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exercise programming using ACE IFT Model resulted in significantly

greater improvements in VO2 max, muscular fitness and key cardiometabolic risk factors when compared to standardized exercise programming following 13 weeks of training

hypertension =

high blood pressure

In secondary ventilatory threshold (VT2), there's __ intensity with RPE of __ and __ duration.

high; 7-10; short

The Health Belief Model states that people's ideas and underlying emotions about __, __, and __ may influence health ___ and decisions about changing or not changing health behaviors

illnesses, prevention, and treatments behaviors

Trainer can promote autonomy by

including the client in aspects of goal setting and program design

The Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change or Stages of Change Model focuses on

individual's readiness to make a change

HIIT can improve

insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, and body comp

Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) represents level of

intake of a nutrient that is adequate to meet the known needs of practically ALL healthy people

physical activity factors for potential determinants 4 physical activity include

intensity and injury

Self determination theory states that

intrinsic and extrinsic (controlled) motivation will influence the extent to which a person will seek out new activities and persevere at a given task

behavioral contracts will help with both

intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

righting reflex is bad cause it's definition is

it relies heavily on directing people to "fix" what seems to be wrong with them to get them on a better path

Additional forms (other than the PAR-Q+) include

lifestyle and healthy-history questionnaire and medical release forms

Trainer promote competence by ...

making the correct level of challenging exercises and consistent positive feedback

for food info refer clients to __ and a licensed __ and registered dietitian

tobacco use, poor nutrition, lack of physical activity, excessive alcohol use can lead to ...

noncommunicable diseases

vicarious experience

observation or knowledge of someone else who has or is also doing the same thing

Trainers can enhance function for activities __ __ __ (___)

of daily living (ADL)

Extinction occurs when a

positive stimulus that once followed a behavior is removed and the likelihood that the behavior will reoccur is decreased

the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q+) for Everyone is a __ screening w/ a goal of reducing __ __ to exercise

pre-participation; unnecessary barriers

Trainer should emphasize __ goals like ___ over ___ goals like __. Don't compare to others their age. Positive feedback and introduce clients to other people at the gym

process; making it to gym 4 times a week; outcome; looking ready for beach

2nd pt of TTM is Processes of Change which entails the

processes of change one uses to move through the stages

Info not enough 4 people to make lifestyle changes. Client trainer relationship must be built on __, __, and client's __ to ___.

rapport, mutual trust, and readiness to change

for somebody on beta blockers, using ___ of ___ __ or the __ test versus target __ __ can be used to ensure a safe and effective cardiorespiratory exercise intensity

rating of perceived exertion talk test heart rate

When exercising below VT1, clients should be exercising at a moderate intensity classified by a ____ (__) of 3 to 4

rating of perceived exertion (RPE)

trainer can enhance client success in these ways during the ACTION Stage

self-monitoring approaches, effective teaching techniques, stages of learning, learning styles, "tell, show, do", provide feedback, and model

the planning stage generally moves thru the following steps

setting goals, generating/discussing alternatives, formulating a plan, and evaluating the exercise program

diuretics increase elimination of __ and __ through the kidneys so trainers need to pay attention to __ of client

water; electrolytes; dehydration

health equity

when all people have the opportunity to attain their full health potential and no one is disadvantaged from achieving this potential because of their social position or other socially determined circumstance

structure/fxn claims are regulated by the ____ (5 words) which typically apply to ___ and don't need to be preapproved by the ____

-Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) -supplements -FDA

the Core Communication Skills of Motivational Interviewing (OARS) include

-Open-ended questions (asking them) -Affirmations (offering them good job!) -Reflective listening -Summarizing

Health Belief Model leads to Decision to change and has 6 parts

-Perceived Susceptibility -Perceived Seriousness lead to Health Threat which leads to decision to change -Benefits -Barriers lead to Health Behavior which lead to decision to change

client can employ following tips while grocery shopping to reduce risk of foodborne illness

-check 4 bruises -smell for ripeness -sell by date -no tear -separate fish/poultry -pick up refrigerated and frozen foods last

Components of Personal Attributes include

-demographic variables -health status -physical activity history -psychological traits -knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs

Base training main goals

-developing initial aerobic base in clients who are pretty inactive -moderate cardio for 20 mins 3x a week should start here

trainers can "meet people where they are" by paying attention to

-food access -household food insecurity -acculturation (moving towards more American dietary patterns)

investigation stage includes

-gathering info from lifestyle & health-history questionnaires -active listening -motivational interviewing

motivational interviewing includes ____ while directing style includes __

-guiding style and change talk -trainer takes charge and tells client what to do

claims that can be utilized on food and dietary supplement labels include (3 types of) claims

-health -nutrient content -structure/function

some examples of cognitive distortions are

-jumping to conclusions (fortune telling and mind reading) -magnification (catastrophizing) and minimization -overgeneralizing -all or nothing thinking -labeling -personalization and blame

Processes of change are listed, you tell me what they mean: Consciousness raising Dramatic relief Self-reevaluation Environmental reevaluation Self liberation Helping relationships counter-conditioning reinforcement management stimulus control social liberation

-learning new facts that support healthy behavior change -feeling bad bout inactivity or eating unhealthy so u feel relief when u decide to change -realizing behavior change = impo pt of 1's identity as a person -realizing how behavior influences enviro -deciding to change and experiencing a new belief in the ability to change -seeking and using social support 4 behavior change -substituting healthier behaviors and cognitions 4 the unhealthy behavior -increasing and decreasing rewards based on healthy or unhealthy behavior -removing reminders and cues to engage in unhealthy behaviors and replacing them w/ reminders/cues for healthy behavior -taking advantage of opportunities to be with people who model the new behavior, noticing the social norms that reinforce the new behavior

rapport stage includes

-mutual trust/understanding -empathy -cultural competence -verbal (& nonverbal) communication

2 goals of pre-exercise snack are to

-optimize glucose availability and glycogen stores -provide the fuel needed to support exercise performance

the 3 categories that potential determinants 4 physical activity can be broken down into

-personal attributes -enviro factors -physical activity factors

lapses = relapse =

-slips in a program -return of original behavior like being inactive

The socio-ecological model can show how each level influences food choices. The levels of it are

-social and cultural norms and expectations -government regulations and supports -built enviro -social networks -close relationships -individual characteristics

3rd pt of TTM is self-efficacy which means... It is described by Bandura in his social cognitive theory which states...

-the degree to which a person believes they can successfully perform a given behavior -how people think abt things exerts a strong influence on their behavior

usually outer aisles in grocery stores have _____ (except ___) while center aisles have _____ foods

-whole, fresh foods -whole grains, beans and legumes -highly processed and nutrient deficient

4 pts of decisional balance worksheet

1 and 2. perceived gains/losses associated with adopting desired behaviors 3 and 4. strategies to max/min potential for achieving gains/losses

3 phases of cardiorespiratory training

1. Base Training 2. Fitness Training 3. Performance Training Below VT1 VT1 to VT2 and RPE 5-6 Above VT2

the 5 movement patterns in the Pt. 2 Movement Training in Muscular Training are...

1. Bend and lift movement 2. Single leg movement 3. Pushing movement 4. Pulling movement 5. Rotational movement

the ACE Integrated Fitness Training (IFT) Model has 2 training components:

1. Cardiorespiratory Training 2. Muscular Training

goal-setting theory says goals impact people's performance or inspire behavioral change through 4 primary mechanisms

1. Directed attention 2. Mobilized effort 3. persistence 4. Strategy

Pt. 2 Movement Training in Muscular Training model includes...

5 movement patterns that control COG thru normal range of motion (ROM)

ACE ABC Approach

A - Ask open ended questions B - Break down barriers C - Collaborate

Adequate Intake (AI)

a recommended average daily nutrient intake level based on observed or experimentally determined estimates of nutrient intake by a group of healthy people

operant conditioning

a type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer or diminished if followed by a punisher; all abt CONSEQUENCES

Some social support strategies to help increase activity are

find a reliable exercise partner, ask family to be supportive and give reminders, set up fun contests, etc.

people w/ hypertension are advised to follow the low-sodium __ (4 words) eating plan which is low in __ (3 things)

-Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) -saturated fat, cholesterol, and total fat

2018 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans said Behavior change is complicated by 3 things

1. Enviro influences 2. Ongoing process over long periods of time 3. Intention and action are not the same

The 4 Key Dietary Guidelines

1. Follow a Healthy Dietary Pattern at Every Life Stage -MyPlate -NIH Body Weight Planner 2. Customize/Enjoy foods & beverages to reflect personal preferences, cultural traditions, and budgetary considerations 3. focus on meeting food group needs with nutrient dense foods and drinks (AND stay w/in CALORIE needs) 4. limit foods and drinks higher in sugars, saturated fat, sodium and alc

ACE Integrated Fitness Model for Muscular Training has 3 pts which are

1. Functional 2. Movement 3. Load/Speed

The 4 parts of the Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change are

1. Stages of Behavior Change 2. Processes of Change 3. Self-efficacy 4. Decisional change

whats the ACE Mover Method Philosophy? 3 pts.

1. every interaction is CLIENT CENTERED 2. powerful open ended questions and active listening 3. clients = resourceful and capable of change

stages of the client-personal trainer relationship

1.) Rapport 2.) Investigation 3.) Planning 4.) Action

In Self determination theory these 3 factors help support intrinsic motivation

Autonomy, Competence, and Relatedness

The ACT IFT Cardiorespiratory Training includes 3 pts:

Base, Fitness, Performance

The F-H-F-P Continuum stands for

Function, Health, Fitness, Performance Continuum

antihistamines don't impact __ or __ but do produce ___ effect on upper airways and may cause ___

HR BP drying drowsiness

angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors shouldn't impact __ but will cause a decrease in __ at rest & exercise

Heart rate blood pressure

All parts of muscular training includes stuff from before ie:

Load/Speed Training includes stuff from movement training which includes stuff from functional training

Past Performance Experience

Most influential source of self-efficacy information and abt previous experience with fitness, trainers, etc.

Sources of self-efficacy

Past Performance Experience Vicarious Experience Verbal Persuasion Physiological state appraisals emotional state and mood appraisals imaginal experiences

Pre, During, and Post Exercise fueling strategies

Pre: -Fueling and hydration -carb loading, hydration During: -Fueling, and maintaining hydration -Sustained fuel: Carbs, maintaining hydration Post: -Recovery, refueling, and rehydration -rehydration, glycogen/protein synthesis

The 4 stages of change in the first stage of the Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change are

Precontemplation (inactive and no think bout exercise) Contemplation (weighing pro vs. cons but don't know how to go abt changing) Preparation (sum, inconsistent activity) Action (regular activity but 4 less than 6 months) Maintenance (longer than 6 months)

Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) refers to 4 values

Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) Adequate Intake (AI)

effective goals are SMART goals which means they are

Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-bound

U can monitor intensity with clients during Base Training by using the __ __. If they can talk while exercising they are likely below the __ __ __ (__).

Talk Test. 1st Ventilatory Threshold (VT1).

environmental factors for potential determinants 4 physical activity include

access to facilities, time, and social support

people w/ cardiovascular disease (CVD) performing unaccustomed vigorous exercise are at the greatest risk 4 activity associated

acute myocardial infraction (AMI) and sudden cardiac death (SCD)

Pt. 3 Load/Speed Training in Muscular Training model focuses on...

adding external loads to movements to meet goals of muscular strength, endurance, and hypertrophy goals and even speed, agility, quickness, and power

Legislation also requires food manufacturers to list all potential food __ on food packaging


beta-blockers are a type of ___ drug that

antihypertensive block beta-adrenergic receptors and limit sympathetic nervous system stimulation by blocking effects of epinephrine and norepinephrine

Intrinsic motivation is also known as ___ motivation because it has to do with the client's __

autonomous motivation; autonomy

Calcium Channel Blockers are a type of antihypertensive drug that prevent ___-____ contraction of the smooth muscles in the arteries causing them to dilate, which lowers or has no effect on __ __

calcium-dependent blood pressure

percentage of deaths due to low __ __ was higher than deaths from obesity, smoking, high cholesterol, and diabetes

cardiorespiratory fitness

stages of motor learning

cognitive, associative, autonomous

Spirit of Motivational Interviewing (CACE)

collaboration, acceptance, compassion, evocation

Pt. 1 Functional training in Muscular Training model includes ...

core, balance, stabilizing spine, and center of gravity (COG) during static and dynamic movement. Usually just body-weight resistance


drug that lowers blood pressure

Trainer can promote relatedness by

encouraging a sense of camaraderie among the client and others in the fitness setting

spirit of motivational interviewing and OARS are put into practice throughout the following overlapping processes

engaging, focusing, evoking, and planning

4th pt of TTM is decisional balance which refers to the

evaluation of pros and cons abt adopting/maintaining an activity program

the DASH eating plan lowers both __ and __ blood pressure

systolic and diastolic

Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR)

the % of calories that should come from carbs, protein, and fat for both optimal health and reduction of chronic disease risk

Estimated Average Requirement (EAR)

the average daily nutrient intake level estimated to meet the requirement of half the healthy individuals in a particular life stage or gender group

Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)

the maximum daily amount of a nutrient that appears safe for most healthy people and beyond which there is an increased risk of adverse health effects

locus of control

the tendency for people to assume that they either have control or do not have control over events and consequences in their lives

the ACSM Pre-participation guidelines are designed to remove any

unnecessary barriers to becoming more physically active

learning styles

visual, auditory, kinesthetic

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