4520 test 1 review (TRA/TPB, self-efficacy, personality and exercise)
Physiological states
instruction of proper interpretation of bodily sensations
Vicarious experiences/learning -
leaning from a model who is similar to them and successful
scheduling efficacy
Our perceived confidence to schedule PA in our daily routine
Categories (operational definitions) of SE
1.Exercise efficacy 2. Barriers efficacy (like in TTM) 3. Scheduling efficacy
Strategies to enhance SE (implications)
Mastery experiences Vicarious experiences/learning Verbal persuasion Physiological states
barriers efficacy
Reflects our confidence to overcome barriers and be active The higher the barrier efficacy, the more confident we are we can overcome barriers and be active The higher it is, the more likely we are to initiate and maintain exercise program
exercise efficacy
Reflects the perceived ability to successfully participate in incremental bouts of exercise In exercise of increased duration, frequency, etc.
Self-Efficacy (SE)
SE is the perceived confidence to carry out the actions required to produce a given outcome
Social cognitive theory:
Self-efficacy would be included under personal factors They all influence each other
self-efficacy is a component of
Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura, 1997)
mastery experiences
gradually increase intensity, frequency, duration, etc
Verbal persuasion
why, what, where, how of PA; articles, magazines, orientation seminars