5 parts of a recipe
List of ingredients and amounts
Ingredients are listed in the exact amount as needed. The specific form of ingredient is also stated. Ingredients should be listed in the order they are used in the recipe in order to prevent leaving out any ingredients.
Equipment (Container Size & Type)
Most recipes do not state ALL the necessary equipment; however, specific equipment, such as a "9 x 9 square pan," is sometimes listed. It is important to use the stated specific equipment so the food will not overflow or overcook.
Nutrition Analysis (Optional)
Nutrition information is not necessary for preparing a recipe, but it is very useful information when planning foods to fit into a particular eating plan.
Temperature & Time
Some recipes give you exact cooking temperatures and times - ie. 375°F for 15 minutes. Others will tell you how to cook the food - ie. Heat liquid until it simmers.
The yield tells the number and size of servings the recipe will make. Knowing the yield in advance helps one to know if more or less food is needed - whether or not to make more or less of the food.
ingredients and steps for making something to eat or drink
Step By Step Directions for Mixing & Handling
recipe should have directions for how to prepare it. The steps need to be listed in the order they should be done.