2nd Semester Exam - Honors English 12

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Scout's fiance

Miss Caroline

Scout's first grade teacher

One should end their sentence with a period after using a regular in-text (parenthetical) citation.


One should include in the works cited, only the sources that were cited within the paper


Mrs. Dubose

Morphine Addict

Who helped Atticus guard Tom Robinson at the jailhouse?

Mr. Underwood

What do the children hear whispered in the house?

There must be more money

Wikipedia is not a reliable source


You should use the TAB key at the beginning of each paragraph


Mr. Dolphus Raymond has ALL of the following EXCEPT

A drinking Problem

Atticus Goes to the jail that night to prevent what from happening?

A mob lynching Tom Robinson

When Calpurnia takes Jem and Scout to First Purchase Church, which of the following happens?

All of these (Lula tells Calpurnia the kids should go to their own church) (The congregation sings without hymn books) (Reverend Sykes keeps the congregation until $10 has been collected for Helen Robinson)

When Atticus leaves the courtroom what happens?

All the negroes stand up.

Nathan Radley

Arthur Radley's Brother

Whose picture appeared in the Montgomery Advertiser?


What does a MLA in-text citation include in parentheses when the source is quoted directly and the author's name is not mentioned in the text?

Author and Page number

Which of the following is cited correctly in APA style?

B. Dietel and Dietel (1999) define pointers as "variables that contain as their values addresses of other variables" (p. 294)

Who sewed Jem's pants?

Boo Radley

Aunt Alexandra

Disapproved of the way Scout was being raised

What is the line spacing for an MLA paper

Double Spacing

An MLA works page is alphabetized based on the first part of the entry of the source

False ( Last name of Author)

What phrase does Paul hear from Uncle Oscar?

Filthy lucre

What would an in-text citation include when the author of a source is unknown?

First few words of the Title and the year of the work

The story takes place during what time period

Great Depression

Why does Atticus feel he is not any danger?

He feels the threat Bob Ewell made was just to save face

Why did Scout beat up Walter Cunningham?

He got her in trouble

What does Paul claim God told him?

He is lucky

Why is Bob Ewell still upset and determined to "get" Atticus after the verdict?

He knows no one believes his story and he was made to look like a fool

The peculiar thing about Tom which would lead one to believe he had not grabbed the girl and beaten her is what?

He was crippled in the arm and the shoulder

Why had Dill run away from home?

His parents did not pay him enough attention and he thinks they are better off without him

Aunt Alexandra says that background is what?

How long one family has been squatting on one piece of land.


Jean Louise Finch

Who did Tom Robinson work for?

Link Deas

What was Paul's Mother unable to feel for her children?


Paul "wanted ____, he wanted it, he wanted it


What is the correct order of items in the MLA Heading?

Name, instructor, course and date

What is peculiar about the feeling the children get from the whispering of the house?

No one says it aloud

How many women were on Tom Robinson's Jury?


Miss Stephanie

Nosy gossipy neighbor


Ol' One Shot

What reason does Paul's Mother give him for why they are poor?

Paul's Father has no luck

Of whom is it said, "She is such a good mother, She adores her children"?

Paul's Mother

The Rocking Horse Winner: The story begins by introducing which character?

Paul's Mother

Who says "I will see if I can;t make something"

Paul's Mother

Paul's mother replies to Paul with the expression "excellent!" Who usually says this?

Paul's father

What is Paul able to perceive by looking at his mother's face during their conversation on luck?

She is hiding something from him

What reason does Paul's mother give for being unlucky?

She married an unlucky husband

Heck Tate

Sheriff of Maycomb

Which is not one of the children's toy's


What meaning does the phrase "We are breathing!" have on the story?

Something tacitly understood

How did Paul's Family feel about themselves in comparison to their neighbors?



Took Scout and Jem to her church

Where is the title of an assignment located in a paper using MLA format?

Top left corner of the page

A properly formatted APA paper should have the margins set to 1 inch on all sides


Each source listed in the Reference list must be cited in text.


If a source has more than one author, one of the choices that MLA gives you is to use "et al".


If an entry in a works cited list is longer than one line, second and all subsequent lines need to be indented half an inch. This is called a hanging indent


If the author's last name is mentioned in the text, then it does not need to be included in parentheses, true or false?


In MLA style et al should be used when the source has 3 or more authors


One should cite their sources and complete their works cited page as they progress through their paper


The margins for an MLA paper are 1" all around


What should one do if not author is given for the work they are citing?

Use the first word or words of the title

What does Paul ask his mother about which prompts their discussion on luck?

Why they do not have their own car

Bob Ewell

Writes left handed

Children found all of the following in the knothole of the tree except

a letter

Jem feared never being able to play football again after he broke his:


Scout got in trouble on the first day of school for doing what?

being able to read

How does Paul's mother speak to Paul when they speak of luck?



cried over the guilty verdict

Tom Robinsn

crippled arm from gin accident

What made deep lines appear on Paul's mother's face?


Link Deas

gave Helen Robinson a job

Why is Jem heartbroken when Tom is convicted?

he couldn't understand such injustice

When Scout was pushed in the tire, she ended up:

in the Radley's yard

In MLA style, what would you include in the parenthesis for a directly quoted in-text citation?

last name of the author and the page number

Mayella Ewell

lied about being raped

Miss Maudie

lost her home to a fire

If you're lucky, you will always get more


The Church ladies in the Missionary Society are more interested in

poverty and strange customs in foreign lands than poverty in their own town.

Dolphus Raymond

pretends to be drunk, but really drinks Coke

Uncle Jack

punished Scout for cursing

Where does one put the page number on an MlA paper

top right corner

Each source listed in the works cited list must be cited in the text


MLA is just one of many ways to format a research paper


What frightens Paul's sisters?

Paul's riding the rocking-horse

Atticus says every mob in a little southern town is made up of whom?

People you know

Walter Cunningham Jr.

Poured syrup all over his food

What did Scout and Jem Receive for Christmas?

air rifles

Aunt Alexandra feels Atticus should do all of the following except

Really Defend Tom Robinson

What does an APA in-text citation include in the parentheses

A) Author publication year, and page number (preceded by p.) all separated by commas

Who is Oscar Cresswell

Paul's mother's brother

What did Paul's mother lack


What does Paul go searching for?


when jem was reading, mrs. dubose was trying to free herself from

Morphine Addiction

Why does Dill want to be a clown when he grows up?

That way he can entertain and make people happy.

Who was rumored to have poisoned pecans?

The Radley's

Students can avoid plagiarism if they properly credit all resources used to complete their work, and quote correctly; paraphrase and author's work by rewriting the information in their own words; proofread their final drafts to ensure that they have not forgotten to cite some work.


The thesis statement of an MLA paper can be found in the first sentence of the last paragraph and the last sentence of the first paragraph.


The title of a website or a book should be italicized or underlined. Whichever you choose you should be consistent


The title of your paper should be centered but not bolded underlined or italicized


The title page should include the following elements: Title, author's name, and institutional affiliation


There is often more than one way to format items in a paper. For example you could use the ruler to set a hanging indent.


Boo Radley

saved scout and Jem from the attack

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