A&P 102 EXAM 2

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What stimulates goblet cells and intestinal glands to secrete their products?

Chyme provides both mechanical and chemical stimulation.

Indicate the two statements that describe lymphocyte production.

-occurs in red bone marrow -occurs throughout life

What is the function of a lacteal?

Absorb triglycerides and other lipids from digested food.

By definition, what is a hypersensitivity reaction?

An exaggerated immune response to a nonharmful antigen

Indicate three mechanisms by which antibodies react to antigens.

Antibodies activate complement. Antibodies directly attack the antigen. Antibodies stimulate inflammation.

True or false: All of the lymphocytes needed by the body are produced in the liver and spleen during fetal development (prior to birth).


In order to be fully activated, most ______ cells require interaction with ______ cells.

B; helper T

Indicate three characteristics of fat-soluble vitamins.

Bile salts in the intestine promote their absorption. They are not affected by cooking or food processing. They can be stored in various tissues, and excess intake can lead to overdose.

Each antibody molecule consists of ______ chains of amino acids linked to each other by ______ bonds.

four; disulfide

What are the three phases of gastric secretion?

gastric phase cephalic phase intestinal phase

In the lining of the stomach are small openings called BLANK that lead into tubular structures called BLANK

gastric pits; gastric glands

In the lining of the stomach are small openings called ______ that lead into tubular structures called ______.

gastric pits; gastric glands

Which are the three major monosaccharides absorbed from the human digestive tract?

glucose galactose fructose

Hydrolysis of a triglyceride releases ______.

glycerol and fatty acids

Hepatic cells responding to the hormone insulin lower the blood glucose level by polymerizing glucose to form


The mucus-secreting cells in the epithelium of the intestine are called

goblet cells

Lymphatic pathways begin at the lymphatic capillaries which empty into lymphatic vessels. From there, fluid flows through lymphatic ______ into lymphatic ______, eventually emptying into veins in the thorax.

trunks; collecting ducts

Once activated, T cells that stimulate B cells to produce antibodies against the foreign antigen are called BLANK T cells.


Proteins on the cell membrane of a macrophage that help T cells recognize a processed antigen displayed there as foreign are called major ______ complex proteins.


The type of adaptive immunity called BLANK immunity is mediated by antibodies secreted by B cells.


The adaptive immune response includes which two of the following?

humoral immune response cellular immune response

An exaggerated response to a non-harmful antigen, such as when an individual has an allergic reaction to pollen, is called a(n) ______.


Cytotoxic T lymphocytes target ______ and ______, and destroy them

tumor cells and viral infected cells

During the second and subsequent exposures to an antigen, memory cells respond by forming clones and rapidly producing ______.

immunoglobulin (Ig) G

What classes of immunoglobulins are most abundant in the body?

immunoglobulins G, A, and M

Where is the parotid gland located?

in the cheek, just anterior to the ear

What is the function of bile salts?

increases surface area of fatty substances, allowing better access for lipase enzymes

Which are functions of the oral cavity?

ingestion chemical digestion mastication

Each Y-shaped antibody molecule has four chains of amino acids which include

two identical light chains and two identical heavy chains

Before food enters the esophagus, it passes through the lowermost portion of the pharynx, called the ______


The fluid contained in lymphatic vessels, which originates as tissue fluid, is called


Lymph transports foreign particles, such as bacteria and viruses, to lymphatic system structures called

lymph nodes

List two locations where both B cells and T cells can be found

lymph nodes and spleen

The type of immune system cell carrying receptors that recognize nonself antigens is a(n)


Which cell type has surface receptors that enable them to recognize nonself antigens?


List cell types found in lymphatic tissue.

lymphocytes and macrophages

Plasma cells and ______ B cells are differentiated products of activated B cell clones.


They bind to the toxic parts of antigens so the antigens cannot do damage.

memory cells

What are functions of motor movements in the alimentary canal?

mix the contents with fluids move the contents along the tract.

What are the two basic types of movement in the alimentary canal?

mixing and propelling

Glucose, galactose, and fructose are all types of sugars BLANK a class of carbohydrates.


he alimentary canal consists of four layers that are, beginning with the innermost tissues, the BLANK submucosa, muscularis externa, and BLANK

mucosa serosa

What do goblet cells secrete?


The three parts of the pharynx are the

nasopharynx oropharynx laryngopharynx

The three parts of the pharynx are the

nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx

A primary immune response due to the exposure to a live pathogen would result in BLANK acquired BLANK immunity

naturally active

Exposure to a live pathogen that stimulates a primary immune response leads to which type of immunity?

naturally acquired active immunity

The process that occurs when antibodies bind to, and thus cover, the toxic portions of an antigen is called


Any ingested chemical that is used for growth, repair, or maintenance of the body is called a(n)


The first stage of swallowing involves the tongue moving the bolus into the ______. This process is a(n) ______ action.

oropharynx; voluntary

The roof of the mouth, that has a hard and soft component, is called the


Which accessory organ is located posterior to the parietal peritoneum and closely associated with the small intestine?


Which nervous systems innervate the alimentary tract of the digestive system?

parasympathetic division of autonomic nervous system sympathetic division of autonomic nervous system

Cytotoxic T cells kill tumor cells and virally infected cells by releasing proteins called


What is the function of antigen-presenting cells?

phagocytize/digest antigens and display the fragments on their cell surface

The cavity located posterior to the mouth, extending from the nasal cavity to the esophagus, is the ______.


A differentiated B cell that functions to produce and secrete antibodies is a(n) BLANK cell.


Which of the following cell types produces and secretes antibodies?

plasma cells

Which are functions of the liver in the metabolism of carbohydrates?

polymerizes glucose to glycogen breaks down glycogen to glucose converts noncarbohydrates to glucose

Which are functions of the liver in the metabolism of carbohydrates?

polymerizes glucose to glycogen converts noncarbohydrates to glucose breaks down glycogen to glucose

A large molecule made up of many simple sugar molecules is a(n)


Where is the pancreas located?

posterior to the parietal peritoneum posterior to the stomach

T cells are activated when they interact with antigens that are attached to the surface of antigen- BLANK cells.


Which two factors promote the movement of lymph through lymphatic vessels?

pressure changes during breathing, skeletal muscle contraction

Indicate two accurate descriptions of antibodies.

produced by plasma cells proteins that bind to antigens

As a B cell is activated, it ______, forming ______.

proliferates; a clone

Which of the following are nutrients for the human body?

proteins water vitamins carbohydrates

An antigen is a molecule that can

provoke an immune response

A B cell becomes activated when an antigen binds to the antigen BLANK on its surface.


Where do B cell precursors fully differentiate into B lymphocytes?

red bone marrow

Name the tissue within the spleen that surrounds venous sinuses and contains numerous red blood cells (along with some lymphocytes and macrophages).

red pulp

When donor tissues do not match the recipient, this results in a reaction called tissue ______.


The third line of defense against pathogens is BLANK

resistance to specific pathogens or to the toxins or metabolic products they release

List three functions of lymph.

return to the bloodstream most of the small proteins filtered by the blood capillaries transport dietary fats to the bloodstream transport foreign particles to lymph nodes

Triglycerides containing fatty acids with no double bonds within their carbon chains are examples of

saturated fats

The hormone that stimulates the pancreas to secrete an abundant amount of fluid rich in bicarbonate ions when acidic chyme enters the duodenum is .


The movement of the small intestine that mixes its contents is called Blank while the movement that propels its contents toward the large intestine is called Blank

segmentation peristalsis

A salivary gland has two types of cells: ______ cells that produce a watery fluid containing salivary amylase to digest starch and glycogen, and ______ cells that produce a thicker secretion that binds food particles together and lubricates the bolus for swallowing.

serous; mucous

The organ that is most effective in absorbing digestive products, water, and electrolytes is the

small intestine

At the tissues, which two of the following substances are filtered out of the plasma due to blood pressure within blood capillaries?

small molecules and water

What is a role of helper T cells?

stimulate B cells to make antibodies

List three characteristics of cytokines.

stimulate proliferation and differentiation of leukocytes, secreted by T cells and macrophages, regulate intensity and duration of immune responses

The alimentary canal is innervated by the BLANK and BLANK divisions of the autonomic nervous system.

sympathetic parasympathetic

The alimentary canal of the digestive system is controlled by which nervous system

sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system

The alimentary canal of the digestive system is controlled by which nervous system?

sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system

Explain the relationship between B cells and T cells.

Helper T cells are often required to fully activate B cells.

Which class of immunoglobulin is found in secretions of exocrine glands?


The class of immunoglobulin that is involved in allergic reactions is the class designated


Which class of immunoglobulin activates complement proteins and is effective against bacteria, viruses, and toxin molecules?


Compare IgG, IgA, and IgM with the other two classes (IgD and IgE). Which statement is true?

IgG, IgA, and IgM are more abundant in the body than IgD or IgE.

Encapsulated organs found in groups or chains along the paths of the larger lymphatic vessels throughout the body, except in the central nervous system, are the

Lymph nodes

The antigens on the surface of macrophages that help T cells recognize a displayed antigen as foreign are called BLANK antigens.


Upon subsequent exposure to an antigen, T cells that immediately divide to yield a large number of additional T cells, resulting in a secondary immune response, are called helper BLANK cells.


The motor functions of the alimentary canal are BLANK movements that combine food with digestive fluids and BLANK movements that move materials along the digestive tract.

Mixing propelling

Place the layers of the wall of the digestive tract in order, starting with the innermost (deepest) layer at the top.

Mucosa Submucosa Muscularis externa Serosa

What are mass movements?

Peristaltic waves of the large intestine that happen only two or three times each day. Movements that generally follow a meal as a result of the gastrocolic reflex initiated in the small intestine. Slow and strong movements that force intestinal contents toward the rectum. Movements that can be caused by irritation of the intestinal mucosa.

The injection of a killed, or attenuated, pathogen in order to induce immunity is termed


Mechanical barriers that prevent pathogens from entering the body are the BLANK and the BLANK membranes that line the passageways of the respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems.

Skin mucous

Name the type of leukocyte that is produced in the red bone marrow and that matures in the thymus.

T cells

List three cell types found in lymphatic tissue.

T cells, B cells, and macrophages

Identify three age-related changes in the immune system.

The numbers of T cells diminish only slightly, although the response time declines. With age, proportions of antibodies in different classes change (IgA and IgG increase, IgM and IgE decrease). Decline begins early in life, due in part to shrinka

Identify the correct structural differences between the small intestine and the colon.

The small intestine has two complete layers of muscle and the large intestine has one complete layer and one incomplete layer of muscle. The small intestine has villi and the large intestine does not.

Indicate two characteristics of antigens.

They are molecules that can trigger an immune response. They can be proteins, carbohydrates, or glycolipids.

How do antibodies neutralize antigens?

They bind to the toxic parts of antigens so the antigens cannot do damage.

What is the function of a lacteal?

to absorb triglycerides and other lipids from digested food

What is the function of the variable region of an antibody molecule?

to bind antigens

Indicate three characteristics of the class of immunoglobulins called IgG.

activates complement proteins effective against bacteria, viruses, and toxins can cross the placenta

Which immune response leads to opsonization, chemotaxis, agglutination, or lysis of the pathogen?

activation of complement

Activation of complement induces pathogen destruction by several mechanisms. Identify four of these.

agglutination neutralization opsonization cytolysis

What is the term for an antigen that triggers an allergic response?


Where are lymph nodes generally located?

along larger lymphatic vessels

Serous cells in salivary glands secrete a fluid containing an enzyme called salivary BLANK which aids in digestion of starch and glycogen. Mucous cells secrete a thick liquid called BLANK, which lubricates the food during swallowing

amylase mucus

Serous cells in salivary glands secrete a fluid containing an enzyme called salivary BLANK which aids in digestion of starch and glycogen. Mucous cells secrete a thick liquid called BLANK which lubricates the food during swallowing.

amylase mucus

Serous cells in salivary glands secrete a fluid containing an enzyme called salivary Blank which aids in digestion of starch and glycogen. Mucous cells secrete a thick liquid called Blank which lubricates the food during swallowing

amylase mucus

If the barrier defenses and other nonspecific defenses are penetrated by a pathogen, the third line of defense, ______, will try to eliminate it.

an adaptive, or specific, defense

Proteins that are present in plasma and body fluids that bind to antigens are called


What is another name for the humoral immune response?

antibody-mediated immune response

T cell activation requires that targeted antigens have been processed (phagocytized and digested) and then attached to the surface of a cell type called ______ cells.

antigen presenting

Name the cell type that phagocytizes an antigen and displays the antigen fragments on its surface?

antigen presenting cell (APC)

The physiological drive to seek food, regulated by the hypothalamus, is called


Glycerol and fatty acids are produced through the hydrolysis of BLANK. These products may enter catabolic pathways and provide energy.


Which term is used to describe the rate of energy expenditure when a person is awake and at rest; after an overnight fast; and in a comfortable, controlled environment?

basal metabolic rate

The rate of energy expenditure when a person is awake and at rest; after an overnight fast; and in a comfortable, controlled environment is called the

basal metabolic rate.

The variable regions of the light and heavy chains of an antibody align to form an antigen-BLANK site


Which event leads to activation of a B cell?

binding of the B cell's receptor to its targeted antigen

Which of the following would be targeted by cytotoxic T cells?

cancerous or virally infected cells

Enzymes in saliva begin the chemical digestion of ______ in the mouth.


The primary source of fuel for cellular processes comes from the macronutrient group called the


Indicate two of the several mechanisms by which antibodies directly render antigens harmless.

causing agglutination neutralization by covering toxic parts of antigen

The form of adaptive immunity in which direct interaction occurs between activated T lymphocytes and targeted cells is called


Two aspects of the adaptive immune response involve the actions of T cells, called the BLANK immune response, and the release of products from B cells, called the BLANK immune response.

cellular humoral

The structures forming the lateral walls of the mouth, consisting of outer layers of skin, pads of subcutaneous fat, muscles associated with expression and chewing, and inner linings of moist, stratified squamous epithelium, are the


A(n) is a particle formed in the intestinal cells consisting of fat (mostly triglycerides) encased in protein. This particle allows absorption and transport of digestive fats in the body.


Once food is mixed with gastric juice, it is called


Lymphatic trunks converge to form the largest of the segments of the lymphatic pathway, called ______.

collecting ducts

A step in the activation of cytotoxic T cells involves interaction with BLANK, molecules that are released by helper T cells.


Polypeptides that are secreted by T cells and macrophages to enhance cell-mediated immune responses to foreign antigens are called


A type of T lymphocyte that binds to foreign antigens on the surface of an antigen-bearing cell and releases perforins to destroy it is a(n) BLANK T cell


A type of T lymphocyte that binds to foreign antigens on the surface of an antigen-bearing cell and releases perforins to destroy it is a(n) BLANK T cell.


The mechanical and chemical breakdown of foods into forms that the cells can use is called ______.


The accumulation of excess tissue fluid is called ______.


Identify the primary products of the chemical digestion of triglycerides.

fatty acids and glycerol

The segment of the the lymphatic pathway called the lymphatic vessels are most anatomically similar to which type of blood vessel?


Small projections of the mucosa of the small intestine that increase the surface area of the intestinal lining are the intestinal


The first stage of swallowing is a(n) BLANK action involving the tongue moving the bolus into the BLANK

voluntary oropharynx

Name the type of tissue that is distributed as tiny islands throughout the spleen, containing abundant lymphocytes.

white pulp

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