5.7 Suicide (FLVS)
After reading the story about Mike. List five danger or warning signs Mike displayed.
1) Withdraw 2) Degradation 3) Sudden Calm 4) Recklessness 5) Getting affairs in order.
Which of the following is a way to prevent a suicide?
Ask the person if they are thinking about suicide.
If you had a friend as Mike who confided in you that he was contemplating suicide, what steps could you take to prevent such a thing from happening?
Which of the following is a suicide fact?
Most suicide attempts are by temporarily confused persons in a temporary crisis.
People who commit suicide do not warn others.
Which of the following is NOT a suicide risk factor?
accepting your imperfections and mistakes in life
Which of the following is NOT a suicide risk factor?
asking for help whenever you need it
Crisis and unusual behavior that happen before suicide are never recognizable or treatable.
Once people decide to die by suicide, there is nothing you can do to stop them.
Which of the following are NOT teen warning signs of suicide?
joining a new activity to learn a new skill or for self-improvement
Which of the following are NOT teen warnings signs of suicide?
keeping mementos of successes and achievements, ribbons, certificate, trophies
Abusing drugs, or alcohol and getting in trouble with the law does not have any correlation with suicide attempts.
Once a person feels suicidal, he/she will remain suicidal for the rest of his/her life .
Suicidal people clearly want to die.
Boys, because they use more violent methods, commit suicide more often than girls. However, girls attempt suicide more frequently than boys.
Feeling lonely, discouraged, or depressed once in a while is something most of us experience. However, feeling down and hopeless for long periods of time may mean the person needs to seek help.
Most teen suicides might have been prevented if those teens had developed life management skills including coping skills.
Suicide is a permanent reaction to a temporary problem. A person who has thoughts of suicide can be helped by someone who has the confidence to step in, take time and help.
Warning signs of suicide can be verbal. Some examples may include: "I want to die," "I wish I were dead," "They will be sorry when I am gone," or "I can not take it anymore."
When talking with someone who is thinking about suicide, listen intelligently. Encourage a suicidal person to talk to you. Do not give false reassurances that everything will be okay. Be an "active listener."
Indirect statements like "I want to go to sleep and never wake up" or "They will be sorry when I am gone" or "I will not have to take this pain much longer" or "Soon the pain will end" are verbal cues that a person is considering suicide.
Suicide is the third leading cause of death for teens aged 15-24.
Teens who attempt suicide often feel loss or rejection. These teens may feel suicide is a way to get even with those who have rejected them.