Addiction Treatment-Chapter 1

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A University of Washington led research study found that a group of 95 chronically homeless people with drinking problems cost taxpayers more than $8 million in hospitalizations, detox center treatments, and incarcerations. These costs were reduced to around $________ per month per person after they were moved off the streets and into apartments. (46)


A major component of the biopsychosocial-spiritual model of addiction is _____________________. Some problems cause substance abuse; some problems result from substance abuse; and some simply emerge along with substance use as the result of genetic, personality, or environmental conditions. (13)


A welcome change to the DSM is the use of the term substance ______ in place of substance __________. (9)

95.6 cents/1.9 cents

According to researchers at Columbia University in 2009, out of every dollar the federal and state governments spent on substance abuse and addiction in 2005, _______ cents went to shoveling up the wreckage and only ______ cents to prevention and treatment. (36)


Around ____% of the American population reported attending a self-help group because of alcohol and other drugs over the past year. (29)


Around _____ thousand Americans die every year from accidental drug overdoses. (17)


As defined by the World Health Organization, the __________________ determinants of health are the circumstances in which people are born, grow up, live, work and age,m and the systems put in place to deal with illness. These circumstances are in turn shaped by a wider set of forces: economics, social policies, and politics. (47)

Harm Reduction Model

Choice is the hallmark of the _________ ______________ __________; its task is to help clients find their own way and to carve out their own paths to sobriety. The focus is on prevention and not a cure. (23)


Counselors who propose _______________ one's destructive behavior run the risk of giving some of their clients false hopes and setting them up for failure. (28)


Every year, illicit and prescription drugs and alcohol contribute to the deaths of more than ___________ thousand Americans. (4)


Every year, tobacco is linked to an estimated ________________ thousand deaths. (4)


For all DSM-5 disorders, there is a range denoting severity that extends from: _________ (two criteria), ___________ (four criteria), to ___________ (six or more criteria). (6)

Self Esteem

From a harm reduction perspective, Brad Karroll contends that for many seeking recovery, "labeling oneself only continues to erode one's _______________. (22)


Harm Reduction is an outgrowth of the international public health movement, a philosophy that opposes the __________________ of drug use and views substance misuse as a public health rather than a criminal justice concern. (31)


In contrast to the tales of classic literature, in real life, there may be a way out of the pain, a way for the individual to get beyond the tragic flaw. The way out is called _______________. (4)

Harm reduction

In the United States, in contrast to Europe, __________ _____________ is considered a controversial term and approach that could lead to a return to alcohol and other drug use by clients who have successfully managed to abstain from substance misuse. (32)


In the state system, only a fraction (___%) of the 80% of state prison inmates with substance use problems receive the treatment they need. (33)


In their extensive national survey of over 36,000 Americans, researchers from the National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse looked at drinking problems based on the new DSM-5 criteria. They found that ____% of Americans have an alcohol use disorder, only ____% of whom had sought treatment. (6)


Its estimated that up to ___% of all hospital beds in the United States are occupied by a patient whose ailment is related to alcohol consumption. (15)


Like the Harm reduction approach, the strengths perspective is decidedly pragmatic. It comes from the practical understanding that a focus on __________________ rather than defects fosters hope. (19)


Many of the addictive chronic disorders, such as compulsive __________________ and pathalogical _____________, are characterized by loss of control, relapse, compulsiveness, and continuation despite negative consequences. (8)


Mental health professionals can expect approximately _____% of their clients to have problems stemming from their own or a family member's alcoholism. (15)


More than _____million inmates incarcerated today are serving time for ___________ related crimes. (4)


Most problem drinkers move in and out of periods of ________________ drinking. (8)


Much of the funding related to substance misuse is for ______________ care, _________, and ___________. (33)


Of the 14,000 or so substance treatment facilities in the United States, the total abstinence approach is tightly enforced in this percentage. (41)


Of the 2.3 million inmates in AMerica, what percentage are minorities? (44)

Behavioral addictions

Nonsubstance addictions are sometimes referred to by what name? (18)


Of all the addictions, ________________ is the most studied and the most common, next to nicotine addiction. (10)

1.5 million

Of the 2.3 million inmates in America, how many meet the DSM-IV medical criteria for substance abuse or addiction? (44)


Over ____% of persons incarcerated in the United States have a substance use problem upon admission into prison. (15)


Over ____% of prisoners in England and Wales reported use of illegal substances during the 12 months before their incarceration. (15)


Over _____% of all inmates in Canada have alcohol and/or other drug problems upon entry into prison. (15)


Proponents of immediate and total _______________, on the other hand, can rest assured that they will drive away the majority of people who might otherwise come to them for help. (28)

Motivational Interviewing Approach

Related to the strengths perspective is the ______________ ________________ _____________. It emphasizes bolstering clients self-efficacy. this is done in normal conversation through exploring successful changes the clients have made in the past. Mobilizing clients' own strengths and support systems are important, in promoting rehabilitation and recovery maintenance. (19)


Since food is a substance with ______________ qualities, it could be classified as a substance use disorder.(8)

The Physical/The Psychological/The Social

The AMA definition identifies what three basic areas of ecological concern? (11)


The California Treatment Outcome Project, a rigorously designed study of the effectiveness of alcohol abuse and other drug abuse treatment, showed that the state received a $___ return for every $1 invested, the largest savings of which were from a reduction in crime. (33)


The DSM-5 also includes the addition of diagnostic criteria for conditions not previously included in the DMS, such as _________________ withdrawal and _______________ withdrawel. (7)


The ______________ component in addiction relates to where as opposed to why or how. (13)


The _______________ dimension is a key component in the illness of addiction. _________________ is crucial in recovery because it is related to one's sense of meaning and interconnectedness. (13)


The ___________________ concept encompasses the thinking that leads to the drinking, injecting, or snorting of the substance. (12)


The addiction concept, as stated previously, perceives addiction as occurring along a ______________. Severe life-threatening dependence may be placed at one end, the misuse of substances somewhere in the center, and a use of substances without problems at the other end. (8)

Give Up

The treatment of addictive disorders differs from other mental disorders, in that is has historically required one to _________ ___ completely a valued part of one's daily life. (21)

Alcohol use disorder

The highest risk for this disorder was found among people without advanced education, at lower socioeconomic levels, and among those with co-occurring mental health and personality disorders. The findings indicated a lower risk for black, Asian, or Pacific Islander, and Hispanic than white or Native American respondents. (22)

$700 Billion

The misuse of alcohol, nicotine, and illicit and perscription drugs costs Americans more than $______ billion a year in increased health care costs, crime, and lost productivity. (4)

$1 Trillionb

The monetary cost of the War on Drugs is estimated to be at what cost? (44)


The pain and suffering of alcoholism and other addictions constitute the ____________________ reality. (12)

Project Match

The results of this project, the most extensive and expensive comparative research in this area performed to date, confirm the viability of three internally consistent models of treatment: the conventional 12 step-based approach, cognitively oriented therapy, and motivational enhancement strategies. (47)

DSM (DIagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)

The significance of the _______ cannot be exaggerated; the diagnoses that are finally agreed upon by the panel of experts are used almost universally by mental health professionals to diagnose and receive insurance reimbursement for treatment for behavioral disorders. (5)


The significance of the inclusion of _____________ addiction in the DMS-5 should not be overlooked. This is a recognition that addiction can occur with something other than psychoactive chemicals. (7)


The way in which substance misuse is ________________ has important practical implications for how individuals with drinking and drug problems are treated-by their families, by medical and mental health professionals, and by the state. (5)


The word "addiction" comes from the Latin word "_____________." meaning "having given over or awarded to someone or being attached to a person or cause." (5)

Individual Responsibility

There has been a countertrend stressing _____________ ________________ for a range of addictive behaviors, now labeled "bad habits." This movement away from the disease models carries some risk of turning the clock back on treatment availability. (11)


There seems to be wide public support for changing government drug policies. In a new Pew Research Center report, _____% of people said they government should focus more on treating people who use illegal drugs, compared with 26% saying prosecution should be the focus. (43)

Drug Courts

These kinds of courts, which have received considerable government support, are one of the most promising developments in the present time. They are speciality courts that offer intensively supervised treatment opportunities to members of the community who have gotten into trouble with the law. Keeping people with substance and mental health disorders out of prison and in the community as productive citizens is the overriding goal of these kinds of courts. (45)

Harm Reduction Strategy

This addiction treatment strategy is a pragmatic, public health approach to reducing the negative consequences of some harmful behaviors rather than eliminating or curing the problem. Examples would be substituting a less harmful drug for a life threatening drug, recruiting heroin addicts into methadone-maintenance, and providing women returning to their batterning partners with a plan for self protection(30)

Addiction-as-disease Bias

This bias in the field of addiction demands immediate and total abstinence from all mood-altering substances, with the usual exception of tobacco. (27)

The Rational Model

This model of addiction control places complete responsibility on individuals for their bad habits and expects people to simply control their excessive urges. (27)

Addiction Recovery Management

This movement is a strengths-based approach that seeks to merge the best of the old and the new with a focus on recovery from alcohol and drug addiction. (26)

The Strengths Perspective

This perspective is a way of perceiving people in their struggles to rise above difficult circumstances. This approach is the predominant approach in social work today. (18)

The Strengths Perspective

This perspective is an approach geared to look for strengths rather than liabilities, not because they are "truer" but because an approach geared towards a person's possibilities is more effective than an approach focusing on a person's problems. (9)

Cognitively Based Treatment

This treatment approach is focused on relapse prevention. The underlying premise of this approach is the belief that peoples cognitions, or the way they view the world, and their self-destructive behavior are intertwined. Social skills training and stress management are basic strategies. (37)

Motivational Enhancement

This treatment model is the pragmatic approach most closely associated with the harm reduction model. The therapist assesses the level of the client's motivation for change and never fights the client but rather rolls with resistance. Such techniques are geared to help people find their own path to change. (37)

12-Step Facilitation Design

This treatment philosophy believes that alcoholism is a disease that is primary, progressive, chronic, and fatal if not arrested. Alcoholics need to acknowledge that they are powerless over alcohol and that only through turning to a power greater than themselves can they be restored to sanity. (36)

Proposition 36

This treatment-over-incarcertation law passed by California in 2000, resulted in a savings of $1.4 billion over the course of a five-year study. (46)


Through this technology, neurologists can observe, for example, the impact that gambling has on neurotransmitters in the brain of pathological gamblers. (10)


To define addictive behavior in terms of a lack of __________________ is fraught with political and treatment difficulties. If eating disorders, for example, are viewed as stemming from a lack of self control, treatment resources will be hard to come by. (8)


To understand the pain connected with addictive and compulsive behavior, one must first understand the _____________ side of these activities. (10)


Today, in real life as in drama, the source of personal tragedy is often some sort of human flaw in the form of a harmful ___________________ or ________________. (3)

1 million

Today, there are more than ____ million members of AA in the United States. (29)


True or False. The majority of addiction counselors clients in the United States are coerced into treatment in one way or another. (44)


Unlike traditional health care interventions that focus on one specific outcome, ______________ abuse treatment can achieve effects on a number of outcome measures, including health status, criminal behavior, family functioning, mental health, and employment. (33)

A sense of achievement

What is the fifth element of recovery? (24)

Managing the Symptoms of the disorder

What is the first element of recovery? (22)

A sense of Purpose

What is the fourth element of recovery? (24)

Personal Control

What is the second element of recovery? (23)

The presence of at least one key person

What is the sixth element of recovery? (24)


What is the third element of recovery? (24)


Whats missing but needed in scientific research is a way to determine the point at which ________-__________ over a craving for an addictive substance has gone beyond the level that it can be controlled. (9)

Natural Recovery

When a person with alcoholism stops drinking without getting treatment, it is called ________________ _______________ (21)


Where there is assault, incest, rape, child neglect, or attempted suicide, more often than not some form of __________________ misuse is involved. (4)


Whereas celebrities and other rich people are more apt to use _____________ as a drug of choice, ________________ are more commonly associated with the poor. (18)

Criminal Justice

While the United States seemingly has unlimited resources for the imprisonment of drug users, managed care constraints and federal funding cutbacks have led to a shift from a clinical approach to a ________________ ______________ approach. (48)


________ related trauma is closely correlated with substance use and addiction. (4)


_____________ can be defined as a pattern of compulsive substance use or behavior. (9)


________________ is one of the most consistent predictors of how clients will perform in addiction treatment. (14)

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