied by Hazrat Shamoon(as), gather in her grandfather's palace. She watches with awe as she sees the bright-lit faces gathering in the very spot where the wedding ceremony would have taken place. Soon, The Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) , Imam Ali (as), and Imam Hassan Al-Askari(as) enter the palace. Everyone greets one another. Prophet Muhammad(S) said! I have come on behalf of my grandson, Hassan al-Askari, with a marriage proposal for Narjis, Shamoon's daughter. Hazrat Shamoon(as) said It is my honor to accept this proposal. He raised his hands in Du'a to Thank you, Allah, for allowing this auspicious marriage to take place!

What are the benefits of Imam Mahdi (aj) During His Ghaibat?

Benefits Of Imam Mahdi (aj) During His Ghaibat Imam Mahdi (aj) said, "As for deriving benefit from me in my occupation, (it) is like deriving benefit from the sun when it hides behind the clouds."1 Favors Of Imam Mahdi (aj) Upon His Shias Imam Mahdi (aj) says, "Surely, we do not neglect your condition, nor are we forgetful of your remembrance. Had it not been so, then, terrible calamities would have struck you, and your enemies would have destroyed you."2 Awaiting For The Reappearance Of Imam Mahdi (aj) The Holy Prophet (S) said, "The best worship is to wait for the reappearance."3 Amirul Momineen Ali (as) said, "Await for the Reappearance and do not despair of the divine mercy. Because the best deed in the eyes of Allah, the Great, and the Mighty is to wait for the Reappearance. It is the duty of those who are believers."4 Imam as-Sajjad (as) said. "The greatest success is to wait for the reappearance"5 Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (as) said, "Those of you who die on this affair (Shia faith) while you are in a condition of awaiting, are like those who have served the Qaem (as) in his tent."6 Imam Al-Jawad (as) said, "Certainly the Qaem from among us is the Mahdi. Awaiting for whom is obligatory during (his) ghaibat and obeying him is obligatory after his Reappearance. And he is the third of my descendants."7 Imam as Sadiq (as) said, "One who desires to be among the companions of the Qaem, must await, adopt piety, and behave courteously. If he dies in such a condition before the advent of Qaem, then his reward will be similar to the one who attains his era. Hence, congratulations to you all for your relentless awaiting."8 Be Prepared For Being Among The Helpers Of Imam Mahdi "O You who believe! be patient and excel in patience and remain steadfast and be careful of (your duty to ) Allah, that you may be successful". (Surah Ali Imran, 3: 200) Hazrat Imam Baqir (as) explains the Tafseer of this ayat : "Have patience in fulfilling the religious obligations, Excel in patience in facing your enemies. And be in contact with your Imam who is awaited".9 In-Service Of Imam Mahdi (aj) Imam Jafar as Sadiq (as) said, "If I am able to reach him, I shall serve him for my whole life."10 https://www.al-islam.org/fazail-ul-mahdi-ali-akbar-talaafi/benefits-imam-mahdi-aj-during-his-ghaibat

Who was Bibi Narjis Khatoon?

She was the princess of Rome. Bibi Narjis Khatoon was the daughter of the Emperor of Rome. Her mother was from the descendants of Prophet Shamun(as), one of the closest companions and disciples of Prophet Isa (as).

What did Imam Sadiq (as) say to follow during Ghaibat al Kubra (long Occultation)?

During the period of Ghaibat al-Kubra, when it is not possible to establish communication with Imam az-Zaman (as) at will, the people have been ordered to follow the true teachings of the Quran and Ahlul Bayt (as) through the pious and religious scholars and the just jurists. The people must follow them to know what obligations they are supposed to fulfill. Imam as-Sadiq (as): "And among jurists (Fuqaha) are those who protect their selves (from sins) guard their religion, defy their carnal desires and are obedient to their master. It is incumbent upon the people to follow them. Such characteristics are found only in a few of them (Shias) and not all"27. The jurists issue decrees for the people and explain to them truth about faith. They endeavour to fulfill the exalted duty of preparing the grounds for the reappearance of their master, Hazrat Mahdi (aj). So that by the coming of Hazrat (as) the Islamic faith may strengthen and that he may fill the earth with justice and equity.

Explain the voice from the Sky?

Explain the voice from the Sky? The voice from the Sky One of the sure signs of the reappearance of the Awaited Imam (a.s.) is the voice of the angel of Sky, giving glad-tidings of the reappearance of His Eminence (a.s.) and it would invite people towards the Imam (a.s.). There are three kinds of traditions in this regard. A caller shall proclaim from the Sky, and all the inhabitants of the earth shall hear it: Know that, the Proof of God has reappeared near the House of God. The truth is in him and with him. So you all follow him. And that is the saying of Allah (SWT) when He says: إِنْ نَشَأْ نُنَزِّلْ عَلَيْهِمْ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ آيَةً فَظَلَّتْ أَعْنَاقُهُمْ لَهَا خَاضِعِينَ "If We please, We should send down upon them a sign from the heaven so that their necks should stoop to it."(Surah 26, Verse 4) ہم چاہیں تو آسمان سے ایسی نشانی نازل کر سکتے ہیں کہ اِن کی گردنیں اس کے آگے جُھک جائیں۔ First Group of Traditions This group clearly says that when the Awaited Imam (a.s.) reappears, there would be an angel above his blessed head proclaiming: This is the same Mahdi, so follow him. Second Group of Traditions An angel shall proclaim from the Sky that the Awaited Imam (a.s.) has reappeared, so you all follow him. Third Group of Traditions This group states that the angel who proclaims from the Sky giving glad tidings of the reappearance of His Eminence, Imam Mahdi (a.s.), is Hazrat Jibraeel as).

What is a short biography of Imām al-Asr (ajtf)?

Hazrat Imam Mahdi (ajtf) is the twelfth Imam. He was born at the time of dawn on Friday, the 15th of Shaban 255 A.H in the city of Samarrah. His (ajtf) father is Imam Hasan al-Askari (as). His beloved mother is Bibi Nargis Khatoon (ra). She was the descendent of the Emperor of Rome from her father's side. From her mother's side, she was a descendent of Shamoon, the vicegerent of Hazrat Isa (as). The scholar Mohaddith al-Noori collected 182 titles of Imam Mahdi (ajtf) from the Islamic texts. Each of these titles signifies each of his virtuous qualities. His (ajtf) most famous title, Al-Mahdi, means the Guided One. https://www.al-islam.org/fazail-ul-mahdi-ali-akbar-talaafi/short-biography-imam-mahdi-aj

What was the Will of Prophet Muhammad (S) mentioned in Bihar Al Anwar (Oceans of Lights)?

Ii is mentioned in Bihar Al Anwar that: Ghaibat Tusi: A group of scholars has narrated from Bazufari from Ali bin Sinan Musali from Ali bin Husain from Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Khalil from Ja'far bin Ahmad Misri from his uncle Husain bin Ali from his father from Imam Ja'far Sadiq (a.s.) from his respected father from Amirul Momineen (a.s.) from the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) that he said on the eve of his departure from the world: "O Abul Hasan bring a scroll and pen and ink." Then he dictated his will and came to the following statement: "O Ali, after me there will be twelve Imams and after them there will be twelve Mahdis and you are the first of them. Then he named one Imam after another and then said: Then Hasan will entrust this post of Imamate to his son, MHMD, who survives from Aale Muhammad (a.s.) and in this way the twelve will be complete and after that there will be twelve Mahdis. When the last moments of the twelfth Imam will approach, he will hand over the leadership to his son, and in this way he will be the first Mahdi and he will have three names: My name, name of my father and that will be Abdullah and Ahmad and third will be Mahdi and he will the first of the believers." Link: Bihar-Al-Anwar-Vol-51-52-53-the-Part-2.pdf (English)- go to page 468 https://ia600408.us.archive.org/19/items/BiharAlAnwarVol515253ThePromisedMahdiEnglishTranslationPart2/Bihar-Al-Anwar-Vol-51-52-53-the-Promised-Mahdi-English-Translation-Part-2.pdf Bihar-Al-Anwar-Vol-51-52-53-the-Part-2.pdf (Urdu)- go to page 366 https://ia801000.us.archive.org/28/items/Behar-ul-anwarurdu/Behar-ul-anwarurdu12of12.pdf Bihar-Al-Anwar-Vol-51-52-53-the-Part-2.pdf (Arabic)- page 155 http://download888.mediafire.com/j79yt4nw76cg/j5ikq7blcbv1ne3/بحار+الأنوار+الجامعة+لدرر+أخبار+الائمة+الأطهار+-+الشيخ+محمد+باقر+المجلسي+-+ج053+،+تاريخ+الحجة+%28ع%29.pdf

What did Imam Ali(as) say about the Government of Imam Mahdi(ajtfs)?

Imam Ali (a.s.) says regarding Imam Mahdi (a.s.) that, "Imam Mahdi (a.s.) shall instruct his representatives in all cities that they should deal justly with people in such a way that the jackal and the ewe may graze at the same place. And evil may disappear and only goodness remains. Those who sow one mudd (unit) shall reap seven mudds as the Almighty Allah (SwT) has said. Fornication, wine drinking and usury shall be finished and people shall be inclined towards worship, Islamic Law, charitable deeds, prayers and religious programs. And the trusts shall be restored to their owners; there shall be increase in vegetation and blessings shall increase. Evils shall be destroyed and goodness shall remain and none who harbors animosity towards Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) shall survive." https://www.al-islam.org/life-imam-al-mahdi-baqir-shareef-al-qurashi/imams-companions Muntakhabul Athar, Pg. 474 quoted from Kashful Astar

Who will bury the 12th Imam ? .

Imam Hussain will bury the 12th Imam (ajts). His ghusl will be done by Imam Hussain (as). Only a wasi can bury a wasi. Imam Hussain will come back in the Raja. "And We had made known to the children of Israel in the Book: Most certainly you will make mischief in the land twice..." (Surah Bani Israel 17:4) That is you will slay Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) and martyr Imam Husain (a.s.). وَلَتَعْلُنَّ عُلُوا كَبِيرًا "... and most certainly you will behave insolently with great insolence." (Surah Isra 17:4) That is you will slay Imam Husain (a.s.). فَإِذَا جَاء وَعْدُ أُولاهُمَا "So when the promise for the first of the two came..." (Surah Isra 17:5) That is the killing of Husain (a.s.). When it will be time for the revenge of the killing of Husain (a.s.). بَعَثْنَا عَلَيْكُمْ عِبَادًا لَّنَا أُوْلِي بَأْسٍ شَدِيدٍ فَجَاسُواْ خِلاَلَ لدِّيَارِ "... We sent over you Our servants, of mighty prowess, so they went to and fro among the houses..." (Surah Isra 17:5) That is this will the community, which the Almighty Allah will send before the rising of the Qaim and they will not leave anyone from the enemies of Aale Muhammad (a.s.). "Then We gave you back the turn to prevail against them..." (Surah Isra 17:6) That is Imam Husain (a.s.) will rise with seventy companions wearing gold helmets and they will tell the people that this is Imam Husain (a.s.) who has done Rajat and the believers will have no doubt about it. And that he is neither Dajjal nor Shaitan. And the Hujjat Qaim will be before them. When all the believers will have a firm certainty that he is really Imam Husain (a.s.), His Eminence, Hujjat (a.s.) will die and Imam Husain (a.s.) will bathe, shroud, anoint and bury him in his own grave, because only a Wasi can perform the last rites of a Wasi. link: go to page 400 of the pdf https://ia800408.us.archive.org/19/items/BiharAlAnwarVol515253ThePromisedMahdiEnglishTranslationPart2/Bihar-Al-Anwar-Vol-51-52-53-the-Promised-Mahdi-English-Translation-Part-2.pdf

Who is mentioned in the following verses? الَّذِينَ إِن مَكَّنَّاهُمْ فِي الاَرْضِ أَقَامُوا الصَّلاَةَ وءَاتَوُا الزَّكَاةَ وَأَمَرُوا بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَنَهَوْا عَنِ الْمُنكَرِ وَلِلَّهِ عَاقِبَةُ الاُمُورِ 22:41. "Those who, if We establish them in the land, perform the prayer, and pay the alms, and enjoin good and forbid evil, and unto Allah belongs the end of (all) affairs." یہ وہ لوگ ہیں جنہیں ہم نے زمین میں اختیار دیا تو انہوں نے نماز قائم کیً اور زکوِٰ ادا کی اور نیکیوں کا حکم دیا اور برائیوں سے روکا اور یہ طے ہے کہ جملہ امور کا انجام خدا کے اختیار میں ہے. -------------- Surah Al-'Anbiya' - Verse 105 وَلَقَدْ كَتَبْنَا فِي الزَّبُورِ مِن بَعْدِ الذّ‌ِكْرِ أَنَّ الاَرْضَ يَرِثُهَا عِبَادِيَ الصَّالِحُونَ 21:105. "And We have written in the Psalms (Zabur), after the Reminder (the Torah), 'My righteous servants shall inherit the earth'." اور ہم نے ذکر کے بعد زبور میں بھی لکھ دیا ہے کہ ہماری زمین کے وارث ہمارے نیک بندے ہی ہوں گے Surah Isra' - Verse 81 وَقُلْ جَآءَ الْحَقُّ وَزَهَقَ الْبَاطِلُ إِنَّ الْبَاطِلَ كَانَ زَهُوقاً 17:81. "And say: 'The truth has come and the 'falsehood' has vanished away; verily, the 'falsehood' is (something) vanishing'." . اور کہہ دیجئے کہ حق آگیا اور باطل فنا ہوگیا کہ باطل بہرحال فنا ہونے والا ہے.

Imam al-Baqir (as) said: "This verse( 22:41.) is related to the Progeny of Muhammad (S) and the Last Imam(ajtf). God will grant Hazrat al-Mahdi ('atfs) and his supporters control and influence over the east and west of the world." Also, it is narrated that Surah Al-'Anbiya' - Verse 105, and Surah Isra' - Verse 81 is about the apperance of Imam Zamana(ajtf). https://www.al-islam.org/an-overview-of-mahdi-s-government-najimuddin-tabasi/wars-imam-al-mahdi

How was the pregnancy of Bibi Maryam(sa) with Hazrat Isa(as)?

It is mentioned in a reliable tradition of Imam as-Sadiq (as) that a child born before six months of pregnancy does not remain alive, but Hazrat Isa (as), Hazrat Yahya(as), and Imam Hussain(as) did live even though they were born before six months of pregnancy. Hazrat Maryam's (sa) pregnancy lasted only nine hours instead of nine months, as Hazrat Isa (as) was received in her womb at night, which caused her to leave her town, and he (as) was born the next morning. From this miracle, the creation of Hazrat Isa (as) is related to Hazrat Adam (as), as shown in Surah Al-Imran, Ayat 59: Surely, the likeness of 'Isa is with Allah as the likeness of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him, "Be," and he was. (3:59) The Quran describes how she had to leave her town in Surah Maryam, verses 16 and 22: "And mention Maryam in the Book when she drew aside from her family to an eastern place." (19:16) "So she conceived him; then withdrew herself with him to a remote place." (19:22)

3- What did Imam Sadiq(as) say about Hazrat Isa's(as) occultation?

It is narrated by Ibn Babawayh that on many occasions' Isa had been in occultation (out of sight) from his community. He kept on touring and visiting several cities, but his partisans (Shi'ahs) and the people of his community did not know where he was. Thereafter he reappeared and made Shamoun bin Hamoon his legatee. When Shamoun passed away, the hujjahs (Signs) of Allah remained out of sight. When the people asked Imam Sadiq (as) about this, Imam said there was a gap between Jesus and Prophet Muhammad(S) for a few hundred years in which there was no apparent proof of God. Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq replied, "They belonged to the faith of 'Isa and were following his shari'ah (code of life conduct)." He added that the Earth never remains void of a Prophet or an Imam but some time they live apparently and sometimes in hiding (ghaibat or occultation). It is mentioned in a reliable narration that Imam al-Baqir said that a time would come when people will not know what Allah is and what is meant by the oneness of Allah (Tawhid). Dajjal will come out at that time, and 'Isa will descend from Heaven to Earth and he will kill Dajjal, will offer prayer in the leadership of al-Qa'im and had we, Ahl al-Bayt, not been better than earlier messengers' Isa would not pray behind us. According to another authentic hadith, the Holy Prophet said that al-Mahdi is one of my sons; when he will appear, 'Isa will descend from Heaven to assist him and pray behind him. https://www.al-islam.org/hayat-al-qulub-vol-1-allamah-muhammad-baqir-al-majlisi/account-isa-ibn-maryam

How old will Imam Mahdi when he will appear IA?

It is narrated that Imam Mahdi(ajtfs) will be looks like in his forties. Somebody asked how it is possible /We can Understand this by the example of eyelashes and the hair of the head. If Allah (SWT) keeps away the eyelashes from growing and and whereelse the head hair keep on growing. So with Allah (SWT)''s will the age of the Imam.

Why is the concealed life of Imam Asr(ajtfs) not new, according to the Quran?

It is said that the concealed (kept secret; hidden.) life of Hazrat Mahdi (ajtfs) is not something new as it is mentioned the Holy Quran records the concealment of various prophets (as) like Hazrat Ibrahim(as). Hazrat Musa (as) and Hazrat Isa (as). The Holy Prophet (S) and the Imams (as) had pointed out to the people the imminent occultation of their final proof (Imam Mahdi-aj) so that no doubt or misunderstanding should remain regarding this problem. Imam Ja'far as Sadiq (as) said: 'There are two occultations(Ghaibat) for Qaem. One is short, and the other is prolonged. In the short occultation( Ghaibat al-Sughra), only the special Shias will know of his whereabouts. And in the longer occultation(Ghaibat al-Kubra ), only his trustworthy servants will know where he is."

Explain the killing of Nafs al Zakiyya?

It will rise from the west; a pure soul (nafs al-zakiyya) will be killed in the outskirts of Kufa with seventy righteous men; a Hashimite will be slaughtered between the corner (of the Ka'ba) and the station of Abraham); the wall of the mosque of Kufa will be destroyed; black standards will advance from Khurasan; al-Yamani will come out in revolt; al-Maghribi will appear in Egypt and take possession of it from Syria. https://www.al-islam.org/articles/signs-reappearance-twelfth-imam-ajtf

What does it mean when Jibrael will call from the sky? How will Jibrael show himself?

Jibrael will not descend as a physical angel, but as a man, because the Qur'an says, "And they say ask "why has not an angel been sent down to him?" And had We sent down an angel, then the matter would have been decided (and) after that they would not have been allowed time (to amend)". (6:8) If Jibrael descending in his true angelic form, there would be no chance to repent. It says in the Quran that angels are sent as humans. "And had We made an angel (Our messenger), We would have made him a man (so that he could be seen and heard delivering the message) and (thus) We would have (further) confused them (in a matter) in which they are already confused. (6:9) It is important to look for the signs of Imam Mahdi with our soul and with our eyes because the Qur'an says "Soon will We show them Our Signs in the (furthest) regions (of the earth), and their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the Truth. Is it not enough that thy Lord doth witness all things?" (41:53) Every path leads back to the Imam, and the Imam leads to God.

Explain the sign of swallow the sign of Bayda?

Khasf al-Bayda' (Arabic: خسف البیداء, Persian: خسف بیدا), (i.e. "Swallowing in the land of Bayda") is an event that "the Earth will swallow the land (of al-Bayda)". It is a desert between Mecca and Medina, without water and grass and its distance to Masjid-u-Shajarah is two kilometers—towards to the city of Mecca. According to traditions: the army of Sufyani will be collapsed in the land of al-Bayda According a tradition from the fifth Imam Muhammad al-Baqir(as): at the End Time, while Sufyani's army enters the territory of (al-)Bayda, a caller will call: "O plain, annihilate the nation" (of the army of Sufyani); as a result of that, the Earth will swallow them, and all of them are going to be sunk --except 3 individuals.It is mentioned in Na'mani, Al-Ghaybah, Maktab al-Saduq, Chapter 14, P. 279 It is also mentioned in Kitab al Irshad Chapter: The Twelfth Imam (Peace be on him) Page (s): 541 -548 The Sufyani will come out in revolt; the Hasanid will be killed; the Abbasids will dispute over worldly kingdom; there will be an eclipse of the sun in the middle of the month of Ramadan; there will be an eclipse of the moon at the end of that month in contrast to ordinary happenings; the land will be swallowed up at al-Bayda'; it will be swallowed in the east-it will be swallowed up in the west; the sun will stay still from the time of its decline to the middle of the time for the afternoon prayer. https://www.al-islam.org/articles/signs-reappearance-twelfth-imam-ajtf

What happened once Bibi Najis Khatoon reached Baghdad??

Narjis Khatoon was taken to the home of 10th Imam al-Hadi (as), where she was showered with love and affection. The Imam's sister, Hakima Khatoon, taught her about the principles of Islam. Soon after, she was married to Imam Hasan al-Askari in a holy ceremony. With this blessed marriage, the 12th and final flower in the garden of Imamat would soon bloom. However, this joy and happiness soon faded not too long after, as Imam al-Hadi (A) was martyred by the evil caliph Mu'tamad, and Imam Hasan al-Askari (A) was put under house arrest. Mu'tamid ordered his men to keep a close watch on the Imam so that no child would be born who could overthrow him. However, Allah states in the Qur'an Surah Saf verse 8, "They desire to put out the Light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His Light, though the unbelievers may dislike it." (61:8) . یہ لوگ چاہتے ہیں کہ نور خدا کو اپنے منہ سے بجھادیں اور اللہ اپنے نور کو مکمل کرنے والا ہے چاہے یہ بات کفار کو کتنی ہی ناگوار کیوں نہ ہو. وہی خدا وہ ہے

What is longer occulation (Ghaibat al Kubra) of Imam Mahdi (ajtfs)?

Longer occultation(Ghaibat al-Kubra ) Ultimately, the shining sun of the divine proof went behind the curtain of Ghaibat, completely. And the period of communication with Hazrat (through Nawab al-Arba) came to an end. Despite this (his Ghaibat), Hazrat Mahdi (ajtfs) is the Imam of the time and Imam of the world. He is the Divine Proof. Even though his person may be hidden from our eyes, but his commands are clear. Amirul Momineen Ali (as) announced from his pulpit at Kufa: "Even if the person of the Divine Proof is hidden while he guides the people, his knowledge and manners will be clear for them to follow." During Ghaibat al-Kubra, when it is not possible to establish communication with Imam az-Zaman (as) at will, the people have been ordered to follow the true teachings of the Quran and Ahlul Bayt (as) through the pious and religious scholars and the just jurists. The people must follow them to know what obligations they are supposed to fulfill. Imam as-Sadiq (as): "And among jurists (Fuqaha) are those who protect their selves (from sins) guard their religion, defy their carnal desires, and are obedient to their master. It is incumbent upon the people to follow them. Such characteristics are found only in a few of them (Shias) and not all ". The jurist's issue decrees for the people and explains to them the truth about faith. They endeavor to fulfill the exalted duty of preparing the grounds for their master's reappearance, Hazrat Mahdi (aj). So that by the coming of Hazrat (ajtfs) the Islamic faith may strengthen and that he may fill the earth with justice and equity

How did 10th Imam al Hadi(as) make preparations to bring Bibi Narjis Khatoon to Baghdad?

Meanwhile, in Medina, Imam al-Hadi(as) made preparations through his trusted companion Bashar to unite Narjis Khatoon with Imam Hasan al-Askari. He (as) gave a letter stamped with my seal, and this bag contains 220 dinars. Imam(as) told Bashar to take this letter and this bag and go to the (farat) Euphrates river. When you get there, you will see some ships arriving, which are carrying prisoners of war. Find a man named Umar bin Yazid, who will be selling these prisoners. One of these prisoners will be wearing a thick silk robe and will not allow others to touch her. Others sellers will offer a lot of money to buy her, but she will refuse all offers. At this time, offer her the letter, and she will then willingly come with you; please swiftly bring her back with great respect. And Basir followed Imam's directions. Bashar gave the seller 220 dinars to get her. Bashar and Narjis Khatoon proceed towards Baghdad. As she heads towards the Imam's house, she is filled with excitement, and her face is brightened with joy. .

Conditions Imposed by the Imam of the Time (a.s.) for Giving Allegiance

Narrators of traditions and historians have mentioned that His Eminence, the Master of the Age (a.s.) would put some conditions for accepting allegiance. They are as follows. His Eminence, Amirul Momineen (a.s.) after describing the characteristics of the companions of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) mentions the conditions that Imam Mahdi (a.s.) shall impose for those who wish to pay allegiance to him: They should promise that they shall not steal and commit fornication. Should not commit murder or defile honor. They must not speak ill to the Muslims. They must not attack any house and must not kill anyone except for justification. (He would mean to say:) You shall not tie bands of gold or wear silk. You shall not desecrate the mosque and you shall not block the paths. You shall not oppress the orphans and make the paths insecure. You shall not resort to intrigue and deceit. You shall not usurp the property of the orphans. You shall not commit sodomy, drink wine and do misappropriation with Imamate and guidance. You shall not break oaths and promises. You shall not hoard wheat and barely. You shall not kill the one who has taken asylum with you. Do not pursue those who flee. Do not shed blood and do not attack an injured person. Wear coarse garments and prostrate on the bare earth. Eat barely bread and fight on the way of Allah (SwT). Wear perfumes and despise the impure things. Meanwhile, His Eminence (a.s.) will impose upon himself the condition that there shall be no obstacle between him and his followers. All his activities shall be before them. He shall be satisfied with less and by the help of Allah (SwT) he shall fill the earth with justice just as it would be fraught with oppression. And he shall serve Allah (SwT) as He ought to be served...7 These conditions and characteristics show that the aim of His Eminence (a.s.) is spreading justice and equality and the establishment of the rule of Allah (SwT) on the earth in such a way that no power and value remains for the tyrants. Also it shows that the ruler and the subjects are eligible for equity and there shall be no kind of discrimination between different classes of people except that it be having a firm base. His humility and his being with the common people shall be among the characteristics of His Eminence, the Master of the Age, the Remnant of Allah the Great (a.s.).

What will be the number of the companions of Imam Mahdi (as)?

Number of the Companions of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) As for the number of the companions of His Eminence, Imam Mahdi (a.s.) who shall pay allegiance to him are same as the number of the warriors of Badr, that is 313. Sulaiman bin Haroon Ajali narrated that he heard His Eminence, Imam Sadiq (a.s.) saying, "Indeed the master of this affair, that is the Qaim of the Progeny of Muhammad (S) is safe, such that if all the people go away, the Almighty Allah (SwT) shall bring his companions and they are the same that are implied in the words of Allah: يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مَنْ يَرْتَدَّ مِنْكُمْ عَنْ دِينِهِ فَسَوْفَ يَأْتِي اللَّهُ بِقَوْمٍ يُحِبُّهُمْ وَيُحِبُّونَهُ أَذِلَّةٍ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ أَعِزَّةٍ عَلَى الْكَافِرِينَ "O you who believe! Whoever from among you turns back from his religion, then Allah will bring a people, He shall love them and they shall love Him, lowly before the believers, mighty against the unbelievers..." (Surah 5, Verse 54) ایمان والو تم میں سے جو بھی اپنے دین سے پلٹ جائے گا ...تو عنقریب خدا ایک قوم کو لے آئے گا جو اس کی محبوب اور اس سے محبت کرنے والی مومنین کے سامنے خاکسار اور کفار کے سامنے صاحبِ عزت, راسِ خدا میں جہاد کرنے والی اور کسی ملامت کرنے والے کی ملامت کی پرواہ نہ کرنے والی ہوگی -یہ فضلِ خدا ہے وہ جسے چاہتا ہے عطا کرتا ہے اور وہ صاحبِ وسعت اور علیم و دانا بھی ہے. And also: أَيْنَ مَا تَكُونُوا يَأْتِ بِكُمُ اللَّهُ جَمِيعًا "...wherever you are, Allah will bring you all together..." (Surah 2, Verse 148) ہر ایک کے لئے ایک رخ معین ہے اور وہ اسی کی طرف منہ کرتا ہے. اب تم نیکیوں کی طرف سبقت کرو اور تم سب جہاں بھی رہوگے خدا ایک دن سب کو جمع کردے گا کہ وہ ہر شے پر قادر ہے They shall be the companions of His Eminence, Imam Mahdi (a.s.). His Eminence, Imam Ali (a.s.) said, "By Allah (SwT)! I am aware of the companions of Imam Mahdi (a.s.); I know their names, tribes and the names of their chiefs. These are the people whom Almighty Allah (SwT) shall gather in ones and twos from different tribes and communities till they are nine. Then their number shall reach the warriors of Badr, that is 313 persons. And that is the saying of Almighty Allah (SwT): أَيْنَ مَا تَكُونُوا يَأْتِ بِكُمُ اللَّهُ جَمِيعًا ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ "...wherever you are, Allah will bring you all together; surely Allah has power over all things."(Surah 2, Verse 148) So much so, that people would not have time to change and Allah (SwT) would make them reach the Imam. Abu Khalid Kabuli narrated from His Eminence, Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s.) that he said, "They are such that they sleep on their beds (It means that they were asleep and Allah took them out and gathered them in Mecca). They are 313 persons, same as the number of Badr warriors and they shall be in Mecca overnight and that is the saying of Allah: أَيْنَ مَا تَكُونُوا يَأْتِ بِكُمُ اللَّهُ جَمِيعًا "...wherever you are, Allah will bring you all together..."(Surah 2, Verse 148) And these are the companions of the Qaim of the Progeny of Muhammad (S)." https://www.al-islam.org/articles/signs-reappearance-twelfth-imam-ajtf

Which Imam (as) has one of their titles named after Surah Asr?

One of the titles of our 12th Imam Muhammad ibn al-Hassan al-Mahdī(ajtf) is Imām al-Asr (إِمَام ٱلْعَصْر). It means Imam of our time. https://quranunderstanding.weebly.com/

How long will of the period of Imam Mahdi's Government?

Period of Imam Mahdi's (a.s.) Government There is difference of opinion among narrators of traditions as regards the period of the Imam's (a.s.) government since there are various narrations on this subject. 1. The period of his government shall be 40 years and this is narrated from Imam Ali (a.s.).11 2. It is 30 years12 3. It is 21 years13

Explain the occultation of Prophet Musa(as),mentioned in Quran? 10.Sura Qasas: 21-22. فَخَرَجَ مِنْهَا خَآئِفاً يَتَرَقَّبُ قَالَ رَبّ‌ِ نَجّـِنِي مِنَ الْقَوْمِ الظَّالِمِينَ 21. "So he departed there from, fearing, awaiting, (and) he said: 'My Lord! Deliver me from the unjust people'." تو موسٰی شہر سے باہر نکلے خوفزدہ اور دائیں بائیں دیکھتے ہوئے اور کہا کہ پروردگار مجھے ظالم قوم سے محفوظ رکھنا. وَلَمَّا تَوَجَّهَ تِلْقَآءَ مَدْيَنَ قَالَ عَسَي رَبّـِي أَن يَهْدِيَنِي سَوَآءَ السَّبِيلِ 22. "And when he turned his face towards Madyan, he said: 'I do hope that my Lord will guide me in the right path'." اور جب موسٰی نے مدین کا رخ کیا تو کہا کہ عنقریب پروردگار مجھے سیدھے راستہ کی ہدایت کردے گا.

Regarding the Occultation (Ghaibat) of Prophet Musa (a.s.) "When death approached Hazrat Yusuf (a.s.), he called his followers and family members. After Allah's praise and glorification, he informed them that they would be involved in hardships and calamities in which their males should be killed, and their children should be slaughtered. Eventually, the Almighty Allah will give victory through the one who will reappear from the descendants of Levi bin Yaqoob (a.s.). He shall be a wheat-complexioned and well-built man. And then Yusuf (as) told them about the characteristics of Hazrat Musa (as), their savior. The soothsayers and magicians of Firon also informed him that that boy would destroy his kingdom and religion and be born in Bani Israel that year. So Firon ordered that every child born that year should be killed. Hazrat Musa's mother gave birth to him, and Allah (SWT) concealed him by Secret birth. Allah revealed to her to make a wooden box for a child, place him in it, close the wooden box and cast the child into the Nile. She did as Allah commanded. When she cast the wooden casket into the water, the casket returned to her. She pushed it again, but it came back. At last, the wind pushed it far into the river. She became so sad for her child that she wanted to cry out aloud, but Allah gave her patience. The Imam said: Firon's wife was a righteous lady of faith, and she also belonged to the Bani Israel tribe. She said to Firon: "These are the days of spring. Put a tent for me on the bank of River Nile so that I can enjoy sitting there." Firon complied with her request, and that casket approached her floating on the river. She asked her maidservants, "Can you see what I see?" They said, "By Allah! We can see something floating on the water." When the wooden basket reached her, she stood up from her place and asked her maids to pull it out. They pulled the basket out of the water and opened it. She found a beautiful baby boy in it. Seeing the infant, she became very anxious. She held him in her arms and said that she would adopt him as her son. Hazrat Musa(as) was raised in Faroun's palace. it is narrated from Abi Abdullah (a.s.) that he said: "In the Qaim, there is a resemblance to Musa bin Imran. I asked: What is the resemblance to Musa bin Imran? He replied: Secret birth and occultation from his people. I asked: How long was Musa in occultation from his family and followers? He replied: For twenty-eight years." After that, he disappeared. Later, Musa (a.s.) went to Madalyn and stayed with Shuaib (a.s.). Thus his second occultation was more severe upon his followers than the first, and it lasted for fifty-odd years, according to one narration. https://www.al-islam.org/kamaaluddin-wa-tamaamun-nima-vol-1-shaykh-saduq/chapter-6-regarding-occultation-prophet-musa

Different sects with different

Rest assured, no one has a special relationship with God. Whoever denies me is not from my (community). The appearance of the Relief depends solely upon God. Therefore, those who propose a certain time for it are liars. As to the benefit of my existence in occultation, it is like the benefit of the sun behind the clouds where the eyes do not see it. - Kitab al-Kafi, Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni [6][3] With regard to advice for his followers during his absence, he is reported to have said: "Refer to the transmitters of our narrations, for they are my Hujjah (proof) unto yo! and I am Allah's Hujjah unto them."[7] Ismaili[edit] Sevener Before the rise of the Fatimid Caliphate, a small group of Ismailis, the Qarmatians, believed that Muhammad ibn Isma'il had gone into Occultation and were called "Seveners" to reflect their belief in only seven Imams, Muhammad's father Isma'il being the last until his return. The Qarmatians accepted a Persian prisoner by the name of Abu'l-Fadl al-Isfahani, who claimed to be the descendant of emperors, as the returned Muhammad ibn Isma'il[9][10][11][12][13][14] and also as the Mahdi. The Qarmatians rampaged violently across the Middle East in the 10th century, climaxing their bloody campaign with the stealing of the Black Stone from the Kaaba in Mecca in 930 under Abu Tahir al-Jannabi. After the arrival of the Mahdi they changed their qibla from the Kaaba to the Zoroastrian-influenced fire. After their return of the Black Stone in 951 and defeat by the Abbasids in 976 they slowly faded out of history and no longer have any adherents.[15] Musta'li According to Tayyibi Isma'ilism, during the Occultation of the twenty-first imam, at-Tayyib Abu'l-Qasim, a Da'i al-Mutlaq "Unrestricted Missionary", maintains contact with him.[16] The several branches of the Musta'li Shia differ on who the current Da'i al-Mutlaq is.[17] Nizari The Nizari Isma'ili believe that there is no Occultation at all, that the Aga Khan IV is the 49th Imam of the Time.[18] They believe that the Imam's authority is no different from the authority of Ali, the first Imam; he currently provides guidance to Nizaris on worldly and spiritual matters.[17] Waqifi According to Waqifi Sevener Shias, there are reasons for the occultation: Imam not being proud of himself and continue to examine world events and make evaluations, only to be loyal and reverent to the Lord and Allah, which are also in Occultation, the other Muslims sects are to be judged by the Mahdi through the guidance of the Lord and Allah. Druze The Druze believe the imam Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah went into the Occultation after he disappeared in 1021 followed by the four founding Da'i of the Druze sect including Hamza ibn-'Ali ibn-Ahmad leaving the leadership to a fifth leader called Baha Al-Din. The Druze refused to acknowledge the successor of Al-Hakim as an Imam but accepted him as a Caliph.[19] The faith further split from Ismailism as it developed unique doctrines which often classes it separately from both Ismailism and Islam, these include the belief that Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah was God incarnate.[20] Zaidi The Zaidi believe that there is no occultation at all and that any descendant of Hasan or Husayn could become Imam. The Imam must rise up against oppression and injustice and rule as a visible and just ruler.[21]

What is the Short occulation (Ghaibat al Suhra) of Imam Mahdi (ajtfs)?

Short occultation( Ghaibat al-Sughra) According to the well-known reports, the short occultation (Ghaibat al-Sugra) commenced from the year of his Imamat in 260 A.H and continued for 69 years(according to one tradition). Some of the scholars like Shaykh Mufeed said it began right from the time of his birth, so around 74 years(another tradition). During the (Ghaibat al-Sugra), Imam Mahdi (aj) himself appointed his deputies from among the righteous Shias. Four of them succeeded each other and continued to fulfill the duty of intermediaries. These four personalities conveyed the questions and problems to Imam (aj) and brought back the Imam's (aj) answers for the people. The deputies were Usman Bin Saeed Amri. , his pious son, Muhammad bin Usman, Abul Qasim Husayn bin Ruh ibn Bahr Nawbakhti and the last one was Abul Hasan Ali bin Muhammad Seymoori. He died on the 15th of Shaban 329 A.H. The graves (tombs) of these four respected deputies (Nawwab al -Arba, as they are commonly known) are situated in Baghdad. Six days before his death, Ali ibn Muhammad Seymoori received a communication from Imam az-Zaman (aj): "...so be prepared, but appoint no one in your place, because from the day of your death, the period of my major occupation (Gaibatui Kubra) will begin. Henceforth, no one will see me, unless and until Allah makes me appear. My reappearance will take place after a very long time when the world will be full of injustice and violence ". So after Ali ibn Muhammad Seymoori, the longer occupation (Gaibatui Kubra) started.

Why did the Abbasid tyrants want to kill Imam Mahdi (ajtf)?

The Abbasid caliphate's tyrant rulers were aware of the prophecies by the Holy Prophet (S) about how Imam Mahdi (ajtf) will appear and remove all the corruption and tyranny in the world. They were Scared that Imam Mahdi's (ajtf) justice will leave no room for their falsehood; they planned to eliminate him (ajtf) when he (ajtf)is born. Due to this, the birth of Imam Mahdi (aj) was kept a secret like that of Hazrat Musa (as). So except for the most trusted of the Shias and his own family, no one knew of Hazrat's existence (as). Because of this, whenever there was an opportunity, Imam Hasan al-Askari (as) showed his son to his trustworthy followers; that in the future, they may follow him. This was for the Shias may remain firm upon the right path and not be led astray. A servant Abu Ghanim says: "Abu Muhammad (as) has a son whose name is Muhammad." On the third day of his birth, he brought him before his companions and said: "After me, he is your Master of the affair; he is my successor, he is the same 'Qaem,' who is awaited by alt When the earth will be fraught with injustice and oppression, then he will reappear and fill the world with justice and righteousness."

Who gave predictions to avoid doubt about the occultation of the Twelfth Imam(ajtfs)?

The Holy Prophet (S) and the Imams (as) had pointed out to the people the imminent occultation of their last proof (Imam Mahdi-aj) so that no doubt or misunderstanding should remain regarding this problem. Imam Ja'far as Sadiq (as) said: 'There are two occultations(Ghaibat) for Qaem. One is short, and the other is prolonged. In the short occultation( Ghaibat al-Sughra), only the special Shias will know of his whereabouts. And in the longer occultation(Ghaibat al-Kubra ), only his trustworthy servants will know where he is." https://www.al-islam.org/hayat-al-qulub-vol-1-allamah-muhammad-baqir-al-majlisi/account-isa-ibn-maryam

Characteristics of the Companions of Imam Mahdi (a.s.)

The Imam's (a.s.) Companions Companions and helpers of His Eminence (a.s.) shall be persons of piety, caution, merits and purity. They shall be the best kind of people. Characteristics of the Companions of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) 1. Muhammad bin Hanafiyyah has narrated that a person inquired from Imam Ali (a.s.) about Imam Mahdi (a.s.) and Ali (a.s.) replied, "He shall reappear in the Last Age." Then he mentioned the characteristics of his companions and said, "Then the Almighty Allah (SwT) shall collect a group of people near him like pieces of scattered clouds and he shall create love among themselves and none of them shall be fearful..."1 This tradition means that companions of His Eminence (a.s.) shall be having religious insight and the proofs of Allah (SwT) are complete on them. They shall not be pleased or sad to see anyone joining or leaving them. Their hearts are filled with the blessings of Allah (SwT) and with faith, and they are appointed for the service of Islam, its significance and the aims of His Eminence (a.s.). 2. His Eminence Ali (a.s.) has said about their characteristics, "They shall be a group that does not oblige Allah (SwT) by its patience. And they do not consider themselves great while sacrificing their lives on the path of truth..."2 3. His Eminence, Amirul Momineen (a.s.) has said regarding their characteristics, "They are warriors on the path of God and the arrogant and transgressors consider them lowly. Their worth is not known on the earth but they are well known in the heavens."3 4. Muhiyuddin Arabi said, "The people having divine recognition shall pay the oath of allegiance to His Eminence (a.s.) and they are the servants of God who shall harken to the call of His Eminence (a.s.) and become his supporters. They are those deputies of his who shall take up the responsibility of the important functions of his government...the Almighty Allah (SwT) would select those persons as his deputies whom He has made cognizant of divine realities." https://www.al-islam.org/life-imam-al-mahdi-baqir-shareef-al-qurashi/imams-companions

Who will be the Standard Bearer of Imam Mahdi(ajtf)?

The Standard-Bearer of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) According to traditions, the standard bearer of His Eminence, Imam Mahdi (a.s.) shall be Shuaib, the son of Salih, who shall be the commander of a huge army. He shall arrive from Khorasan to help and pay oath of allegiance to Imam Mahdi (a.s.). And it is said that he is from the Tamim and he is the one who shall defeat the Sufyani so that they come to Baitul Maqdas and prepare the ground for the government of His Eminence, the remnant of Allah. And from the time of the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) till the time his command gains absolute authority, there is a period of 72 months. It is narrated that on the flag of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) shall be written: The allegiance is only for Allah. The philosophy behind it is that the allegiance to His Eminence, Imam Mahdi (a.s.) is allegiance to Allah (SwT), and his command is the Command of Allah (SwT).

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