ACC 3202 Chapter 6 Chan

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90.The fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to bring about dramatic improvements in performance is called: A.Business Process Reengineering B.Process Redesign C.Business Analysis and Design D.Business Process Design and Analysis


94.When a vendor returns a request for proposal, it will include all of the following, except: A.Match of the system and user needs B.Description of the software C.The technical support it intends to provide D.Prices for the software


96.This phase of the systems design for in-house development of software involves the identifying the alternative approaches to systems that will meet the needs identified in the system analysis phase. A.Request for proposal B.Conceptual design C.Systems concept D.Systems analysis


65.The regular, ongoing, functioning of the IT system and the processes to fix smaller problems, or bugs, in the IT system is called: A.Systems Analysis B.Systems Planning C.Operation and Maintenance D.Systems Implementation


59.The phases of the SDLC include all of the following except: A.Systems Planning B.Systems Implementation C.Systems Analysis D.Systems Purchasing


81.The purpose of this step in the systems analysis phase is to determine whether the problem or deficiency in the current system really exists and to make a "go" or a "no-go" decision. A.Survey of the Current System B.Determination of User Information Needs C.Business Process Reengineering D.Preliminary Investigation


101.The purpose of this phase of systems design is to create the entire set of specifications necessary to build and implement the system. A.Detailed design B.Evaluation and selection C.Operational design D.Detailed analysis


103.Reports and documents, such as income statements, aged accounts receivable reports, checks, and invoices are referred to as: A.Outputs of the system B.Data storage C.Internal controls D.Inputs of the system


108.A system conversion method in which on a chosen date the old system operation is terminated and all processing begins on the new system. A.Direct cutover conversion B.Phase-in conversion C.Pilot conversion D.Parallel conversion


52.A structure of relationships and processes to direct and control the enterprise in order to achieve the enterprise's goals by adding value while balancing risk versus return over IT and its processes is called: A.IT Governance B.Strategic Governance C.Strategic Management D.IT Management


56.The formal process that many organizations use to select, design, and implement IT systems is the: A.Systems Development Life Cycle B.Control Objectives for IT C.Practice for Security Management D.Information Technology Development


58.The evaluation of long-term, strategic objectives and prioritization of the IT systems in order to assist the organizations in achieving its objectives is called: A.Systems Planning B.Systems Analysis C.Systems Design D.Systems Implementation


61.The study of the current system to determine the strengths and weaknesses and the user needs of that system is called: A.Systems Analysis B.Systems Design C.Systems Planning D.Systems Implementation


66.During this phase of the SDLC, management should request and receive ongoing reports about the performance of the IT system. A.Operation and Maintenance B.System Analysis C.Systems Design D.Systems Planning


69.The process of matching alternatives system models to the needs identified in the system analysis phase is called: A.Conceptual Design B.Systems Analysis C.Systems Planning D.Evaluation and Selection


75.The realistic possibility of affording, implementing, and using the IT systems being considered is referred to as: A.Feasibility B.Rationality C.Sequentiality D.Ranking


77.The assessment of the realism of the possibility that the current employees will be able to operate the proposed IT system is referred to as: A.Operational Feasibility B.Economic Feasibility C.Schedule Feasibility D.Technical Feasibility


84.The detailed examination of documentation that exists about the system to gain an understanding of the system under study is called a(n): A.Documentation Review B.Systems Audit C.System Survey D.Records Observation


86.This type of question is designed such that the format and range of the answer is known ahead of time. A.Structured Question B.Oral Question C.Unstructured Question D.Range Question


98.During this process, the project team must consider the number of employees, their capabilities and expertise, and any supporting systems necessary to operate each alternative design. A.Operational feasibility B.Technical feasibility C.Economic feasibility D.Schedule feasibility


109.A system conversion method in which the system is broken into modules, or parts, which are phased in incrementally and over a longer period. A.Direct cutover conversion B.Phase-in conversion C.Pilot conversion D.Parallel conversion


112.A review of the feasibility assessments and other estimates made during the projects, the purpose of which is to help the organization learn from any mistakes that were made and help the company avoid those same errors in the future. A.System Design Life Cycle B.Post-Implementation Review C.User Acceptance D.System Conversion Review


115.The careful and responsible oversight and use by management of the assets entrusted to management is called: A.IT Governance B.Stewardship C.Fiduciary Control D.System Access


116.Employee Ethical considerations, related to IT governance, would include which of the following? A.Maintain a set of processes and procedures that assure accurate and complete records. B.Confidentiality for those who serve on the project teams. C.Not to disclose proprietary information from the company to clients. D.Carefully consider the impact of system changes and to be ethical in the manner in which the changes are processed.


53.To fulfill the management obligations that are an integral part of IT governance, management need not focus on: A.Aligning IT strategy with the business strategy B.Hiring an acceptable IT manager C.Measuring IT's performance D.Insisting that an IT control framework be adopted and implemented


55.A group of senior managers selected to oversee the strategic management of IT is called: A.IT Strategic Committee B.IT Governance C.Chief Information Officer (CIO) D.IT Management


57.The IT governance committee is made up of many different individuals within the organization. Which of the following would not be one of those individuals? A.Chief Information Officer B.Chief External Auditor C.Chief Executive Officer D.Top Managers from User Departments


63.The creation of the system that meets user needs and incorporates the improvements identified by the systems analysis phase is called: A.Systems Planning B.Systems Design C.Systems Analysis D.Operation and Maintenance


64.The set of steps undertaken to program, test, and activate the IT system as designed in the system design phase is called: A.Systems Planning B.Systems Implementation C.Systems Design D.Systems Analysis


73.A company has stated that the main strategic objective is to improve the accounts payable function within the organization. There are limited resources for IT upgrades and modifications. The IT governance committee has received IT update requests from the public relations department, human services, and vendor satisfaction department. Given this information, which would be the likely be the first upgrade implemented? A.Public relations would be first because it would include all areas of the business - vendors, employees, and customers. B.Vendor satisfaction would be first because it would be most in line with the strategic objective of the company. C.Human services would be the first because the employees are the ones who are most affected by changes in the IT departments. D.It is not possible to make a decision without further information.


78.The assessment of the costs and benefits associated with the proposed IT system is referred to as: A.Operational Feasibility B.Economic Feasibility C.Schedule Feasibility D.Technical Feasibility


82.A detailed study of the current system to identify weaknesses to improve upon and strengths that should be maintained is referred to as: A.Preliminary Investigation B.System Survey C.Process Reengineering D.Determination of User Information Needs


88.A written, rather than an oral, form or questioning of users to determine facts or beliefs about a system is referred to as a(n): A.Interview B.Questionnaire C.Interrogation D.System Survey


91.The many sets of activities within the organization performed to accomplish the functions necessary to continue the daily operations are referred to as: A.Business Systems B.Business Processes C.Business Activities D.Business Functions


93.This document is sent to each software vendor offering a software package that meets the user and system needs and is sent to solicit proposals. A.Requested Software Package B.Request for Proposal C.System Software Request D.Software Vendor Needs


102.In the detailed design stage of systems design it is necessary that the various parts of the system be designed. The parts of the system to be designed at this point would include all of the following, except: A.Outputs B.Inputs C.Program Code D.Data Storage


106.There are many different types of documentation necessary to operate and maintain an accounting system. These types of documentation include all of the following, except: A.Flowcharts B.Operator Manuals C.Output Examples D.Entity Relationship Diagrams


110.A system conversion method in which the system is operated in only one or a few sub-units of the organization. A.Direct cutover conversion B.Phase-in conversion C.Pilot conversion D.Parallel conversion


114.Which of the following is not a major purpose served by the continual and proper use of the IT governance committee and the SDLC? A.The fulfillment of ethical obligations B.The strategic management process of the organization C.The conversion of the system D.The internal control structure of the organization


118.Which of the following relationships would be allowed for a CPA firm? A.Offering IT consulting services and completing the external audit. B.Completing the external audit and maintaining the bookkeeping work. C.Internal audit outsourcing and financial information systems design and implementation. D.Providing fairness opinions and completing the external audit.


51.The process of determining the strategic vision for the organization, developing the long-term objectives, creating the strategies that will achieve the vision and objections, and implementing those strategies is referred to as A.IT Governance B.Strategic Governance C.Strategic Management D.IT Management


60.This phase of SDLC involves the planning and continuing oversight of the design, implementation, and use of the IT systems. A.Systems Analysis B.Systems Implementation C.Systems Planning D.Systems Design


62.This phase of SDLC requires the collection of data about the system and the careful scrutiny of those data to determine areas of the system that can be improved. A.Systems Planning B.Systems Implementation C.Systems Analysis D.Systems Purchasing


72.When attempting to prioritize IT projects, the IT governance committee needs to consider: A.The assessment of IT systems and their match to strategic organizational objectives. B.The feasibility of each of the requested modifications or upgrades. C.Both of the above. D.None of the above.


74.The need to match IT systems to organizational objectives emphasizes the need for the IT governance committee to include top management as its members because: A.These managers establish strategic objectives and are in the best position to assess the fit of the IT systems to those objectives. B.These managers are in a position to allocate resources and or time to the projects. C.Both of the above D.None of the above


79.The assessment of the realistic possibility that the proposed IT system can be implemented within a reasonable amount of time is called: A.Operational Feasibility B.Economic Feasibility C.Schedule Feasibility D.Technical Feasibility


80.Typical steps within the systems analysis phase of the SDLC would not include which of the following? A.Preliminary Investigation B.Survey of the Current System C.Economic Feasibility D.Determination of User Information Needs


83.Watching the steps that employees take as they process transactions in the system is referred to as: A.Investigation B.Interrogation C.Observation D.Interview


85.Face-to-face, verbal questioning of users of an IT system to determine facts or beliefs about the system are called: A.Interrogation B.User Review C.Interviews D.System Survey


87.This type of question is completely open ended, and the respondent is free to answer in any way that he / she feels addresses the question. A.Structured Question B.Oral Question C.Unstructured Question D.Range Question


89.The purpose of this phase is to question the current approaches in the system and to think about better ways to carry out the steps and processes of the system. A.Systems Analysis B.Systems Survey C.Analysis of Systems Survey D.Preliminary Investigation


92.The systems analysis report, which is sent to the IT governance committee, will inform the committee of all of the following, except: A.The results of the systems survey B.User needs determination C.Detailed design D.Recommendations regarding the continuation of the project


97.The process of assessing the feasibility and fit of each of the alternative conceptual approaches and selecting the one that best fits the organization's needs is called: A.Conceptual Design B.Systems Design C.Evaluation and Selection D.Systems Implementation


99.The purpose of this analysis is to determine which of the alternative designs is the most cost effective. A.Operational feasibility B.Technical feasibility C.Economic feasibility D.Schedule feasibility


100.In this feasibility, the project team must estimate the total amount of time necessary to implement the each alternative design. A.Operational feasibility B.Technical feasibility C.Economic feasibility D.Schedule feasibility


104.The forms, documents, screens, or electronic means used to put data into the accounting system are called: A.Outputs of the system B.Data storage C.Internal controls D.Inputs of the system


105.Which of the following is not a method of data input? A.Keying in data with a keyboard from data on a paper form B.Electronic data interchange C.Bar code scanning D.Viewed on the screen


107.A system conversion method in which the old and the new systems are operated simultaneously for a short time. A.Direct cutover conversion B.Phase-in conversion C.Pilot conversion D.Parallel conversion


111.When the manager of the primary users of the system is satisfied with the system, an acceptance agreement will be signed, the enforcement of which makes it much more likely that project teams will seek user input and that the project team will work hard to meet user needs. A.System Conversion B.Post-Implementation Acceptance C.User Review D.User Acceptance


113.During the operation of an IT system, it is necessary that regular reports are received by management to monitor the performance of the system. These reports would include all of the following, except: A.IT Security and Number of Security Problems B.IT Customer Satisfaction C.Downtime of IT System D.User Acceptance of the IT System


117.When an organization hires consultants to assist with any phase or any phases of the SDLC, there are at least four ethical obligations. Which of the following is not one of those obligations? A.Bid the engagement fairly, and completely disclose the terms of potential cost increases. B.Bill time accurately to the client and do not inflate time billed. C.Do not oversell unnecessary services or systems to the client. D.Make an honest effort to participate, learn the new system processes, and properly use the new system.


54.Which of the following is not one of the approaches used to achieve the management of an IT control framework? A.Information Systems Audit and Control Association control objectives for IT B.The International Organization for Standardization 17799, Code of Practice for Information Security Management C.The Information Technology Infrastructure Library D.Sarbanes-Oxley Act section on IT Controls


68.The Evaluation and Selection cycle of the expanded SDLC would not include which of the following steps? A.Design or buy the system selected. B.Identify the alternative system approaches. C.Evaluate the fit of each of the alternatives to company needs. D.Implement the alternative selected.


71.The process of designing the outputs, inputs, user interfaces, databases, manual procedures, security and controls, and documentation of the new system is referred to as: A.Conceptual Design B.Software Selection C.Systems Design D.Detailed Design


76.The assessment of the realism of the possibility that technology exists to meet the need identified in the proposed change to the IT system is called: A.Operational Feasibility B.Economic Feasibility C.Schedule Feasibility D.Technical Feasibility


95.After all of the RFPs have been received, either the IT governance committee or the project team will evaluate the proposals in order to select the best software package. Things that must be considered would include: A.The match of the system and the user needs to the features of the software B.Testimonials from other customers who use the software C.Reputation and reliability of the vendor D.All of the above


70.The process of assessing the feasibility and fit of each of the alternative conceptual approaches and selecting the one that best meets the organization's needs is termed: A.Conceptual Design B.Evaluation and Selection C.Systems Analysis D.Systems Implementation


67.The expanded SDLC presented in the textbook expands the processes within the system design phase. This is necessary because: A.It necessary for most companies to create their own software. B.The design phase needs to include the programming activities of self-created software. C.There is usually more than one software or system type that will meet the needs of the organization. D.Many organizations require a change in the type of operating system along with any changes in software.


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