6th extension mod 2

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What percent of plant species are in danger of extinction


Alternation of generations life cycle

A life cycle in which organisms switch back and forth between diploid and haploid stages. 2 multicellular individuals alternate: sporophyte 2n prod spores n by meiosis, gametophyte formed and produces egg and sperm cells to form diploid zygote that undergoes mitosis

binary fission

A parent prokaryotic cell replicates dna and the splits to form 2 identical cells


Absorb food unlike animals who ingest nutrients, may absorb dead/decaying material


Adapted to life in environments that are often hostile to other organisms like geysers and hot springs

2 types of prokaryotes

Archaea and Bacteria


Archaea that survive in environments entirely free of oxygen


Archaea that survive in high salt habitats

asomycota (sac fungi)

Asocarp body for reproduction, includes yeasts and some forms of mold. Form symbiotic relationships with algae to form lichens Example is morel mushroom. Many endangered

Fungi life cycle

Both haploid and diploid states, both sexual and asexual reproduction

Colura irrorata

Bryophyte Endangered due to habitat loss (deforestation)


Cavity is just a space between mesoderm and endoderm (called false). May have some internal organs

cell theory

Cells come from preexisting cells


Cells that use other energy sources such as hydrogen gas to obtain the energy to manufacture their own food


Cells that use solar energy to manufacture their own food


Cells that use the breakdown of organic material to supply energy and the materials needed to manufacture food


Cells that use the sun for energy, but also use organic materials as the building blocks of their food

Only photosynthetic protists and plants have


Angiosperms under extinction pressure from

Climate change, habitats destruction, and invasive species

aracheans differ from bacteria in

Composition of membrane, structure of their cell walls


Contains photosynthetic red algae, green algae, and land plants

In fungi the zygote is _____ and all other stages of life are _____

Diploid, haploid


Diverse group of fungi, bread molds, parasites of insects, not currently endangered


Dominant generation for most plants


Don't share many common physical characteristics, but are closely related

Appalachian scalewort

Endangered bryophyte due to loss of high elevation trees because of an invasive insect species

All protists are


aracheans are closer to _____ than bacteria



Excavata that causes intestinal problems in humans


Female gametophyte that produces egg and ovule

Jellyfish (Cnidarians)

First eumetazoanz (true animals). Organized tissues and stages of embryonic development. Radial symmetry usually. Specialized tissues like nematocysts which are stinging cells

Flatworms (Platyhelminthes)

First group of animals with bilateral symmetry (distinct head religion where sensory organs are located), acoelomate so no body cavity and very few organs, very diverse group, can be free living or parasites of animals


First plants with leaves called microphylls and vascular tissue and first where dominant stage was sporophyte. Use wind to disperse spores for asexual reproduction.


Flagellated cells and animals and fungi

Origin of first cells

Formation of plasma membrane that enabled proto cell to isolate internal chemical reactions from hostile external environment, form of genetic material that would allow the cell to pass on instructions to the next generation of cells about how to make enzymes and proteins

Lichen symbiotic relationship

Fungi provides minerals and water, algae provides the organic end products of photosynthesis (carbs)

Bridegoporus nobilissimus

Fungi that plays role in health of fir and hemlock populations along pacific coast of US

Heller's Blazing Star

Grows on high elevation cliffs and threaten due to human activity. Might have chemical compound to fight against leukemia


Has protists that lost or reduced their mitochondria and have a long oral groove for feeding.

2 phases of protists evolution

Internal modifications that result from formation of nucleus and endo membrane system, formation of symbiotic relationships between early protists and bacteria, which eventually forms the mitochondria

Vascular tissue

Internal transportation system of plants. Includes xylem and pholem. Allows plant to transport water and minerals to tissues and keep plant in erect position


Lack of body cavity and very few internal organs

Mosses (Bryophytes)

Lack vascular tissue, grow low to ground, sporophyte stage produces windborne spores, can be found almost anywhere except extreme dry enviros, 288 endangered

Ferns (Pterophytes)

Lycophytes and more common ferns, largest group of non flowering plants, 560 endangered bc of habitat loss and climate


Male gametophyte for pollen production

Fungi don't have sexes they have

Mating types

Prokaryotic cells make use of almost every form of



Microbes composed of hyphae that form mycelium, heterotrophic and saprophytic

Leaf size

Microphyll is small narrow leaf that prevents water loss but limits photosynthesis Megaphylls have protective coatings and better gas exchange, increase photosynthesis


Microscopic filaments

All eukaryotes have


Green algae are the ancestors of

Modern plants


More efficient reproduction over spores. Contain embryo and store organic nutrients w protective coat. Prevents plant embryo from drying out

Seed plants

Most abundant and diverse land plants. Gymnosperms and angiosperms. Seed stores food supply protects sporophyte embryo and then acts as source of nutrients during germination

All plants

Multicellular eukaryotes that produce own food with photosynthesis, use chlorophyll a and b, store carbs as starch, have cellulose in the cell walls, alternation of generations life cycle


Multicellular structure made of hyphae

asexual reproduction in fungi

Mycelium produces sporangia. If they encounter a moist environment, they germinate into new mycelia


Named seeds exposed in surface called cone. First form of seed plant. Threatened by habitat destruction and climate change


Need to get nutrients from organic material


Oldest organisms on planet

Animals and fungi are more closely related to each other than either is to


Male gametophyte of seed plants

Pollen grain that produces sperm

Angiosperms life cycle

Pollen has 2 sperm cells, one fertilizes egg to make 2n zygote and second fuses with cells in ovule to produce triploid endosperm which is used as a food supply for developing leaves

Reproduction in seed plants

Pollination occurs and pollen forms a tube where sperm migrates toward egg to fertilize and form diploid zygote>embryo>new sporophyte generation

Most abundant organisms on planet



Release toxins that cause red tide in oceans and parasitic sporozoans

The basic characteristics of life

Reproduction, response to stimuli, and the need for energy and nutrients


Reproductive structure of angiosperms. Attract pollinators like insects and give rise to fruits

Foraminifera and radiolarians

Rhizaria that form external structures called tests made of calcium carbonate or silicon

Bacteria classified by

Shape, metabolic abilities, similarities in DNA

Sponges (Porifera)

Simplest animals, lack symmetry specialized tissues and nerve and muscle cells. Parazoans. Reproduce both asexually and sexually, disease and over harvesting by humans

Protists are usually

Single celled


Single cells or collections of cells that do not form the tissues associated with other eukaryotic organisms


Site of photosynthesis in some protists and all plants


Successful covered seed plants with flowers that protect embryo and provide nourishment. Alternation of generations life cycle


Symbiotic relationship between cnidarian and dinoflagellate. Threatened species due to coral bleaching

Mycorrhizal fungi

Symbiotic relationships with roots of plants, increase surface area of roots to better absorb water and nutrients

All prokaryotes have

The basic characteristics of life

Parana Pine

Threatened gymnosperm due to log cutting for agriculture

Ginko biloba

Threatened gymnosperm with only one species left in china


True body cavity formed by the splitting of the mesoderm. Formation of specialized tissues and organ systems

Basidiomycota (club fungi)

What we envision as mushroom, underside of mushroom has basidia where spores are produced. 120 species are endangered

3 phyla that comprise most fungal diversity

Zygomycota, asomycota, basidiomycota


archaea that thrive in environments with extreme heat and sulfur content

Reproduction in prokaryotes

binary fission

rusty patched bumble bee

declined in 87% of its population pollinates many different plants that are important to humans so will impact food supply

3.5 BYA

first prokaryotes in fossil record

sexual reproduction in fungi

fusion of two haploid hyphae of compatible mating types


move by means of pseudopods (cellular extensions)


multicellular heterotrophic organisms that lack cell walls, ingest their foods, are motile, and have a life cycle which diploid adults produce haploid gametes

Female gametophyte of seed plants

ovule which produces and houses egg

Plasmodium vivax

sporozoan that causes malaria


the eukaryotic supergroup that contains foraminiferans


the eukaryotic supergroup that contains the amoebas and slime molds


the eukaryotic supergroup that contains the dinoflagellates, gold and brown algae, sporozoans


the eukaryotic supergroup that contains the fungi, animals, and choanoflagellates


the eukaryotic supergroup that includes red algae, green algae, and land plants


the eukaryotic supergroup with organisms called euglenozoans

In non vascular plants

the gametophyte is the dominant generation

endosymbiotic theory

theory that eukaryotic cells formed from a symbiosis among several different prokaryotic organisms

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