2019 NCAA Study Questions

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A 4/12 @ A-44; A snaps the ball with five players in the backfield, and the punt is partially blocked. The ball hits at the A-48 and then bounces backwards and out of bounds at the A-42.

B 1/10 @ A37; 25/SNAP- Because the kick crossed the neutral zone, A's penalty can be enforced from the spot where the subsequent dead ball belongs to B. (2/3)

Runner A31 is wrapped up by several Team B players and is pulled to the ground. After A31 is on the ground and the officials signal the play dead, B44 drives the crown of his helmet into A31's back. A flag is thrown and the referee announces (a) a foul on B44 for targeting with the crown of the helmet; (b) a foul for unnecessary roughness on B44.

RULING: (a) The play is reviewed for all aspects of the targeting ruling: whether there was an indicator of targeting and whether forcible contact was made with the crown of the helmet. Confirm targeting foul and B44 is disqualified. (b) The replay official will stop the game and create a foul for targeting. B44 is disqualified. (CB 170)

Quarterback A7 drops back to pass. Blitzing linebacker B52 is unblocked. As A7 throws the ball, B52 tackles him, with his head up, making contact to the head with his shoulder. The referee throws a flag and (a) announces a foul for targeting a defenseless player; or (b) announces a foul for roughing the passer.

RULING: (a) The play is reviewed for all aspects of the targeting ruling: whether there was an indicator of targeting, whether A7 was defenseless, and whether forcible contact was made above the shoulders. Reverse the ruling of targeting and B52 is not disqualified. (b) The replay official confirms the ruling on the field of no targeting. The roughing the passer foul is enforced. (CB 174)

Passer A12 is looking downfield to pass the ball. Defender B52 sheds a block and lowers his head, driving the crown of his helmet with force into the chest of the quarterback. The referee: (a) throws a flag and announces a foul for targeting and contact with the crown of the helmet; (b) throws a flag and announces roughing the passer; (c) does not throw a flag.

RULING: (a) The play must be reviewed because the ruling on the field is for targeting with the crown of the helmet, which carries a disqualification. The replay official stops the game to review all aspects of the targeting ruling: whether there was an indicator of targeting and whether forcible contact was made with the crown of the helmet. The replay official will confirm targeting foul and B52 is disqualified. (b) and (c) The replay official will stop the game and create a foul for targeting. B52 is disqualified. (CB 169)

Third-and-five at the B-25. The ball carrier is about to cross the goal line and drops the ball, either right before or right after breaking the plane of the goal line. No official makes any signal and there is no whistle. The players scramble for the ball and it is recovered on the ground in the end zone. (a) Officials rule that the offense recovers and signal touchdown. (b) Officials rule that the defense recovers and signal touchback.

RULING: (a) The replay official would not stop the game for a review, since the result is a touchdown no matter where the ball carrier dropped the ball. (b) Reviewable only to determine where the ball carrier was when he dropped the ball. If Replay rules that he had not crossed the goal line before losing the ball, the ruling of a touchback is confirmed. If Replay rules that he had crossed the goal line before losing the ball, the ruling on the field is reversed to a touchdown. (CB Fumble Play 103)

A 2/10 @ A-45 with 0:08 remaining in 2Q; A19 throws a pass. B31, with his back to the ball, contacts A88 at the B-7 before the ball arrives. A88 still makes the catch, stumbles, and falls at the B-2. Time expires on the play.

RULING: A 1/10 @ B-40; 25/EXTEND- Team A must accept the penalty from the previous spot to extend for an untimed down. A could decline the pass interference and go to halftime. (2/2)

A 1st/10 @ A-35. Guard A55 in pass protection continues to force his hands to the face of B90, whose helmet comes off as a result. QB A12 fumbles the ball at the A-25. B90 runs after the ball and recovers it at the A-30.

RULING: A 1st/10 @ A-35, ready. Offsetting fouls. No options. B90 commits a personal foul for participating after losing his helmet. However, B90 may remain in the game. (6/6)

A 2nd/7 at the B-27. QB A17 takes the snap, rolls out to his left, and runs to the B-26 where he pitches the ball backward toward the sideline to A88 who is at the B-28. Prior to the pass arriving, B90 blocks A88 below the waist from the front at the B-28. The ball sails out of bounds at the B-30.

RULING: A 1st/10 at the B-13, ready unless under 2 min in the half. (6/2)

A 1/10 @ B-27 with 0:15 remaining in 4Q and Team A with no timeouts; A55 short-hops the shotgun snap to A19 at the B-32. A19 fields the snap and immediately throws the ball to the ground with 0:12 remaining.

RULING: A 2/15 @ B-32; NO PLAY CLOCK/RFP/-10" WITH GAME CLOCK 0:02- Because the ball touched the ground, A19 may not legally spike the ball to stop the clock. The clock is under 1:00 in 4Q; so, incomplete illegal forward passes carry a 10" runoff. Accepting the runoff will cause the game clock to start on the ready for play. (2/1)

A 2nd/14 at the A-5. A12 takes the snap and scrambles back into A's end zone. As A12 is looking for a receiver, B40 holds eligible receiver A88 at the A-12. Subsequently, A12 is sacked in his end zone.

RULING: A 2nd/4 at the A-15, snap. No automatic first down for the defensive holding foul because no forward pass was thrown beyond the NZ. (6/1)

A 4/4 @ A-36 with 0:03 remaining in 1Q; A snaps the ball while upback A49 is moving forward. A1 punts, and B2 catches the ball at the B-25. B2 is tackled at the A-35 with 0:00 on the game clock. During the return, B16 blocked A19 in the back at the 50.

RULING: A 4/4 @ A-36; 25/EXTEND; or B 1/10 @ B40; 5/EXTEND- B can choose to enforce A's illegal motion which will create offsetting fouls. B can also decline A's illegal motion to keep possession of the ball. If so, the illegal block in the back will be penalized from the spot of the foul. Either way, the quarter must be extended with an untimed down. (2/4)

Third and seven at the A-33. QB A17 rolls to his right and when outside of the tackle box, throws a pass from the A-25 that lands out of bounds and beyond the NZ extended. There were no eligible receivers in the area of A17's pass. When the ball left the QBs hand A75 was at the A38.

RULING: A 4/7 at A-33 snap/40. By interpretation/philosophy, no foul for ineligible receiver downfield when the ball is legally grounded at or near the sideline. (3/2)

Fourth and five at the B-25. Team A is in a scrimmage formation and lined up to attempt a FG. B44 is lined up at the B-20 and at the snap runs forward to the B-22 and leaps straight up into the air as high as he can in an attempt to block the kick. B55 goes straight up and down and does not make contact with any players. A5's FG attempt sails wide right of the goal post.

RULING: B 1/10 at B-25/snap/25. No foul for leaping as B44 did not break the plane directly above the frame of the body of an opponent. (3/6)

Fourth and nine at the B-49. A5's punt hits at the B-4, bounces over the goal line and is airborne when A44 bats it back into the field of play. The kick is recovered by B33 at the B-3 and advanced to the B-12 before being tackled. During the kick B19 held an opponent at the B-18.

RULING: B 1/10 at B-9 snap/25. When rule 6-3-11 is in effect (legal batting of a kick in the EZ) the PSK spot is the 20-yard line. (3/3)

Kickoff at the A-35. A85's kick is high and deep. B90 signals for a fair catch while standing one yard deep in the EZ when he muffs the kick into the air. B11 catches the ball at the B-1. The officials correctly whistle the ball dead.

RULING: B 1st/10 at the B-25, snap. The ball is returned to the spot where it was first muffed by the player who gave a fair catch signal (6-5-1-b), resulting in a touchback. (6/3)

A 4th/10 @ A-5. Punter A80 is standing in his end zone when he punts. The ball crosses the NZ and strikes B95 in the helmet at the A-8. The ball then rebounds back into Team A's end zone, where A95 recovers it and carries it to the A-10.

RULING: Safety, 2 points for B. A free kick @ A-20, free kick rules. The ball becomes dead when A95 recovers it because it was a scrimmage kick that had crossed the NZ. (6/4)

A 3rd/Goal at the B-3. A10 takes the direct snap, fumbles at the B-2 and the ball rolls into B's end zone. B51 recovers in the end zone, attempts to run the ball out, then is tackled in the end zone with the ball never coming into the field of play. During B51's run, B83 clips at the B-6.

RULING: B 1st/10 at the B-3, snap. The basic spot for the penalty is the B-20 (10-2-2-d2-(a)), and the team in possession fouls behind the basic spot. So the enforcement spot is the B-6. (6/5)

A 4th/15 at the A-35. Punter A15's punt is partially blocked and goes high in the air behind the LOS when B80 gives a fair catch signal at the A-30. The ball hits the ground behind the NZ at the A-28 and is picked up there by: (a) B90 who carries it into A's end zone; (b) A90 who carries it into B's end zone.

RULING: In both (a) and (b), B 1st/10 at A-28, snap (A.R. 6-5-3-I; 2-8-1-a; 4-1-3-g). The ball is dead when recovered by either team after a valid or invalid signal. (6/7)

A 3/8 @ A-7; A19 drops back in the pocket in the end zone. B99 beats A77 and is about to make the sack when A77 pushes him in the back above the waist. B99 goes to the ground in the end zone. A19 completes a pass to A88 for a touchdown.

RULING: TOUCHDOWN- A TRY @ B-3; 25/NO CLOCK- As long as the QB is in the pocket, this block is considered legal per AR 9-3-3-IX. (2/5)

Fourth and seven at the A-33. Kicker A5 muffs the long snap, recovers the loose ball and scrambles away from the defensive rush. At the A-35 he punts the ball downfield on a low line drive. The ball hits B33 at the 50-yard line before it falls to the ground. A44 pounces on the loose ball at the B47.

RULING: Ruling: B 1/10 at A-28/snap/25. Illegal kick beyond the NZ is a live-ball foul that causes the ball to become dead. The penalty is 5 yards from the previous spot and loss of down. (3/7)

Fourth and ten at the B-30. Score is A24-B28. Less than 1 minute remains in the game. QB A17 scrambles and approaches the LTG. He begins his slide at the B-22 and at the B-21, is hit in the helmet by B55's forearm. Three flags are thrown for targeting.

RULING: B 1/10 at B-11 snap/25. A17 is down by rule at the B-22. If targeting is confirmed, DQ B55. No ten second subtraction as the clock was stopped to award team B a new series. NOTE: In this play, there is also no replay stoppage instigated 10-second subtraction possibility to consider because there was no reversal. (3/4)

Kickoff from A-35. A5's kick is allowed to hit the ground at the B-5 and kick receiver B20, running towards his own goal line, recovers the kick at the B-2 and continues into the EZ. He starts to return the kick from three yards deep in the EZ, is hit and fumbles the ball forward into the field of play and OOB at the B 3-yard line.

RULING: B 1/10 at B-2 snap/40. Fumble forward OOB and momentum rules are both in effect. (3/5)

Quarterback A12 hands the ball to back A22 who sweeps to his left and crosses into the defensive secondary. Anticipating a tackle, he goes into a feet-first slide. Linebacker B55 dives and drives his forearm into the side of A22's head as he is sliding. The line judge drops his flag and reports to the referee a foul by B55 for targeting to the head-neck area of a defenseless player.

RULING: Instant Replay stops the game for a review of all aspects of this play. The review includes looking for an indicator of targeting, whether A22 was defenseless, and whether the contact to the head was forcible. Confirm ruling on the field of targeting and B55 is disqualified. (CB 176)

Third and 1 on the B-35. Ball carrier A22 runs down the sideline and the Line Judge rules that he stepped out of bounds at the B-15. A22 continues to run and crosses the goal line. Replays show that A22 did not step out of bounds.

RULING: Not reviewable as A22 did not cross the goal line in the immediate continuing action following the out of bounds ruling. A 1-10 on B-15. (CB 141)

Third and 1 on the B-35. Ball carrier A22 takes a hand off and runs to the B-25 where he stumbles. He regains his balance and crosses Team B's goal line in possession of the ball. The Head Linesman rules that he was down at the B-25. Replays show that A22 was not down.

RULING: Not reviewable as A22 did not cross the goal line in the immediate continuing action following the out of bounds ruling. A 1-10 on B-25. (CB 142)

During a free kick from the A-35, A80 steps out of bounds (no contact) as he goes downfield to cover the play. He then recovers the ball at the 50-yard line hash mark. No flag is thrown, and the officials rule Team A's ball at the 50.

RULING: Not reviewable. Fouls that are not specified by rule are not reviewable regardless of potential competitive impact on outcome of game. (CB Non-Reviewable Play 17)

A 3/25 @ 50; B27 intercepts A9's pass and is tackled immediately at the B- 20 with the clock showing 0:00 in 3Q. As he gets up, B27 taunts receiver A80. Video evidence clearly shows the clock at 0:00 before the ball was snapped.

RULING: REVIEWABLE- A 1/10 @ B-35; 4Q/25/SNAP- 3Q ended clear of penalties. The UNS will count toward B9's disqualification, will be penalized 15 yards from the previous spot, and will also carry an automatic first down. (2/6)

A 3/G @ B-4; A33 fumbles at the B-6, and the ball rolls near the end zone where A80 recovers for a TD with 0:50 remaining in 4Q. Video evidence clearly shows the ball glance off B33 with a foot on the sideline at the B-1 immediately before the recovery by A80.

RULING: REVIEWABLE- A 4/G @ B-6; 25/RFP- This is a fumble forward out of bounds. The ball goes back to the spot of the fumble, and the clock begins with the ready for play. There is no 10" runoff because the clock should have stopped for the ball being out of bounds. (2/8)

First possession of OT- A 1/10 @ B-25; A snaps the ball with five players in the backfield. A19 drops back and throws an interception to B11 who returns it for a touchdown. Video evidence clearly shows B99 forcibly contacting the head of A19 at the B-35 during the return.

RULING: REVIEWABLE- CANCEL THE TD; DQ B99; B 1/10 @ A-40; 25/NO CLOCK- Penalties for flagrant personal fouls are enforced on the succeeding play in extra periods. (2/7)

Third and ten at the B-40. A17's pass is caught by A88 at the B-39. The SJ has a flag for OPI as A90 was blocking downfield on the play. The HL comes in and tells the crew that the pass was caught at the B-41. The Referee announces, "No foul, as the ball was caught behind the NZ".

RULING: Replay may take a look at this play and rule on where the pass was first touched. That will determine if the pass (by definition) was behind or beyond the line, and therefore whether or not a foul was committed. (3/8)

Fourth and 10 on the B-20. Ball carrier A22 runs to the B-11 and fumbles. A30 recovers at the B-5. The Head Linesman rules fumble and brings the ball back to the B-9.

RULING: Reviewable play regarding the spot of the fumble. Reverse to B 1-10 on B11, reset game clock. This is reviewable because it involves the line to gain and would be the same ruling had it been a forward fumble out of bounds (Rules 12-3-3-e and 12-3-3-f ). (CB Spot of Fumble Play 93)

Third and 10 on the 50. A low pass to the B-30 is close to the ground as defender B45 attempts to intercept it, and the ball is batted upward. A80 catches the ball and carries it across Team B's goal line. The Back Judge rules the pass incomplete, but replays show the ball did not touch the ground.

RULING: Reviewable play, regarding whether the pass is complete or incomplete. Reverse to A 1-10 on B-30. Team A is awarded the catch but no advance. Start clock on the Referee's signal for play (Rule 12-3-2-a). (CB Passing Play 28)

First and 10 on the A-20. A10 wants to throw a forward pass to receiver A80, but after realizing A80 is covered, he attempts to stop his throwing motion, but before he can bring the ball back towards his body, he loses it and B77 recovers at the A-24. The Referee rules fumble.

RULING: Reviewable play, regarding whether the result is a fumble or incomplete forward pass. Reverse to incomplete pass, A 2-10 on A-20, reset game clock. It is a pass if the ball comes loose at any point after the hand starts forward until the passer starts to bring the ball back towards his body. (Rule 12-3-3-a). (CB Forward Pass or Fumble Play 74)

First and goal on the B-10. Ball carrier A22 runs down the sideline and dives for the end zone pylon. The Line Judge rules that he stepped out at the 2-yard line before he left his feet. Replays show that A22 did not step out of bounds and that the ball while in his possession broke the plane of the goal line inside the pylon before he landed out of bounds.

RULING: Reviewable play. Reverse to touchdown. If the runner crosses the goal line in the immediate continuing action following the out of bounds ruling replay can award a score. Adjust clock as necessary (Rule 12-3-1-a). (CB 131)

Third and 1 on the B-35. Ball carrier A22 runs and the Line Judge rules that his left knee touched the ground at the B-4. A22 continues running and crosses the goal line in the immediate continuing action. Replays show that A22 was not down during his run.

RULING: Reviewable play. Reverse to touchdown. If the runner crosses the goal line in the immediate continuing action following the ruling of down replay can award a score. Adjust clock as necessary (Rule 12-3-1-a). (CB 132)

Fourth and 5 at the A-20. B45 muffs a punted ball in the middle of the field at the 50. A80 and B45 gain simultaneous possession there, and the officials award possession to A80.

RULING: Reviewable. B 1-10 on 50. Simultaneous possession of a kick is awarded to Team B. (CB 115)

During a kick return, the runner starts at one side of the field and runs toward the other. Kicking team player A55 is pursuing the runner. Return team player B38 leads with the shoulder and targets A55 with a blind-side block. B38 contacts A55 (a) in the shoulder; (b) clearly to head/neck area; (c) initially in the shoulder, but he also makes significant forcible contact to the head/neck area. In all three cases, a flag is thrown and a blind-side block with targeting is announced as the foul.

RULING: The game is stopped to review all aspects of the targeting ruling. (a) Contact to the shoulder is not a foul for targeting and B38 should not be disqualified. The blind-side block foul is enforced. (b) and (c) The play is reviewed as to whether there was an indicator of targeting, and whether forcible contact was made to the head/neck area. Confirm targeting foul and B38 is disqualified. (CB 173)

Receiver A82 runs a pattern across the middle of the field and leaps to catch the pass. Defender B28 launches toward A82 and makes forcible contact to A82's head/neck area, drawing a flag from the back judge. The referee announces a foul for targeting a defenseless player.

RULING: The game must be stopped for instant replay review. The play is reviewed for all aspects of the targeting ruling: whether there was an indicator of targeting, whether A82 was defenseless, and whether forcible contact was made to the head/neck area. Confirm targeting foul and B28 is disqualified. (CB 171)

On a pass play over the middle, defensive back B33 launches and drives the crown of his helmet into receiver A88 who is leaping for the ball. The back judge throws his flag for Defensive Pass Interference with Targeting.

RULING: The play is reviewed for all aspects of the targeting ruling: whether there was an indicator of targeting and whether forcible contact was made with the crown of the helmet. Confirm targeting foul and B33 is disqualified. In the event that the replay official overturns the targeting call, the foul for defensive pass interference will stand and the penalty will be enforced. (CB 175)

Receiver A82 runs a pattern across the middle of the field and leaps to catch the pass. Defender B28 launches toward A82 and makes forcible contact to A82's head/neck area. The back judge throws a flag and the referee announces a foul for defensive pass interference.

RULING: The replay official will stop the game and create a foul for targeting. B28 is disqualified. (CB 172)

Third and 10 at the B-20. Shotgun QB A10 is in the pocket and under a heavy rush. A10 throws the ball at the B-35 just before defender B90 hits him from behind. Referee rules fumble, and B70 recovers at the B-25. The Instant Replay official stops the game to review for pass or fumble. The referee announces, "There is no foul for intentional grounding. The ruling on the field is a fumble, recovered by the defense."

RULING: This announcement allows Replay to create an intentional grounding foul if the ruling on the field is overturned to an incomplete pass, based on indisputable video evidence that the ball was not fumbled. Reverse to incomplete pass and intentional grounding penalty enforced, 4th-and-25 on the B-35. (CB Fwd Pass or Fumble Play 76)

The ball carrier advances to the B-2 where he is hit. The ball comes out before the runner is down, goes into the end zone and over the end line. The line judge blows his whistle when he rules the ball carrier's knee touching the ground.

RULING: This type of play is reviewable only if there is clear recovery or the ball goes out of bounds in the immediate continuing action. Reverse to B 1-10 on B-20, touchback. (CB Fumble Play 96)

Extra periods. First series. Third and seven at the B-10. A17's pass is intercepted by B44 who then runs to the B-30 where he fumbles. A88 picks up the loose ball and scores a TD. During B44's run B50 blocks A55 below the waist.

RULING: Try at B-3. Penalty is declined by rule. (3/1)

A 3/Goal @ B-9. 4th quarter :03 remaining on a running game clock. Score is A-22 / B-24. Neither team has any timeouts remaining. QB A12 takes the snap from under center and immediately spikes the ball to the ground as the game clock goes to 0:00. The Referee announces "please put one second back on the game clock." Replay clearly shows the game clock was at 0:00 before the ball strikes the ground.

Reviewable play under egregious timing error. Game over. This will determine whether the game is over or not. IR casebook #163(12-3-7) (1/1)

A 4/9 @ B-21. With :06 remaining in the 2nd quarter. Team A's field goal attempt is ruled good and time expires on the play. Replay shows that the ball cleared the cross bar by several yards, but when it hit the ground there was :01 remaining on the game clock.

Reviewable play, regarding whether the field goal attempt was good, but not whether there should be time remaining on the game clock at the end of the play. The next play would be a kickoff so time cannot be put back on the clock. IR casebook #165(12-3-6-d-2) (1/2)

A 2/8 @ A-32. A22 takes a hand-off and runs around the left side of the line where he is tackled by the facemask at the A-37. After he is tackled A82 continues his action after the ball is dead and blocks linebacker B34 who had stopped pursuit of the play since A22 was down.

Ruling: A 1/10 @ A-37, ready. Enforcement of the live ball FMM penalty results in an automatic first down for A at the B-48; however, the penalty for the dead ball personal foul is enforced prior to resetting the chains. (7/2)

A 3/7 @ A-13. A7 drops back to pass and throws the ball to the A-20 where it is intercepted by B9. B9 returns the ball to the A-14 where he is tackled. After the play B9, B14, B99, and B98 form a circle around the ball and simultaneously fall to the ground after B9 drops the ball. B40 is flagged for roughing the passer.

Ruling: A 1/10 @ A-43, ready. B9, B14, B99, and B98 are each charged with their first unsportsmanlike foul for the game. (7/3)

A 4/5 @ B-40. Punter A42's partially blocked punt travels to the B-35 when B92 touches the ball. The ball then bounds back behind the neutral zone to the B-42 where A42 scoops up the ball and runs for a TD. During the TD run, A83 commits a targeting foul at the B-27.

Ruling: A 1/10 @ A-43. Snap/25. The ball becomes dead and belongs to team A where recovered by A42. The live-ball targeting foul becomes a dead-ball foul. A83 is disqualified. NOTE: This play should be shutdown immediately upon A42 recovering and possibly prevent the targeting foul from occurring. (4/2)

A 4/4 @ A-30. A96's punt is caught by B28 at the B-15. B28 runs to the B-30 where he runs out of bounds. After clearly being out of bounds B28 throws the ball at an opponent to taunt him. Team A had more than four players in the backfield and B56 is flagged for running into the kicker.

Ruling: A 1/10 @ A-45, snap. The live ball fouls offset and enforcement of the dead ball unsportsmanlike penalty will result in an automatic first down. The unsportsmanlike foul would apply to the "counter" for B28. (7/1)

A 2/10 @ A-40. A80 catches a forward pass at the A-48 and runs to the 50 where he fumbles. B28 recovers the fumble at the 50 and is tackled at the A-35. B99 is flagged for roughing the passer A12 after the pass was thrown.

Ruling: A 1/10 @ B-45 Snap. Because there was a change of possession, the only place to enforce is from the previous spot. (5/5)

Extra Period: A 4/7 at the B-30. Team A's field goal attempt is unsuccessful and B47 is the first to touch the ball at the B-20. A26 recovers the ball at the B-17.

Ruling: A 1/10 at B-17, no clock/25. Team A's possession series continues. (9/8)

A 3/10 at the A-35. QB A10 drops back to pass and unable to find an open receiver, scrambles around the left end towards the sideline. He is tackled at the A-47. Near the end of the play, A85 blocks B28 on the opposite side of the field at the A-44. The block by A85 is from the blindside and below the shoulders, but clearly away from the play. The FJ throws his flag but is unsure if the foul occurred during or after the play.

Ruling: A 1/10 at the A-32. The result of the play is a first down for Team A. By philosophy (Personal Fouls #4), when in question regarding hits away from the ball near the end of the play, consider it a dead-ball foul rather than a live-ball foul. Because Team A made the LTG we will enforce the UNR foul (9-1-2-b) from the A-47, then set the chains and it will be first down for Team A (10-1-5). (8/6)

A 4/6 at the 50. Team A's punt is untouched beyond the neutral zone when A88 reaches across Team B's goal line and bats the ball back into the field of play. B22 muffs the ball at the B-2 and A43 recovers it at the B-6. While the ball is loose B77 holds A21 at the B10.

Ruling: A 1/10 at the B-40, snap/25. Team A may cancel the illegal touching privilege by accepting the holding penalty, which is enforced at the previous spot with the down replayed. Postscrimmage kick rules do not apply to B77's foul since Team B will not next put the ball in play. The holding penalty is enforced from the previous spot and results in a first down. 10-2-3, AR 6-3-11-III (9/4)

A 3/10 at the A-45. A10's forward pass is tipped by eligible A32 at the A-40. The pass continues to travel to the A-48 where it is caught by A88 and advanced to the B45. Ineligible A64 is downfield at the B-49 when A10's pass is thrown.

Ruling: A 1/10 at the B-45, ready. A legal forward pass has not crossed the neutral zone when it first strikes the ground, a player, an official or anything that is in or behind the neutral zone inbounds (2-19-3-a). The ball is first touched by A32 behind the neutral zone so there is no foul for IDP (7-3-10) by A64. The clock will start on the ready following the first down by Team A. (8/1)

3/2 on the A-30. Option QB A8 takes the snap and runs around the right end. As he is about to be tackled at the A-32 by defensive back B45, he pitches the ball to trailing back A25 who catches it at the A-31. A25 runs to the A-40 where he is tackled inbounds. During A8's run, defensive end B99 holds pulling guard A60 to prevent him from getting out in front of A8 and blocking B45.

Ruling: A 1/10 on the A-42. Game clock starts on the ready. The penalty for defensive holding is penalized from the end of the related run, which is A8's run. His run ends when he throws the backward pass. The spot of a backward pass beyond the neutral zone must be marked by a bean bag (CCA Mechanics Manual pages 108-109). Rule 10-2-2-d-1(b). (11/1)

A 1/10 @ A-25. QB A12 drops back and completes a pass to A88 at the A-32. A88 runs to the A-41 where he fumbles. Players from both teams attempt to recover the fumble but the officials can't determine who has the ball initially (no clear recovery), but eventually award the ball to Team A at the A-37. During the fumble while the ball was loose the Line Judge blew his whistle. Prior to the snap Team A had 5 players in the backfield. Team B's Head Coach wants to challenge the recovery of the fumble. Video replay does not show clear recovery.

Ruling: A 1/15 @ A-20. Ready. 25. The play is reviewable but because there was not a clear recovery of the ball by either team the call on the field will stand. The illegal formation by Team A takes precedence over the inadvertent whistle rule (4-1-2-b-2) for the replay of the down or allow for Team A to have the ball where A88 lost possession. (4-1-2-c) (1/6)

A 3/10 @ B-20. QB A7 drops back to pass and throws the ball to A81 in the back of the end zone for an apparent touchdown. B99 hit A7 in the chest with the crown of the helmet right after he released the ball. A81 stepped on the end line, jumps, catches the pass and lands in bounds for a touchdown.

Ruling: A 1/goal @ B-10. 25/Snap. The results of the play is an incomplete pass. Enforce TGT half the distance. B99 is DQed for targeting. (10/2)

A 2/13 @ A-27. QB A12 drops back in the pocket, as he looks to throw a pass to TE A80, B25 pulls A80 off his route and forces A12 to tuck the ball and run, at the A-29 he fumbles the ball, A65 recovers the fumble inbounds at the A-31.

Ruling: A 2/1 @ A-39 Snap. Enforce the foul from the end of the related run. (5/4)

A 1/10 @ A-40. QB A12 rolls to the left and at the A38 tosses the ball to A88 who is running to the right at the A-35. As A88, continues to the right side of the formation, under pressure by B99 at the A-34, A88 throws the ball well out of bounds so that it lands on the track at the 50 yard line extended.

Ruling: A 2/16 @ A-34 Snap. ING by A88 because he did not initially control the snap. (5/3)

A 1/10 @ 50. The score is A-13, B-13 with 1:04 remaining in the 2nd quarter and each team with one time out remaining. A7's pass is complete to A87 at the B-43 where he is tackled inbounds; however, A74 was injured on the play, and the clock is stopped at 0:58.

Ruling: A 2/3 @ B-43. Snap/25. Team A must use their timeout to avoid a 10 second runoff. If no timeout is used, the clock is set to 0:48 and starts on the ready (25 second play clock). A74 must leave for one play. (4/4)

A 3/6 @ B-42. 2nd quarter 1:41 remaining. Score is A 14 / B14. QB A12 drops back and completes a pass A83 who is downed at the B-40. A79 held B47 during the down behind the LOS.

Ruling: A 3/16 @ A-48 or A 4/4 @ B-40. 25. Team B has the option of starting the clock on the snap OR ready whether the penalty is accepted or declined. In this case it would be wise to make sure the Team B coach understands his options. (3-4-3) (1/8)

A 3/3 @ A-45. Team A lines up in a legal formation and all players are set. After a pause, QB A7 walks towards his sideline communicating with the coaches/players that are calling in the signals. The ball is snapped to the tailback who runs for a Touchdown.

Ruling: A 3/18 @ A-30 25/Snap. This is a UNS foul on Team A. The play would be legal if A7 was just walking in motion, communicating with teamates on the field and not communicating with his sideline. (10/4)

A 2/25 @ B-45. A88 steps out of bounds early in his route, but returns inbounds to catch A14's pass at the B-25 where he is tackled inbounds. While the pass was in flight, B23 interfered with A88 at the B-30.

Ruling: A 3/25 @ B-45. Ready/25. A88 loses his eligibility when going out of bounds, so there is no DPI. (4/3)

A 3/10 at A-37. Quarterback A11 sweeps to his right and goes into a feet-first slide to give himself up. When he starts his slide, the forward-most point of the ball is at the A46, and when he comes to a stop the forward-most point of the ball is at the A-48.

Ruling: A 4/1 at the A-46, running clock/40. The ball is dead at its forward-most point when the runner starts his slide. (9/5)

A 4/15 @ A-3. Score: A 21 B 20. 00:11 left in the 4th quarter. Punter A39 steps on the end line after the snap but reestablishes himself inbounds prior to fielding the snap. A39 punts the ball which is caught by B3 at the 50. B3 returns the punt for a touchdown as time expires. During the return B55 blocked A25 forcibly from the blind side @ the A-40.

Ruling: A 4/15 @ A3 or B1/10 @ B-45 25/Untimed down. B has the option to decline A's penalty but A will not decline B's because the results of the play was a TD. (10/5)

A 3/8 at the B-32, score is A7 - B10. Team A has no TO's remaining and the clock is running with 0:22 remaining when the ball is snapped. Team A is lined up for a game tying field goal when holder A4 muffs the snap and kicker A3 recovers the grounded ball at the B40 and immediately throws it forward into the ground. When the play is over, the game clock reads 0:15 seconds.

Ruling: A 4/16 at the B-40, 0:05 on the game clock, clock on the ready. A3 commits a foul for an illegal forward pass for intentional grounding by throwing the ball immediately into the ground after it has already touched the ground (7-3-2-f) and it is not a valid attempt to conserve time. This foul is a loss of down at the spot of the foul. This foul qualifies for a 10 second subtraction (3-4-4-a-2 or 3-4-4-a-3). The clock will start on the ready for play following enforcement of the foul (3-4-4-c, 3-4-3, 3-3-2-e-14). (8/3)

A 3/10 at the B-20. Shotgun QB A12 is in the pocket and under a heavy rush and goes to the right and outside the pocket. A12 then stumbles and is falling forward when he starts to attempt to throw the ball to the LOS but looks to lose control of the ball at the B-28. The ball lands at the B22 and then goes beyond the LOS where B71 falls on the ball. Referee rules fumble, with B71 recovering at the B-19. The Instant Replay official stops the game to review for pass or fumble. The referee announces, "There is no foul for intentional grounding. The ruling on the field is a fumble, recovered by the defense." Based on indisputable video evidence replay determines that the ball was not fumbled.

Ruling: A 4/18 B28. This announcement allows Replay to create an intentional grounding foul if the ruling on the field is overturned to an incomplete pass. Replay casebook play # 76. (8/7)

A 3/10 @ A-30. A11 drops back to pass. About to be tackled at the A-20, he throws the ball forward to an area where there are no eligible receivers. Tackle A77 catches the pass at the A-28 and is tackled at the A-32.

Ruling: A 4/20 @ A-20. Ready/25. This is intentional grounding. Since this is an illegal forward pass, there is no foul for illegal touching. (4/6)

A 3/5 at the B-20. QB A11 fumbles the ball at the B-23. The ball is batted forward by A22 at the B-25 and the ball goes out of bounds at the B-23.

Ruling: A 4/20 at the B-35, RFP/25. The illegal batting penalty is enforced 10 yards from the spot of the foul with a loss of down. (9/7)

A 3/4 @ B-48. QB A4 throws a deep pass down the right sideline. Just before the ball reaches A82, B23 uses an arm bar against A82 preventing him from catching the pass. The untouched pass falls incomplete. While running his route without being pushed by B23, A82 stepped on the sideline and immediately returned to the field of play.

Ruling: A 4/4 @ B-48 Snap. No foul for DPI because A82 wasn't an eligible pass receiver at the time of contact by the defender. (5/2)

A 3/goal @ B-2. Score- A 28 B 32 Late in the fourth quarter, game clock running, under a minute and no timeouts left for either team. QB A7 drops back to pass and is sacked at the B10 by B99. A77 is flagged for pulling B99 off of A7 with 00:11 left on the game clock.

Ruling: A 4/goal @ B-25. 10 second subtraction set game clock to 00:01. 25/Ready. If you had deemed B99 was trying to delay by being slow to get off of A7 you could offset DB fouls. A 4/goal @ B10. No zap 10. 25/Ready. Either way A77's has a counter on him. (10/6)

A Try from the B-3. A8's pass is intercepted by B28 at the 2-yard line and he carries the ball across Team A's goal line. Team A had five players lined up in the backfield. During the return, B70 held at the B-8 yard line.

Ruling: A FK at A-35, FK/25. Team B fouled after the change of possession, the score does not count and the fouls cancel. The try is ended and the down is not repeated. (9/6)

A 4/8 at B-20. Team A's field goal is good. B95 roughs the kicker.

Ruling: A Free Kick from the 50, FK/25 or A 1/G at B10, snap/25. When the field goal is successful, Team A shall have the option of cancelling the score and have the penalty enforced from the previous spot or Team A may accept the score with penalties for personal fouls and UNS enforced on the succeeding kick off or from the succeeding spot in extra periods. (9/3)

A 4/8 @ A-35. Punter A98 muffs the snap. He recovers the ball and runs toward the right sideline to avoid the rush. A98 gets to the A-37 and then retreats behind the neutral zone going toward the left sideline. He is able to quickly kick the ball downfield. B8 catches the kick at the B-45 and returns it to the 50.

Ruling: B 1/10 @ 50. Snap/25. Legal play. There is no foul for an illegal kick as long as the ball is kicked from behind the neutral zone. NOTE: This is unlike a forward pass where after the ball carrier's entire body and the ball have been beyond the neutral zone, it is illegal. (4/8)

A 4/8 @ A-35. Punter A98 muffs the snap. He recovers the ball and runs toward the right sideline to avoid the rush. Just before being tackled, he kicks the ball at the A-37. B8 catches the kick and is tackled at the B-40.

Ruling: B 1/10 @ A-30. Snap/25. This is an illegal kick. The foul causes the ball to become dead, so there can be no return. The penalty is 5 yards from the previous spot with a loss of down. (4/7)

Free kick @ A-35. A39 kicks off and B22 returns the ball to the B-35. During the kick B55 & B66 come together shoulder to shoulder at the B-20 for a couple of seconds before they move forward in separate directions to block two different A players.

Ruling: B 1/10 @ B-10. Illegal wedge. (10/1)

A 4/7 @ B-14. A97's field goal is blocked by B99 at the B-19 and lands at the B-10 near the sideline. The ball takes one bounce and goes out of bounds at the B-16.

Ruling: B 1/10 @ B-16, snap, 25. (7/7)

A FK @ A-35. B17 signals for a fair catch and while the kick is in the air B44 and B46 align shoulder to shoulder at the B-20 and move forward to block. B17 completes the fair catch at the B-5.

Ruling: B 1/10 @ B-25, snap, 40. The fair catch of a free kick is treated as a touchback so there is no foul for the illegal wedge formation. (7/8)

A FK @ A-35. B10 attempts to catch the kick at the B-6, but muffs the ball. After the muff the ball bounces and B12 recovers the ball at the B-3. After recovering the ball his momentum carries him into the end zone where he is tackled.

Ruling: B 1/10 @ B-3, snap, 40. Even though the ball was touched by Team B, the status of the ball is still a kick and momentum rules apply. (7/6)

A 3/9 @ B-49. QB A12 turns and hands the ball to A24 who runs to the B-39 where he is hit and fumbles. B99 recovers and runs to the B-48 where he is downed. During A24's run A81 blocks B55 low at the B-42. During B99's return B60 blocks QB A12 above the shoulders at the A-45.

Ruling: B 1/10 @ B-33. Snap. 25. DQ B60. B gained possession before fouling so they keep the ball after declining offsetting fouls and enforcement of the Team B foul (TGT on QBA12). A81's low block is declined so Team B can keep the ball. (10-1-4-Exception 1) (1/7)

A 3/5 at the B15. QBA11 throws a pass toward End A82 at the B2. B31 intercepts the pass at the B2 and his momentum carries him into the end zone on his second step. In the end zone, B31 is tackled as he attempts a backward pass to B43, and the ball goes over the end line.

Ruling: B 1/10 B2. Momentum exception as ball remains behind the GL and was declared dead in team B's possession. 8-5-1-a. Possession stays with B even during backward pass out of EZ. (8/5)

A4 kickoff from A35. The ball is heading toward the sideline, when B15 gives a fair catch signal. B15 then leaps in the air from inbounds and catches ball in the air and lands out of bounds crossing at the B6.

Ruling: B 1/10 B6. B15 does not complete the fair catch. AR 6-2-2 IV. (8/8)

A 3/5 at the B-25. 0:45 remaining in the first half. A7 throws a pass that is intercepted at the B-4 by B21 whose momentum takes him into the end zone. As B21 attempts to advance the ball A88 grabs B21's facemask and pulls him to the ground. B21 stands up and flips the ball at A88, who then throws a punch hitting B21. A88 threw a punch in a fight during the first game of the season as well.

Ruling: B 1/10 at the B-19, snap. A88 and B21 are disqualified for fighting. 2-32-1. A88 is suspended for the rest of the season. The momentum rule is in effect (8-5-1-Exception) and the ball will be returned to the B-4. The facemask foul by A88 will be enforced from the B-4 (9-1-8) to the B-19. B21 commits a UNS foul for flipping the ball at A88 (9-2-1). A88 then throws a punch (9-5-1 and 2-32-1-a). The UNS by B21, which instigated the "fight" causes A88 to retaliate therefore casing a fight and he is disqualified (2-32-1-b). Because this is the second fight for A88 he is suspended for the rest of the season (9-5-2). These dead ball fouls will cancel (10-1-5-Exception). (8/4)

A 4/10 at A-30. Team A's punt goes beyond the neutral zone and is first touched by A80 at the B-25 yard line. B30 picks up the ball and runs to the B-40 where he fumbles. A20 picks up the fumble and scores. During B30's run, B70 holds at the B-45 yard line.

Ruling: B 1/10 at the B-25, snap/25. Five and ten-yard penalties are not administered on the try or succeeding kick off. Such penalties are declined by rule unless enforcement is made possible by illegal touching of a kick during the down. Team A will decline Team B's penalty and allow Team B to take the ball at the spot of the illegal touch. If Team A accepted the penalty, it would be enforced from the B-40 to the B-30. 10-2-5-a-2 (9/1)

A 4/7 at the A-45. Team A lines up with 5 players in the backfield. The punt is bouncing near Team B's goal line and A88 bats the ball from the end zone into the field of play before it hits the ground in the end zone. At the B-6, A22 muffs the ball and the ball goes out of bounds at the B-7. After the play, A82 hits B21 unnecessarily late sending him to the ground.

Ruling: B 1/10 at the B-35 or A 4/27 at the A-20. Team A commits a foul for illegal formation (7-1-4-a-4) by having 5 players in the backfield. A80 bats the ball from the end zone into the field of play (6-3-11). The ball is then muffed by A81 and goes out of bounds at the B-7. Because the result of the play is not a touchback, the ILF cannot be tacked on from the B-20. It could however, by rule (6-3-13) be tacked on from the B7, followed then by the UNR from A-82 making it B 1/10 at the B-27. The better option is for Team B to decline the ILF and to enforce the UNR from the B-20, making it B 1/10 at the B-35. Team B could also choose to enforce both fouls on Team A from the previous spot and replaying the down. In either scenario the clock will start on the snap. 9-1-7-a, 10-1-6-a, 3-3-2-d-3 or 3-3-2-d-8. (8/2)

A 2/12 @ B-18. Score is A20 - B24. 4th quarter. :15 remaining. No TO for Team A. QB A12 throws a pass to A39 and he runs to the B-8. Team A rushes to the ball to snap before time expires. Before Team A snaps the ball B44 is moving quickly and has to go between the lineman A79 and A68 (does not make contact) to get back to the defensive side of the ball. B44 is not in the neutral zone when the snap occurs. Lineman A79 moves prior to the ball being snapped.

Ruling: Game over. 10 sec subtraction. With the clock running and less than 1:00 remaining in the half and team A commits a foul that prevents the snap there is a 10 second runoff, therefore the game is over. (3-4-4-1) (1/5)

A 3/goal @ B-2. Score- A 28 B 32 Late in the fourth quarter, game clock running, under a minute and no timeouts left for either team. Team A leaves their offense on the field. A99 enters the game replacing A34 in the huddle as a running back. Team A's coach changes his mind and sends A34 back in replacing A99. Team B does not substitute. A34 is set and A99 is off of the field when the ball is snapped right before time expires. A7 scores a TD.

Ruling: Game over. Score- A34 B32. This should have been a DB substitution infraction prior to the snap with a 10 second subtraction. A99 entered and became a player and did not participate in a play and replaced player A34 did not stay out for one play. Not reviewable. A is not required to attempt the try. (10/7)

A 4/2 @ B-40. The score is Team A 20 Team B 26. Team A has no timeouts remaining in the 4th quarter with :10 on the clock. QB A12 runs 8 yards past the LOS and throws an incomplete illegal forward pass. :02 remains on the clock.

Ruling: Game over. The 10-second run off applies in this case. This foul for an incomplete illegal forward pass causes the clock to stop, and even though there may be other reasons, the 10-second runoff will apply. (5/6)

2/5 on the A-15 with time running down in the second period. QB A8's forward pass is intercepted by B38 at the A-20. B38 runs the ball to the A-10 where he is tackled. Time expires in the second period during the down. At the snap, A78 was not on the line of scrimmage. During B38's run, B50 holds A8 at the A-15.

Ruling: Halftime. This is an exception to offsetting fouls. Team B got the ball with clean hands, so they can decline offsetting fouls. However, Team A will not want the period to be extended and allow Team B another play and an opportunity to possibly attempt a relatively easy field goal. Team A can decline the penalty for Team B's hold and the half is over. The other option is that Team B can allow the fouls to offset and Team A would get another play. They would not want that either. (11/2)

A 1/10 @ B-32. QB A7 throws a pass downfield towards A88. B27 intercepts the pass at the B-6 yard line and his momentum carries him to the B-1 where he fumbles into the end zone. B27 recovers his own fumble while on the ground in the end zone.

Ruling: Safety, B27 creates a new impetus with his fumble and puts the ball into the end zone where he recovers for a safety. Team B FK @ B-20. Free kick rules. (5/8)

A 2/G @ B-3. B40 intercepts a pass in his own end zone and attempts to return the ball but does not get out of his end zone and is downed. During B40's run, B30 blocks A12 below the waist in the end zone.

Ruling: Safety, the penalty for B's foul will leave the ball in Team B's end zone. Free Kick Rules. (5/1)

A 2/10 @ B45. QB A12 throws a pass to receiver A88 who is running towards the goal line. A88 fumbles at the B-10, which is then recovered by B15. After B15 gains possession he is hit and fumbles which is then recovered by B99 at the B-3. B99's momentum carries him into the end zone where he is tackled.

Ruling: Safety. B KO at B-20. Momentum rules only apply to recovery of fumbles by opponents, not your own team. (8-5-1-a-exception) (1/4)

A 2/G @ B-8. A25 takes a handoff and runs toward the right pylon. A81 is flagged for holding at the B-2. As A25 nears the pylon, he stretches the ball out and dives for the endzone. The ball becomes loose and hits out of bounds. The ruling on the field is touchdown. Video clearly shows the ball was loose prior to reaching the goal line and that it went inside the pylon first striking the ground out of bounds.

Ruling: Since replay will rule the result of the play a touchback, the holding penalty will be declined. B 1/10 @ B-20. Snap/25. (4/5)

A 2/G @ B-8, first possession of OT. A15 completes a pass to A2 in the end zone and B27 forcibly contacts A2 with the crown of his helmet. Replay confirms the touchdown and the targeting call.

Ruling: TD for A, A Try @ B-3 (decline) or B 1 ½ (accept), no clock, B27 is disqualified. The penalty for the flagrant personal foul for targeting must be enforced on the ensuing try and can not be carried over to the next possession. (7/5)

Try at the B-3. Team A's place kick is blocked behind the line of scrimmage, but the ball bounces to the B-1 where B66 recovers and returns it for a 2-point score. During the return, B44 is flagged for holding. Also during the return, A33 blocks an opponent below the waist directly at the front in the 10-2 region.

Ruling: The fouls cancel, the down is not repeated, and the try is over. The score is cancelled. (4/1)

A 2/8 @ B-26. A11 runs for a touchdown as time expires in the 4th quarter. After the TD, the score is A30, B40.

Ruling: The game is over; by rule the try is not attempted because it can not affect the outcome of the game. (7/4)

A 4/10 at A-30. Team A's punt goes beyond the neutral zone and is first touched by A80 at the B-25 yard line. B30 picks up the ball and runs to the B-40 where he fumbles. A20 picks up the fumble and scores. During B30's run, B70 blocks below the waist at the B45 yard line.

Ruling: Touchdown Team A six points, Try/25. Try at the 1 ½ or A FK at the 50. Fifteen-yard penalties for personal fouls by the non-scoring team during a down that ends in a touchdown are enforced on the try or the succeeding kick off at the option of the scoring team. 10-2-5-a-1 (9/2)

A 3/G @ B-3. Ball carrier A33 runs to the right and dives for the goal line with the ball in his left hand. The ball goes over the top of the pylon, but does not touch it. A-33 contacts the ground beyond the goal line but out of bounds.

Ruling: Touchdown, A-33 has the ball in the possession and breaks the plane of the goal line. (A.R. 8-2-1-V) (5/7)

1st series, 1st overtime. A 3/6 @ B-16. QB A12 throws a screen pass to A31 who catches the ball behind the line of scrimmage and runs across the goal to score a touchdown. As he crosses the goal line A31 throws the ball high into the air and out of the back of the end zone.

Ruling: Try @ B/18 yard line. UNS on A31. If this is the second UNS on A31 then he would be disqualified. This UNS must be enforced on the try and cannot be carried over to the succeeding spot. The play is also reviewable to see whether A31 was across the goal line before he threw the ball into the air. (10-2-5-c) (1/3)

A 3/6 @ B-36. A34 runs a sweep to the right side. Pulling lineman A77 is the lead blocker. DB B21 goes low and takes out A77 from the side @ the B-37. A34 is tackled at the a) B-37 b) B35.

Ruling: a) A 1/10 @ B-21. b) A1/10 @ B-20. 25/Ready. (10/3)

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PSYCH 100 MIDTERM (1,2,12,13,14,15)

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Combo Navy Expeditionary Warfare (EXW)__

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