A Wrinkle In Time Chapter 4 Review
Where did the words, "Sing unto the Lord a new song, and his praise from the end of the earth, ye that go down to the sea, and all that is therein..." come from?
As Mrs. Whatsit carried the children on her back through the air, they flew over a field. There were more Centaurs (horses with wings) in the fields. They sang as the group flew overhead.
I am athletic and very good at communication
I am a genius
Charles Wallace
What is the "black thing"? Explain.
It is pure evil. They saw it as a shadow hovering in the sky. Where ever it was, nothing else could be seen. There "had never been before or ever would be again anything that would chill her with a fear that was beyond shuddering, beyond crying or screaming, beyond the possibility of comfort?" This is evil at work in the universe. It is what their father is fighting.
I am the one who will fight evil to save someone I love
Describe what Meg felt as Mrs. Whatsit interpreted the words the creatures were singing.
Meg felt as if the words were all around them, that she could reach out and touch them. Her entire body felt a joy she had never known before. She realized her impressions of Mrs. Whatsit were wrong.
I am trying to tesser to Mars
Mr. Murry
I transformed into a Centaur; a horse with wings
Mrs. Whatsit
I slur my words
Mrs. Which
I speak in quotes
Mrs. Who
Where did the children land?
On Uriel, the third planet of the star Malak in the spiral nebula Messier 101.
Explain Meg's tessering experience.
She feels like she has been transported into another dimension. All light and sound, all sensations of having a body are gone. Calvin and Charles Wallace vanish from her. She feels like she is in a scary void. She can't speak; she chokes on her words. She then sees Charles Wallace and Calvin, but it seems like it is through a shimmering veil. She feels as if she pushed through a wall of glass and feels solid again.
What happens to Mrs. Whatsit, and how do the children respond?
She transforms into a beautiful being similar to a horse with wings (like a Centaur). They are overcome with awe. Calvin tries to kneel in respect. They climb on her back and they go for a ride.
Why did Mrs. Whatsit make them watch an empty space?
She wanted them to see the black thing.
What do the Mrs. W's tell Meg about her father?
That his life is at stake. They also want to tell them something more about what is at stake, but only Charles Wallace understands. Unfortunately, he is unable to communicate the information to them.
TRIVIA: Where is the name Uriel found and what is its' meaning?
The Bible; he is the Archangel who helps humans achieve their highest self
I am pure evil
The Black Thing
Why did they land on this planet?
The Mrs. W's took them there to take a rest and show them something very important.
If Meg is the protagonist, who or what is the antagonist?
The black thing.
What is unusual about the method of singing?
The words come from the creatures wings, not their throats and mouths.
How did the flowers help the children?
They helped the children breathe when Mrs. Whatsit took them high up into the atmosphere. At one point, as they looked out at the universe, Meg dropped her flowers and immediately there was no air for her to breathe
TRIVIA: the word "malak" is the Hebrew word for what?
angel, messenger
What is the term for a fifth dimension phenomenon similar to folding the fabric of time and space?