7.3 - The Civil War Begins

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How did the Confederacy hope to win the war? a. by digging in and outlasting the North b. by following the Anaconda Plan c. by boycotting northern products d. by surrounding and blockading the North

a. by digging in and outlasting the North

What made Lincoln a "northern" president? a. He ran on a northern Republican ticket. b. He was born and raised in the North. c. He won the presidency without a single electoral vote from the South. d. He won the electoral vote but not the popular vote in the South.

c.He won the presidency without a single electoral vote from the South.

Analyze the excerpt from the declaration of secession. Why did South Carolina want to leave the Union? Explain in your own words.

After Lincoln won the election, the southern states believed that slavery and their way of life would be threatened if they remained in the Union. They also feared that Lincoln's administration would limit their ability to govern themselves.

What did the North learn from the first Battle of Bull Run, also known as the Battle of Manassas?

After the Battle of Bull Run, the North had to face facts that this war would not be over quickly or easily. Casualties were higher than expected during this bloody battle, and Lincoln responded by calling for more troops. Additionally, General Stonewall Jackson's heroic actions proved that the South would be a formidable foe

What was the outcome of the Peninsular Campaign and the Second Battle of Bull Run? A. Neither side won a decisive victory. B. The Confederacy drove back Union forces. C. The Union drove Confederate forces deeper into the South. D. The Union took control of the Confederate capital.

B. The Confederacy drove back Union forces.

The Republican Party chose Abraham Lincoln as its presidential candidate over William H. Seward mainly because Lincoln was A. originally from the South. B. the more moderate candidate. C. the more experienced candidate. D. in favor of abolishing slavery in the South.

B. the more moderate candidate.

Describe how the Republican and Democratic parties chose their candidate for the presidential election of 1860. Then compare how the parties split or stayed together after this decision.

Both parties chose candidates with specific views about slavery. The Republicans chose Lincoln, who was more moderate in his views about slavery than Seward, but still had an antislavery stance. Democrats in the North argued for popular sovereignty, while Democrats in the South argued for slavery. Although the Republicans remained united in their decision, the Democrats split apart because the northern and southern Democrats had different views.

Which event immediately preceded the writing of South Carolina's Declaration? A. the Harpers Ferry Raid B. the Dred Scott decision C. the election of Abraham Lincoln D. the firing on Fort Sumter

C. the election of Abraham Lincoln

How did President Lincoln respond to the Confederacy's attack on Fort Sumter? A. He ordered all forts in the South to be evacuated as soon as possible. B. He traveled through the South and gave a series of antiwar speeches. C. He showed restraint by using diplomacy to deal with the Confederacy. D. He declared the Confederacy's actions to be an insurrection and asked for volunteers to fight.

D. He declared the Confederacy's actions to be an insurrection and asked for volunteers to fight.

How might the Crittenden Compromise have eased tensions between the North and South? A. It would have been a constitutional amendment creating strong states' rights. B. It would have been a constitutional amendment protecting slavery in all states where slavery already existed. C. It would have been a constitutional amendment enforcing the principle of popular sovereignty for all new territories. D. It would have been a constitutional amendment that would allow slavery south of the Missouri Compromise line in all territories.

D. It would have been a constitutional amendment that would allow slavery south of the Missouri Compromise line in all territories.

What did General Winfield Scott's "Anaconda Plan" entail? A. marching directly on the Confederate capital in Richmond B. crippling the Confederate economy by burning its cotton plantations C. freeing slaves and enlisting them in the fight against the Confederates D. cutting off Confederate supply lines by taking control of the Mississippi River

D. cutting off Confederate supply lines by taking control of the Mississippi River

What was Jefferson Davis's role in the run-up to and during the Civil War?

Davis was a supporter of states' rights and the South versus the North before the war, although he also served in the federal government. During the war, as president of the Confederacy, he sent peace emissaries to Washington, but when they were turned away, he gave the order that started the war.

What does Lincoln mean when he says the Union is perpetual?

In saying that the Union is perpetual, Lincoln means that it does not end or change. It cannot simply be broken apart because some states wish to secede. He suggests the Union has enduring qualities that predate the Constitution and cannot be legally dissolved. That the Union is perpetual means it will endure and survive.

In what way does the second paragraph in this passage suggest that Lincoln would go to war to preserve the Union?

Lincoln makes clear that he will follow the Constitution and uphold the nation's laws in all states, including the South. That the Union will "defend and maintain itself," leaves open the possibility that the Union will go to war to ensure it is not broken apart. Although Lincoln says the Union need not resort to violence to maintain itself, this does not mean it would not commit to bloodshed to keep the country intact.

What does Lincoln mean when he says, "Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection"?

Lincoln means that strong feelings over succession have created difficulties in the nation, as both sides have grown heated in the debates. However, he maintains that the factors that keep people together—the bonds that Americans share—must remain strong. His point is that even when sections of the country disagree, they should not separate.

What does Lincoln say he will do as president with regards to slavery in the South, and why?

Lincoln says that he will not interfere with slavery in the Southern states where it already exists. He says that slavery is a state's decision, and that he does not have the right as president to interfere with states' rights.

Who does Lincoln maintain would be responsible for initiating a war? Give evidence to support your answer.

Lincoln thinks the responsibility for going to war resides in the Southerners who want to secede. He maintains that the federal government wants to hold itself together and will not attack its own citizens, which he thinks Southerners still are. If war breaks out, according to Lincoln, it will be because dissatisfied people in the South started to fight the government.

Based on this infographic, which side had the advantage in terms of resources at the beginning of the war? What strategies might the disadvantaged side use to resist the other side's superiority?

The Union has a clear advantage in terms of population, infrastructure, and soldiers. The Confederates could try to conserve their resources while allowing the Union to use up its own resources. In time the Union may tire of the war and sue for peace on the Confederacy's terms.

Compare the initial military strategies of the Union and the Confederacy.

The Union strategy was built on the Anaconda Plan, which involved a naval blockade along the coast and a military advance along the Mississippi River that would split the Confederacy in two. The South hoped for a long war in which they believed the Confederacy would outlast the Union, erode the Union's will to fight, and earn support from Britain and France.

Which regions of the country experienced the most significant fighting during 1861 and 1862?

The region around Washington, D.C., and Richmond, and the western regions near the Mississippi River experienced the most fighting.

What geographic factors made certain Union forts vulnerable to Confederate forces?

Union forts along the southern coast or along the frontier would have been harder for northern forces to reach to reinforce or protect. This would have made these forts especially vulnerable to southern forces.

The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 declared that enslaved African Americans who escaped to the North had to be returned to their masters. What evidence in the passage indicates that Lincoln will not prevent this law from being enforced? "I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists." "There is much controversy about the delivering up of fugitives from service or labor." "It is scarcely questioned that this provision was intended by those who made it for the reclaiming of what we call fugitive slaves." "All members of Congress swear their support to the whole Constitution—to this provision as much as to any other."

"All members of Congress swear their support to the whole Constitution—to this provision as much as to any other."

How did President Lincoln keep the border states loyal to the Union? A. He insisted he had no intention of abolishing slavery. B. He offered substantial government aid in exchange for loyalty. C. He ordered a massive troop mobilization to protect these states. D. He relaxed certain restrictions regarding the purchase and sale of slaves.

A. He insisted he had no intention of abolishing slavery.

What was so surprising about the Battle of Bull Run? A. Confederate forces rebuffed Union forces. B. More than 25,000 soldiers perished. C. Neither side had a clear advantage. D. Union forces won a swift and decisive victory.

A. Confederate forces rebuffed Union forces.

What was the first battle of the Civil War? A. Fort Sumter B. Shiloh C. Fredericksburg D. Antietam

A. Fort Sumter

What happened at Fort Sumter and how did this contribute to the start of the Civil War?

Fort Sumter was a northern fort located in Confederate territory. When the southern states seceded, they demanded the fort but it remained in Union hands. Lincoln hesitated to send supplies or ammunition because he did not want to start a war. The Union troops at the fort held out for a long time, but finally the Confederacy fired on the troops and they were forced to surrender. This violence motivated Lincoln to ask for soldiers to fight the Confederacy.

What do you think was the most significant turning point in the events leading to the war? Justify your response.

I think the attack on Fort Sumter was the most significant turning point. Before that, no military force had been used and not all southern states had seceded. Both sides may have been able to reach a diplomatic solution. After the attack, however, Lincoln began to gather an army and war was inevitable.

What caused the stalemate in Virginia?

General McClellen was reluctant to execute his plans to fight the Confederacy when General Lee led the Confederate troops against the Union troops. McClellan quickly withdrew after his campaign stalled.

How was Lincoln able to win election as President without carrying any southern states?

He won the vote all across the North, which included states with many electoral votes such as New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. Southerners split their votes among three candidates, and Lincoln won an easy victory in the Electoral College.

How did Lincoln's contributions during the Civil War affect the nation's history?

His leadership and resolve preserved the Union, and by issuing the Emancipation Proclamation, he took an important first step toward ending slavery.

What does Lincoln hope to accomplish with his inaugural address?

In this speech, Lincoln outlines his position as president on the eve of civil war. He wants to make clear that he is not challenging the institution of slavery in the South, and will not be the aggressor in war. He will, though, do whatever it takes to hold the Union together. Lincoln's speech encourages Americans to stay unified. He wants the public to know, however, that he will not let the Southern states secede without putting up a fight.

What does Lincoln think about secession, and why?

Lincoln does not look favorably on secession. He maintains that the only rule of free people is the rule of the majority, controlled by checks and limitations. In rejecting majority rule, the only alternatives are despotism or anarchy. Lincoln suggests that secession is the act of a minority rejecting the rule of law and argues that a society cannot survive based on this principle.

How do you think leaders of the Confederacy might have reacted to this speech?

Leaders in the Confederacy were likely not placated by Lincoln's speech. They might not have believed Lincoln when he said the government would not attack, nor would they have agreed with Lincoln's commitment to keep the Union from breaking apart. It is unlikely that his speech changed anyone's mind in the South.

Based on the quotes above, explain the rationale of both sides to begin the Civil War. Was this reason enough to justify going to war?

Lincoln viewed the secession of southern states as illegal. On the other hand, Davis believed the southern states had a constitutional right to secede from the Union if that government "has been perverted from the purposes for which it was ordained." In my opinion, war is never justified, but sometimes it may be the only option left after all other options have been exhausted. Despite my personal feeling that slavery was wrong, if the southern states felt the newly elected President would fail to "secure the blessings of liberty" for themselves, then they had a right to secede. Alternatively, Lincoln justified the war by claiming that southern states were rejecting the popular will, referring to their decision to secede after his election. Neither side seems to have had "reason enough" to justify going to war.

Explain Lincoln's purpose in his inaugural address in March 1861. What words and phrases from the address support your answer?

Lincoln wanted to persuade the southern states not to leave the Union by arguing that the people in the United States had "bonds of affection" that could not be broken. He encouraged southerners to let these positive feelings, or "the better angels of our nature," overcome the anger and resentment.

How would you describe Lincoln's tone toward the South?

Lincoln's tone is conciliatory. He wants to assuage Southern fears over slavery and prevent the outbreak of war. However, his speech is not meek or apologetic. He is firm about not shying away from war.

What particular actions taken by northern states against slavery are referred to in the Declaration?

Many in the North denounced slavery, supported abolitionist causes, participated in helping enslaved African Americans escape, and refused to comply with the Fugitive Slave Act either through state laws or through resistance.

Why was control of New Orleans and the Mississippi River so important to both sides?

New Orleans was a major port on the Mississippi River, which was a vital shipping route, and the city controlled access to the Gulf of Mexico. The side that controlled these places had an advantage in moving troops and goods throughout the western regions.

How did secession spread across the South?

South Carolina seceded first. This was followed by six more states from the Deep South prior to shots being fired on Fort Sumter, with states in the Upper South seceding only after hostilities had begun. Some states with social and economic characteristics of the South, such as Kentucky and Missouri, did not secede at all.

What impact did leaders such as General Stonewall Jackson and General Robert E. Lee have on the Union and Confederate forces? Use evidence to support your answer.

Stonewall Jackson outmanuevered Union forces many times. Robert E. Lee defeated a superior force through clever strategy in the Seven Days Battle. These actions gave courage to the Confederacy and unnerved many Union troops and military leaders.

Based on the content of this chart, which side seemed to be winning in the war's early years?

The Confederacy seemed to be winning, although there were some inconclusive battles.

Based on the Preamble and the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution, why might some southern and northern states disagree about the right to secede from the Union?

The Election of 1860 showed that the Union was sharply divided. Lincoln won the North and the election, but he did not win any southern electoral votes. He was not even on the ballot in many southern states. Bell and Breckinridge competed for southern votes, while Douglas and Lincoln competed in the North and West.

Why did the South win most of the early battles of the Civil War?

The South won most of the early battles of the Civil War because they fought them on their own territory and they had excellent military officers.

On which main issue did the candidates in the 1860 election disagree?

The candidates disagreed about how the federal government would deal with slavery.

This 1862 illustration depicts the naval conflict between the Union Monitor and Confederate Virginia, formerly known as the Merrimack. Contrast How was the fighting between ironclads different from that of earlier naval wars?

The ships had more significant offensive and defensive power than previous naval battles where all ships were made of wood.

What is the meaning of the keys, labeled "Regular Nomination," "Non Intervention," and "Nebraska Bill," with which Douglas is trying to open the door?

The various keys are meant to symbolize the many ways Douglas tried to win the election.

Use the graphic organizer below to list the strengths and weaknesses of the Union and the Confederacy in the Civil War.

Union Strengths: Larger population, 22 million; more industrialized; could produce more arms and ammunition; large railroad network; navy; strong leader with President Abraham Lincoln; established government. Confederacy Strengths: Most believed passionately in Confederate cause; strong military tradition; strong leadership in General Robert E. Lee; fought on familiar ground. Union Weaknesses: Many northerners were indifferent to the issue of slavery and did not care about preserving the Union; small army with short term of service; needed to fight an offensive war on unfamiliar enemy territory. Confederacy Weaknesses: Smaller population, 9 million; new, weak government.

Which event was seen, by the North, as the first act of war? a. the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter b. the election of Abraham Lincoln c. the president's call for troops to defend the Union d. the secession of southern states

a. the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter

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