8.10.4 Documenting Sources: In-Text Citations
indirect quote
when you are paraphrasing or summarizing what the author has said. You are keeping the content but changing the words. The majority of your citations should be this type. It is simply not necessary to rewrite everything the authors have said.
The majority of the citations in your paper should be indirect citations.
You only use quotation marks around direct quotes.
You only use in-text citations for direct quotes.
Which of the following would you not likely find in a lead-in?
The Publisher
Citation Lead-ins
a mini-introduction to the information you are citing
direct quote
when you use the exact words of the author and you put quotation marks around it. The only time you should use a direct quotation is when you can't possibly word it any better or any differently than it has already been worded. Or, you can use it when you want to refer to the exact wording used. Be careful not to overuse the direct quotation.