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8235 Impounding Firearms and Ammunition - 8235.4 Impounding and Packaging of Ammunition

Bullets, casings, fragments, etc. shall be packaged in a manner, which avoids damaging or scratching the casing or bullet. Do not place tape or mark directly on the bullets, casings, or magazines. Fingerprint evidence, as well as ballistic evidence, should be considered when packaging the item. Bullets, casings, shotgun shells and wadding shall be placed separately in a plastic film container, vial or coin envelope and marked accordingly, prior to placing into an evidence envelope. Ammunition, excluding that which is unloaded and packaged with a firearm, shall be packaged separately from all other property. Bullets lodged in an object shall be removed by cutting and removing a section of the object, instead of removing the bullet itself.

Prisoner Property

Non-evidentiary property belonging to a prisoner(s) booked into a detention facility, which is placed into temporary custody of a law enforcement agency.

8236 Impounding Property & Evidence - 8236.7 Packaging of Duct Tape

Used tape shall be placed loosely in a zip-lock bag, prior to placing in an envelope or gun box. Do not attempt to untangle the tape.

8235 Impounding Firearms and Ammunition - 8235.2 Unsafe Firearms

A member of the Department's Armory shall be contacted and will take possession of any firearm, which cannot be rendered safe or cannot be determined as safe. If a member of the Armory is not available, unsafe firearms shall be secured in an evidence locker with a WARNING memorandum attached. This memo shall be clearly visible and state the attached firearm is loaded and unsafe. No member of Evidence shall handle or transfer any unsafe weapon, including weapons that do not have a properly attached cable tie that can be viewed from the outside of the package. All black powder firearms shall be handled as an explosive and placed in the bomb shed, with notification made to the Bomb Unit.


A property destruction board shall oversee and witness the inventory and final destruction or transfer of marijuana, hard narcotics, firearms and currency. These boards shall be convened upon the request of the Evidence Superintendent. As deemed necessary, any member of a board may request random testing, verification, and/or inventory of the items scheduled for destruction, transfer, or deposit.

8236 Impounding Property & Evidence - 8236.8 Packaging of Money

All currency shall be packaged separately. All currency shall be counted by listing the number of denominations only, in the provided cash count of BEAST. Do not manually total the amount; allow the BEAST system to calculate the total. For amounts over $50, two officers shall separately count and sign the cash count BEAST label. All amounts over $1000 shall be submitted directly to a Property and Evidence technician or locked in the currency drop box located in Records. Quantities too large to place into the drop box shall require an Evidence call-out. Large sums of coins and bills may be counted using the evidence coin or bill counter, and will require an evidence call-out.

8253 Purging of Evidence

All evidence purged from the Property and Evidence Section shall be purged in accordance with federal, state, and/or local law, by court order, or as directed by the detective/officer in charge of the case. Officers/detectives shall submit a release form to the Property and Evidence Section, approving the release and disposal of evidence within six (6) months under the following circumstances: As approved or ordered by the court Upon final adjudication When the property seized has been determined to no longer hold evidentiary value When the release of property is approved to an owner All attempts to locate an owner have been exhausted Biological evidence collected in connection with a homicide or felony sexual offense shall be preserved for a minimum of 55 years if classified a "cold case", or for the period in which the person is incarcerated or on supervised release for the offense. "Biological evidence" is defined as sexual assault examination kits, semen, blood, saliva, hair, skin tissue, lab samples or other identified biological material. A "cold case" is a homicide or a felony sexual offense that remains unsolved for one year or more after being reported to a law enforcement agency, that has no viable and unexplored investigatory leads. Bulk evidence from a homicide or felony sexual offense may be authorized for disposal or release once sampled and approved by the county attorney. Investigators shall make reasonable efforts to provide written notice to the victim, prior to authorizing the destruction or release of bulk evidence. Release forms shall be filled out completely and shall include the name of the rightful owner and their most current address. Separate owners shall require a separate release form. Each item on the case should be itemized and shall indicate if the owner is ineligible to claim the item, by providing the necessary disposal justification code. Officers/detectives may request property be held if further time is needed for investigation or adjudication. When necessary a request for HOLD form shall be submitted to Property and Evidence. The HOLD form shall indicate the reason for the hold, the item being held, and an indicated amount of time to hold the item(s) before disposal/release. It is the responsibility of the case detective to place a HOLD on items classified as "found property", if they discover the item is related to an investigation. Indefinite holds or disposal dates longer than the disposal criteria already established by the County Attorney's Office shall not be accepted, with the exception of the Legal Advisor's office or as approved by the Evidence Superintendent.

8235 Impounding Firearms and Ammunition - 8235.1 General Handling of Firearms

All firearms shall be rendered safe (completely unloaded) prior to submitting to the Property and Evidence Section. Submitting officers shall verify the safety of the weapon and sign the verification sticker located on the outside of the gun box. To avoid the potential loss of evidence, Officers/detectives shall avoid defacing or disassembling a firearm, beyond removing any ammunition and rendering the weapon safe. When rendering a weapon safe, officers shall use a cable tie to immobilize the "action" of the weapon. At no time shall flex cuffs, pencils, wadded paper or any other item be placed in the barrel of the weapon. Ammunition should not be removed from or placed back into a magazine. Firearms shall be packaged in either a department approved gun or rifle box. Firearms shall be packaged in a manner that allows the safety band/cable tie to be viewed through the cellophane window. Firearms that cannot be packaged in a manner that allows the safety band/cable tie to be visible from the outside of the package, shall require an Evidence call-out. Bullets and magazines shall be packaged in a separate coin envelope, prior to packaging them with the firearm. All Recovered, abandoned, and found firearms shall be classified as a crime gun and documented "evidence" in BEAST. Firearms seized for the purpose of temporarily safeguarding shall be documented as "safekeeping" in BEAST. An electronic ATF Gun Trace Form shall be completed and submitted with all firearms, with the exception of Department owned and issued guns.


All fireworks shall be place in the designated firework shed located at Operations Division Midtown with a BEAST barcode label attached. The submitting officer shall notify the Bomb Unit when items are placed in the shed.

8231.4 Documentation

All items held by the Department shall be controlled through the use of a case number, item-tracking number, and shall be barcoded upon submission to Property and Evidence. Only one barcode label and item number shall be affixed to each package. When property is obtained, a case report shall be generated documenting the circumstances by which the property came into the agency's possession and the description and/or condition of each item. Stolen or recovered items exceeding a verified value of $250 and all firearms shall be itemized in the required fields of the case report. Upon request, citizens may be given an Informational Receipt Form (TPD 931B), instructing them how to obtain an itemized receipt of the items confiscated. Seized property, which is immediately turned over to another party and is never submitted to the department's Property and Evidence Section shall be documented in the seizing officer's case report and shall not be entered into BEAST. Upon returning an item to an owner, an owner's signature is required on a Property Release Form (TPD 1412) documenting the release. All completed Property Release Forms shall be turned into Property and Evidence for possible entry into BEAST. Upon review, the Property and Evidence Section shall route the Property Release Form to the Records case file. Cellular phones that are retained for investigation and not immediately turned over to the control of the Property and Evidence Section, shall be entered into the BEAST. A Cellular Phone Evidence Tracking Slip (TPD 3263) shall be filled out by the submitting officer. The form can be located on Share Drive/Form or at any BEAST station. Forms should include a copy of the cellular phone's BEAST barcode label, the phone's serial number and the name of the detective maintaining custody of the phone. Submitting officers shall include their signature on the affixed barcode label. Completed tracking forms shall be submitted to an evidence overnight storage bin, in substitution of the actual cellular phone. Upon receipt of the form, Evidence Technicians shall ensure the information provided on the form is entered into the BEAST. Cellular phones should continue to be packaged, sealed and labeled according to established evidence procedures, prior to returning to Property and Evidence for storage. Property submitted to Property and Evidence that cannot be entered into BEAST due to computer malfunction, shall be documented on an Evidence Informational Data Sheet Form (TPD 931A). The Property and Evidence Section will electronically enter all incoming Evidence Informational Data Sheets and will file the original(s) with the case. When using an Evidence Informational Data Sheet, the officer shall write the case number and item number on the outside of each sealed package. When submitting firearms, the officer shall complete a firearm safety label and an electronic ATF Gun Tracing Form. An itemized list of seized property shall be left behind at all search warrant scenes. This can be accomplished by filling out a Search Warrant Inventory Form (TPD 2320) or by generating an electronic receipt through the Mobile BEAST Field Kit and attaching the chosen form to Arizona Inventory Affidavit and Return of Search Warrant Form (TPD 2327).

8233 Impounding Marijuana, Narcotics, and Prescription Drugs - Narcotic, Prescription and Illicit Drugs

All narcotics, prescription drugs or suspected/possible narcotics greater than one (1) pound shall be transported directly to EPIC for overnight storage. Narcotic testing shall be handled in accordance with Crime Laboratory procedures and shall be completed by submitting officer prior to submitting the "drug in question" to Property and Evidence. Evidence confiscated from a possible Methamphetamine lab shall be submitted directly to DPS for testing. Only DPS samples shall be accepted by the Property and Evidence Section, and must include a copy of the DPS lab report upon submission. Mass pharmaceutical collection and destruction program: For prescription drugs collected during a mass disposal and destruction program, officers will ensure that glass containers, inhalants, syringes, or auto-injectors are not included during the collection of drugs. Prescription drugs collected during such a program shall be combined within a large plastic trash bag. It is unnecessary to itemize each prescription received. At the conclusion of the mass collection, the officer shall immediately seal the trash bag or bags containing the collected pharmaceuticals and shall document in his/her case report the name of the person who witnessed the sealing of the bag(s). Each sealed bag shall be entered into the BEAST as a separate item number as "safekeeping", using a "miscellaneous officer" classification report number. The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) shall be the listed owner.


All perishables shall be photographed, sampled, and immediately disposed of. Indications shall be made on the case report explaining why the item was destroyed.

8232 Packaging of Property and Evidence - 8232.1 General Rules

All property and evidence seized and held by the department shall be inventoried and tracked using an individually assigned item number and barcode. Barcode labels shall be cross-referenced to the item collected. Submitting officers shall sign the barcode label upon submitting to Property and Evidence. When known, the arrestee, suspect, finder, and/or victim's address and personal information shall be entered in the "Case Name" field of BEAST. Submitting officers shall link the appropriate "Case Name" to the listed item, if an individual is identified and known to be the lawful owner. Only one (1) owner shall be attached to an item. Property shall be handled, packaged and marked in a manner that protects the integrity of the item and its evidentiary value, causing as little damage as possible. All packaging shall be new and unused, and sealed with either clear plastic evidence tape or by using self-sealing plastic evidence bags, to prevent accidental loss and tampering of the contents. Only departmental approved evidence tape shall be used. The person sealing the items shall inscribe his/her initials and personnel number across the seal of the tape creating an "integrity seal". Integrity seals shall be inscribed with permanent ink. Property packaged in plastic evidence bags shall be free from moisture. Wet items shall be thoroughly dried or shall be packaged in breathable paper packaging. Exposed electronic circuit boards and hardware containing possible digital evidence shall not be packaged in plastic evidence bags and will be submitted in paper packaging. Barcode labels shall not be used to seal packaging. When the collecting and submitting officer are the same individual, both the integrity seal and the barcode label shall be signed/initialed, as outlined above. All property shall be packaged in size appropriate packaging approved by the Property and Evidence Section. When an item is too large for packaging, a property tag shall be securely attached with the barcode label attached to the tag. In order to avoid property damage, barcode labels or property stickers shall not be directly affixed to an item. Items considered "evidence" shall be packaged separately from "found property", "prisoner property", and "property for safekeeping". Whenever possible, consideration should be given to possible cross contamination. If possible cross contamination exists, then each piece of evidence shall be packaged separately. Items belonging to various owners shall require separate packaging. Numerous items of similar character/type may be packaged together if there is no concern of cross contamination or separate ownership. Items packaged together in a single package shall be tracked using one (1) item number and one (1) barcode label. All items in the package shall be briefly described in the item "description" field. Items that cannot be listed in the "description" field, shall require separate packaging. Safes and other storage containers shall be opened and the contents inventoried and packaged separately. Officers shall record all serial numbers, identifying markings, and owner-applied numbers in the BEAST. If it is questionable how an item should be collected and/or packaged a member of the Crime Scene Unit, Property and Evidence Section, or Crime Laboratory shall be consulted prior to handling the evidence or property.


All shoplifting evidence shall be photographed and returned to the retailer. Any Polaroid photos taken shall be attached to the case report and filed in Records. The Property and Evidence Section will not accept shoplifting evidence without a memo of justification, stating the reason for impound.

8233 Impounding Marijuana, Narcotics, and Prescription Drugs - Paraphernalia

All syringes shall be placed in a syringe holder prior to packaging, and all sharp objects shall be double packaged in a manner that will reduce the chance of injury. All syringes seized in connection with narcotics arrests or investigations shall be placed into evidence. Syringes which are found /discarded in the field, that are not associated with a suspect or investigation, may be placed in a sharps container and disposed of at the nearest substation in a marked Biohazard disposal barrel. The only required documentation for these items is a Miscellaneous Incident report. Bongs submitted to the Evidence Section shall be photographed at the scene and dismantled. When dismantling, the bowl containing possible residue shall be packaged in an evidence envelope and kept separate from the rest of the bong. The bowl and the bong shall be assigned separate item numbers. All necessary fingerprinting shall be completed at the scene.

8236 Impounding Property & Evidence - 8236.3 Tools and Pry Markings

All tool pry marks and transfers shall be photographed prior to collection. Tools shall be packaged in size appropriate gun box and anchored to avoid shifting and loss of evidence.


An inspection shall be conducted at least twice a year by the Evidence Superintendent or designee, to determine the adherence of procedures established for the control of property. In addition, a member of the CALEA/Audit Unit shall conduct an annual unannounced audit of the Property and Evidence Section. The following areas shall be addressed during the audit: Are the conditions of the Property and Evidence storage facilities clean and orderly? Is the integrity of the property and evidence maintained? Are the established procedures being followed concerning the management and control of property and evidence? Is the property and evidence protected from damage and/or deterioration? Is the property and evidence, having no further evidentiary value, being released or disposed of promptly? Whenever the person responsible for the property and evidence control function is transferred or resigns from the position, an audit of property shall be conducted by a member of CALEA/Audit Unit and the newly appointed Property Custodian. The purpose of the inventory is to verify records are accurate and properly annotated. The inventory is meant to ensure the integrity of the system, not to require an accounting of every item of property.

8234 Impounding Bio-Hazardous Materials - 8234.1 Packaging and Drying

Any material of a biological composition, which constitutes a threat to people or the environment, shall be identified as bio-hazardous on the packaging it is contained in, and shall be handled using Universal Precautions and protective equipment. To avoid contamination, bio-hazardous materials shall be packaged separately from any other items and when necessary transported using a red-biohazard bag. Upon delivery of the items to the drying cabinets, the red biohazard bag may be disposed of. Plastic bags should not be used for packaging wet items. Instead, Department personnel shall dry all wet evidence prior to packaging. Wet items shall be transported and secured inside the drying cabinets located at EPIC. Items locked inside a drying cabinet will revert to the control of the Property and Evidence Section. Members of Property and Evidence shall package the dried items and continue to document the chain of custody. Evidence personnel shall package the cabinet filter, paper lining and any packaging submitted to the drying cabinet with the wet items. Transporting officers shall create an item barcode label for each item submitted to a drying cabinet. The barcode label associated with the wet item shall be placed in the pouch on the outside of the drying cabinet. When using the drying cabinets, victim and suspect clothing shall be dried in separate cabinets to avoid cross contamination. Clothing shall be arranged in a manner that allows air to flow freely through the items. If and when drying cabinets are full, wet items shall be packaged, labeled, and sealed inside a paper bag and temporarily placed in the overnight refrigerator. Leaky packages shall be place inside a red biohazard bag to avoid possible cross contamination of other refrigerated items. Items too large for refrigeration shall require an Evidence call-out. The Property and Evidence Section shall maintain all logs associated with the cleaning of the cabinets.


At no time shall any unexploded or questionable explosive device or incendiary item be submitted to the Property and Evidence Section. The Bomb Unit shall examine all items of an explosive nature to verify the safety.

8236 Impounding Property & Evidence - 8236.9 Impounding Bicycles

Bicycles shall be secured in the bike racks located at each substation and shall have a BEAST label attached by means of a property tag and cable tie. The Evidence Section will collect bicycles a minimum of once a week for storage at the Impound Lot. Bicycles containing possible trace evidence and in need of lab analysis shall be brought directly to EPIC. All attempts shall be made to package the bicycle in a manner that will protect the evidence and minimize cross contamination.

8236 Impounding Property & Evidence - 8236.12 Biologically & Chemically Contaminated Items and Letters

Citizens may contact the Department to handle property and suspicious mail with the concern that the items may have been contaminated with biological or chemical agents. The Department has an obligation to the public to address those concerns and to ensure the safety of responding members. Absent any reasonable apparent hazards, the following procedures should be followed: Wear Latex gloves and a protective filter mask when handling the item. Place item in a zip-lock plastic bag. Prior to sealing the zip-lock bag, thoroughly wet the item with a 20% bleach solution. Seal the bag and mist the outside of the bag with a 20% bleach solution. Deposit the bag into a second, larger, zip-lock plastic bag, along with the latex gloves. Seal the bag and mark it with the report number in permanent ink. DO NOT transport or submit the package to the Property and Evidence Section, but instead a member of TFD Hazmat shall be notified and shall pick up the package.

8252 Conversion of Property to Department Use

City of Tucson Procurement Code 28-70(1) and ARS 12-943 allows for unclaimed property and evidence determined to be of use in police operations to be retained and utilized by the Department. Forfeited property intended for departmental use housed by the Department's Property and Evidence Section, with the exception of computer electronics and vehicles, shall be distributed through the Property and Evidence Section. Computer electronics shall be distributed through the Data Services Unit as outlined by their internal procedures and Police Logistics Division shall distribute vehicles. The Police Logistics Division shall maintain the original court documents and vehicle title, of vehicles converted to department use. When the department no longer needs the converted vehicle, the vehicle and associated documents shall be turned over to the Property and Evidence Section for auction or disposal. Departmental units or outside law enforcement agencies with specific equipment needs shall submit a memorandum justifying their request from their Division Commander to the Evidence Superintendent. The memorandum shall indicate the items needed and the intended use. All items requested shall be for official department use and shall be approved as such by the Evidence Superintendent. Approved items shall be identified, as they become available through the disposal process. All requests shall be honored on a first come first served basis. Identified equipment shall require final authorization from the Chief of Police or his appointed designee. Individuals notified shall have ten (10) days to respond and collect approved items. Any items remaining after ten (10) days shall be redistributed, destroyed, or sent to City Auction. All items with a value of $500 or greater shall have an Inventory Control Form (TPD 1271) completed by the Property and Evidence Section at the time of departmental transfer. Completed Inventory Control Forms shall be routed to the department's Budget Section. All transferred property is subject to audit and shall be the responsibility of the owning unit. The owning unit shall be responsible for the salvage of transferred property no longer needed by the unit.

8236 Impounding Property & Evidence - 8236.11 Compressed Gas, Combustibles, and Flammable Liquids

Combustible items shall be safely contained in TFD Hazmat approved containers. TFD Hazmat shall be called out if containers are not readily available. A maximum one (1) ounce sample of any hazardous liquids shall be placed in a glass jar and the remainder appropriately disposed of in accordance with TFD Hazmat regulations. Disposed items shall be documented in the officer's case report. Empty containers may be packaged and submitted separately. Flammable liquid containers, which require fume analysis shall have the caps secured and shall be packaged in an authorized airtight container, such as a glass mason jar, metal can or plastic bucket. Seized vehicle batteries, with exception of those connected to an impounded vehicle, shall be drained prior to submission to Property and Evidence. TFD Hazmat shall drain battery acids. Petroleum based liquids shall be disposed of in the yellow gasoline disposal barrels located at each of the substances. Vapor emitting article shall be placed in an authorized airtight container such as a glass mason jar, metal can or plastic bucket prior to submitting to the Property and Evidence Section. Department members shall not transport "full" containers of compressed gas greater than one (1) gallon. TFD Hazmat shall be contacted when seizing a compressed gas container of this size. TFD Hazmat will remove the container and return it to the appropriate owner or drain the containers requiring long-term evidence storage. Aerosol cans and compressed gas containers less that one (1) gallon shall be packaged separately and labeled as "combustible" prior to submitting to the Property and Evidence Section.

8233.1 Core and Court Sampling

Court Sample Definition: ARS 13-3413 sets forth the statutory requirements for the retention and destruction of evidence. It states when ten (10) or more pounds of marijuana are seized, ten (10) pounds may be retained for court representation purposes as evidence. For other substances listed in ARS 13-3413 that exceed one (1) pound, one pound of the substance may be kept as a representative sample. A representative court sample shall be retained from each location where contraband is found (i.e., kitchen, bedroom, garage, and/or vehicle). The identified court sample(s) shall represent the different types of wrappings used to package the narcotics or marijuana. Random core sampling used for the purpose of laboratory analysis shall be significant to the size and quantity of the seizure. Core samples shall be taken of each selected court sample.

8236 Impounding Property & Evidence - 8236.4 Packaging of Documents

Documents shall not be folded or marked, instead using old creases and previous fold lines whenever possible. All packaging shall be filled out completely prior to enclosing the questioned document, to avoid unnecessary impressions.

8235 Impounding Firearms and Ammunition - 8235.3 Firearms-Related Orders of Protection

Firearms transferred to the Department for safekeeping, as provided for under an Order of Protection, shall be submitted with the following documentation: ATF Gun Trace Form, a copy of the Order of Protection, and a signed Destruction Notification Form. A Notification flag shall be entered in the BEAST under "Case Info" screen indicating if a firearm was seized as an Order of Protection or under a domestic violence dispute. Flagged messages shall read either "Domestic Violence" or "Order of Protection".

8236 Impounding Property & Evidence - 8236.15 Found Property

Found Property shall be packaged separately and the name and address of the finder shall be documented in the BEAST. Found property left unclaimed after its legal retention period shall be offered to the documented finder. Finders shall be sent a notification letter by the Property and Evidence Section and shall be given thirty (30) days to claim the property. Found property not claimed thirty (30) days from the date of notification shall be disposed of in accordance with state and local guidelines. Responding officers shall not list him or herself as the finder in BEAST and shall not be eligible for unclaimed property.

8236 Impounding Property & Evidence - 8236.13 Animals

If a person possesses an animal at the time of arrest, the officer shall make every effort to release the animal to a responsible party.

Liquids and Gasoline

If liquids must be submitted as evidence, a small, one (1) ounce sample or less (enough to cover the bottom of the container), shall be packaged in a sealed, spill proof container, and the remainder appropriately discarded. Indications shall be made on the case report explaining why the item was destroyed. Flammable liquids shall be disposed of in Hazardous Waste Containers located at each substation or by Hazmat. Gasoline or flammable liquid samples shall only be accepted in an authorized airtight glass container, such as a mason jar.

8236 Impounding Property & Evidence - 8236.18 Seizure of Computer Equipment

Investigators are confronted with a diverse set of ever-changing electronic devices, which are used for both legitimate and illicit enterprises. Direct and trace evidence can be left by subjects that can provide investigators with valuable information and evidence. In order to preserve the evidentiary value of this information, proper precautions must be taken when seizing and examining these electronic devices. Some of these devices include: Computers Digital Cameras Personal Data Assistants (Pocket PC, Palm) Cellular Telephones Storage Devices (i.e. Hard drives, USB memory keys, SD cards Memory Sticks) Because of the volatile nature of the data on these devices, it is essential that the proper method of seizure is exercised. These procedures also prevent the introduction of new data, or the destruction of current data on the device or media. The seemingly simple act of viewing a file or starting/shutting down a computer, can drastically alter the data on a device and compromise its evidentiary value or admissibility in legal proceedings. An instructional guideline shall be available for members to help with the successful seizure of computer equipment can be found on the department's Share Drive/ Forensic_Private/Forensic_Evidence.

"In Custody" Property

Items that are not legally owned by the Tucson Police Department, which have been seized, collected, turned over or held within the custody of the Tucson Police department for the purpose of safe keeping, investigation, forfeiture, or identification. Also referred to as "property" or "evidence".

8236 Impounding Property & Evidence - 8236.1 Latent Fingerprints

Latent fingerprint cards shall be submitted in an approved latent envelope and packaged separately from all other items. Each latent envelope shall be assigned one (1) item number in the BEAST. Multiple latent lift cards may be submitted in one (1) envelope if collected from the same street location. Latents lifted at multiple street locations shall require separate envelopes and separate barcode labels. A BEAST barcode label shall be attached to the front of each latent envelope. The description of the item shall indicate the number of latent lift cards inside the envelope. Latent envelopes shall be sealed with evidence tape and the collecting officer shall initial each seal. Each latent lift card shall be filled out completely and shall include both a diagram and description of where and what the latent lift was from.

8233 Impounding Marijuana, Narcotics, and Prescription Drugs - Marijuana

Marijuana shall be packaged separately from Narcotics and Prescription Drugs. All marijuana greater than four (4) pounds shall be accurately weighed and verified by two officers prior to packaging, sealing, and submitting to Property and Evidence. Weights shall be noted on the Marijuana Weight Log (TPD 3241) and signed by both verifying officers. Completed weight logs shall be submitted with the marijuana. Marijuana greater than fifty (50) pounds shall not be stored in any overnight storage bin, but shall be transported and secured in the bulky storage cages located at EPIC. Safety recommendations require all large quantities of marijuana to be packaged and sealed in 4-mil or greater polyethylene bags. Consideration should be given to the number of bails sealed in each bag, with each bag not exceeding approximately 40 (40) pounds. Property labels shall be secured to the outside of each bag.


Members of Property and Evidence can be contacted by phone Monday-Friday from 0700-1700 hours at 791-4458. Property and Evidence is closed for all City Holidays. After hours, department personnel may request an appointment or report BEAST malfunctions by calling the Evidence request line at 837-7361. Public Service Counter Hours are Monday-Thursday 0900-1700 hours and Fridays from 1200- 1700 hours. Officer Counter Hours are Monday-Friday from 0600-1800 hours. Officer counter hours are subject to change on the availability of staff. If such changes are made, officers shall be notified in advance by means of a briefing notice and the hours shall be posted outside the service window.

Release for Analysis

Members of the Crime Lab and authorized members of the Identification Section shall present a signed Request for Analysis Form signed by either the Chemical Analysis Section Coordinator, Crime Lab Superintendent, Identification Superintendent or designee, Crime Scene Specialist Supervisor, or Forensic Administrator, authorizing the removal of narcotics or marijuana. The analysis form shall include the analyst's name, case number, requesting agency, requesting agent, and a list of items to be analyzed. All analysis forms shall be the original form with the authorizing parties "inked" signature (no copies).


Members of the Evidence section are available for field call-out 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to assist in the pick-up and transport of over-sized and large quantities of property. Evidence technicians shall also be called out when secure storage space becomes unavailable in the provided overnight bins and storage facilities. The Evidence Superintendent shall approve all other requests for call-out, which do not fall under the above criteria. All scenes shall be secured and requesting personnel shall ensure all items for transport are properly packaged, sealed, and inventoried, before calling out a member of Property and Evidence, with the exception of an approved Mobile BEAST call-out. At all times, a uniform officer or detective will stand by with Evidence until they clear the scene. When necessary, and as requested by an Evidence technician, an officer/detective shall escort the technician and the property to a secure facility.

8233 Impounding Marijuana, Narcotics, and Prescription Drugs - General

Narcotics, Marijuana and Prescription Drugs shall be packaged separately from any paraphernalia, storage containers or other items, and shall be assigned a separate item number. Loose drugs shall be placed in a "baggie" or coin envelope prior to packaging, to avoid leakage. Marijuana greater than ten (10) pounds and Narcotics greater than one (1) pound shall have both a core and court sample taken. The core and court samples shall be packaged separately from the bulk of the confiscated substance and shall be assigned a separate item number. Prior to sampling, photos shall be taken of the entire amount documenting its found location and the condition of the narcotics and/or marijuana. The identifying case number shall be included in the photos. Marijuana greater than ten (10) pounds and narcotics greater than one (1) pound, not identified as a court sample, shall be submitted to Evidence with a Notice of Destruction Form (TPD 2560). A Notice of Destruction Form shall be served at the time of seizure and appropriate signatures obtained. Marijuana either discovered by itself or in an abandoned vehicle, or where there is no person involved to whom a Notice of Destruction can be served, shall have noted on the bottom of the form, "Found Abandoned." Marijuana and Narcotics shall only be weighed on department-approved scales, which are calibrated in accordance with Weights and Measures. All field scales must be approved prior to use and calibrated annually by the responsible owner. Calibration logs shall be maintained, indicating compliance and shall be available upon request of the Property and Evidence Section. Fingerprint analysis requests on all marijuana or narcotic wrappings & packaging shall be submitted to the Crime Lab within twenty (20) days of the date of seizure. Fingerprinting will be limited to the identified court samples. Large drug cases, in which special circumstances require the entire load to be preserved, will not be accepted without a memorandum from the officer's Lieutenant, specifying the specific reason for retention and the exception to the County Attorneys drug retention guidelines.

Found Property

Non-evidentiary property coming into the custody of a law enforcement agency that has been determined to be lost or abandoned. These items are held to provide an opportunity to determine the legal owner. Found property does not include intentionally abandoned property, which will not be stored.

Property for Safekeeping

Non-evidentiary property placed into temporary custody of a law enforcement agency for the purpose of safeguarding for a rightful owner.

Property for Disposal

Non-evidentiary property that a citizen has requested to be removed or destroyed, and holds no monetary value.


Officers and authorized department personnel shall only remove items from the Property and Evidence Section for the purpose of investigations, court, or training unless otherwise approved by the Office of the Chief of Police. Chain of Custody shall be maintained through the use of the barcoded Evidence and Statistical Tracking System (BEAST) Property Control Receipts shall be generated through this system. Property control forms used prior to the implementation of the BEAST system shall be housed in the Property and Evidence Section until the final disposition of property or until entered into BEAST, at which time the forms will be filed with the case in Records. Persons taking custody of property shall be given a copy of the property receipt and shall continue tracking Chain of Custody on the copy received. Receiving parties, with the exception of Property and Evidence personnel, shall provide a signature upon exchange. Receipts and property become the responsibility of the signing member until transferred to another individual or returned to the Property and Evidence Section. Property retained in court or by another law enforcement agency shall also be tracked by means of a signed receipt. Completed receipts shall be turned over to the Property and Evidence Section for data entry and filing. The Evidence Section will notify the last documented officer on a case, who has property checked out under his/her name longer than thirty (30) days. Notified officers shall immediately contact the Property and Evidence Section with the status of the item. Officers shall either return the requested item or shall provide the necessary receipt documenting the exchange of custody. When applicable, department personnel shall give a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours notice to the Property and Evidence Section when requesting property. "Mass viewing" sessions involving multiple prospective owners viewing large amounts of unidentified property, shall require the approval of the Evidence Superintendent. Personnel will be expected to produce approved departmental identification, before property will be released. Property may be returned to the Property and Evidence Section by means of the customer service counter or through any authorized evidence bin or overnight storage room. Property returned via evidence bins or overnight storage rooms shall have a property receipt attached indicating the time it was locked in the bin.

8231.3 Chain of Custody and Electronic Tracking

Officers shall be responsible for the disposition of property, which comes into their possession during the line of duty. Chain of Custody shall be documented on all property seized by the department. Items submitted and returned to the Property and Evidence Section shall be sealed and/or tagged upon submission. Property stored within the Evidence Section shall remain sealed until released or disposed of, unless otherwise approved by the Evidence Superintendent. It shall be the submitting or collecting individual, or the assigned detective's responsibility to open, repackage, and seal any property that must be opened, transferred, corrected, or viewed. Property held by the department's Property and Evidence Section shall have "Chain of Custody" tracked and maintained through the department's barcoded Evidence and Statistical Tracking System (BEAST) up until final disposition. Submitting officers using BEAST shall supply all known information for any blank field and shall provide complete and accurate information, including but not limited to full street addresses, names, descriptions, identifying markings, quantities, crime classes, and connect up numbers. No department member shall sign on or operate BEAST under another member's user name and password. The BEAST shall be controlled and maintained by the Property and Evidence Section, with the Evidence Superintendent assigned as the system administrator. All BEAST related malfunctions should be reported to Property and Evidence. No member outside of Property and Evidence or Data Services should attempt to fix, delete, or install components associated with BEAST. Data entry for BEAST labels shall be limited to designated BEAST work-stations located next to the evidence drop off bins, authorized Mobile BEAST Field Kits, the Property and Evidence Section, and as authorized by the BEAST system administrator. Operators of the mobile field kits shall ensure the appropriate program is used to ensure "real" time documentation and shall maintain accurate chain of custody at all times. Property and Evidence shall provide training to all prospective BEAST operators. Operators shall complete training before accessing the system. Additional training shall be required for members wishing to operate the Mobile BEAST Field Kits. Only dedicated computer laptops shall be assigned to the Mobile BEAST Field Kits, as authorized by the system administrator and Data Services. Departmental units wishing to procure a Mobile BEAST Field Kit shall place their request through the system administrator. Departmental units assigned Mobile BEAST Field Kits shall be responsible for regularly updating the computer laptops, clearing local files, and ensuring all virus protection is current. The assigned unit shall maintain a maintenance log demonstrating compliance. Copies of the log shall be provided to Property and Evidence upon request. Officers shall not make duplicate entries in BEAST in an attempt to correct a previously entered mistake. Department members, with exception of members within the Property and Evidence Section, who require the edit of information in BEAST, shall submit a BEAST Evidence Barcode Correction Form to the Property and Evidence Section. Upon completing the requested edits, Property and Evidence shall file the correction form in the records case file. Request to delete guns, drugs or money shall require supervisory review and approval. Officers shall cross out any erroneous information on the labels and shall handwrite the correct information on the label. Corrected labels shall continue to be affixed to the item(s) and shall be submitted with the correction form. Only the BEAST System Administrator or his/her designee shall delete and edit items that have digital signatures attached.

8242 Narcotics

Only authorized personnel shall view and /or check out narcotics and marijuana from the Property and Evidence Section, under the following conditions: Subpoena Commander Memorandum Release for Analysis

8234 Impounding Bio-Hazardous Materials - 8234.2 Refrigeration of Biological Evidence

Only the following items should be placed in the overnight refrigerators: OME collections, evidence heavily contaminated with body oils, sexual assault kits, blood drawn samples, urine samples, perishable liquid samples, and used diapers. All other wet evidence should be dried in the drying cabinets. Such evidence shall be submitted as soon as possible to minimize the possibility of degradation. Biological swabs shall be air-dried and submitted using the lab approved swab envelopes. Biological swabs do not need to be refrigerated and may be submitted through the overnight storage bins. Refrigerated evidence shall be packaged separately from all other property. No oversized items suspected of containing biological evidence shall be placed into the biological refrigerators. Instead, large items shall be air-dried and packaged, with samples taken as deemed necessary. A member of the Crime Scene Unit shall be called if presumptive biological testing and sampling is needed in the field. Sexual Assault Kits shall be handled as directed by Crime Lab protocols outlined in General Orders.

8236 Impounding Property & Evidence - 8236.6 Packaging of Hairs and Fibers

Original clothing or bedding shall be collected in a manner in which all possible hairs or fibers are protected from loss. Individual items of clothing and bedding shall be packaged separately to avoid cross-contamination. Single hairs and fibers may be collected using a non-serrated pair of tweezers and placed in a small coin envelope or folded piece of paper, and then sealed inside a department approved evidence envelope.

8236 Impounding Property & Evidence - 8236.2 Packaging of Paint and Vapor Emitting Articles

Paint chips shall be collected so as to keep them intact. Chips shall be placed in a paper envelope or plastic petri dish. Avoid using tape when collecting. The preferred method is to photograph and remove the entire smeared area by cutting around the identified area of interest. Liquid paint shall be left in its original container and packaged to prevent breakage or spilling. If only a sample is needed, remove a small amount of paint using a sample bottle or vial, and discard the remaining paint. Spray paint cans should be photographed, sampled and fingerprinted at the scene. Full cans of spray paint are considered combustible and require special storage considerations. Whenever possible, spray paint cans should be disposed of at the scene or emptied. Spray paint cans submitted to the Property and Evidence Section shall be completely emptied and noted as such in the description of the item, or shall be packaged separately and labeled as a "combustible". Spray paint samples can be collected using a petri dish or sterile cup and coating the inside. Cloth containing paint or any other vapor emitting article, shall be placed in an authorized airtight container such as a glass mason jar, metal can or plastic bucket prior to submitting to the Property and Evidence Section. Gas cans shall be emptied prior to packaging and submission. Gas cans, which require fume analysis shall have the caps secured and should be packaged in an authorized airtight container, such as a 5-gallon plastic bucket.

Commander Memorandum

Personnel shall present a memorandum from either a Bureau Commander, Special Investigations Division Commander, or the Chief of Police authorizing the viewing or removal of the narcotics or marijuana. The memorandum shall include the receiving officer's name, case number, the purpose of the release or viewing, and the commander's signature.


Personnel shall present a subpoena upon checkout of narcotics or marijuana. The subpoena shall list the officer's name, purpose of release, case number, date and time of trial. Narcotics and marijuana shall only be released on the day of trial, up to and including the stated time of the trial. Items not picked up by the stated trial time shall not be released and a new subpoena will need to be issued.

8236 Impounding Property & Evidence - 8236.14 Prisoner Property and Property for Safekeeping

Prisoner Property and/or Property for Safekeeping shall be packaged separately from "evidence" and each owner's property shall be packaged and labeled separately. Prisoner property and property for safekeeping will have an identified owner associated with the property. Submitting officers shall provide the owner's complete name and current address on any reports associated with the property. Firearms submitted for safekeeping reference Domestic Violence of Orders of Protection, shall be flagged in BEAST with either "Domestic Violence" or "Order of Protection" written in the notification field. Officers shall search all prisoner property prior to submitting to the jail. Any weapons, drugs, and contraband shall be submitted to Property and Evidence in accordance with established packaging procedures. Contraband holding no evidentiary or tangible monetary value may be discarded. The following items shall be considered contraband, as outlined by the Pima County Jail: Weapons, including pepper spray, mace, knives, ammunition, etc. Tools that can be used as a weapon, such as screwdrivers, hammers, cutting tools, etc. Unprotected sharps such as syringes and razors. All illegal materials. Officers shall make all attempts to leave prisoner property behind or in the custody of another responsible party. Only when no other options exist shall large items be booked with the owner. All large items, such as backpacks and bedrolls, shall be placed inside a plastic bag and sealed with an evidence tag. Evidence tags shall list the prisoner's full name and address, the case number, the date of arrest, and a short description of the item(s) packaged. When submitting prisoner property to the jail, a "TPD Prisoner Property Jail Receipt" shall be completed. The white copy of the jail receipt shall be placed in the provided sheet protector located inside the storage locker. All remaining copies shall be given to the booking clerk. The locker number in which the items were placed shall be clearly noted on the jail receipt. Property submitted through the jail lockers does not need a barcode label. Instead, officers shall document in their case report items that were seized and locked in the custody of the Pima County Jail. Property submitted directly to the Property and Evidence Section or TPD evidence bins, such as weapons or contraband, shall be entered into BEAST and shall have a barcode label affixed. All money, jewelry, valuables, wallets, prescription medication, and small personal belongings shall be booked into the jail with the prisoner. Items too large to fit inside a jail bin, such as a bicycle, shall be submitted to Property and Evidence. Only one jail locker shall be used per prisoner. If all lockers designated for TPD are full, an Evidence call-out shall be initiated. Officers shall only use TPD designated lockers. The Evidence Section will pick up items remaining at the jail longer than 24 hours. The original TPD Prisoner Property Jail Receipt shall be entered into BEAST by Property and Evidence and shall then be filed with the case in Records.

8231.2 Impound and Storage

Property items coming into the possession of the Department shall be impounded in an evidence locker/bin or evidence storage facility, as soon as possible and before the end of shift, unless otherwise defined by policy. At no time shall property be stored in any unsecured area, such as desks, units, and offices not designated as secured evidence storage. Property may be impounded in the designated evidence bins, located at the listed police facilities. Operation Division South- 4410 S. Park Avenue Operation Division West- 1310 W. Miracle Mile Operation Division Midtown- 1100 S. Alvernon Way Operation Division East- 9670 E. Golf Links Road Operations Division Downtown- 270 S. Stone Avenue Investigations-270 S. Stone Avenue Evidence, Property, & Identification Center (EPIC)- 945 E. Ohio Street Only property classified as "prisoner property" shall be secured in the evidence bins located outside the Pima County Adult Detention Facility at 1270 W. Silverlake Road.

8250 RELEASE OF PROPERTY - 8251 General

Property legally seized as evidence or fruits of a crime will be released to the person claiming ownership, after the provision of State, City and Federal Statues have been met, when the case has been adjudicated, when authorized by an assigned detective, or upon the issuance of a court order. Where private possession of property is not illegal or otherwise proscribed by law, it shall be returned to the legal owner unless the owner's whereabouts are unknown, or the owner is unwilling to accept it. When such return is not possible, the item shall be sold or otherwise disposed of in the manner prescribed by law. Whenever possible, members of the Property and Evidence Section shall send A Notice of Property Disposition letter to any identifiable owner, informing them of property being held in the Property and Evidence Section and the guidelines associated with disposal of unclaimed property. When there is an absence of a known owner items shall be released to those individuals in which a valid claim is made. Valid proof of ownership is established by either court order, detective authorization or as indicated in BEAST and /or property records.

8236 Impounding Property & Evidence - 8236.16 Property for Disposal

Property that holds no evidentiary or monetary value, may be disposed by an officer and documented as such in the case report. Property that holds no known evidentiary or monetary value, which cannot be properly disposed of on scene, shall be submitted to the Evidence Section with a release form authorizing immediate disposal.


Property, trace, and/or biological findings that may be related to a crime and which may implicate or clear a person of a crime.

8236 Impounding Property & Evidence - 8236.5 Packaging of Glass and Sharp Objects

Small glass particles shall be swept into a coin envelope and then sealed inside a department approved evidence envelope. Large pieces of glass shall be handled by the edges to avoid damaging any fingerprint evidence. Each piece shall be wrapped in paper to avoid breakage and contact with other pieces of glass. Wrapped pieces shall be sealed and anchored in a gun box, prior to submitting to Evidence. All sharp objects shall be packaged in a manner to protect all individuals who may come into contact with the packaging. This is accomplished by wrapping and securing all sharp edges with paper, prior to packaging. Whenever possible, small items shall be placed in a plastic "sharps" container. Syringes, including those that are capped, shall be packaged in "sharps" container and sealed in a department approved evidence envelope. Unused boxes of syringes may be submitted in their original consumer packaging and bagged appropriately in an evidence envelope or bag. All syringes seized in connection with narcotics arrests or investigations shall be placed into evidence. Syringes which are found /discarded in the field, that are not associated with a suspect or investigation, may be placed in a sharps container and disposed of at the nearest substation in a marked Biohazard disposal barrel. The only required documentation for these items is a Miscellaneous Incident report.


The Evidence, Property, and Identification Center (EPIC) is a secure facility, with controlled access. Only department employees and authorized law enforcement members are allowed to freely access the westside of the building. Visitors shall be escorted by an authorized member or shall require approved authorization from the Chief of Police or his designee. Only employees assigned to the Property and Evidence Section and the Forensic Division Administrator have direct access to the Evidence Section and evidence warehouse. Security shall be strictly controlled. Non-authorized department members or other persons may be admitted to the Evidence Section under the permission of the Evidence Superintendent or Forensic Division Administrator. These persons shall log in and out of the section, and shall be accompanied by a member of Property and Evidence. Additional areas secured by Property and Evidence include all overnight storage bins and rooms, overnight refrigeration, currency and narcotic drop boxes, bike lots, impound lot, portable cargo containers, and blood drying cabinets. Keys to these areas are limited to Evidence Technicians and the Evidence Superintendent. Evidence bins and the overnight storage rooms located throughout the department, shall be secured with a one-lock mechanism. Once the evidence bin is locked, it becomes accessible only by a member of Property and Evidence. In the event of an alarm or discovery of a break-in, the responding officer shall notify the Evidence Superintendent. If deemed necessary, a member of Property and Evidence shall be dispatched. When immediate access is required into the section, such as in the event of fire, the doors shall be breached. The evidence facility is alarmed 24-hours per day. In the event that an officer or other department employee accidentally trips an alarm, he or she shall immediately contact Communications and cancel dispatch.

8271 Composition of a Property Destruction Board - Marijuana or Narcotic Destruction

The Forensic Division Administrator shall chair the marijuana or narcotic destruction board. The board shall consist of a Commander or Section Head, a Sergeant or First-line Supervisor, an Officer or Non-sworn member, and a member of Property and Evidence, with the Commander or Section Head acting as chairperson.

8233.2 NarcoPouch Testing Procedures

The NarcoPouch test kits shall be used by trained officers where NarcoPouch test sites have been set up. These are located at each substation, EPIC, and the Main Station. The test kits shall be stored at the NarcoPouch test sites and not in vehicles, briefcases, etc. Supplies at each NarcoPouch test site are monitored and restocked by Crime Laboratory personnel. The NarcoPouch test kits purchased by the Department can test for cocaine, cocaine base (crack), amphetamine, methamphetamine, and heroin. All other narcotics and/or dangerous drugs such as MDMA (aka ecstasy), prescription pills and tablets, unknown pills and tablets, marijuana, mushrooms, LSD, crack pipes, meth pipes, syringes, any other paraphernalia, liquids, etc. should NOT be tested using the NarcoPouch drug test kits. If any of these aforementioned items need to be tested, please submit a formal request to the Crime Lab to have the item analyzed. The substance shall be weighed before any NarcoPouch Testing is done. Balances and weigh papers are provided at the NarcoPouch test sites. If packaging is included in the weight (not recommended), this must be noted in the checklist and in the officer's report. The weighing paper may be included in the evidence envelope with the suspected narcotics. Loose chunks of suspected cocaine base (crack) or loosely contained powder should not be placed in the evidence envelope without additional packaging. Small zip-top bags have been placed at the NarcoPouch test sites for packaging. A checklist shall be filled out and followed step by step, for each NarcoPouch test conducted. The checklists are available at each NarcoPouch test site, but are also available to be downloaded and printed from the Share Drive/ Forms. A witness shall be present when the NarcoPouch test is performed and shall sign the checklist. This checklist shall be turned in to Records with the officer's reports. After the provided acid neutralizer is used, the NarcoPouch test kit will be disposed of in a standard trashcan. If there is any doubt of the results obtained, the officer should mark "Inconclusive" on the checklist. When the officer's conclusion on the checklist is "Inconclusive," the laboratory will do an analysis of the case, if requested to do so by the officer or the County Attorney's Office. The Pima County Attorney's Office shall review the officer's case report, the NarcoPouch checklist, and the weight of the substance to determine the charges that will be filed. All safety precautions shall be carefully observed. The smallest amount of the unknown substance should be used in the test. Gloves shall always be worn. Safety goggles provided at the NarcoPouch testing sites should be worn. They are not disposable and should be replaced in the storage bin after each use. Officers are encouraged to call the Crime Laboratory with any questions on the NarcoPouch test kits, tablet identification or any other questions during normal business hours. In the event the officer believes the substance may not be a drug but an explosive substance, the Explosive and Hazardous Devices Detail (EHDD) should be notified.

8236 Impounding Property & Evidence - 8236.17 Impounding Vehicles

The Property and Evidence Section is assigned the control of the department's vehicle impound lot. Vehicles managed by the Property and Evidence Section shall fall under the same guidelines as all other "in custody" property. Only vehicles categorized as "evidence" should be stored at the department's Impound Lot, located at Operations Division South. Vehicles that are abandon, found, or related to a traffic violation, should be towed by the department's contracted towing company to their private lot. Vehicles impounded for forensic processing shall be secured and locked in a vehicle bay at EPIC. It shall be the responsibility of the case detective to set up an appointment with the Crime Scene Unit for forensic processing. The assigned detective shall notify the Property & Evidence Section when forensic processing is complete. At the time of impounding, either in a forensic processing bay or in the Department's Impound Lot, the vehicle shall be entered into BEAST. The barcode label shall be affixed to a tag and tied to the vehicle's steering wheel or the tag shall be placed in the nearest evidence bin. Vehicle keys and any tow receipts associated with the impounded vehicle shall be placed in an envelope and dropped in the "key drop box" located inside the Impound Lot or shall be locked inside an evidence bin with a BEAST label. Officers shall notify TWX of the vehicle's storage location. Property of both monetary and evidentiary value shall be removed from any impounded vehicle and shall be submitted separately to the Property and Evidence Section, per established procedures. Refer to General Orders regarding the towing, impounding, and inventorying of vehicles.

8232 Packaging of Property and Evidence - 8232.2 Right of Refusal

The Property and Evidence Section shall refuse any item(s) not packaged correctly or in department-approved packaging. It is the responsibility of the packaging officer to correct all errors immediately, upon notification by the Property and Evidence Section. Property held in "discrepancy" shall not be removed or transferred from Property and Evidence until the notified officer completes the necessary corrections, unless otherwise approved by the Evidence Superintendent.

8272 Currency for Deposit

The board shall consist of a Commander or Section Head, a Sergeant or First-line Supervisor and a member of Property and Evidence, with the Commander or Section Head acting as chairperson.

8271 Composition of a Property Destruction Board - Firearm Destruction

The board shall consist of a Commander or Section Head, a Sergeant or First-line Supervisor, and a member of the Property and Evidence, with the Commander or Section Head acting as chairperson.

Chain of Custody

The continuity and documentation of the physical handling associated with all "in custody" property from time obtained until final disposition.

8231.5 Items Not Accepted

The following items shall not be impounded: Perishables Shoplifting Explosives Fireworks Liquids and Gasoline Suspected biological and chemically contaminated letters, packages, and any possibly hazardous or unknown substance shall require a Hazmat call-out.

Submitting Officer

The individual responsible for the data entry and documentation of incoming property, as well as the physical action of turning over the property to the custody of Property and Evidence Section, either directly or by means of the overnight storage bins.

Collecting Officer

The individual responsible for the physical collection and packaging of property.

8236 Impounding Property & Evidence - 8236.10 Large and Bulky Items

Whenever possible, large and bulky items shall be photographed, documented on a case report, and returned to the owner. Upon returning the item, an owner's signature is required on the Property Release Form (TPD 1412). Items that cannot be secured in an Evidence bin or locker, shall be transported by the officer/detective to EPIC and stored in the overnight cages. Items that cannot be transported via a passenger vehicle, patrol car or van, or cannot be secured in an overnight cage shall require an Evidence call-out.

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