Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Exam 1

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Caste System

- Hindu belief that people are born into a particular caste based on their moral and spiritual conduct in their previous life - a person's caste then determines their status in Indian Society

Conventional Reasoning

- In Kohlberg's theory of moral development, the level of moral reasoning in which the person advocates the value of conforming to the moral expectations of others - what is right is whatever agrees with the rules established by tradition and by authorities

Endocrine System

- a network of glands in the body - through hormones, the glands coordinate their functioning and affect the development and functioning of the body

possible selves

- a person's conception of the self as it potentially may be - may include both an ideal self and a feared self


- a person's evaluation of his or her qualities and relations with others - closely related to self-esteem


- a person's view of his or her characteristics and abilities - closely related to self-esteem

Identity Diffusion

- an identity status that combines no exploration with no commitment - no commitments have been made among the available paths of identity formation, and the person is not seriously attempting to sort through potential choices and make enduring commitments


- defined social positions in a culture, containing specifications of behavior, status, and relations with others - examples include gender, age, and social class

Cultural Beliefs

- the predominant beliefs in a culture about right and wrong, what is most important in life, and how life should be lived - may also include beliefs about where and how life originated and what happens after death

broad socialization

- the process by which persons in an individualistic culture come to learn individualism, including values of individual uniqueness, independence, and self-expression

Incest Taboo

- the prohibition on sexual relations between family members - believed to be biologically baed, as children born to closely related parents are at higher risk for genetic disorders

symbolic inheritance

- the set of ideas and understandings, both implicit and explicit, about persons, society, nature, and divinity that serve as a guide to life in a particular culture - it is expressed symbolically through stories, songs, rituals, sacred objects, and sacred places

Communal Manhood

Anthony Rotundo's term for the norm of manhood in 17th and 18th cen. colonial America, in which the focus of gender expectations for adolescent boys was on preparing to assume adult male role responsibilities in work and marriage

Self-Made Manhood

Anthony Rotundo's term for the norm of manhood in 19th cen. America, in which males were increasingly expected to become independent from their families in adolescence and emerging adulthood as part of becoming a man

Passionate Manhood

Anthony Rotundo's term for the norm of manhood in 20th cen. US, in which self-expression and self-enjoyment replaced self-control and self-denial as the paramount virtues young males should learn in the course of becoming a man

Gender Identity

Children's understanding of themselves as being either male or female, reached at about age 3

Filial Piety

Confucian belief, common in many Asian societies, that children are obligated to respect, obey, and revere their parents, especially the father

Psychosocial Moratorium

Erikson's term for a period during adolescence when adult responsibilities are postponed as young people try on various possible selves

Negative Identity

Erikson's term for an identity based on what a person has seen portrayed as most undesirable or dangerous

Intimacy vs. Isolation

Erikson's term for the central issue of young adulthood, in which persons face alternatives between committing themselves to another person in an intimate relationship or becoming isolated as a consequence of an inability to form an enduring intimate relationship

Identity vs. Identity Confusion

Erikson's term for the crisis typical of the adolescent stage of life, in which individuals may follow the healthy path of establishing a clear and definite sense of who they are and how they fit into the world around them, or follow the unhealthy alternative of ailing to form a stable and secure identity

Identity Crisis

Erikson's term for the intense period of struggle that adolescents may experience in the course of forming an identity

Poetic-conventional faith

Fowler's term for the stage of faith development most typical of early adolescence, in which people become more aware of the symbolism used in their faith and religious understanding becomes more complex in the sense that early adolescents increasingly believe that here is more than one way of knowing the truth

Individuating-reflective faith

Fowler's term for the stage of faith most typical of late adolescence and emerging adulthood, in which people rely less on what their parents believed and develop a more individualized faith based on questioning their beliefs and incorporating their personal experience into their beliefs

Care orientation

Gilligan's term for the type of moral orientation that involves focusing on relationships with others as the basis for moral reasoning

theory of multiple intelligences

Howard Gardner's theory that there are eight separate types of intelligence

Gender Intensification Hypothesis

Hypothesis that psychological and behavioral differences between males and females become more pronounced at adolescence because of intensified socialization pressures to conform to culturally prescribed gender roles

Postconventional Reasoning

In Kohlberg's theory of moral development, the level in which moral reasoning is based on the individual's own independent judgments rather than on egocentric considerations or considerations of what others view as wrong or right

Consummate Love

In Sternberg's theory of love, the form of love that integrates passion, intimacy, and commitment

Companionate love

In Sternberg's theory of love, the type of love that combines intimacy and commitment, but without passion

Fatuous Love

In Sternberg's theory of love, the type of love that combines passion and commitment without intimacy

Romantic Love

In Sternberg's theory of love, the type of love that combines passion and intimacy, but without commitment

Empty Love

In Sternberg's theory of love, the type of love that is based on commitment alone, without passion or intimacy


In Sternberg's theory of love, the type of love that is based on intimacy alone, without passion or commitment


In Sternberg's theory of love, the type of love that is based on passion alone, without intimacy or commitment

bar mitzvah

Jewish religious ritual for boys at age 13 that signifies the adolescents' new responsibilities with respect to Jewish beliefs

bat mitzvah

Jewish religious ritual for gils at age 13 that signifies the adolescents' new responsibilities with respect to Jewish beliefs

Cognitive-Developmental Theory of Gender

Kohlberg's theory, based on Piaget's ideas about cognitive development, asserting that gender is a fundamental way of organizing ideas about the world and that children develop through a predictable series of stages in their understanding of gender

Mnemonic Devices

Memory Strategies

Pendulum Problem

Piaget's classic test of formal operations, in which persons are asked to figure out what determines the speed at which a pendulum sways from side to side

Autonomous morality

Piaget's term for the period of moral development form about ages 10 to 12, involving a growing realization that moral rules are social conventions that can be changed if people decide they should be changed

Heteronomous morality

Piaget's term for the period of moral development form about ages 4 to about 7, in which moral rules are viewed as having a sacred, fixed quality, handed down form figures of authority and alterable only by them

Hypothetical- Deductive Reasoning

Piaget's term for the process by which the formal operational thinker systematically tests possible solutions to a problem and arrives at an answer that can be defended and explained

Personal Fable

a belief in one's personal uniqueness, often including a sense of invulnerability to the consequences of taking risks


a belief that others possess certain characteristics simply as a result of being a member of a particular group

Secular Trend

a change in the characteristics of a population over time


a combination of "masculine" and "feminine" personality traits

interdependent self

a conception of the self typically found in collectivistic cultures, in which the self is seen as defined by roles and relationships within the group

independent self

a conception of the self typically found in individualistic cultures, in which the self is seen as existing independently of relations with others, with an emphasis on independence, individual freedoms, and individual achievements


a condition common with STIs in which an infected person shows no symptoms of the disease by may potentially infect others

custom complex

a customary practice and the beliefs, values, sanctions, rules, motives, and satisfaction associated with it: that is, a normative practice in a culture and the cultural beliefs that provide the basis for that practice

Reactive Script

a dating script, more common for females than males, that focuses on the private domain (e.g., spending considerable time on dress and grooming prior to the date), responding to the date's gestures in the public domain (e.g., being picked up, waiting for him to open the doors), and responding to his sexual initiatives

Proactive Scripts

a dating script, more common for males than for females, that includes initiating the date, deciding where they will go, controlling the public domain (e.g., driving the care and opening the doors), and initiating sexual contact


a girl's first menstrual period

Pituitary Gland

a gland about half an inch long located at the base of the brain that releases gonadotropins as part of the body's preparation for repoduction

Parental Notification

a legal requirement, in some states, that minors must notify their parents before having an abortion

Parental Consent

a legal requirement, in some states, that minors must obtain their parents' permission to have an abortion


a male's first ejaculation

Arranged Marriage

a marriage in which the marriage partners are determined but by the partners themselves by by others, usually the parents or other family elders

Maximum Oxygen Uptake (VO2 max)

a measure of the ability of the body to take in oxygen and transport it to various organs; peaks in the early 20s


a mental structure for organizing and interpreting info


a mental structure for organizing and interpreting information


a month in the Muslim year that commemorates the revelation of the Koran from God to the prophet Muhammad, requiring fasting form sunrise to sunset each day and refraining from all sensual indulgences


a period in which abilities are organized in a coherent, interrelated way

Latency Period

a period, common with STIs, between the time a person is infected with a disease and the time symptoms appear


a person's overall sense of worth and well-being

Actual Self

a person's perception of the self as it is, contrasted with the possible self

Baseline Self-Esteem

a person's stable, enduring sense of worth and well-being


a protein, produced by fat cells, that signals the hypothalamus to initiate the hormonal changes of puberty


a set of beliefs asserting that it is important for persons to mute their individual desires in order to contribute to the well-being and success of the group


a set of cultural beliefs that explain what it means to be human, how human relations should be conducted, and how human problems should be addressed

Internal Consistency

a statistical calculation that indicates the extent to which the different items in a scale or subscale are answered in a similar way

Justice Orientation

a type of moral orientation that places a premium on abstract principles of justice, equality, and fairness


a view of development as a gradual, steady process rather than as taking place in distinct stages


a view of development as taking place in stages that are distinct form one another rather than as one gradual, continuous process

Sexual Harassment

a wise range of threatening or aggressive behaviors related to sexuality, from mile harassment such as name-calling, jokes, and leering looks to severe harassment involving unwanted touching or sexual contact

crystallized intelligence

accumulated knowledge and enhanced judgment based on experience

Date Rape

an act of sexual aggression in which a person, usually a woman, is forced by a romantic partner, date, or acquaintance to have sexual relations against her will

Identity Status Model

an approach to conceptualizing and researching identity development that classifies people into one of four identity categories: foreclosure, diffusion, moratorium, or achievement

Information-Processing Approach

an approach to understanding cognition that seeks to delineate the steps involved in the thinking process and how each step is connected to the next

Working Memory

an aspect of short-term memory that refers to where information is stored as it is comprehended and analyzed

Identity Foreclosure

an identity status in which young people have not experimented with a range of possibilities but have nevertheless committed themselves to certain choices—commitment, but no exploration

Identity Moratorium

an identity status that involves exploration but no commitment, in which young people are trying out different personal, occupational, and ideological possibilities

Hybrid Identity

an identity that integrates elements of various cultures

role preparation

an outcome of socialization that includes preparation for occupational roles, gender roles, and roles in institutions such as marriage and parenthood

Sex Hormones

androgens and estrogens that cause the development of primary and secondary sex characteristics

cultural psychology

approach to human psychology emphasizing that psychological functioning cannot be separated form the culture in which it takes place

Individual Differences

approach to research that focuses on how individuals differ within a group, for example, in performance on IQ tests

Cognitive-Developmental Approach

approach to understanding cognition that emphasizes the changes that take place at different ages


based on nonreligious beliefs and values


beginning of the development of sperm in boys' testicles at puberty

Imaginary Audience

belief that others are acutely aware of and attentive to one's appearance and behavior


biological sexual development as well as sexual values, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, relationships, and behavior


biological status of being male or female

Secondary Sex Characteristics

bodily changes of puberty not directly related to reproduction


breaking up a phenomenon into separate parts to such an extent that the meaning and coherence of the phenomenon as a whole becomes lost

Cognitive Development

changes over time in how people think, how they solve problems, and how their capacities for memory and attention change


chemicals, released by the glands of the endocrine system, that affect the development and functioning of the body, including development during puberty


cognitive ability to recognize the legitimacy of competing points of view but also compare the relative merits of competing views

Multiple Thinking

cognitive approach entailing recognition that there is more than one legitimate view of things and that it can be difficult to justify one position as the true or accurate one

Sexual Scripts

cognitive frameworks, often different for males and females, for understanding how a sexual experience is supposed to proceed and how sexual experiences are to be interpreted

Formal Operations

cognitive stage from age 11 on up in which people learn to think systematically about possibilities and hypotheses

preoperational stage

cognitive stage from ages 2 to 7 during which the child becomes capable of representing the world symbolically—for example, through the use of language—but is still very limited in ability to use mental operations

Sensorimotor Stage

cognitive stage in the first 2 years of life that involves learning how to coordinate the activities of the sense with motor activities


cognitive status in which persons commit themselves to certain points of view they believe to be the most valid white at the same time being open to reevaluating their views if new evidence is presented to them

Dualistic Thinking

cognitive tendency to see situations and issues in polarized, absolute, black-and-white terms

Postmodern identity

conception of identity as complex and as highly variable across contexts and across time

Emotional Loneliness

condition that occurs when people feel that the relationships they have lack sufficient closeness and intimacy

Social Loneliness

condition that occurs when people feel that they lack a sufficient number of social contacts and relationships

Patriarchal Authority

cultural belief in the absolute authority of the father over his wife and children


cultural belief system that emphasizes the desirability of independence, self-sufficiency, and self-expression

gender roles

cultural beliefs about the kinds of work, appearance, and other aspects of behavior that distinguish women from men

Permissive Cultures

cultures that encourage and expect sexual activity from their adolescents

Semirestrictive cultures

cultures that have prohibitions on premarital adolescent sex, but the prohibitions are not strongly enforced and are easily evaded

Restrictive Cultures

cultures that place strong prohibitions on adolescent sexual activity before marriage

Nature-Nurture Debate

debate over the relative importance of biology and the environment in human development


degree of cognitive effort a person needs to devote to processing a given set of information

Componential Approach

description of the information-processing approach to cognition, indicating that it involves breaking down the thinking process into its various components


fear and hared of homosexuals

Coming Out

for homosexuals, the process of acknowledging their homosexuality and then disclosing the truth to their friends, family, and others


having an identity that includes two aspects of two different cultures

gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)

hormone released by the hypothalamus that causes gonadotropins to be released by the pituitary

Social Cognition

how people think about other people, social relationships, and social institutions


ideology of manhood, common in Latino cultures, which emphasizes males' dominance over females

Affection Phase

in Brown's developmental model of adolescent love, the , the third phase, in which adolescents come to know each other better and express deeper feelings for each other, as well as engaging in more extensive sexual activity

Bonding Phase

in Brown's developmental model of adolescent love, the final phase, in which the romantic relationship becomes more enduring and serious; partners begin to discuss the possibility of a lifelong commitment to each other

Initiation Phase

in Brown's developmental model of adolescent love, the first phase, usually in early adolescence, when the first tentative explorations of romantic interests begin, usually superficial and brief, often fraught with anxiety, fear, and excitement

Status Phase

in Brown's developmental model of adolescent love, the second phase, in which adolescents begin to gain confidence in their skills at interacting with potential romantic partners and being to form their first romantic relationships, assessing not just how much they like and are attracted to the person, but also how their status with friends and peers would be influenced

Preconventional reasoning

in Kohlberg's theory of moral development, the level in which moral reasoning is based on perceptions of the likelihood of external rewards and punishments


in gender socialization, refers to the way that children seek to maintain consistency between the norms they have learned about gender and their behavior

predictive validity

in longitudinal research the ability of a variable at time 1 to predict the outcome of a variable at time2

Consensual validation

in social science studies of interpersonal attraction, the principle that people like to find in others an agreement or consensus with their own characteristics and view of life


in teh formation of ethnic identity, the option that involves rejecting one's culture of origin but also feeling rejected but the majority culture


in the formation of an ethnic identity, the approach that involves leaving the ethnic culture behind and adopting the ways of the majority culture


in the formation of ethnic identity, the approach that involves associating only with members of one's own ethnic group and rejecting the ways of the majority culture


in the formation of ethnic identity, the approach that involves developing a dual identity, one based in the ethnic group of origin and one based in the majority culture


in the manhood requirements of traditional cultures, the requirement of being able to assist in protecting one's family and community from human and animal attackers


in the manhood requirements of traditional cultures, the requirement of being able to function sexually well enough to produce children


in the manhood requirements of traditional cultures, the requirement of being able to provide economically for one's self as well as a wife and children


increasing worldwide technological and economic integration, which is making different parts of the world increasingly connected and increasingly similar culturally


individuals' perceptions of their characteristics and abilities, their beliefs and values, their relations with others, and how their lives fit into the world around them

Jean Piaget

influential Swiss developmental psychologist, best known for his theories sof cognitive and moral development

Child Study Movement

late 19th cen. group, led by G. Stanley Hall, that advocated research on child and adolescent development and the improvement of conditions for children and adolescents in the family, school, and workplace


living with a romantic partner outside of marriage

long-term memory

memory for information that is committed to longer-term storage, so that it can be drawn upon after a period when attention has not been focused on

Short-term memory

memory for information that is the current focus of attention

fluid intelligence

mental abilities that involve speed of analyzing, processing, and reacting to information


now-discredited theory that held that the development of each individual recapitulates the evolutionary development of the human species as a whole

Evocative genotype --> environment effects

occur when a person's inherited characteristics evoke responses from others in the environment

Active genotype --> environment effects

occur when people seek out environments that correspond to their genotypic characteristics

Response Bias

on a questionnaire, the tendency to choose the same response for all items

women's movement

organized effort in the 20th century to obtain greater rights and opportunities for women


overcoming adverse environmental circumstances to achieve healthy development

Emerging Adulthood

period from roughly ages 18-25 in industrialized countries during which young people become more independent form parents and explore various life possibilities before making enduring commitments

Life-cycle Service

period in late teens and 20s where young people from the 16th-19th centuries engaged in domestic service, farm service, or apprenticeships in various trades and crafts


period of life course between the time puberty begins and the time adult status is approached, when young people are in the process of preparing to take on the roles and responsibilities of adulthood in their culture

expressive traits

personality characteristics such as gentle and yielding, more often ascribed to females, emphasizing emotions and relationships

Instrumental Traits

personality characteristics such as self-reliant and forceful, more often ascribed to males, emphasizing action and accomplishment


persons' views of themselves, usually including concrete characteristics (such as height and age) as well as roles, relationships, and personality characteristics


process by which abilities develop through genetically based development with limited influence from the environment


relationships formed with others, especially in childhood, in which love for another person leads one to want to be like that person

Comprehensive Sexuality Education

sex education programs that being at an early age and include detailed info on sexual development and sexual behavior, with easy access to contraception for adolescents who choose to become sexually active

Abstinence-plus programs

sex education programs that encourage young adolescents to delay intercourse while also providing contraceptive info for adolescents who nevertheless choose to have intercourse

Passive genotype --> environment effects

situation in biological families that parents provide both genes and environment for their children, making genes and environment difficult to separate in their effects on children's development


social categories of male and female, established according to cultural beliefs, and practices rather than being due to biology


something that occurs naturally in the course of development as part of normal maturation: that is, it is driven by innate processes rather than by environmental stimulation or a specific cultural practice


the "master gland", located in the lower part of the brain beneath the cortex, that affects a wide range of physiological and psychological functioning and stimulates and regulates the production of hormones by other glands, including the ones involved in the initiation of puberty

Theory of Mind

the ability to attribute mental states to one's self and others, including beliefs, thoughts, and feelings

Divided Attention

the ability to focus on more than one task at a time

Selective Attention

the ability to focus on relevant information while screening out information that is irrelevant

Perspective Taking

the ability to understand the thoughts and feelings of others

Vital Capacity

the amount of air that can be exhaled after a deep breath, which increases rapidly during puberty, especially for boys


the androgen most important in pubertal development among boys


the capacity for "thinking about thinking' that allows adolescents and adults to reason about their thought processes and monitor them


the capacity for exercising self-control in order to restrain one's impulses and comply with social norms

Reflective Judgment

the capacity to evaluate the accuracy and logical coherence of evidence and arguments


the changes in physiology, anatomy, and physical functioning that develop a person into a mature adult biologically and prepare the body for sexual reproduction

Dating Scripts

the cognitive models that guide dating interactions


the cognitive process that occurs when a scheme is changed to adapt to new info


the cognitive process that occurs when new info is altered to fit an existing scheme

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

the combination of behavioral, emotional, and physical symptoms that occur in some females the week before menstruation


the estrogen most important in pubertal development among girls


the feet, hands, and head

Barometric Self-Esteem

the fluctuating sense of worth and well-being people have as they respond to different thoughts, experiences, and interactions in the course of a day


the holy book of the religion of Islam, believed by Muslims to have been communicated to Muhammad form God through the angel Gabriel

sources of meaning

the ideas and beliefs that people learn as part of socialization, indicating what is important, what is to be valued, what is to be lived for, and how to explain and offer consolation for the individual's mortality

Identity Achievement

the identity status of young people who have made definite personal, occupational, and ideological choices following a period of exploring possible alternatives

Mental Structure

the organization of cognitive abilities into a single pattern, such that thinking in all aspects of life is a reflection of that structure

Ideal Self

the person an adolescent would like to be

Peak Height Velocity

the point at which the adolescent growth spurt is at its maximum rate


the process by which people acquire the behaviors and beliefs of the culture in which they live

narrow socialization

the process by which persons in a collectivistic culture come to learn collectivism, including values of obedience and conformity

Primary Sex Characteristics

the production of eggs and sperm and the development of the sex organs


the psychological analysis of important historical figures

Adolescent Growth Spurt

the rapid increase in height that takes place at the beginning of puberty

Feared Self

the self a person imagines it is possible to become but dreads becoming

False Self

the self a person may present to others while realizing that it does not represent what he or she is actually thinking or feeling


the sex hormones that have especially high levels in females from puberty onward and are mostly responsible for female primary and secondary sex characteristics


the sex hormones that have especially high levels in males from puberty onward and are mostly responsible for male primary and secondary sex characteristics

first-generation families

the status of persons who were born in one country and then immigrated to another

second-generation families

the status of persons who were born in the country they currently reside in but whose parents were born in a different country

social desirability

the tendency for people participating in social science studies to report their behavior as they believe it would be approved by others rather than as it actually occurred

Optimistic Bias

the tendency to assume that accidents, diseases and other misfortunes are more likely to happen to other people that to one's self

Differential Gender Socialization

the term for socializing males and females according to different expectations about what attitudes and behavior are appropriate to each gender


the web of commitments, attachments, and obligations that exist in some human groups

Gender schema theory

theory in which gender is viewed as one of the fundamental ways that people organize info about the world

Behavioral Decision Theory

theory of devision making that describes the decision-making process as including: 1. identifying the range of possible choices 2. identifying the consequences that would result from each choice 3. evaluating the desirability of each consequence 4. assessing the likelihood of each consequence 5. integrating this information

Storm and Stress

theory promoted by G. Stanley Hall asserting that adolescence is inevitably a time of mood disruptions, conflict, with parents, and antisocial behavior

Theory of genotype --> environment effects

theory that both genetics and environment make essential contributions of human development but are difficult to unravel because our genes actually influence the kind of environment we experience

Social Roles Theory

theory that social roles for males and females enhance or suppress different capabilities, so that males and females tend to develop different skills and attitudes, which leads to gender-specific behaviors

Abstract Thinking

thinking in terms of symbols, ideas, and concepts

Critical Thinking

thinking that involves not merely memorizing information but analyzing it, making judgements about what it means, relating it to other information, and considering ways in which it might be valid or invalid

Complex Thinking

thinking that takes into account multiple connections and interpretations, such as in the use of metaphor, satire, and sarcasm

Double Standard

two different sets of rules for sexual behavior, one applying to males and the other females, with rules for females usually being more restrictive

Adolescent Egocentrism

type of egocentrism in which adolescents have difficulty distinguishing their thinking about their own thoughts form their thinking about the thoughts of others

test-retest reliability

type of reliability that examines whether or not persons' scores on one occasion are similar to their score on another occasion

Postformal Thinking

type of thinking beyond formal operations, involving greater awareness of the complexity of real-life situations, such as in the use of pragmatism and reflective judgment

Dialectical Thought

type of thinking that develops in emerging adulthood, involving a growing awareness that most problems do not have a single solution and that problems must often be addressed with crucial pieces of information missing


type of thinking that involves adapting logical thinking to the practical constraints of real-life situations


uneven growth of different parts of the body during puberty

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