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39) The type of skills that would be most effective for teachers to have in conducting conferences with students and their families is skill in A) academic knowledge. B) communication. C) creativity. D) problem solving


41) Paper-and-pencil exercises, direct observations of performances, development of portfolios, and creation of artifacts are all methods of A) assessment. B) evaluation. C) measurement. D) testing.


50) What is the arithmetic mean of the following set of scores? Scores: 0, 13, 15, 16, 16 A) 12 B) 13 C) 14 D) 15


7) A test or rating scale is objective to the extent that it A) is free of biases of the administrators and scorers. B) measures only one, or only a very few variables. C) predicts an important and realistic criterion. D) yields the same score each time an individual takes it.


18) Objective tests are generally more reliable than essay tests because objective tests can A) be corrected for guessing a response correctly. B) contain more independent items measuring achievement. C) eliminate subjective judgment in their preparation. D) measure almost any important educational attainment


2) What type of test would provide the most useful information for the following question: "Are students making satisfactory progress in learning the metric system?" A) Diagnostic B) Formative C) Placement D) Summative


22) Exhibitions differ from portfolios because exhibitions A) are authentic assessments. B) involve an immediate audience. C) use criterion-referenced standards. D) use norm-referenced standards


25) A recommended procedure for authentic assessment is A) grading on the curve in order to determine overall performance scores. B) having students participate in developing the rating scales and scoring rubrics to be used in evaluation. C) using authentic testing initially with higher-achieving students, with gradual integration of other students. D) using only clearly defined, highly structured tasks or problems.


27) A scoring rubric that permits raters to use a 50-point scale compared to using a five-point scale will tend to yield A) higher reliability. B) lower reliability. C) reduced variability in scoring. D) restricted validity in scoring.


3) What type of test would provide the most useful information for the following question: "Are the learning outcomes for the new unit sequenced appropriately?" A) Diagnostic B) Formative C) Placement D) Summative


31) What strategy is recommended instead of assigning a failing grade to students' poor work? A) Consider the work to be incomplete. B) Give students support in revising the work. C) Maintain high standards for students' work. D) Take responsibility for the students' poor work.


34) Which one of the following procedures is recommended for reducing the detrimental effects of grading on students? A) Favor norm-referenced over criterion-referenced grading. B) Give ungraded assignments in order to increase exploration. C) Stop giving partial credit for "almost" correct answers. D) Use only one type of item (multiple-choice or essay) on a given test.


36) On five tests that involve different numbers of items, Bill's total raw score was 430, and Diane's total raw score was 440. Under what type of grading system is the possibility greatest that Bill could earn an A and Diane only a B? A) Criterion-referenced grading B) Norm-referenced using average T-scores C) Percentage grading D) Point system


48) Which one of the following student outcomes is MOST likely to be the result of a criterion-referenced assessment tool? A) Anita was the first student to complete the test. B) Ben answered 10 out of 12 questions correctly. C) Randy scored at the eighty-ninth percentile. D) Sonia ranked fifteenth in French and ninth in music.


5) A major difference between formative and summative tests is the A) format of the test items. B) interpretation of the test data. C) preparation of the test directions. D) role played by content validity in the two tests.


38) A popular grading system to use for combining grades from many assignments is to use A) an average of the grades from all sources. B) an average of all of the norm-referenced scores. C) a point system. D) percentage grading.


42) Which one of the following situations requires a norm-referenced evaluation? A) Assessing whether an individual has been drinking too much to drive B) Certifying whether a newly graduated education student can perform satisfactorily as a teacher C) Hiring one manager from a pool of ten applicants for a large department store D) Reporting to parents about how much students have learned during the semester


49) The most important attribute of a norming sample is that it should be A) completely random. B) large and diverse. C) limited in size. D) similar to future test-takers.


6) The term objective as used in objective testing refers to the A) content goals of the items. B) goal(s) of the test. C) type of material covered. D) way the test is scored.


20) Which one of the following procedures best reflects performance assessment? A) Making a class presentation that utilizes more than one medium to demonstrate the steps to follow in designing a specific communication B) Performing well enough on the SAT to obtain a combined Verbal and Quantitative score of at least 1080 C) Submitting a journal that will be evaluated on the basis of whether it contains notes for each class meeting D) Writing an essay on the "Republican Revolution" in the 1994 elections, citing primary social, economic, and political forces that led to this event


1) "We will have weekly quizzes, but your final grade will be based only on the midterm and final exam." This decision implies that the quizzes are to be used for what type of evaluation? A) Criterion-referenced B) Formative C) Norm-referenced D) Summative


12) The most important use of essay tests is to A) measure simple learning outcomes. B) measure complex learning outcomes. C) reduce grading time. D) sample a wide variety of learning outcomes.


15) The most defensible practice for scoring essay tests is to evaluate A) all parts of one student's paper before going on the next student's paper. B) each one of the items for all students with reference to its respective model answers. C) each question as acceptable or unacceptable and assign equal weight to each question. D) the response for each question with regard to content, organization, and mechanics, with each factor weighted equally.


23) Which one of the following statements is TRUE regarding the use of portfolios in assessment? A) Criterion-referenced rather than norm-referenced grading should be used. B) Only positive samples of student performances should be selected for a portfolio. C) Portfolios work best with older students (middle or high school). D) Teachers rather than students should select the work to be included in the portfolio.


35) A typical criterion-referenced report card that reports student learning tends to be A) complex and time-consuming for teachers. B) constructive for group comparisons. C) convenient but not helpful for many students. D) practical for elementary grades but not for high school.


16) Which one of the following strategies does NOT tend to increase the reliability of essay test grades? A) Base your ratings on a model answer that you have constructed. B) Grade all essay items for each student in turn based on a pre-established point system. C) Have students place their names on the back of their test papers. D) Score all responses to one essay item before moving on to the next item.


17) Identify the type of objective test item that is most appropriate for measuring the following specific learning outcome: "Select the best reason for a specific action from a given list of alternatives." A) Essay B) Multiple-choice C) Short-answer D) True-false


13) All of the following statements are true of essay tests EXCEPT: A) Each question should give students a precise task. B) Less material can be covered in essay than in multiple-choice tests. C) Students should be able to answer the questions in a few words for the sake of efficiency. D) Questions should measure the higher-level objectives.


19) The key feature of authentic assessments is A) development of tests by professional evaluators. B) high test-retest reliability. C) testing in a realistic context. D) use of essays as the primary form of testing.


21) Which one of the following sources would be the LEAST likely product to be found in a student's 277 portfolio? A) Artistic products B) Peer comments C) Standardized test results D) Written products


28) Do evaluations of portfolios, exhibitions, and other types of authentic assessment products have the same measurement concerns as those for classroom and standardized tests? A) No, because authentic assessments are constructed by the students themselves. B) No, because authentic assessments are inherently valid and fair to students. C) Yes, because authentic assessments have the same potential for invalidity and unfairness. D) Yes, because authentic assessments promote learning better than paper-and-pencil tests.


32) Grades should be tied to meaningful course objectives so that A) high-ability students will be motivated to pursue worthwhile goals. B) low-ability students will be motivated to pursue worthwhile goals. C) students do not have to choose between learning and making a grade. D) the course objectives can be tested fairly and reliably.


33) Julie looked over her paper. She had a C- in spite of the fact that she tried as hard as she could to write an innovative paper. There did not seem to be any marks for mechanical errors on the paper. When she questioned her teacher about the grade, he told her, "You did not write your review of the story in the same way as the other students." The LEAST likely result of the teacher's actions will be to A) decrease Julie's attempts to be more creative. B) develop a poor self-concept in Julie. C) increase Julie's efforts to be creative. D) make Julie give up studying for this class


43) A local high school developed a math achievement test and used the results to determine the selection of students for an advanced placement course with a limited number of seats. What type of test should be used? A) Criterion-referenced B) Diagnostic C) Norm-referenced D) Standardized


44) A teacher who is interested in finding out how well a student is doing in class compared to students in other schools should use what type of test? A) Criterion-referenced B) Diagnostic 284 C) Norm-referenced D) Teacher-designed


45) Criterion-referenced tests are used primarily to assess A) achievement of general instructional goals. B) each student's achievement compared to other students. C) mastery of specific objectives. D) the range of achievement in a large group.


46) A school administrator wants to identify the top 10 percent of the senior students in order to recommend them for scholarship competition at the highest rated university in the state. What testing purpose would serve the administrator's purpose? A) Criterion-referenced B) Diagnostic C) Norm-referenced D) Standardized


47) For which one of the following situations would a criterion-referenced test be the most appropriate measure to use? A) Assessing the range of abilities in a large, mixed-ability group of students 285 B) Comparing students' general ability in specific subject areas such as English, algebra, or general science C) Measuring mastery of basic competencies in addition and subtraction D) Selecting candidates for a teaching position when only a few openings are available


8) Which one of the following actions is a limitation of multiple-choice tests? A) Allow for bluffing B) Are difficult to grade C) Can be difficult to prepare D) Cannot measure higher-order learning


9) What guideline for writing multiple-choice items is violated in the following item stem? "A normreferenced test is..." A) Each alternative must fit the grammatical form of the item. B) Item stems should be stated in simple terms. C) The stem should include a complete question. D) Unessential details should be omitted in the item stem


10) When you write multiple-choice items, you should use A) as much wording as possible in the distractors. B) distractors that require fine discriminations. C) "none of the above" less frequently than "all of the above." D) stems that present a single problem.


11) What is the most serious problem in the multiple-choice test item that you are now reading? A) Distractor responses should be clearly incorrect. B) Students should not have to discriminate between the alternative choices. C) The response choices include two distractors that essentially have the same meaning. D) The stem does not present a single, straightforward problem.


14) What is the major problem in scoring essay tests? A) Difficulty with establishing time limits for responding B) Limiting the content covered compared to objective tests C) Restricting the tasks to more complex learning outcomes D) Subjectivity in assessing the learning products


24) Which one of the following procedures would improve the reliability and validity of grading short essay tests, thus refuting the complaint of sensitivity to bias and variability in grading? A) Administering more pretests B) Grading on the curve C) Implementing a contract system D) Using a scoring rubric


26) The basic difference between rating scales and scoring rubrics is that A) rating scales provide general descriptions of overall performance, while scoring rubrics provide specific feedback. B) rating scales provide norm-referenced interpretations of performance, while scoring rubrics provide criterion-referenced interpretations. C) scoring rubrics provide criterion-referenced interpretations of performance, while rating scales provide norm-referenced interpretations. D) scoring rubrics provide general descriptions of overall performance, while rating scales provide specific feedback.


29) With regard to the practice of retaining or "holding back" students with failing grades, Woolfolk's general recommendation is that A) promotion should include resource room assignments as well as one-to-one tutoring when needed. B) promotion underscores the idea that poor performances bring negative consequences. C) retention is usually better for self-esteem and performance than undeserved promotion. D) students should be promoted with their peers but provided with extra help in the summer or the next year.


30) Ms. Bateman writes "the answer is just great" as the only comment on a student's paper. Based on Woolfolk's discussion of feedback, this type of feedback is A) less appropriate if Ms. Bateman is a tenth-grade teacher than a fourth-grade teacher. B) more appropriate if Ms. Bateman is a tenth-grade teacher than a fourth-grade teacher. C) more appropriate for an essay test than for a multiple-choice test. D) rarely appropriate regardless of grade level or type of test.


37) When teachers want to give different weights to tests and assignments, it is most appropriate to use a what type of grading system? A) Criterion-referenced B) Normal curve 282 C) Percentage D) Point or norm-referenced


4) At the beginning of the semester, Mr. Rumstead gave a formative test for the purposes of setting objectives. At the end of the course he gave the same test to determine grades. The second time this test was given, it was used as what type of test? A) Aptitude B) Diagnostic C) Formative D) Summative


40) The fundamental purpose of educational assessment is to A) determine the quality of the outcomes being judged. B) identify which programs or people are superior to others. C) obtain objective data that express performances in quantitative terms. D) provide information to support decision-making.


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