5th Grade Bible Ch. 5 Test Review

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Who is the ultimate example of mercy, reconciling you to God?


Did Joseph try to get even when mercy was not extended toward him?

No, Joseph displayed a forgiving heart.

What did Pharaoh see in Joseph that caused him to raise him to second in command in Egypt?

Spirit of God, wisdom, leadership

What makes a good real hero?

someone who is good, brave, strong, merciful, a leader, sacrificial, a good example.

How did believing in God's sovereignty help Joseph thrive while living in slavery in the land of Egypt?

Because he knew God had authority over all things, he maintained a good attitude, continued doing his best in whatever task he was given, and forgave wrongs.

Where do you see the sovereignty of God in Joseph's life?

God blessed Joseph in Potiphar's home even though Joseph's brothers had sold him into slavery; God blessed Joseph in prison even though Potiphar's wife falsely accused Joseph; God gave Joseph the interpretation of the dreams Pharaoh's two servants had had; God caused the butler (cupbearer) to suddenly remember Joseph's wisdom and recommend him to interpret Pharaoh's dreams; God gave Joseph favor in Pharaoh's eyes, and he was placed as second in command over Egypt.

Why is Jesus known as The Balm of Gilead?

He brings healing for the body and spirit.

What are some ways Jesus brings spiritual healing and restoration?

He forgives me; He gives me abundant life; He makes my life a sweet aroma in my example and witness as a believer.

How does God show mercy to believers?

He provided a way for them to be with Him forever; He guides and provides good things for them on a daily basis.

What was remarkable about the Samaritan?

He showed compassion and mercy to a man who probably despised him.

How did Joseph discover that his brothers had changed?

They refused to allow Benjamin to remain in Egypt as a slave. The same brother who suggested selling Joseph as a slave offered himself as a slave in Benjamin's place.

What are some ways that Joseph symbolizes the life of Christ?

had a long awaited birth, was betrayed by his brothers, was sold for the price of a slave, was beloved of his father, helped save his family and the surrounding nations, forgave those who wronged him, brought healing and restoration to others.

What was the purpose for balm in the days of Joseph?

healing the body

Before Joseph told his brothers who he was, what did he want to know?

if his brothers had repented of what they had done to him

What does mercy mean?

kindness or compassion toward others

What does sovereignty mean?

supreme authority

How did Joseph use his power in Egypt when he became second in command?

to benefit the people

What does it mean to reconcile?

to mend and restore a relationship

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