Accounting Information Systems Final Exam
Internal Hardware
- can determine level of control/security/privacy -management +staff in house -capacity limited -fixed costs -tailored
Role of AIS/IT in BS Framework
-BS recognizes diff b/w investments in IT and capabilities created by that technology -information capital in L&G perspective is intangible, reflects readiness of org's tech - IC includes: computing hardware, infrastructure, applications & employees ability to use tech
Enterprise IT Examples
-CRM systems -ERM systems -Business intelligence systems
Type Images
-apply guidelines, constraints, and descriptive information to their resources, events, and agents to help manage the business process -also support summarization of the economic activity to support management's information requirements
Primary Key
-attribute or combination of attributes that uniquely identifies each instance in a class or row in a table -cannot be blank -controlled by organization that controls it so it won't change over time
eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL)
-based on the XML language, a standard for Internet communication between businesses -uses: reporting on the firm's web site, filing to regulators (SEC, IRS, etc.) and providing information to other interested parties
Types Of Business Models
-business process models -structure models -activity models
-data elements that describe the characteristics of instances in a class (or rows in a table) -include the primary keys that uniquely define instances of the class, foreign keys that support the links between classes shown in the associations, and other data elements for each class -specified in a table listing that accompanies each class diagram
Direct Approach
-disastrous if not carefully tested, could force users to learn new system b/c no old system -decrease user satisfaction b/c users don't like the change -most risk, least control -old then new
Value of Business Models
-graphical representations present information more concisely and clearly than a written description -manage complexity by incorporating only the essential elements -elicit requirements when used to interview involved parties -reconcile viewpoints by providing an integrated view -simulate potential changes -specify requirements for the actual business process
Parallel Approach
-output of two systems compared; old system not abandoned until users satisfied with new system -least risk, most control -old, then old+new, then new
Structure Models (UML, REA)
-overall, high-level blueprint -describe the data and information structures inherent in a business process. -create a blueprint for the development of a relational database to support the collection, aggregation, and communication of process information. -facilitate the use of databases after they are implemented.
BPMN Gateways
-show process branching and merging as the result of decisions -usually appear as pairs on the diagram; first shows the branching, second shows merging of the process branches DIAMONDS
Balanced Scorecard
-strategic planning/mgmt system -used extensively in business and industry, gov't and nonprofit orgs -aligns business activities to vision/strategy of org -improves communication -monitors org. performance against goals
Data Mining
-technique used to analyze data for business intelligence purposes -a process using sophisticated statistical techniques to extract and analyze data from large databases to discern patterns and trends that were not previously known
Information Value Chain
-the overall transformation of data from a business need to the ultimate decision -Need/Event -> data -> information -> knowledge -> decision
External Hardware
-varied level of control if many companies use same hardware -management/staff provided -addt'l capacity available -variable costs -tailoring varies
Activity Models describe...
...-events that start, change, or stop flow in the process -activities and tasks within the process -the sequence of flow between tasks -decision points that affect the flow -division of activity depending on organizational roles
XBRL serves as a means to...
...electronically communicate business information to facilitate business reporting of financial and nonfinancial data to users - greatly enhances speed/accuracy of business reporting
AIS is important because... provides information that companies are required to have and also information that can be used to make important decisions
AIS usually serves as...
...the foundation for the enterprise (or ERP) system
BS Four Perspectives
1. financial perspective 2. customer perspective 3. business process perspective 4. learning & growth perspective
XBRL Assurances
1. most accurate XBRL taxonomy used 2. underlying financial/non-financial data is reliable 3. XBRL tagging accurate 4. reports using XBRL are complete and timely received
Three main differences of Big Data
1. volume 2. velocity 3. variety
Two types of Business Models
1.Activity Model (Business Process Modeling Notation) 2. Structure Model (Unified Modeling Language, REA)
Access IF Function
IIF ( )
Access Increased Wage Formula (new field)
Increased Wage: [Wage Rate]*1.1
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
a centralized database that collects data from throughout the company including orders, customers, sales, inventory, and employees; information available to everyone in a useful and timely way
a column of data
a row of data
Accounting Information System (AIS)
a system that records, processes and reports on transactions to provide financial and non-financial information to make decisions and have appropriate levels of internal controls (security measures to protect sensitive data) for those transactions
a tangible thing or event (employees, customers, inventory, sales, hours worked)
Diagnostic Analytics
aid in assessing why certain events and results occurred
Network IT
allows people to communicate w/ one another
Spurious Correlation
an apparent but false relationship between two (or more) variables that is caused by some other variable ex: ice cream sales correlated to drowning? due to warm weather
Learning & Growth Perspective
are we able to sustain innovation, change and improvement? - emphasized for product leadership strategy
Data Warehouse
collection of information gathered from an assortment of external and operational (i.e., internal) databases to facilitate reporting for decision making and business analysis - often serve as the main repository of the firm's historical data -separate from operational database
Strategic Positioning
companies may choose a competitive strategy that seeks to obtain a relative advantage by emphasizing: 1. differentiation - customer intimacy - product/tech leadership 2. cost leadership - operational excellence
consists of data that is arrayed in rows and columns
Composite Primary Key
consists of the primary key fields from the two intersecting relations; two variables are needed to uniquely identify each row
XRBL Instance Documents
contain the actual dollar amounts or the details of each of the elements within the firm's XBRL database
data organized in a meaningful way to be useful to the user; data serves as an input
database equivalent of a question that is posed about data in a table/tables
Data warehouses are often designed to facilitate...
decision making such as those often used in managerial accounting
XRBL Taxonomy
defines and describes each key data element (e.g., total assets, accounts, payable, net income, etc.)
UML Associations
depict the business relationship between two classes
UML Multiplicities
describe the minimum and maximum number of times instances of one class can be associated with instances in another class (1,N) Min: 0 or 1 Max: 1 or N
Activity Models (BPMN)
detailed, sequential picture, standard; standardized way of documenting processes -used to analyze business processes and design changes since well before 1920 -describe the sequence of workflow in a business process -represent the sequential flow and control logic of a set of related activities -tools for planning, documenting, discussing, and implementing systems
Collaboration Model
focuses on the message flows between the pools; clarifying interaction between pools
Predictive Analytics
help businesses determine what will most likely happen based on a series of variables
Descriptive Analytics
help businesses understand what has happened and what's happening right now in an organization
Prescriptive Analytics
help develop a course of action in response to a series of events - what should happen and what is the best option
Customer Perspective
how do we look to our customers? -emphasized for customer intimacy strategy
Financial Perspective
how do we look to our shareholders?
BPMN Swimlanes
identify departments or individuals; activities assigned to one participant to show responsibility show functional responsibilities
BPMN Pools
identify organizations; each must include at least one start and one end; sequence flow can't break b/w start and end
BPMN Events
include start, intermediate, and end events; intermediate events affect the flow of a process, but do not start or end
Buy Software
less costly + standard
Make Software
more costly + customized
ET: Solver
optimization tool (such as profit maximization or cost minimization): what are the optimal choices/paths given the constraints
Calculated Field
output field made up of over fields; created in the query generator
Function IT
performs a single function, such as enhancing worker productivity for standalone tasks ex: spreadsheets
Modular Approach (Phased Approach)
pilot testing and and elimination of any problems discovered before the full implementation -combine safety of parallel and cost/time saving of direct - old at time A, next at time B, next at time C
Updating Query
queries that update the original data in a database
BPMN Activities
represent specific steps in the business process; basic activities modeled as rounded RECTANGLES
BPMN Sequence Flows
represented by arrows to indicate the progression of activity within the process
REA Model
resource (classes), event, agents
Sunset Graphics REA Model
resources: products/cash events: quote, order, cash receipt agents: customers & sunset partner
Enterprise IT
restructures interactions within the organization as well as with external partners
UML Class
separately identifiable collections of things about which the organization wants to collect and store information; can represent org resources, people, events
Purpose of Swimlanes
show different jobs in the purchase process; show functional responsibilities
simply raw facts that describe an event and have little meaning on their own
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
software used to manage interactions with customers -track customer purchases -ensure customer satisfaction -analyze customer preferences
Supply Chain Management (SCM)
software used to optimize processes within the supply chain -determine levels of inventory in stock and to be ordered -determine timing to transferring inventory
XRBL Style Sheets
take the instance documents and add presentation elements to make them readable by humans
Select Query
they select certain data from specific tables based on a given criteria
Parameter Query
type of select query that finds the same kind of information repeatedly, but about different entities each time
Enterprise systems are often implemented using which approach?
using the direct approach
ET: Prediction/Trends
what are the most likely outcomes/paths in the future given the past data?
ET: Scenario Manager
what are the potential outcomes/paths in the future?
Business Processes
what business processes are the value drivers? -emphasized for operational excellence strategy