4.3 What is Cholesterol?
What is cholesterol?
A lipid that forms an essential component of animal cell membranes and acts as a precursor molecule for the synthesis of other biologically important steroids.
What are LDL and HDL?
Lipoproteins LDL-low density (bad) (gcarry cholesterol around the body to the cells) HDL- high density (good) (carry cholesterol away from cells to liver for disposal)
What are the pros and cons of using cholesterol lowering medications?
Pros- lower cholesterol and help with health Cons- pain in the muscles, vomiting, brown urine, pain in the abdomen, cramps, or gas
What is familial hypercholesterolemia and how is it inherited?
The mutation of the ldl receptors on the cell membrane which leads to a buildup of ldl in the blood stream. It is a autosomal dominant trait so heterozygotes will be affected.
How are LDL, HDL, and cholesterol related to heart disease?
Too much LDL means plaque build up and heart stopping/failing. HDL actually works to clear cholesterol from the blood. Triglycerides are another fat in our bloodstream.
What lifestyle changes may help a patient obtain healthy cholesterol levels?
diet, exercise, tobacco, cessation, weight loss, stress management, stop tobacco useage
How can cholesterol plaques affect the overall function of the heart?
can block arteries and cause heart attack
How does the heart work as a pump?
contracts and relaxes to pump blood throughout the body
What roles does cholesterol play in our cells and in the body?
forms cell membrane, makes bile in the liver stored in the gall bladder, makes hormones, learning and memory, digestion and bile acids, vitamin D, steroid hormones
How can techniques of molecular biology be used to analyze DNA for the presence of the FH mutation?
gel electrophoresis. Compare patient DNA to DNA positive for FH mutation.
What is atherosclerosis?
thickening of arteries due to plaque build up. This can cause a heart attack or stroke
How do doctors interpret the results of a cholesterol test?
total: >200mg/dL good, 200-239 okay, 240+ bad. LDL: >100 good, 100-129 okay, 160-189 bad, 190+ really bad. HDL: 60+ good, >40 bad. they determine that: -high ldl levels carry too much cholesterol to the cells which then builds up in the arteries -low hdl levels means not enough hdl to clear the arteries of the excess ldl