A&P II Final

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The movement of organic molecules, electrolytes, minerals, and water across the digestive epithelium into interstitial fluid is known as


The functions of the oral cavity include all of the following except absorption of monosaccharides. mechanical processing of food. digestion of carbohydrates. lubrication. analysis of material before swallowing.

absorption of monosaccharides

When the blood pH falls below 7.35, ________ results.


What mechanism is used to adjust the osmotic concentration of tubular fluid in the DCT and collecting system?

active transport

Which blood vessel(s) deliver(s) blood to the glomerulus?

afferent arteriole

Which substance plays a central role in determining the rate of sodium reabsorption?


Which structures consist of ectodermal contributions?

all neural tissue, including the brain and spinal cord

A space opens within the inner cell mass that will form the

amniotic cavity

The renal sinus is

an internal cavity lined by the fibrous capsule.

Interstitial cells produce


The extra-embryonic membrane that forms the fetal portion of the placenta is the


Which of the following is characterized as a slowly progressing disease that is IRREVERSIBLE? acute renal failure kidney stones prostate enlargement dysuria chronic renal failure

chronic renal failure

Circular folds are

circumferential folds in the mucosa and submucosa of the small intestine.

Which trace mineral is significant as a cofactor for transaminations?


Which renal structure begins in the renal cortex and carries tubular fluid through the osmotic gradient in the renal medulla?

collecting duct

The duodenal ampulla receives secretions from the

common bile duct and the pancreatic duct.

Which activity expends the greatest amount of energy per hour?

competitive swimming

A(n) ________ contains all of the essential amino acids.

complete protein

Which primary mechanism of heat transfer is the direct transfer of energy through physical contact?


Which of the following descriptions best fits the acid-base disorder respiratory acidosis? -consequence of reduced alveolar ventilation, for example due to emphysema -consequence of hyperventilation, for example in fever or mental illness -consequence of prolonged vomiting -consequence of tissue hypoxia, for example in ischemic conditions

consequence of reduced alveolar ventilation, for example due to emphysema

Emission and ejaculation require all of the following ESCEPTsympathetic stimulation. propulsion of semen. peristaltic contractions of the ampulla. contraction of the dartos muscles. contractions of the bulbospongiosus muscle.

contraction of the dartos muscles.

Pancreatic exocrine cells secrete all of the following except lipases and amylase. insulin. bicarbonate. peptidases and proteinases. nucleases.


The opening connecting the uterus to the cervical canal is the

internal os.

In oxidative phosphorylation, energy for the synthesis of ATP is directly obtained from the

movement of hydrogen ions through channels in the inner mitochondrial membrane.

Which is an example of codominance of inheritance?

structure of albumins

What is the salivary gland that secretes a watery mixture rich in salivary amylase and buffers?


Which layer of the digestive tract has a dense irregular connective tissue that surrounds the muscularis mucosae?


Which major layer of the digestive tract is a dense layer of irregular connective tissue that has large blood vessels and lymphatic vessels?


The ________ ligament extends from the lateral surface of the ovary to the pelvic wall.


During the dilation stage of labor:

the amnion ruptures late in the stage.

Which is defined as the connection between the embryo and the chorion?

the body stalk

The ureters and urinary bladder are lined by ________ epithelium.


During lipolysis,

triglycerides are broken down into glycerol and fatty acids.

Which structure is continuous with the septa that subdivide the interior of the testis into separate lobules?

tunica albuginea

Which nitrogenous waste has the LOWEST concentration (mg/dL) in normal urine?

uric acid

Fertilization of an ovum usually takes place in the

uterine tube.

Which process, supported by the posterior margin of the soft palate, helps prevent food from entering the pharynx prematurely?


The vulva includes all of the following EXCEPT the labia majora. mons pubis. vagina. labia minora. clitoris.


Which fat-soluble vitamin is essential for liver synthesis of prothrombin and other clotting factors?

vitamin K

The extra-embryonic membrane that forms blood cells is the

yolk sac.

Which event does NOT occur in the distal convoluted tubule? -A combination of secretion and reabsorption further alters the solute composition of the tubular fluid. -Sodium ions are reabsorbed in exchange for potassium ions. -Aldosterone-regulated sodium reabsorption occurs. -Osmosis pulls water out of the tubular fluid and into the peritubular fluid.

-Osmosis pulls water out of the tubular fluid and into the peritubular fluid.

Secondary spermatocytes each contain

23 chromosomes, each with a pair of duplicate chromatids.

Peristaltic contractions, beginning at the renal pelvis, sweep along the ureter, forcing urine toward the urinary bladder. In a normal, healthy person, how often do these contractions occur?

30 seconds

What is the proper arrangement of the four structures listed below into the order in which sperm pass from the testis to the urethral meatus? 1. ductus deferens 2. urethra 3. ejaculatory duct 4. epididymis

4, 1, 3, 2

How many chromosomes do human SOMATIC cells contain?


Secondary spermatocytes divide to produce ________ spermatids, each having ________ chromosomes.

4; 23

Which description of the alkaline tide is true?

A countertransport mechanism ejects the bicarbonate ions into the interstitial fluid.

Which statement regarding potassium balance is correct?

A key factor in the maintenance of potassium balance is the rate of potassium entry across the digestive epithelium.

Which is incorrect regarding smooth muscle in the digestive tract? -Wherever smooth muscle tissue forms layers, the cells are aligned parallel to one another. -Hormonal factors can alter the degree of tension. -A smooth muscle fiber has an extensive network of T tubules. -Smooth muscle can contract over a range of lengths due to plasticity.

A smooth muscle fiber has an extensive network of T tubules.

Neural responses triggered by angiotensin II stimulate the release of ______.


Wally decides to go on a hunger strike to further one of his favorite causes. After many days with nothing but water you would expect to observe elevated levels of glucocorticoids. ketone bodies in his urine. lowered blood pH. All of the answers are correct.

All of the answers are correct.

Which statement is true regarding fluid balance in the digestive tract? All the water movement in the digestive tract involves passive water flow down osmotic gradients. Once within the interstitial fluid, the absorbed water is slowly distributed throughout the ICF. As the solute concentration drops in the lumen of the digestive tract, water moves across the epithelium and out of the interstitial fluid. Intestinal epithelial cells continuously absorb nutrients and ions, and these activities gradually increase the solute concentration in the lumen.

All the water movement in the digestive tract involves passive water flow down osmotic gradients.

Which statement regarding organogenesis is true?

By week 6, the placenta has formed and the embryo floats within the confines of the amniotic cavity.

Which extra-embryonic membrane is derived from the mesoderm and trophoblast?


The food pyramid recommends many servings a day of dark-green and orange vegetables and citrus fruits. Which vitamin is not particularly abundant in these food groups? E A C D All of the answers are correct; folic acid


The vitamin that is required for proper bone growth and for calcium absorption and retention is vitamin


Which response is coordinated by the heat-gain center?

In children, hypothalamic TRH release increases.

Choose the correct statement regarding the relationship between water balance and sodium balance. HINT***water follows sodium*** Natriuretic peptide release occurs due to decreased sodium levels, which will decrease water loss in urine. As sodium concentrations rise in the ECF, water will be pushed into the ICF. Water balance and sodium are unrelated due the ionic nature of sodium. Increased sodium concentrations in the ECF will increase the movement of water from the ICF to the ECF.

Increased sodium concentrations in the ECF will increase the movement of water from the ICF to the ECF.

Which statement accurately describes the pharyngeal phase of swallowing? it begins when tactile receptors on the palatal arches and uvula are stimulated. It begins with the compression of the bolus against the hard palate. It is strictly voluntary. It begins as the contraction of pharyngeal muscles forces the bolus through the entrance to the esophagus.

It begins when tactile receptors on the palatal arches and uvula are stimulated.

Which statement is true about the emission phase in male sexual activity?

It begins with peristaltic contractions in the ampullae of the ductus deferens.

Which characteristic is correct regarding a buffer system in body fluids? It generally consists of a combination of a weak acid and the anion released by its dissociation. The anion in a buffer functions as a weak acid. Adding hydrogen ions to the solution upsets the equilibrium and results in the formation of additional molecules of the strong acid. It tends to oppose changes in the pH of a solution by removing or replacing hydroxide ions.

It generally consists of a combination of a weak acid and the anion released by its dissociation.

Which of the following is true of testosterone in males?

It stimulates disproportionate growth of the larynx and a thickening of the vocal cords.

Which statement regarding the citric acid cycle is true? Its function is to remove hydrogen atoms from organic molecules and transfer them to coenzymes. Cytochromes are the coenzymes that play a key role in the citric acid cycle. An acetyl group, CH3CO, from acetyl-CoA is attached to a six-carbon molecule. The citric acid cycle occurs in the cytoplasm.

Its function is to remove hydrogen atoms from organic molecules and transfer them to coenzymes.

The pituitary hormone that stimulates the interstitial cells to secrete testosterone is


________ are teeth with flattened crowns and prominent ridges that are adapted for crushing and grinding.


The reproductive system does NOT include gonads and external genitalia. mammary glands. ducts that receive and transport the gametes. accessory glands and organs that secrete fluids. None of the answers is correct.

None of the answers is correct.

Regarding maternal nourishment after delivery, which is correct?

Oxytocin causes the contraction of myoepithelial cells in the walls of the lactiferous ducts and sinuses.

Which nervous system structure(s) inhibits micturition by relaxing the detrusor and contracting the internal urethral sphincter? efferent fibers in the pelvic nerves Baroreceptors stimulate the pontine reflexes. Stretch receptor impulses activate sympathetic outflow. parasympathetic afferent impulses

Stretch receptor impulses activate sympathetic outflow.

Choose the correct statement regarding testicular cancer.

The 5-year survival rate for localized testicular cancer is 99%.

Which event occurs during week 4 of development?

The connections between the embryo and the surrounding trophoblast begin to constrict.

Which is the resulting event if fertilization does NOT occur? The tertiary follicle releases the secondary oocyte with its protective outer covering, the corona radiata, into the pelvic cavity. The tertiary follicle initially collapses and under LH stimulation, forms the corpus luteum. A layer of thecal cells forms around the follicle. The corpus albicans is formed.

The corpus albicans is formed.

Which statement accurately describes responses to metabolic acidosis? The respiratory response to acidosis involves lowering the PCO2. The renal response to acidosis involves absorbing H+ ions. The renal response to acidosis involves secreting HCO3-. Conversion of water to carbonic acid occurs.

The respiratory response to acidosis involves lowering the PCO2.

Which statement regarding the kidneys is FALSE? The right kidney lies slightly superior to the left kidney. The kidneys are retroperitoneal organs. Each kidney is stabilized and protected by three concentric layers of connective tissue. The kidneys lie between vertebrae T12 and L3.

The right kidney lies slightly superior to the left kidney

Which is TRUE regarding the physiological stresses of pregnancy?

The volume of blood flowing into the placenta reduces the volume in the systemic circuit of the mother.

Choose the correct statement regarding glycolysis. -NAD accepts carbon atoms that can be transferred to mitochondria. -It is an aerobic process that breaks down a six-carbon glucose molecule into two three-carbon molecules of pyruvate. -There is a net gain of two ATP molecules for each glucose molecule. -It occurs in the mitochondrion.

There is a net gain of two ATP molecules for each glucose molecule.

Which of the following is not true of interstitial cells?

They produce inhibin.

A glomerulus is

a knot of capillaries within the renal corpuscle.

Three days postcleavage, the pre-embryo is a solid ball of cells known as which of the following?

a morula

Which of the following is NOT a general characteristic of normal urine? osmolarity of 855 to 1335 mOsm/L zero bacterial content a volume of 100 to 250 mL/day an average pH of 6.0

a volume of 100 to 250 mL/day

A small, wormlike structure attached to the posteromedial surface of the cecum is the


Metabolic acids __________.

are acid participants in, or by-products of, cellular metabolism

Within spaces between the seminiferous tubules, the interstitial endocrine cells __________.

are responsible for the production of androgens

Which of the tubules is impermeable to water?

ascending limb of the nephron loop

Hydroxide ions predominate in which of the following solutions?


The individual cells produced by cleavage are called


The ability to form concentrated urine depends on the functions of

both the distal convoluted tubule and the collecting duct.

Which structure is an extensive mesentery that attaches to the sides and floor of the pelvic cavity?

broad ligament

A(n) ________ consists of a combination of a weak acid and its associated anion.

buffer system

Which buffer system is most important in the ECF?

carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer system

The sac-like structure that joins the ileum at the ileocecal valve is the


In the center of a liver lobule there is a

central vein

The region between the internal os and the external os is the

cervical canal.

The ions in highest concentration in the extracellular fluid are sodium and


An intestinal hormone that stimulates contraction of the gallbladder to release bile is


Which of the following is not a component of the defecation reflex? -increased local peristalsis -stimulation of parasympathetic motor neurons in sacral spinal cord -contraction of the external anal sphincter -stimulation of myenteric plexus in sigmoid colon -stimulation of stretch receptors

contraction of the external anal sphincter

The ________ consists of the follicle cells that cling to the oocyte after ovulation.

corona radiata

Which type of teeth, also known as canine teeth, are conical, with a sharp ridgeline and a pointed tip?


At which day post cleavage does implantation occur?

day 7

A male bodybuilder starts taking injections of testosterone (an anabolic steroid) on a daily basis. After 3 weeks, which of the following would you NOT expect to observe?

decreased levels of DHT

The bulk of each tooth consists of a mineralized matrix similar to that of bone called


Protein buffer systems:

depend on the ability of amino acids to respond to pH changes by accepting or releasing H+.

In polygenic inheritance, phenotypic characters are

determined by interactions among several genes.

Contraction of which structure compresses the urinary bladder and expels its contents into the urethra?

detrusor muscle

respiratory acidosis...

develops if the rate of CO2 generation exceeds the rate of CO2 removal.

Which of the following is a barrier method of birth control?


Cells perform catabolism to generate ATP, which can be used for all of the following except diffusion. glycogen synthesis. protein synthesis. muscle contraction. ion transport.


Which event does NOT occur when the normal GFR is decreased? -dilation of efferent arterioles -contraction of mesangial cells -dilation of afferent arterioles -constriction of efferent arterioles

dilation of efferent arterioles

Blood leaves the glomerulus through a blood vessel called the

efferent arteriole.

The ________ carries fluid from the seminal gland through the prostate.

ejaculatory duct

Which of the following descriptions does not describe a function of the nephron loop? relies on countercurrent multiplication creates high NaCl concentration in the renal medulla enables production of hypotonic urine enables production of hypertonic urine None of the answers is correct.

enables production of hypotonic urine

The ________ is the inner lining of the uterus.


Which male accessory organ functions as the site of sperm maturation?


Which male reproductive structure is the start of the male reproductive tract in which spermatozoa exist in a sheltered environment that is precisely regulated by the surrounding epithelial cells?


Fatty acids that are necessary for proper health but cannot be synthesized by the body are called

essential fatty acids

Which of the following hormones is the cause of most puberty-related changes in a female?


When the pH of the extracellular fluid drops, the kidneys

excrete more hydrogen ions and reabsorb bicarbonate ions.

The stage of labor during which the fetus emerges from the vagina is called the ________ stage.


Another term for vulva is

female external genitalia.

Which structure is composed of a layer of collagen fibers that covers the entire outer surface of the kidney? fibrous capsule renal fascia peritoneum perinephric fat capsule

fibrous capsule

Which transport mechanism(s) results from blood pressure that forces water and solutes across the membranes of the glomerular capillaries and into the capsular space?


Gastrin secretion is associated with

food arriving in the stomach.

The inner cell mass of the blastocyst will

form the embryo.

Completion of cytokinesis does NOT lead to

formation of a polar body

The ________ is the region of the vagina that surrounds the cervix.


An intestinal hormone that stimulates gastric secretion is


G cells of the stomach secrete


Your patient has inflammation of the mucous membrane lining of the stomach. This is known clinically as


The ridge of oral mucosa that surrounds the base of a tooth is the


The process of filtration is driven by

glomerular hydrostatic pressure

The primary function of the proximal convoluted tubule is

reabsorbing nutrients.

Which of the following substances is not secreted


The articulation between the periodontal ligament and the bone at the base of the tooth is what type of joint?


Which condition results when body fluids become saturated with uric acid?


The ________ is the part of the sperm that contains the DNA.


Throughout childhood, the vagina and vestibule are usually separated by which structure?


At the Holy Frijoles restaurant, you order a burrito grande with extra sour cream and cheese and an order of tortilla chips with guacamole. You're very satisfied with your meal-it's a lot of food-and as you finish off the last of the chips, the satiety center in your ________ starts letting you know thatyou've had enough to eat now.


Attachment to and penetration of the endometrium by the blastocyst is referred to as


One mechanism the kidney uses to raise systemic blood pressure is to

increase secretion of renin by the juxtaglomerular complex.

Secretion of potassium into the urine is

increased by aldosterone.

Tom has hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver. Which of the following symptoms would you expect to observe in Tom?


The part of the digestive tract that plays the primary role in chemical digestion and nutrient absorption is the


The villi are most developed in the


Near the nipple, each lactiferous duct enlarges, forming an expanded structure called a:

lactiferous sinus.

Which organ is responsible for dehydration and compaction of indigestible materials?

large intestine

Which of the following is not a phase of deglutition?


What provides access for blood vessels entering and leaving the liver?

lesser omentum

The movement of materials along the digestive tract, as well as many secretory functions, is primarily controlled by which of the following?

local factors

All of the following are TRUE of the kidneys EXCEPT that they are covered by peritoneum. held in place by the renal fascia. located in a position that is retroperitoneal. located partly within the pelvic cavity. surrounded by a fibrous capsule.

located partly within the pelvic cavity

The lowest amount of daily water loss occurs through which of the following methods of elimination?

loss in feces

A mature follicle releases an ovum in response to a surge in

luteinizing hormone.

Secondary sexual characteristics

may develop in response to testosterone or estrogen.

The special type of cell division required to produce gametes is called


The onset of the first uterine cycle is called


The ______ control(s) capillary diameter and the rate of capillary blood flow.

mesangial cells

The sum of all of the biochemical processes going on within the human body at any given time is called


The lamina propria and mucous epithelium are components of the


The mesoderm forms


Contraction of the ________ alters the shape of the intestinal lumen and moves epithelial pleats and folds.

muscularis mucosa

Which uterine structure provides much of the force needed to move a fetus out of the uterus and into the vagina?


Which regional structure of a sperm contains both centrioles of the original spermatid?


Which structure reabsorbs 25% of the water in the nephron?

nephron loop

Which hormone stimulates the milk let-down reflex?


When chyme arrives in the duodenum, cholecystokinin (CCK) release triggers the secretion of which enzyme?

pancreatic alpha-amylase

Which salivary gland produces a serous secretion containing large amounts of salivary amylase?


The ________ passes through the shaft of the penis to the external urethral meatus.

penile urethra

Chief cells secrete


Which of the bulk minerals has the highest recommended dietary allowance (RDA), at 4700 mg?


The primary follicle develops from the

primordial follicle

Menstruation is triggered by a drop in the levels of


During the luteal phase of the ovarian cycle, __________.

progesterone secretion by the corpus luteum stimulates endometrial growth and secretion

The placenta is NOT a source of which of the following hormones? hCG placental lactogen relaxin progesterone prolactin


The organ that surrounds the urethra and secretes an antibiotic protein is the

prostate gland.

The filtrate first passes from the glomerular capsule to the

proximal convoluted tubule.

Contraction of the cremaster muscles

pulls the testes closer to the body cavity.

The chamber within a tooth that contains blood vessels and nerves is the

pulp cavity

The region of the stomach that empties into the duodenum is the


A vitamin obtained from meat that is a coenzyme in amino acid and lipid metabolism is

pyridoxine (B6)

The external marking of the boundary between the two testes is the


The ________ is a pocket formed between the posterior wall of the uterus and the anterior surface of the rectum.

recto-uterine pouch

Cervical dilation is caused by which of the following placental hormones?


The function of the citric acid cycle is to

remove hydrogen atoms from organic molecules and transfer them to coenzymes.

Formation of angiotensin I is triggered by ______.


An enzyme secreted by the gastric mucosa of a newborn that assists in the digestion of milk proteins is


Consuming a meal high in salt will

result in a temporary increase in blood volume.

Which ionic compound is described as consisting of a cation other than a hydrogen ion and an anion other than a hydroxide ion?


The ________ is a fleshy pouch suspended below the perineum and anterior to the anus.


During metabolic alkalosis, the renal tubule cells __________.

secrete bicarbonate ions into the tubular fluid

The ________ is/are in contact with the posterior side to the urinary bladder.

seminal glands

When spermatogonia divide, the two daughter cells produced are a spermatogonium and a


In the digestive and urinary systems, rings of smooth muscle, called ________, regulate the movement of materials along internal passageways.


The prostaglandins produced in the endometrium

stimulate smooth muscle contractions.

Regarding the factors of true labor:

the fetal pituitary releases oxytocin in response to estrogens.

The mechanism for producing concentrated urine involves all of the following except the release of natriuretic peptides. a properly functioning nephron loop. the secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH). aquaporins being inserted into the membranes of the collecting duct cells. a high concentration of NaCl in the fluid surrounding the collecting ducts.

the release of natriuretic peptides.

In the renal response to metabolic acidosis:

the renal tubule cells increase the concentration of bicarbonate ions in the ECF by reabsorbing CO2 from the tubular fluid.

Regarding the proliferative phase of the uterine cycle:

the uterine glands are manufacturing a glycogen-rich mucus that can be metabolized by an early embryo.

During the cephalic phase of gastric secretion,

the vagus nerve innervates the stomach.

During gastrulation,

three germ layers are formed.

What is the function of the vasa recta? to collect water and solutes reabsorbed by the nephron and deliver other solutes to the nephron for secretion to collect and transport water and solutes within the renal medulla in association with the juxtamedullary nephron to collect blood from the capillaries of nephrons to return blood to the inferior vena cava

to collect and transport water and solutes within the renal medulla in association with the juxtamedullary nephron

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