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Janet, whose class presentation is titled "Current Views on the Causes of Schizophrenia," concludes her talk with the statement:

"Genes may predispose some people to react to particular experiences by developing schizophrenia."

A current authoritative scheme for classifying psychological disorders is known as the:


Which of the following is true of the medical model?

It views psychological disorders as sicknesses that are diagnosable and treatable.

Which of the following statements concerning the labeling of disordered behaviors is not true?

Labels interfere with effective treatment of psychological disorders.

Professor McIntosh emphasizes that depression often involves the interactive influences of self-focused rumination, rejection from others, and low serotonin levels. The professor's emphasis best illustrates:

a biopsychosocial approach.

A generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by:

a continuous state of tension, apprehension, and autonomic nervous system arousal.

William, an airplane pilot, is unable to remember anything of a bombing raid in which his plane was severely damaged and two crew members were killed. Because he himself suffered no physical injuries, psychologists suspect that William probably suffers from:

a dissociative disorder.

Among the following, which is generally accepted as a possible cause of schizophrenia?

a genetic predisposition

Elaine feels that her life is empty, has lost all interest in her career and hobbies, and wonders if she would be better off dead. She is most likely suffering from:

a mood disorder

Irene occasionally experiences unpredictable episodes of intense dread accompanied by chest pains and a sensation of smothering. Since her symptoms have no apparent cause, they would probably be classified as indicative of:

a panic attack

While he was studying, Matthew was suddenly overwhelmed by feelings of intense apprehension. For several minutes he felt so agitated that he could not catch his breath. Matthew was most likely suffering from:

a panic attack.

Although Mark realizes that his behavior is unreasonable, he is so alarmed by high bridges or expressway overpasses that he avoids them by taking an unnecessarily lengthy route to and from work each day. Mark appears to suffer from:

a phobia

Kaylee is so afraid of spiders and insects that she avoids most outdoor activities and even refuses to go to the basement of her own house alone. Kaylee appears to suffer from:

a phobia

Joe has an intense, irrational fear of snakes. He is suffering from:

a phobia.

An immediate and irrational anxiety response to the mere sight of blood is indicative of:

a specific phobia.

Research evidence links the brain abnormalities of schizophrenia to ________ during prenatal development.

a viral infection contracted

The onset of schizophrenia is typically associated with early:


Anxiety about being in places or situations from which escape might be difficult is indicative of:


Sadie is so fearful of being overwhelmed by anxiety that she rarely steps outside her apartment. The thought of going shopping and getting lost in a crowd terrifies her, so she has her groceries delivered. Because of her fear, she earns her living as a freelance writer, working at home. Sadie's behavior is most characteristic of:


The avoidance of situations in which help may not be available when panic strikes is most characteristic of:


The effect of drugs that block receptors for dopamine is to:

alleviate schizophrenia symptoms.

One of the negative symptoms of schizophrenia is:

an expressionless face.

Mrs. Swift is alarmed by her own intrusive and irrational thoughts that her house is contaminated by germs. Her experience best illustrates the agitating effects of:

an obsession.

Phobias and obsessive-compulsive behaviors are classified as:

anxiety disorders.

Most mental health workers today take the view that disordered behaviors:

arise from the interaction of nature and nurture.

A fundamental problem with the diagnostic labeling of psychologically disordered behaviors is that the labels often:

bias our perceptions of the labeled person.

George Frideric Handel composed his Messiah during three weeks of intense, creative energy. Many believe Handel suffered a mild form of:

bipolar disorder

In which disorder do people alternate between states of lethargic hopelessness and wild overexcitement?

bipolar disorder

DSM-IV is most likely to be criticized for:

classifying an excessively broad range of human behaviors as psychologically disordered.

Repeatedly washing your hands is to ________ as repeatedly thinking about your own death is to ________.

compulsion; obsession

Mr. Hunt believes that he is the president of the United States and that he will soon become the "King of the Universe." Mr. Hunt is most clearly suffering from:


Mr. James believes that people are constantly laughing at him and that FBI agents are trying to steal his life savings. Mr. James is most clearly suffering from:


Which of the following is the most pervasive of the psychological disorders?


Among women, the stresses and demoralization of poverty are especially likely to precipitate:


The ability of mental health professionals to quickly communicate the characteristics of their patients' complex symptoms is most clearly facilitated by the use of:

diagnostic labels.

A sense of being separated from your body and watching yourself with a sense of detachment is a symptom of:


Disruptions in conscious awareness and sense of identity are most characteristic of ________ disorders.


Dr. Jekyll, whose second personality was Mr. Hyde, had a(n) ________ disorder


Schizophrenia is associated with an excess of receptors for:


The prominent feature of mood disorders is the experience of:

emotional extremes.

Our early ancestors commonly attributed disordered behavior to:

evil spirits

The DSM-IV does not:

explain the causes of the various psychological disorders.

Lenore is unexplainably and continually tense and is plagued by muscle tension, sleeplessness, and an inability to concentrate. Lenore most likely suffers from:

generalized anxiety disorder.

Rishi, a college student, complains that he feels apprehensive and fearful most of the time but doesn't know why. Without warning, his heart begins to pound, his hands get icy, and he breaks out in a cold sweat. Rishi most likely suffers from:

generalized anxiety disorder.

Hearing voices would be a(n) ________; believing that you are Napoleon would be a(n) ________.

hallucination; delusion

Dopamine overactivity appears to be most clearly related to:


Michael complains that threatening voices are constantly telling him that he is so evil he should drown himself. Michael is experiencing:


Wilma is extremely agitated because she hears voices that tell her to sexually seduce the male nurses in her hospital ward. Wilma is most clearly suffering from:


Vigorous activity in the thalamus of schizophrenia patients has been found to be associated with:

hearing voices.

Most of the hallucinations of schizophrenia patients involve the sense of:


During the manic phase of bipolar disorder, individuals are most likely to experience:

high self-esteem

The experience of depression ________ risk taking and ________ aggression.

inhibits; inhibits

The diagnostic reliability of DSM-IV:

is relatively high.

The greatest shortcoming associated with explanations of psychological disorders in terms of demon possession is that these explanations:

led to some harsh and ineffective remedial treatments.

For the last month, Gabrielle has felt lethargic and has been unable to get out of bed in the morning. She has withdrawn from friends and family because she feels worthless and unlovable. Gabrielle is most likely suffering from:

major depressive disorder.

For the past six months, a woman has complained of feeling isolated from others, dissatisfied with life, and discouraged about the future. This woman could be diagnosed as suffering from:

major depressive disorder.

A disorder in which an individual is overexcited, hyperactive, and wildly optimistic is known as:


Elmer, the owner of an auto service station, suddenly began smashing the front fenders and hoods of two customers' cars. When asked why, he excitedly explained that he was transforming the cars into "real racing machines." When an employee tried to restrain him, he shouted that everybody was fired and quickly began breaking the car windows. Elmer is exhibiting symptoms of:


Mr. Hoffman has always been cautious with his money, but over the past two weeks he has developed grandiose plans to bet his entire life savings on a single horse race. With unrestrained exuberance he has also been giving everybody he sees unsolicited advice on how to make millions in the stock market. Mr. Hoffman's behavior is most indicative of:


It would be most difficult to use the ________ to explain why anorexia nervosa occurs mostly in Western cultures.

medical model

Psychologists are least likely to suggest that ________ contribute(s) to the development of schizophrenia.

neglectful child-rearing practices

Cecil is preoccupied with thoughts of jumping out the window of his tenthfloor apartment. In order to reduce his anxiety, he frequently counts his heartbeats aloud. Cecil would most likely be diagnosed as experiencing:

obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Jason is so preoccupied with staying clean that he showers as many as 10 times each day. Jason would be diagnosed as suffering from a(n):

obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The billionaire aviator Howard Hughes insisted that his assistants carry out elaborate hand-washing rituals and wear white gloves when handling any document he would later touch. His behavior best illustrated the symptoms of:

obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Without success, Maxine spends hours each day trying to suppress intrusive thoughts that she might have forgotten to lock her house when she left for work. Her experience is most symptomatic of:

obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Obsessions are:

offensive and unwanted thoughts that persistently preoccupy a person.

Which of the following is not a symptom of schizophrenia?

panic attacks

Symptoms that may be misperceived as a heart attack are most characteristic of:

panic disorder.

Delusions of persecution are most common among those with ________ schizophrenia


Which of the following is currently the most prevalent psychological disorder in the United States?


Years after he barely survived a terrorist attack that killed his wife and two children, Mr. Puskari suffers recurring flashbacks and frequent nightmares of the event that render him incapable of holding a steady job. Mr. Puskari is most clearly showing signs of:

post-traumatic stress disorder

Positive symptoms of schizophrenia are the ________ of inappropriate behaviors, and negative symptoms are the ________ of appropriate behaviors.

presence; absence

Noah's therapist suggests that Noah developed a dissociative identity disorder in order to misbehave without feeling a strong sense of personal shame. The therapist's suggestion most directly reflects a ________ perspective.


Sudden development of symptoms is to gradual development of symptoms as ________ schizophrenia is to ________ schizophrenia.

reactive; chronic

Evidence that symptoms of dissociative identity disorder are triggered by the suggestions and leading questions of therapists most clearly points out the importance of ________ in the onset of this disorder.


If identical twins share a single placenta rather than having separate placentas, their chances of being similarly affected by ________ are dramatically increased.


A breakdown in selective attention is most likely to be experienced by those who suffer from:


Claiming that she heard a voice commanding her to warn other people that eating is harmful, Sandy attempts to convince others in a restaurant not to eat. The psychiatrist to whom she is referred finds that Sandy's thinking and speech are often fragmented and incoherent. In addition, Sandy has an unreasonable fear that someone is "out to get her" and consequently trusts no one. Her condition is most indicative of:


Flat affect and catatonia are symptoms most closely associated with:


Jabar, a 25-year-old auto mechanic, thinks he is Napoleon. He further believes he is being imprisoned against his will in the psychiatric hospital where his relatives have brought him for treatment. Jabar is most likely suffering from:


Low birth weight is a known risk factor for:


Wayne's doctor attempts to help Wayne by prescribing a drug that blocks receptors for dopamine. Wayne has apparently been diagnosed with:


When children are told that certain classmates are learning disabled, they may behave in ways that inhibit the success of these students in the classroom. This best illustrates the dangers of:

self-fulfilling prophecies

The medical model of psychologically disordered behavior is most likely to be criticized for neglecting the importance of:

social circumstances and psychological factors.

An incapacitating and highly distressing fear about being embarrassed in the presence of others is most characteristic of:

social phobia.

A World Health Organization study of 20 countries estimated that ________ had the highest prevalence of mental disorders during the prior year.

the United States

Both the inseparability of mind and body and the interaction of nature and nurture are most clearly emphasized by:

the biopsychosocial approach.

The discovery that psychologically disordered behavior could result from syphilis infections facilitated the credibility and acceptance of:

the medical model.

Research on the causes of schizophrenia strongly suggests that:

there is a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia.

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