7.5 Lab
only auscultation. electrocardiography cannot detect valve defects. papa toon of the radial artery can only detect change on peripheral pulse at radial artery.
can a defective wave be detected by electrocardiography, auscultation, palpating of the radial artery or all 3 techniques. explain
heart murmurs
abnormal heart sounds are called
irregularity in a valve
condition of heart murmur
persistent fetal opening between right and left atria after birth
condition of heart murmur
septal defects
condition of heart murmurs
by the different valves of the heart opening and closing. the first heart sound "lub" comes from tricuspid and mistrial valve snapping shut while the pulmonary and aortic valve open. the second heart sound "dub" is caused by the aortic and pulmonary valves shutting while the tricuspid and mistrial valve close.
explain how the heart sounds are normally produced
tricuspid valve and mitral valve snap shut
the first heart sound "lub" is caused by
pulmonary valve and aortic valve snapping shut
the second heart sound is caused by
T wave
the second sound "dub" is correlated with which ECG wave?
in a fetus blood flows across to the left atrium through a shunt called the foramen ovale. from the left atrium blood moves down into the left ventricle in adults some oxygenated blood from left atrium flows through the hole in the septum into the right atrium where it mixes with oxygen poor blood increases the total amount of blood that flows toward the lungs this causes heart murmurs because it is a hole in septum causing a leak where blood should not go into or out of.
which way would blood flow through an opening in the septum between the atria in a fetus and in an adult?