28 The Germanic "Barbarians"

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Visigoths sack Rome when

410AD b/c of the Rhine river Freezing making rome pull troops from the frontier border to try to protect from more Germanic invasions, allowing the Visigoths deeper penetration and Alarc sacked Rome , but did not destroy churches b/c arian christians

Battle of Catalonian Plains

451AD Romans and germans met Attila and won battle, but Attila survived and invaded Italy

Arabs, Moors

711AD reached Gabraltor and the gothic states fall to them, Islamic people. Spanish hx is Muslem hx until 11th century

Odoacer, Italy

A Germanic leader who ousted the emperor on Rome in 476. Historians later called this event the "fall" of Rome. By then, however, the Roman Empire had already lost many of its territories, and Roman power in the west had ended.

Merovingian dynasty

A dynasty founded in 481, by the Frankish chieftain Clovis in what is now France, so called because Clovis claimed descent from the semilegendary leader Merovech succession is that all land is divided into non contiguous units

Ostogoth's religion

Arian Christian and the Romans were very suspicious of them, arians

Emperor Theodosius

380AD decreed Christianity the official religion of the Empire; tied the Church to Roman politics gave the Visigoths better Land

3 reason for Frank Success

1. clovis converts to Nicene Christianity and the bishops back him when takes back some of Gaul for the visigoths 2. codify the law 3. intermarry with local Romans


1st Frank high king who was pagan, not arian. He found it easier to be pagan, b/c there was hope of his conversion to the right churc instead of being a heretic.

visigothic state

1st substate in Spain and convert to Nicene Christianity so all get along. very devout

what happened to Visigoths

375AD invited by Valens to to settle the northern frontier as a federate in order to protect Rome from the Huns. Romans abused and mistreated them. They were pushed so deep into Rome by the huns, that they sack Rome in 410AD. then go on to create own kingdom in Spain and eventually become Nicene Christians

Battle of Adrianople

378AD Bloody battle between Visigoths and Romans at Adrianople, were at one time Roman allies but they were treated badly and revolted against the Romans. Emperor Valens dies. visiogoths win on roman land

what form of religion did the Germanics convert to:

Adoption of the Arian form of Christianity instead of Nicene Form


Allies of Rome, created by Romans making a treaty with certain tribes that stated foreigners could live in Rome's borders if they fought for the empire, i.e. Visigoths

where did the Bugundians settle


Battle of Alammani

Clovis is going to battle and looks up and sees too many enemies, gets on hand and knees to prya to Clothild's god(Nicene Christianity). and many Frankish troops show up and huge victory. another battlefield conversion. clovis and army are baptized in the local river

wall around the city or Rome

Emperor Aurelian built it protect the city from Germanic raids

gothic Wars

Emperor Constantinople wins and retakes Italy, but Italy is destroyed in doing so b/c of the 30 year war


From the Greek word meaning people who don't speak Greek; Romans used the term to describe any tribes of people who were not Greco-Roman

where did the Franks settle


Romulus Augustulus

Last Roman emperor, 14 yrs. old - killed by German forces


Leader of the Huns, 450 AD stirs up much trouble for the Romans and the German tribes as he crossed the Rhine frontier. Defeated by Roman and Gothic forces at . he kills his brother to take rule

where did the Vandals settle

N. Africa

Visigoths initially settled where


Barracks Emperors

Series of Roman generals who seized the throne between 235 and 284 C.E. A good example of an internal pressure in one of the Classical empires, one of the many factors that led to eventual collapse.


money for a man; the value of a person in money; determined by social status

blood money

money paid to someone for killing someone else

romantic languages

The group of languages derived from latin. Spanish, portuguese, french, italian, and romanian

ostrogoths initially settled where



Visigoth elected first high king-imitate the Romans

1st Anti-semitism

Visigoths first to persecute the jews


Warlike people who migrated from Eastern Europe into territory controlled by Germanic tribes, forcing them to move into areas controlled by Rome did everything on horseback, walked funny


a burgundy princess who was a Nicene Christian married to clovis, who was not interested in becoming Christian. He worshipped idols, thor and Germanic dieties., wife of Frankish king Clovis, persisted in her efforts to convert her husband despite his anger over the death of their first son after his Catholic baptism. Clothilde prevailed, and the Franks became the first German tribe to embrace Catholic Christianity.


a gothic missionary who created a gothic alphabet and translated parts of New Testament and Psalms for the ostrogoths, visigoths, vandals, and lombards.. He was Arian and considered a heretic


a region of central Europe north of the Danube and east of the Rhine never under Roman control. Augustus lost 3 legions of men trying to hold on but why, no real wealth

Vandals and Lombards initially settle where

central Germanic regions


city that was built and settled in the marshy and isolated regions near modern day Venice, many of the citizens and officials of the Roman Empire fled and lived here for protection from the invading Barbarians, here culture flourishes while the rest of the empire is in decline

Frankish law codes

clovis imitates the Romans by codifying the law

what were Frankish law codes based on?

custom, tradition, or precedent

who stabized the rhine and Danube 280-290AD

emperor Diocletian

Vandal Kingdom

founded in North Africa 14 days after sacking Rome. liked Rome the least, were Arians, and during the Vandal Wars, Constantinople overrun Carthage and incorporated into east Empire

what lead to Roman invasion of Germanics

lack of central leadership b/c of lack of good plan for succession and in so many civil wars. The germans are also feeling pressure from Huns to migrate south where it is nice anyway


land north of Danube, rich with gold, costly to defend modern Romania

gothic sickness

no clear succession and so when the leader becomes sick, he hat to fight off and then after dies, there was more fighting for the positon. this created instability

steppe peoples from the East

nomadic people neighboring China coming from Mongolia who were repelled on the Chinese border and so raid to the west. they are dangerous with strange gaunt

Auxiliaries in Roman Army

non romans used in army who were promoted rapidly with citizenship and a pension guaranteed after so long in service

what happened to Ostrogoths

overrun by Huns and forced into their militay

who were the Germanic barbarians

people from Scandinavia, island of Gotland, in eastern and central Europe. They displaced the native Celts. settled west of the Rhine River and north of the Danube River which were the boundaries of Roman Empire

augustine of Hippo "The city of God"

refuted the blame for the visigoths sacking Rome

Franks initially settled where

right bank of RhineRiver Rhineland

Bishop of Rome: Pope Leo I

saved Rome from Attila by either praying of paid Attila a ransom of money, who then turned northwards and died.


settle in N. Africa known for piracy and plunder. always arian

where did the Visigoths settle


Severn Dynasty

strong general, Septimius Severus, seized power in 192 AD, life fairly stable, military Monarchy

who got the blame for the sacking of Rome?

the pagans blamed the Christians by abandoning the gods.

Where did the visigoths go after Italy

they withdraw form Italy to settle in Spain a a federated arians not to marry nicenes, but change to Nicene christians

Franks: most successful, why?

thought would be the least but instead best b/c did have to migrate far, simply crossed the Rhine River east to west remaining close to rootsand able to defeat roman generals easily. Imitated Rome by choosing a high king like all germans did

Germanic laws codes

translated to Latin

form of gov that the Germanic people adopted


Theodoric the Ostrogoth

wanted to create mutual respect between the Ostrogoths and the Romans so he maintained both of their administrative systems separately. thought to survive the best b/c high population and tolerance to Romans. ie get along


were most hostile to Rome and tried to est a federate but not accepted so overtook Carthage and into N. African territories. not ally or friendly with Rome. Vandal Navy Sake Rome 455AD second time so horrible , luted and stole much of Emperor's family

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