Adolescence Exam 2 Set

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What is alloparenting?

"Helpers at the nest" Grandmothers and adolescent girls are the most common Someone who helps parent children who is not directly a parent

Which of the following statements about self-conception is most likely to be made by a child rather than by an adolescent?

"I am a girl; I have two brothers; I like to read."

Compared to jocks, adolescents from which of the following crowds experience more peer pressure to misbehave?


perceived popularity

"high status crowd", a measure of your social dominance and status

sociometric popularity

"nice kids", a measure of how many friends you have, how many people like you -how parents often perceive popularity

Tommy values education and works hard in school but also enjoys hanging out with his friends on the weekend. Which peer crowd is Tommy most likely to belong to?


The average working high school student earns _____ per month in wages.


What predicts cross-ethnic friendships? What are possible explanations for the fact that by middle to late adolescence, cliques are often segregated by race?

(1) due to differential levels of academic achievement of adolescents from different ethnic groups. Different ethnic groups have different attitudes toward school and achievement. (2) it is attitudinal. white adolescents perceive their black peers as aggressive, threatening and hostile and blacks saw whites as conceited, prejudiced, and unwilling to be friends with them. (3) parents influence this-- if parents are more oriented toward ethnic groups, so will their children (4) social climate of the school-- feelings of discrimination often drive ethnic minority students into peer crowds that are defined by ethnicity (5) residential segregation (ethnicity is more powerful than socioeconomic status in determining friendship patterns)

Immigrant Paradox

(In both psychological functioning and mental health) adolescents who have immigrated more recently to the US score better on measures of adjustment than adolescents from the same ethnic group whose family has lived in the US for several generations.

encounter stage

- an event or "awakening" when they realize buying into the dominant group is not going to serve them well -awareness of racism -begin to break through denial -conflicting attitudes about self, minority group culture and odminant culture are characteristics of this stage

According to the textbook, approximately what percent of today's teenagers will experience their parents' divorce, and on average, how many years will they spend in a single-parent household before turning 18?

-1/3 will experience their parent's divorce -they will spend 5 years in a single parent household

Strong relationship between teacher expectations and student performance due to...

-Expectations are often accurate reflections of student's abilities -Teachers' expectations create self-fulfilling prophecies.

What plays a role in bullying?

-Income inequality -Social media (cyberbullying less common)

Pro's of Tracking in Schools:

-Lesson plans more finely tuned

Small class size benefits:

-More active in extra-curriculars -More chances of having leadership roles/responsibilities -Sense of involvement -Better grades/relationship with staff

Moral behavior doesn't match moral reasoning when...

-Perceive severe punishment for moral high ground -Define issues as personal choice rather than ethical dilemma

Emotional Autonomy: Triggers of increased individuation...

-Puberty is the main catalyst -Changes in appearance

Kohlberg's States of Moral Reasoning: Pre-Conventional Moral Reasoning

-The first level of moral reasoning -Reasoning that is based on rewards and punishments associated with different courses of action. • Stage 1: Obedience and punishment • Stage 2: Personal reward

Kohlberg's States of Moral Reasoning: Conventional Moral Reasoning

-The second level of moral development -Occurs during late childhood and early adolescence -Characterized by reasoning that is based on the rules and conventions of society. • Stage 3: Interpersonal accord/conformity • Stage 4: Authority and social order

Con's of Tracking in Schools:

-Those who are not as advanced = worse education -Socialization limited to only peers with same ability (polarize and ostracize students)

self-certainty vs. self-consciousness

-adolescents acquire confidence in themselves and their abilities -develop self assurance in their ability to cope in the present and anticipate future success


-at the start of this stage, ethnic minorities completely endorse minority views and reject dominant society -individuals become motivated to eliminate the oppression of their ethnic minority group -individuals experience feelings of discontent and discomfort with the rigid view of the immersion phase and develop notions of greater individual autonomy. individuals no longer feel a need to reject everything from the dominant group -able to reflect on the strength and weaknesses their culture and to decide which parts of the culture will become part of their identity

authoritarian parenting

-cold and controlling -make decisions based on what they want and what they believe is right -"because I said so" -usually inflexible - perfectionists, critical -rely heavily on punishment -not empathetic

uninvolved parents

-cold and undemanding -seem to want to be bothered as little as possible -seem disinterested in their children and thus do not supervise them or give them much affection -low levels of empathy -overwhelmed in stresses in their own lives


-committed to identity but without a crisis of decision -have not experienced a crisis, but have made commitments to occupations and ideologies -not a result of their own searching, but handed down to them frequently by parents -become what others want them to become


-conscious, cognitive perception and assessment by an individual of himself -one's thoughts and opinions about oneself -more limited in scope than identity

temporal perspective vs. time confusion

-coordinate the past and the future and form some concept of how long it takes people to achieve their life plans -estimate and allocate one's time -true sense of time doesn't develop until mid-adolescence (15 or 16)

pre-encounter stage

-early adolescence/late childhood -racial ethnic minority prefers dominant culture to their own -hierarchies - start to devalue themselves

sexual polarization vs. bisexual confusion

-erikson viewed sexual polarization as necessary, as the basis for heterosexual intimacy, the basis for a firm identity -received critique

role experimentation vs. role fixation

-experimenting with many different identities, personality characteristics, and ways of acting -identity comes through opportunities for experimentation -those who have developed too much inner restraint and guilt, who have lost initiative, or have prematurely experienced role fixation never really find out who they really are

critique of Marcia

-focuses too much on crisis/commitment aspects of identity, not enough on other aspects -identity statuses don't develop in an exact sequence -do not capture the entirety of the identity concept as envision by Erikson


-formal operational cognitive development -ability to think more abstractly -manipulate ideas -consider abstract qualities -ex: I notice I'm willing to listen to other people's point of view even if I don't agree with them. I'm tolerant of difference


-identity crisis, actively asking questions and seeking answers -period of delay granted to someone who is not yet ready to make a decision or assume an obligation -involved in continual crisis - confused, unstable, disconnected -rebellious and uncooperative -"try on" various identities, unsure of college major -going to college encourages exploration

ideological commitment vs. confusion of values

-individuals need something to believe in or follow

identity diffused

-not yet thought about or resolved identity issues -not experienced a crisis period, nor have they made any commitment -have not gone through the process of reevaluating, searching, and considering alternatives -normally characteristics of early adolescenct -drift from interest to interest, low self-esteem -not involved in much

permissive parents

-parents who exercise little control over their children's behavior -warm and undemanding -indulgent -don't like to say no or disappoint their chilren -issues of boundaries

identity achieved

-resolved identity issues by making personal commitments to goals, beliefs, values -experienced a psychological moratorium, have resolved their identity crises by carefully evaluating various alternatives and choices, and have come to conclusions/decisions on their own -most 18 and 21 yr olds have not reached an identity


-sense of fulfillment regarding the integration of their personal and cultural identities -resolved conflict from immersion/emersion stage and attained greater self-control and flexibility -want to eliminate all forms of oprresion -commitment refers to the behavior enactment of newly realized identity

Changes in Peer Groups during Adolescence

-sharp increase in time spent with peers vs adults -Function more often w/out adult supervision -Contact with opposite-sex friends increases -Larger collective of peers or crowds

leadership and followership vs. authority confusion

-to whom should they listen? to whom should they give their loyalty? -sorting out the answers requires an examination of personal values and priorities

apprenticeship vs. work paralysis

-trying out different occupations -choice of career plays a large part in determining a person's identity - a negative self image can prevent a person from mustering the necessary energy to succeed at school/work

authoritative parents

-warm and controlling -listen -take child's perspective -frequent family conferences, issues are hashed and everyone's opinions are listened to -encourage individual responsibility, decision making, autonomy -atmosphere of respect, appreciation, warmth, acceptance, consistent parenting -during conflict, its parents ways (not a democracy)

#25-Check study guide online


According to a national survey, how many students in American public schools have been victims of violence?

1 out of 4

3 types of unpopular adolescents:

1) Those who can't control their aggression 2) Those who are withdrawn 3) Those who are both

4 Ways Behavior is affected by crowds:

1) imitate the behavior of high-status peers 2) crowds establish social norms 3) crowds reinforce social norms 4) reinforcement feels good and causes further incorporation

What are the three main causes of adolescent mortality?

1. Accidents 2. Suicide 3. Homocide

Two research studies on social factors influence on sexual attitudes

1. Choukas-Bradely Study: Measured peer influence susceptibility by having adolescents online chat with 2 "peers" (actually bots). One bot had average popularity where the other had high. Both bots/peers endorsed high risk response to hypothetical scenarios. Found that adolescents with high susceptibility and talked to the popular bots had extreme increase in sexual behaviors. Differed from the high susceptible adolescents who talked to average peers (they did not increase as much). Therefore, when adolescents are exposed to high popularity and high risk students, they are more likely to mimic and influence their behavior. 2. Helms et Al Study: Determined cliques in school: Jocks, Populars, Burnouts, and Nerds Chose students that were strongly associated with each clique to fill out a self survey on sexual behaviors Other students filled out how they thought the cliques sexual behaviors where Jocks/Populars: Other students (even in the group) thought that other jocks had more sex with people than they truly do. Reveals social perceptions of sexual behavior and social standing

The 5-Factor Model of Personality ("The Big 5")

1. Extraversion 2. Agreeableness 3. Conscientiousness 4. Neuroticism 5. Openness to Experience

4 types of victims in bullying:

1. Passive *most effective* 2. Support-seeking 3. Aggressive 4. Undifferentiated

Peers have the potential to influence both...

1. Positive promotion of healthy psychological development 2. Development of serious psych. & behavioral problems

What have social scientists found regarding the effects of divorce on adolescents?

1. The effect of divorce is small in magnitude: divorce has the most adverse effects on adolescents, but in the US divorce is common and therefore help for adjustments are easy to access. 2. Quality matters: The quality of the relationship the adolescent has with the adults in their lives is more important than the number of parents in the home. 3. Adaptation to Divorce: it is the process of the divorce, not the end family structure that has the most impact on the adolescent. 4. Conflict and Stress: It is the stress of the divorce, not the divorce itself, that impacts the adolescent. E.g., increased marital conflict, decreases in income, disrupted parenting, etc. 5. Genetic Influences: aggression, antisociality, and predispositions for emotional and behavioral problems (e.g., depression) are all traits that divorced adults have that can be passed on from parents to children. 6. Individual Differences in the Effects of Divorce: immediate effects are found in boys, younger children, children with difficult temperaments, children w/o supportive adults outside the immediate family, and youngsters whose parents divorce during childhood or preadolescence.

Although research presented in the textbook indicates that physical self-esteem is the best predictor of adolescents' self-esteem:

1. adolescents, when asked, say that their physical appearance is one of the least important contributors to how they feel about themselves 2. adolescents may be unaware of the degree to which their self-worth is based on their feelings about their appearance 3.physical self-esteem is a more important influence on overall self-esteem among girls than among boys and girls' physical self-esteem is on average lower than boys'

Not only are schools the chief educational arena for adolescents, but they also play an extremely important role in:

1. defining the young person's social world and social network 2. shaping psychosocial development 3. the development of motivations, aspirations, and expectations

spheres of homosexuality

1. identity 2. behavior 3. orientation

The following is often a trademark of persistent bullies:

1. more troubled family relationships. 2.more troubled peer relationships. 3. greater difficulty controlling aggression.

six different selves

1. who I really am 2. who I think I am 3. who others think I am 4. who I think others think I am 5. Who I think I will become 6. who I think others want me to become

Which of the following is one of the characteristics that distinguish between the adolescent's and the child's self-concept?

1.Adolescents tend to view the self as involving more dimensions than do children. 2.Adolescents distinguish among actual, ideal, and feared selves. 3.The adolescent's self varies over time and across situations.

Larry is an adolescent who frequently engages in false-self behavior and also has low self-esteem. One explanation for these two characteristics is that:

1.Larry might be low in self-esteem because he knowingly puts on a false front 2. Larry might engage in false-self behavior because he is low in self-esteem

Susannah's school psychologist has recently determined that Susannah has a learning disability. Her parents are concerned about the effects this will have. Which effect should the psychologist warn her parents about?

1.Susannah may have trouble making friends. 2.She is more likely to drop out of school. 3.She will have more trouble coping with school.

Which of the following youth programs around today bear a striking resemblance to the stated goals of positive youth development programs:

1.YMCA 2. the Boys and Girls Clubs of America 3.scouting

Jillian's family is moving to another town. Her parents are concerned that Jillian will have a difficult time adjusting to the new school. In which of the following areas should they anticipate disruptions for Jillian?

1.academic performance 2.behavior 3.self-image

Which of this following is a mechanism by which higher socioeconomic parents help their children become enrolled in higher-track classes?

1.adolescents from more well-off families more frequently consult with their parents about what courses to take 2. higher socioeconomic parents frequently succeed in lobbying their child's school for a changed track placement

Cory works long hours. According to the research presented in the textbook, Cory might increase in which of the following:

1.aggression misconduct 3. minor delinquency

Alex suffers from identity diffusion. In addition to problems with identity development, problems with identity diffusion are likely to be reflected in the area(s) of:

1.autonomy 2. intimacy 3. sexuality

According to the textbook, feeling discriminated against is predictive of all of the following except:

1.conduct problems 2.depression 3. lower achievement in school

According to the chapter in the textbook, most researchers today believe that adolescents evaluate themselves:

1.globally 2. along several distinct dimensions

According to the textbook, having race as a central part of one's identity has the following impact(s) on adolescent development: makes adolescents more sensitive to discrimination 2. it allows adolescents to be more able to cope with discrimination

Which of the following characteristics of the retail and restaurant industries contributed to the rise in adolescent employment?

1.need for part-time workers 2.abundance of low wage positions 3.short shift schedules

Someone who engages in false-self behavior most likely:

1.reports less emotional support from parents and peers. 2.has low self-esteem. depressed.

Beth attends a multiethnic school. Compared to schools that are less well balanced, Beth is most likely to feel:

1.safer 2.less lonely 3.less harassed

The power of the adolescent as a consumer has increased as a result of:

1.the extent to which participants are placed in demanding roles 2. the extent to which participants are expected to take responsibility for their behavior 3.the extent to which participants are helped to understand the consequences of failing to fulfill their obligations

What makes adolescents attractive targets for a variety of businesses?

1.the size of the adolescent population 2.the prevalence of student employment 3. the fact that adolescents save less than any other age group

According to a study by Caldwell and Darling presented in the textbook, research indicates spending time after school with friends is most problematic under which circumstance:

1.when they lack supervision 2.when the adolescent has friends who like to party and use drugs 3.when the adolescent is easily susceptible to peer pressure

What fraction/percent of adolescents do not fit clearly into any crowd?



13-14; girls and boys become interested in one another

According to research, what percentage of sexually active adolescents did NOT use contraceptives during their last sexual encounter?


Of young people living in two-adult households, about what fraction/percent of them live with only one of their biological parents?


What percent of children in single-parent homes live with their fathers?


The average American school year is _____ days long.


In 2015, ______% of ninth-graders in the United States reported that they had had sexual intercourse.


How many U.S. states prohibit abortions after a specified point in pregnancy?


Close to ____ of children in the United States grow up either in abject poverty or in low-income families


Between 2008 and 2014, one study showed that the abortion rate for 16- to 19-year-olds fell ____ percent.


Justin is a typical American working adolescent. He is probably busy with school and work for approximately _____ hours a week.


On average, all of the following are true in regard to high school student employment except:

50% of adolescents work during the school year

What percentage of 15- to 19-year-old U.S. boys have engaged in oral sex? Girls?

51% for boys and 47% of girls

In 2015, ______% twelfth-graders in the United States reported that they had had sexual intercourse.


American high school students spend fewer than ____ hours per week on homework, while Japanese high school students average closer to ____

5; 5 hours per day

American high school students spend fewer than _____ hours per week on homework, while Japanese high school students average closer to _____.

5; 5 hours per day

According to evidence cited in the text, the ideal size of a school for adolescents is between:

600 and 900 students.

In one study, among females, the proportion of having first intercourse by age 17 ranged from ___ percent in Mali to ___ percent in the United States, and ___ percent in Tanzania.

72; 47; 45

In a study of 14- to 17-year-olds, researchers found that ______ percent of boys and ______ percent of girls reported that they had masturbated at some point.

74% for boys and 48% for girls

Fewer than ____ of teens are out of school, unemployed, and looking for full-time work.



8-12; children prefer to play with others of the same sex; some antagonism exists between the sexes

Bystander witnesses in Bullying

85% of bullying incidents have bystanders Bullying is more likely to stop after bystanders intervene Peer groups of bullies often have positive views on aggression

Today, the typical student attends nearly ____ of his/her classes throughout the year.


What parenting style facilitates adjustment in stepfamilies?

A consistent, supportive, authoritative style.

Define/describe "crowds" as opposed to cliques. Crowds are an example of which form of transition that occurs during adolescence?

A crowd is a large, loosely organized group of young people composed of several cliques and typically organized around a common shared activity. Represent transition from concrete to abstract thinking - they identify with more abstract characteristics as popular or nerdy than specific things like make up-wearing or video game-players

Based on a recent study, which of the following factors is related to less consistent condom use in adolescence?

A large age gap between sexual partners

Psychosocial Moratorium

A period during which individuals are free from excessive obligations and responsibilities and can therefore experiment with different roles and personalities.

Family Systems Theory

A perspective on family functioning that emphasizes interconnections among different family relationships (marital, parent-child, sibling).

Define/describe family systems theory.

A perspective on family functioning that emphasizes interconnections among different family relationships (such as marital, parent-child, sibling). says that relationships in families change most dramatically during those times when individual family members of the family's circumstances are changing, since during these times the family's previously established equilibrium will be upset.

Midlife Crisis

A psychological crisis over identity believed to occur between the ages of 35 and 45, the age range of most adolescents' parents. Biological: parents are beginning to feel increased concern about their own bodies, about their physical attractiveness, and about their sexual appeal Perceptions of time and future:parents are beginning to feel that possibilities for changing their own lives are limited. Interestingly, before midlife, individuals tend to measure time in terms of how long they have been alive; after midlife, they are more likely to see things in terms of how much longer they have to live

Define/describe participant observation.

A research technique in which the researcher establishes a rapport with a group of individuals in order to 'infiltrate' and eventually join the group in order to study their behavior and relationships.

The classification of "single-parent household" often includes who else besides the single parent and the child of that parent?

A step parent and potentially step siblings or the unmarried partner of the parent

Relevance of risk-taking and peer influence to accidental deaths

When in the presence of peers, there is more activity in the ventral stratum (the reward system and sensitivity) Study @ Temple: Had adolescents, young adults, and older adults play a driving stimulation They were all randomly assigned to think that their friends were watching them play or not Adolescents made substantially more risky choices when their peers were watching

Tabatha's parents are worried that as she enters adolescence, her self-esteem will greatly decrease. During what time should Tabatha's parents expect the most fluctuations in her self-image?

When she is 12-14 years old.

Define/describe disequilibrium in a family.

When the family is comfortable and in a state of equilibrium and then some change happens to upset this state (happens for families with boys at age 13-14 and girls 11-12)

In societies in which norms are particularistic versus universalistic, age grouping of adolescents is ________ for the particularistic normed societies and ________ for the universalistic normed societies.

A) not effective; effective

About what percent of children in the United States grow up either in abject poverty and/or in low-income families?

Abject Poverty:16% Low-income: 22% Total: 38%

True or False: Eric is stinky

Absolutely true

comprehensive sex ed vs abstinence-only sex ed

Abstinence only: Does NOT delay sex initiation, reduce HIV risk behaviors, or reduce incidence of teen pregnancy. Comprehensive: Does NOT increase incidence of sexual initiation, BUT more likely to reduce teen pregnancy (60% less likely to get pregnant) and more likely to reduce risk of STIs MyQuestion in Nigeria: Anonymous, confidential test-message and helpline program Trained counselors receive texts and help Popular among adolescents and young adults

What differences are there in the ways teenagers relate to their mothers and fathers?

Across many ethnic groups and cultures, adolescents tend to be closer to their mother, to spend more time alone with their mother, and to feel more comfortable talking to their mother about problems and other emotional matters; as a consequence, mothers tend to be more involved than fathers in their adolescents' lives. Fathers are more likely to be perceived as relatively distant authority figures who may be consulted for objective information (such as homework) but who are rarely sought for support or guidance (such as help with problems with a boyfriend or girlfriend). Interestingly, adolescents also fight more often with their mothers than with their fathers and perceive mothers as more controlling, but this does not appear to jeopardize the closeness of the mother-adolescent relationship.

Relational Aggression

Acts intended to harm another through the manipulation of his or her relationships with others (ex. malicious gossip) -These individuals tend to be more popular -Girls do it more than guys

Which of the following is true of most adolescents' jobs?

Adolescents are rarely required to use skills taught in school.

According to Hollingshead, what chief factor determines which peers adolescents associate with?

Adolescents associate chiefly with peers from the same social class

How does the amount of time teenagers spend with their peers versus their parents compare? How does this compare with previous eras? In other countries/societies?

Adolescents spend twice as much time each week with peers as with parents. Adolescents spend more time in peer groups than adolescents did in past eras.

Describe characteristics of internet harassment - its perpetrators and victims.

Adolescents who engage in traditional bullying also engage in cyberbullying. Adolescents who are frequent victims of traditional bullying also ar victims of cyberbullying.

According to research on ethnic variations in adolescent sexual activity, who is most likely to engage in sexual behavior at the earliest age?


Instrumental Aggression

Aggressive behavior that is deliberate and planned *more popular than those who engage in reactive aggression

Reactive aggression

Aggressive behavior that is unplanned and impulsive

Define/describe these classifications for unpopular or disliked adolescents: aggressive; withdrawn; aggressive-withdrawn. Which of these is at the greatest risk of developing psychological problems as a result of peer rejection?

Aggressive: um....aggressive. Withdrawn: exceedingly shy, anxious, inhibited, and frequently victims of bullying. Aggressive-Withdrawn: Have problems controlling their aggression but tend to be nervous about initiating friendships with others. Aggressive-withdrawn adolescents are at greatest risk

What can be an effective way for enhancing the development of adolescents' reasoning abilities, moral judgment and empathy?

Allowing expression of opinions in a safe and loving environment where family connections won't be severed.

What significant changes occur in peer groups during adolescence? How does this vary by ethnicity?

Amount of time spent with peers sharply increases. Decline in time spent with family members. More striking differences among white girls (they spend more time with peers) - less for black youth. Peer groups function with less adult supervision. More contact with other-sex friends. Larger selection or groups of peers.

What characteristic/situation is likely to predict that adolescents will join antisocial peer groups? Experience school failure and/or rejection by classmates?

Antisocial, aggressive adolescents gravitate toward each other and form deviant peer groups. If the parent child relationship is coercive and hostile it will lead to antisocial behavior and rejection by classmates in a child

Social conventional reasoning asserts that conventional rules are

Arbitrary and can be changed by consensus

Which of the following statements is true?

As school size increases, academic achievement decreases.

____________ Americans are likely to engage in sexual behavior later than other ethnic groups.


Baumrind's four parenting styles

Authoritative Authoritarian Indulgent Indifferent

How does authoritative parenting compare in ethnic families and white families? Is it possible that authoritarian parenting may actually be beneficial for these adolescents? Why or why not

Authoritative parenting is less prevalent while authoritarian parenting is more prevalent in ethnic families Can be good because they tend to live in poorer, less safe areas where the parents would need to exert more control for safety. Also, because of cultural differences, sometimes parenting is perceived as authoritarian even though it is without hostility or any lack of warmth. Authoritarian parenting in minorities is not necessarily beneficial, but it is less harmful.

According to research, sexual minority youths are more likely than their heterosexual peers to do which of the following?

Be targeted for violence Have substance abuse problems Attempt suicide Have a higher number of lifetime sexual partners

Emotional Autonomy: Maintaining a connection to parents...

Become emotionally autonomous but... Distant/detached from parents = score poorly on psychological adjustment Close/attached to parents = psychologically more healthier than peers

Describe typical changes from earlier to later adolescence with regard to friendships and peer groups.

Become interested romantically in other sex; start going to mixed-sex parties, cliques become mixed sex (and mixed age), eventually people leave cliques for romantic pairs

Over the course of adolescence what changes take place in "crowds?" What role do crowds play in the lives of adolescents during high school?

Begin to define crowd more in terms of abstract characteristics. Structure becomes more differentiated, more permeable, and less hierarchical, allowing more freedom to change crowds and enhance their status

Define/describe the field of behavior genetics. How do they explain differences between siblings?

Behavior genetics is the studying of the joint impact of genes and environment on development. They study identical twins who have been reared together and apart as well as families with step-siblings to see whether similarity between siblings varies with their biological relatedness.

False-self behavior:

Behavior that intentionally presents a false impression to others

Prosocial Behavior

Behaviors intended to help others

Which of the following adolescents' self-esteem is most likely affected by their academic success?

Bill, an Asian-American adolescent

According to the textbook, because _____girls do not feel as _____ about their appearances as girls of other racial backgrounds, these individuals typically have _____ overall self-esteem.

Black; negatively; higher

Which of the following is not one of the explanations researchers have presented to answer the question, "Given the prevalence of prejudice in American society and the generally disadvantaged position of Blacks, why do Black adolescents have high self-esteem?"

Blacks have learned not to recognize the extent to which American society discriminates against them.

Which ethnic group is most likely to experience their parents' divorce? How likely are the parents of this group to remarry after divorce?

Blacks- 35% (they are not likely to experience their parents' remarriage) they are far less likely to experience their parents' remarriage

Who is more likely to be employed during the school year?

Both Daryl and Theresa are equally likely to be employed.

What pair in the family is most likely to have conflict when there are disruptions in family finances?

Boys will exhibit more frequent conflict, especially with their father.

Who is most likely to have cross-ethnic friendships?

Brandy, who attends a school where one ethnic group predominates

The psychological and social correlates of being a bully/victim

Bully: Bullies are more socially connected Parents are less warm and supportive, permissive or inconsistent Social dominance orientation: desire to have more power in social hierarchy Hostile Attribution Bias: Tendency to view ambiguous situations/people's behaviors as meant to be hostile Positive attitudes towards violence Victim: More socially isolated Parents are less warm and supportive, but also over protective and sheltering Have lower self-esteem Internalizing their problems

Which adolescent is most vulnerable to disturbances in self-image?

Carol, a 13-year-old female

Name/describe the three major factors that influence the transformation in family relationships that take place during early adolescence. What typical changes occur that require adjustments by families with adolescents?

Changes in balance of power: adolescents want to have more input but their parents don't always acknowledge their opinions. Puberty: biological and cognitive maturation play an important role. Violations of expectations: adolescents become more aware and have a different perception of family relationships and connections.

What changes over the period of adolescence with regard to an adolescents' willingness to lie to their parents?

Changes in cognitive development including adolescents' reasoning abilities and ability to see things from different perspectives, also the ability to see things as relative and not absolute.

The moral domain of adolescent reasoning includes which of the following? (Select all that apply.) 1. Cheating 2. Lying to someone. 3. Hurting someone. 4. Interrupting someone. 5. Stealing.

Cheating Lying to someone Hurting someone Stealing

The social conventional domain of adolescent reasoning would include which of the following? (Select all that apply.) 1. Cheating on a test. 2. Cutting in a line of people. 3. Choosing your friends. 4. Interrupting others.

Cheating on a test Interrupting others

What problem behaviors may be a result of an adolescent's exposure to marital conflict and/or violence?

Children are more adversely affected by marital conflict when they are aware of it, than when it is more covert. Marital conflict is especially harmful when it is violent or frightening. Exposure to marital conflict and violence has been linked to a wide range of adolescent problems, including depression (especially in girls), aggression and delinquency (especially in boys).

Peer influence and sexuality

Choukas-Bradely Study and Helms et Al study If teens think that other teens are having sex or have sexually permissive attitudes, they are more likely to act that way as well.

Chuck is part of the "jock" crowd at his school. Greg is part of the "toughs." Which adolescent probably has high self-esteem?


Which adolescent would be expected to have the most positive academic self-concept?

Claudia Jean, a gifted student who is integrated into the regular classroom

Define/describe categories of clique structures.

Clique members - individuals who have most of their interaction with same small group. Small, tightly knit groups of 2 to 12 friends generally of the same sex and age. It is the social setting in which adolescents hang out, talk, and form close relationships Liaisons - individuals who interact with 2 or more people in the clique, but they are not a part of it Isolates - individuals who have few or no links to others in the network.

Which of the following statements about cliques is false?

Cliques are typically more emotionally salient for adolescents involved in antisocial behavior.

_____ are settings for intimate interactions and friendships, whereas _____ are based on reputation, rather than on actual social interaction.

Cliques; crowds

The role of parents & cliques

Coercive/Abusive parents = antisocial disposition -Parents monitor child's friend group -Trusting relationship with parent = less likelihood to engage in dangerous behavior

Define/describe cohort. Baby boom.

Cohort- a group of individuals born during a particular period, such as the baby boomers, Gen X, the millennial generation... The baby boom was the period following World War II in which the number of infants born was extremely large.

The Adolescent Paradox

Compared to kids, adolescents are bigger, faster, stronger, more developed BUT mortality rates are 200% higher in adolescents

In social cognitive theory, the enactment of behaviors in specific situations is a description of moral ________.


Are ethnic minority adolescents more likely or less likely than nonminority adolescents to experience conflict with their parents? Over what things are there conflicts in these groups?

Conflict between adolescents and parents over mundane matters are generally less frequent in ethnic minority than in White families. Topics of disagreement are similar across ethnic groups and cultures, including teenagers' curfew, leisure time activities, clothing, and the cleanliness of their rooms

Which dimension of the Five-Factor Model measures how organized someone is?


Jenny has high academic self esteem while Cory has high physical self-esteem. According to the textbook, who will probably have higher overall self-esteem?


Drawing on research that shows that certain extracurricular activities benefit adolescents, and research showing the potential dangers of leaving adolescents unsupervised after school, some experts have argued that well-designed programs will not only deter problem behavior but also encourage youth to develop strengths. This emphasis on developing positive attributes is known as what?

D) positive youth development

Which of the following students is more likely to engage in more cross-racial friendships?

Danielle, who participates in extracurricular activities after school

The rate of births to U.S. adolescent girls has ______ since 1991.


How does conformity to peer pressure change over time from childhood to adulthood?

Decreases as adolescents become more secure in their identity as individuals.


Degree to which the parent expects/demands mature, responsible behavior from the child. (control)


Degree to which the parent responds to child's needs in an accepting, supportive manner. (warmth)

Define/describe generational dissonance

Divergence of views between adolescents and parents that is common in families of immigrant parents and American-born adolescents.

Generational Dissonance

Divergence of views between adolescents and parents; common in families of immigrant parents and American-born adolescents.

Describe changes in divorce rate over time.

Divorce rates were the lowest between 1955 and 1965, then it rapidly increased and hit it's peak in 1980. Since then there has been a gradual decline.

What substance use/activity do most teenagers feel that their friends are likely to pressure them into?

Drink alcohol.

Connection to previous units that help explain why adolescents are sensitive to peer influence

During adolescence, people exhibit a greater stress response when under social scrutiny and desire social acceptance to boost positive emotion. The idea of an imaginary audience is prevalent in teenagers because of their social cognitive distortion- always feeling like others are scrutinizing you. This is caused by the development of the socioaffective circuit which consists of the amygdala, striatum and cortex.

When do problem relationships between adolescents and parents typically begin?

Early Adolescence

Based on the research findings of Simmons and her colleagues, compared to older adolescents (15 years and older) and preadolescents (8-11 year olds), which of the following statements about young adolescents' self-esteem, self-consciousness, and self-image is false?

Early adolescents' self-esteem remains stable.

The component of the superego that involves ideal standards approved of by parents is called the _________.

Ego ideal

Which of the following adolescents is least likely to engage in false-self behavior?

Emily, who has high support from her parents

The use of values clarification in teaching moral education is done through _________.

Encouraging students to identify their own values Learning to understand the values of others Identification that certain things are worth working for

Kohlberg argued that family processes are _______ in children's moral development.

Essentially unimportant

Janie has a lot of trouble with math. She sits by Rick who loves math. Janie wonders if it would be wrong to look at Rick's paper for just one answer she cannot get. This is an example of what behavior?

Ethical conduct

An adolescent who works in a government-sponsored apprenticeship and spends more time outside of school doing homework is most likely from:


Emma is dancing to her favorite song on the radio when her electronic pager goes off. Emma proceeds to pull out a notebook and record her current emotional state. This type of data collection is called:

Experience Sampling Method.

Identity Status: James Marcia suggested the healthy identity development involves two important processes:

Exploration (depth and breadth) and Commitment

What is acculturation? How does this impact transitional ethnic families?

FOUND ONLINE...CHECK BOOK Acculturation: The adoption of the behavior patterns of the surrounding culture. Recent studies have found that stress and family conflict is higher in Mexican American families whose children are more acculturated

T/F One third of bullying incidents involve peer bystanders

False (85%)

T/F The gender difference in self-esteem among adolescent boys and girls is only found in Western, European-majority, industrialized societies

False (found worldwide)

T/F "Face-to-face" (aka. Traditional) bullies tend to be isolated and not well-liked by their peers

False (usually socially connected)

For what reason/reasons is/are the world a more stressful place for adolescents to grow up in now than it was in the past?

Families move often, divorce is commonplace, enormous pressure from parents, peers, and mass media. Rates of adolescent problem behaviors(crime and drug use) have fluctuated considerably.

What fraction/percentage of adolescents in any given school are members of cliques? Are girls or boys more likely to be members of cliques? Are girls or boys more likely to be "isolates."

Fewer than half of adolescents in any school are members of cliques. Girls are more likely than boys to be members of cliques. Boys are more likely to be isolates.

Which of the following statements concerning ethnic identity is false?

Foreign-born ethnic minority adolescents express more negative feelings about mainstream American ideals than their more acculturated peers.

In which country do adolescents have easier access to contraceptives?

France, England, and Scandinavian countries

Paid youth employment during the school year is virtually nonexistent in places such as:

France, Hungary, Russia, and Switzerland

Define/describe gangs/gang membership/characteristics of gang members.

Gangs are organized peer groups of antisocial individuals that can be identified by name. Gang members have elevated levels of psychological distress, exposure to violence and violent victimization. Members tend to be more isolated from their family, have poorer self conceptions, and do not describe their peer group as close or intimate.

Which of the following is not one of the personality dimensions of the Five-Factor Model?

Gender Intensification

How does the gender intensification hypothesis relate to the social role theory of gender?

Gender intensification occurs during adolescence and is the heightened expectations and differences between the genders. It is the socialized pressures to fit into a certain role, which then results in the differing gender roles. The social role theory states that due to social hierarchies and differences, there are social roles for females and males. Gender intensification occurs during adolescence which is why gender roles are more strict and rigid during this time period.

Define/describe the generation gap. How serious/real is this phenomenon?

Generation Gap: The popular phrase for the alleged conflict between young people and adults over values and attitudes. Although there is not much of a generation gap when it comes to core values, there is often a gap between the generations in matters of personal taste, most clearly evident in styles of dress, preferences in music, and patterns of leisure activity.

What characteristics of siblings are most effected by genetic factors? Least?

Genetic factors may include: aggressive behavior, emotional distress, competence, self-image, and intelligence Least Affected by genetic factors: school performance

In general and according to the textbook, which girl is most likely to become less confident as she becomes an adolescent?

Ginny, who has developed a strong feminine gender role identity

Which gender of child has more problems after the remarriage of their parents?


___________ is an STI that is commonly referred to as the "drip" or the "clap."


Define/describe peers.

Groups of individuals of approximately the same age.

Peer Groups

Groups of people who are roughly the same age

Moral character involves which of the following components? (Select all that apply.) 1. Having the integrity to stand up to pressure 2.Showing dependability, loyalty, and conscientiousness 3. Overcoming distractions and disappointments 4. Influencing the morality of others

Having the integrity to stand up to pressure Showing dependability, loyalty, and conscientiousness Overcoming distractions and disappointments


Having two parents of different ethnic or racial backgrounds

In which of the following ways did Kohlberg formulate his theory of how adolescents think about right and wrong?

He interviewed adolescents of various ages.

misconceptions about peer sexual behavior

Helms et Al study

What group of people would a typical high school freshman list as the people in her life who are most important to her?

Her friends or people from her clique (?) (That was a guess from other parts I've been reading. I can't find it in the book.)

Seventeen-year-old Jordan has been dating the same boy for almost a year. They are both thinking about moving toward a more sexual relationship. However, Jordan has some questions about sex. Who is she MOST likely to approach with questions?

Her mother

Which of the following statements about self-esteem in children is true?

High achievement boosts self-esteem.

Does/how does being identified with peer groups that have relatively high status in their school impact adolescents?

Higher self-esteem for the individual

________ environment sexual harassment occurs when students are subjected to unwanted sexual conduct that is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it limits students' ability to benefit from their education.


Racial Centrality

How important race is in defining your identity

Moral Behavior

How individuals behave in situations that call for moral judgement

Moral Reasoning

How individuals think about moral dilemmas

The Big 5: Agreeableness

How kind or sympathetic someone is

The Big 5: Extraversion

How outgoing and energetic someone is

The Big 5: Conscientiousness

How responsible and organized someone is

Private Regard

How you feel about being a member of your own race

Public Regard

How you think others view your race

The ego ______ rewards the adolescent with a sense of pride while the _____________ punishes the adolescent for acting immorally.

Ideal; conscience

How might an adolescent's behavior help shape authoritative parenting?

If a child is more loving, and open and responsive to their parents, the parents will be able to be more easy-going in their rules and demands, be able to give guidance in a less hostile way, and be more warm in return.

How possible is it for youngsters in middle school to shift their status in high school?

If they change (usually due to puberty), or if crowds change reorganization of status, hybrids, more to choose from, etc) There are a lot more crowds in high school, so there is more room for them to fit in and change over time.

gender intensification hypothesis

In adolescence increased socialization pressures to conform gender roles As a result, psychological and behavioral gender differences are heightened

Prosocial behavior appears to increase in adolescents as a result of which of the following? (Select all that apply.) 1. Increased emotional understanding. 2. Improved abstract reasoning. 3. Increased volunteer opportunities. 4. Decreased idealistic reasoning.

Increased emotional understanding Improved abstract reasoning Increased volunteer opportunities

Erikson's Framework for Psychosocial Development

Individuals develop through a series of 8 psychosocial crises over the life span.

Researchers refer to adolescents' decisions to disclose to their parents details about their whereabouts, friends, and activities as ______.

Information management

Define/describe instrumental aggression. Reactive aggression.

Instrumental: aggressive behavior that is deliberate and planned Reactive: aggressive behavior that is unplanned and impulsive.

Mrs. Garcia is the principal of Washington High School and is very concerned about the high rate of teenage pregnancies among her students. According to John Conger, identify four recommendations that will help Mrs. Garcia reduce teenage pregnancy rates at her school.

Introduce life-options approach Provide contraceptives Provide sex education and family planning Collaborate with community organizations to provide support and involvement

Civic Engagement

Involvement in political and community affairs - reflected by knowledge of current events, participation in political activities, and engaging in community service.

Why don't today's youth place the same value on education as their parents?

It is seen as unpopular and looked down upon by peers. Adolescents live in a world where academic success is frowned on, doing well in school did not earn the admiration of peers, and wealth, athletic ability and good looks mattered most.

Which boy is most likely to commit an act of lethal violence?

It is virtually impossible to predict which student will commit a lethal crime.

What factor seems most important in influencing how well children adjust to divorce over time?

JUST ONE? CHECK BOOK The quality of relationships with important adults in the children's lives; social support; strong relationships with and support from extended family members; marital conflict & conflict following divorce; child's age at divorce (children & adolescents seem to have a harder time); amount of monitoring by parents; economic stress/ poverty

Which of the following writers has been the most vocal proponent of the idea that there is a separate and troublesome "youth culture"?

James Coleman

Which adolescent is least likely to spend leisure time reading?

Jeannette, who lives in the United States

Which adolescent is most likely to spend free time with friends?

Jenny, who lives in the United States

Which adolescent would be expected to have the greatest difficulty establishing a sense of identity?

Jerome, who has many alternatives available to him in many different arenas

Define/describe the following groups: "jocks," "nerds," "populars," "partyers," "toughs," "brains," "druggies." Which groups are most likely to exhibit favorable patterns of achievement over time?

Jocks & Populars - quite involved in peer culture and very involved in institutions valued by adults(sports) Brains & Nerds - involved in adult controlled organizations but tend to be less involved in peer culture. Partyers - very involved in peer culture but not involved in adult institutions Toughs - members of delinquent gangs and not members of either adult institutions or peer culture Druggies - fall somewhere in between all.

Define/describe categories of social self-perceptions among adolescents.


Define/describe diminished social competence.


How does the divorce rate for first marriages compare to the rate for remarriage?


Secondary vs. Elementary school: Classroom environment

Larger, less personal, more independence and control -Teachers hold different beliefs and standards for students

The Experience Sampling Method was created by:


Eric, a 4th grader, spends a lot of time with his peers and is more likely to engage in which of the following activities:

Little League baseball

Describe adjustment problems of victims of cyberbullying.

Low self-esteem, depression, and academic difficulties. adjustment problems, problems in social skills and in control of aggression

Whose research supports Erikson's theory on identity development?


Research has shown that higher levels of parental monitoring result in lower rates of which of the following?

Marijuana use

Which adolescent is most likely to have a decrease in time spent with parents and a dramatic increase in the amount of time spent with peers?

Maya, a white female

What is one prominent reason related to parents that may contribute to the adolescent years being a difficult period of adjustment? Explain.

Midlife crisis: parents start to feel concern about their own looks and body changes, parents start to think that the possibilities for their future are limited, parents start to look at the choices they have made and how successful they have become

Kohlberg argued that which of the following factors influence an individual's movement through the moral stages?

Modeling Cognitive conflict Peer relations Role-taking

Which of the following statements about classroom environment is true?

Moderate, rather than strict, control in the classroom promotes positive student behavior.

Which of the following are appropriate roles for parents of adolescents to play? (Select all that apply.) Arbiter of life goals Monitor of social relationships Regulator of opportunities Social initiator and arranger

Monitor social relationships Regulator of opportunities Social initiator and arranger

Researchers have focused attention on which THREE possible components of moral personality?

Moral identity Moral exemplars Moral character

Rejection: Aggressive youth

More at risk for conduct problems and involvement in antisocial activities

Will Sydney end up crying because she doesn't want to take this exam

Most definitely

President George W. Bush's 2002 mandate that all children, regardless of economic circumstance, achieve academic proficiency is called the:

No Child Left Behind Act.

Large schools: Is bigger better?

Nope! -Less intimacy -Less connection to school and teachers Ideal school size: 600-900 students

What are characteristics of genital warts?

Often appear as small, hard, painless bumps Do not always have symptoms

Is it harder for younger adolescents or older adolescents to adjust to a stepfamily? How does the child's adjustment to a remarriage change over time?

Older children have more difficulty in the adjustment in comparison to younger children (boys and younger children have more to gain in a remarriage than girls and older children). Over time the gender differences in the adjustment disappears and in marriages that last 5 years or more the adjustment between boys and girls are similar.

Define/describe the concept of "storm and stress." How serious/real is this phenomenon?

PAGE 126

Taylor was not aware that she had chlamydia until it spread into her upper reproductive tract. She now has ________, which is a risk factor for infertility.

PID (pelvic inflammatory disease)

Pam uses marijuana every weekend. Based on the options below and according to the textbook, it is most likely that:

Pam works long hours.

How does authoritative parenting promote intellectual development and psychosocial maturity in children?

Parent gives flexible guidance, allows for verbal give and take, there is more of a balance between parental control and adolescent autonomy.

________ involvement has been found to enhance the adjustment of low-income students in their transition to middle school.


Authoritative Parenting

Parenting style characterized by emotional warmth, high standards for behavior, explanation and consistent enforcement of rules, and inclusion of children in decision making

Psychological Control

Parenting that attempts to control the adolescent's emotions and opinions

Emotional Autonomy: De-Idealizing parents...

Parents not seen as great as before, shed childish images of parents before replacing them with more mature ones -See parents as people, not just caregivers


Parents who are both responsive and demanding. They are warm but firm. They set standards for the child's conduct but form expectations that are consistent with the child's developing needs and capabilities.

Indifferent Parenting

Parents who are characterized by low levels of both responsiveness and demandingness


Parents who are neither demanding nor responsive. They try to do whatever is necessary to minimize the time and energy they must devote to interacting with their child. In extreme cases, indifferent parents may be neglectful.


Parents who are very demanding but not responsive. They place a high value on obedience and conformity. They tend to favor more punitive, absolute, and forceful disciplinary measures.


Parents who are very responsive but not at all demanding. They behave in an accepting, benign, and somewhat more passive way in matters of discipline. They place relatively few demands on the child's behavior, giving the child a high degree of freedom to act as he or she wishes. They are mainly concerned with the child's happiness.

In what things do parents have most influence? Peers?

Parents: religion, work, education, core values Peers: clothing, music, hairstyles, current fads

Define/describe particularistic norm. Universalistic norm. For which of these is age grouping of adolescents more effective?

Particularistic norm - guidelines for behavior that vary from one individual to another; more commonly found in less industrialized societies. Universalistic norm - guidelines for behavior that apply to all members of a community; more common in industrialized societies. More effective for adolescents.

Exposure to marital conflict

Particularly harmful to children when it is especially hostile, physically violent, or frightening -Linked to depression, aggression, and delinquency -Teens might blame themselves for the conflict -Disrupts the quality of the parent-child relationship

Which adolescent male would be expected to have the highest self-esteem?

Paul, who is extremely masculine

Recently, experts have suggested the existence of a/an ______ domain subject to the individual's independent decision making and judgment. It includes issues such as control over one's body, privacy, and choice of friends and activities.


What is defined as the ability to understand or be sympathetic to another person?

Perspective taking

Babies born to teenage mothers are at risk for low birth weight, which increases the likelihood of what issue?

Physical and mental deficits

What is higher levels of information disclosure in adolescents linked with?

Positive adolescent adjustment

Identify all of the following consequences associated with adolescent motherhood.

Poverty Children with illnesses Children with neurological problems Having preterm infants High school drop out

"What's in it for me?" describes an attitude common in which level of Kohlberg's model of moral development?


What are Kohlberg's three stages of moral development?

Preconventional Conventional Postconventional

Self regulation's relationship to brain and cognitive development

Prefrontal cortex matures later in adolescence (includes inhibition, seeing future consequences) In adolescents there is an increased reward sensitivity and sensation seeking (possibly due to the mismatch of brain development) Adolescents have less experience with self-control and situations where they need to implement that

Diana Baumrind

Psychologist who suggested there's two critical dimensions of parenting: Responsiveness and Demandingness

The basic processes of positive adolescent moral development involve which of the following? (Select all that apply.) 1. Avoidance. 2. Punishment. 3. Reinforcement. 4. Imitation.

Punishment Reinforcement Imitation

specific strategies for self regulation

Redirection: Strategic Attention deployment/looking away from tempting object/ self-distraction (EX: putting the phone away during class) Reappraisal: Mental transformation of a tempting object into an undesirable object (EX: a kid changing view from a marshmallow being delicious to being inedible) Mental contrasting: Visualizing your end goal happening while also visualizing obstacles (EX: picturing graduating from college, but understanding the hard classes and challenges you'll face during your time) Implementation: Specific plan that describes exactly where/when/how the individual will take action (EX: meeting with preceptors to make sure you are on schedule and planning your semester)

Albert Bandura believes self-_________ is the key to positive moral development.


Distinguish between relational and physical aggression.

Relational: acts intended to harm another through manipulation of his/her relationship with others. Exclude others from activities, damage their reputation(gossip) and withdraw attention/friendship. Physical: Physically harming another

How stable are adolescents' positions in their schools' social network over time?

Relatively stable over time

Which adolescent is most likely to be rejected as a result of aggressive behavior?

Robert, who is highly relationally aggressive

Generalizing from the text, who would benefit most from summer school?

Ron, an adolescent living in a low SES neighborhood

Rose is transitioning from elementary into junior high school and Sally is transitioning into high school. According to research presented in the textbook, who is more likely to experience disruptions in self-esteem?


Which adolescent would be expected to spend the most amount of time with his parents?

Sanjay, who lives in India

Of these students who were initially placed in a low track, ________ is most likely to be moved to a higher track.

Sarah, a White adolescent

What are some reasons why the teenage birth rate in the United States has decreased?

School/community health classes More contraceptive use Fear of STIs

Define/describe the roles of selection and socialization in adolescence.

Selection - Adolescents are attracted to each other because of initial similarity Socialization - Adolescents become similar because friends influence each other Socialization is stronger in day to day preferences such as clothing, music, etc. Selection is stronger as far as delinquency and gang membership are concerned.

Who is more likely to hold a part-time job during high school?

Selena, an American adolescent

Define/describe sex cleavage with regard to a preadolescent's social life.

Sex cleavage is separating individuals based on gender. Preadolescents are segregated in activities such as neighborhood play or activities organized by adults.

What are reasons that adolescents separate themselves into same-sex cliques?

Shared activities and interests. Adolescents sensitivity about sex roles (behaving in ways judged to be sex-appropriate)

Define/describe "sleeper effect."

Sleeper Effects: effects of divorce that may not be apparent until much later in the child's development.

Define/describe cliques.

Small, tightly knit groups of between 2-12 friends generally of the same sex and age

The distinction between moral development and moral competence is the description of what theory?

Social cognitive

According to domain theory, which of these types of reasoning states that rules are arbitrary and established to control behavior and maintain the social system?

Social conventional reasoning

Which concept of moral development states that children's and adolescents' moral, social conventional, and personality knowledge and reasoning emerge from their attempts to understand and deal with different forms of social experience?

Social domain

What group may act as a buffer for children growing up in single-parent households and play an important role in the socialization of Black youth?

Social support from friends and relatives outside the immediate family- especially support from kin.

Why does the text caution against trying to determine the relationship between family characteristics and adolescent development?

Socialization is a two-way, not a one-way street. Just as parents affect their adolescents' behavior, adolescents affect their parents' behavior.

How does the amount of time adolescents spend with their peer groups compare with previous times?

Spend more time now with peers than ever before.

In the United States, how does the legal definition of rape vary?

State by state

What is the paradox of dropping out of school?

Students who drop out are typically the ones who are most harmed by doing so.

Special Cases of Victimhood

Students with disabilities (risk for repeated victimhood/ visible disabilities or lack of social cues make them a target) LGBT+: highest risk of being bullied/experience harassment from teachers AND peers/LGBT+ support groups and GSAs help

Gender Stereotypes worldwide

Study of 48 countries found that: 1. more individualistic societies have a larger gender difference 2. Wealthier nations had larger gender differences 3. Nation with great avoidance of uncertainty (sees things in black and white terms) had larger gender differences A study in New Zealand found that depending on one's culture and gender, there was different roles. For example, girls of the Maori and Chinese culture reported interdependent, harmony duty to family, and collectivist themes whereas European girls said there was social bonding between adolescent and parents.

Strength of gender stereotypes in academics

Study on gender stereotypes in STEM performance showed that the stronger the stereotypes for boys' science performance, the higher they performed on a test

What type of similar behavior/activity is most likely to serve as a basis for cross-ethnic group friendships?

Substance use

____________ can be transmitted from a pregnant woman to her fetus after the fourth month of pregnancy.


Generalizing from Marcia's research on identity, who is most likely to become an authoritarian parent?

Tara, identity foreclosed

What techniques have interventions designed to help unpopular adolescents improve their social skills employed?

Teach social skills such as self-expression, leadership, and how to converse. Participate in group activities with popular teens. Social problem solving - figure out acceptable ways of behaving.

Which of the following statements about tracking is false?

Teaching quality is more or less the same in different tracks.

Fighting & Rebellion in teens...

Teens don't rebel as much as we think they are. It tends to be little things.


Teens sever emotional attachments to their parents or other authority figures.

Rejection: Withdrawn youth

Tend to be hesitant, low-self esteem, lack of self-confidence -Easy target for bullying

Emotional Distance between teens and parents...

Tends to not be because the teen is a teen. Tends to be situational within family dynamic.

Which type of crowd would probably not be found in European schools?

The "Jocks" (athletes)

Fourteen-year-old Sydney has been told by her teacher that she has a high level of moral competence. This description would indicate Sydney has which of the following characteristics? (Select all that apply.) 1. The ability to construct behaviors 2. Being capable of knowing her own skills 3. An awareness of moral rules 4. There are rewards to motivate behavior

The ability to construct behaviors Being capable of knowing her own skills An awareness of moral rules

During the first half of the 21st century, is the adolescent population expected to change? If so, how? Why would a social scientist who works with advocacy groups be interested in tracking the size of the adolescent population over a period of time?

The adolescent population is expected to remain at the same level though the next half century. Social scientists track the adolescent population because changes in numbers may warrant changes in the allocation of funds for social services, educational programs, and health care. Also, changes have implications for understanding behaviors of cohorts.

Which of the following research findings does NOT provide evidence to support the achievement gap between White and nonwhite youngsters?

The assessments of Harlem Children's Zone indicated that White and nonWhite students performed equally well.

Behavioral Autonomy

The capacity to make independent decisions and to follow through with them.


The collection of traits and attributes that individuals use to describe or characterize themselves.


The degree to which one engages in religious practices, like attending services.


The degree to which one places importance on the quest for answers to questions about God and the meaning of life.

What determines whether certain genetic tendencies are actualized? Give examples?

The environment plays a large role in determining whether certain genetic tendencies are actualized. Example: an adolescent's genetic tendency toward depression is more likely to be actualized when exposed to family conflict

Cognitive Autonomy

The establishment of an independent set of values, opinions, and beliefs.

Emotional Autonomy

The establishment of more adult-like and childish close relationships with family members and peers.

future orientation

The extent to which an individual is able and inclined to think about the potential consequences of decisions and choices.

Sense of Identity

The extent to which individuals feel secure about who they are and who they are becoming.

self-fulfilling prophecy

The idea that individuals' behavior is influenced by others' expectations for them.

Identity Diffusion

The incoherent, disjointed, incomplete sense of self - characteristic of not having resolved the crisis of identity.

Mainstreaming in Schools

The integration of adolescents who have educational handicaps into regular classrooms.

Social Capital with Schools

The interpersonal resources available to an individual or family Ex. Rich students at better advantage than low-income students

Kohlberg's States of Moral Reasoning: Post-Conventional Moral Reasoning

The level of moral reasoning during which society's rules and conventions are seen as relative and subjective rather than as authoritative; also called principled moral reasoning. • Stage 5: Social contract and indiv. rights • Stage 6: Universal ethical principle

Which of the following statements about unemployed youth is false?

The majority of unemployed youth are unmotivated to find work.

Identity vs. Identity Diffusion:

The normative crisis characteristic of the 5th stage of development, predominant during adolescence.

Similarity between Friends: Selection

The notion that adolescents are attracted to one another because of their initial similarity

Similarity between Friends: Socialization

The notion that adolescents become similar to one another because friends influence each other

Identity Status

The point in the identity development process that characterizes an adolescent at a given time.

Identity Foreclosure

The premature establishment of a sense of identity, before sufficient role experimentation has occurred.

Jonah is with his friends who have decided to write notes for their history quiz on their arms. Jonah is likely to go along with this as a result of

The pressure from his friends A slim chance of getting caught It is his nature to do this

Define/describe age grading.

The process of grouping individuals within social institutions on the basis of age.

Service Learning

The process of learning through involvement in community service...

Tracking in Schools

The process of separating students into ability groups, so they take classes with peers at the same skill level.


The progressive sharpening of an individual's sense of being an autonomous, independent person.

Negative Identity

The selection of an identity that is obviously undesirable in the eyes of significant others and the broader community.

Identity Status: Agency

The sense that one has an impact on one's own world

According to Kohlberg, people in the conventional stage of moral development rely on what for their moral standpoint?

The standards of others

Hostile Attribution Bias

The tendency to interpret ambiguous interactions with others as deliberately hostile (common among unpopular aggressive youth) ex) Someone bumps into you in the hallway on accident, you interpret it as them wanting to fight

Define/describe hostile attributional bias. For which group of adolescents does this play a central role in aggressive behavior?

The tendency to interpret ambiguous interactions with others as deliberately hostile. Rejected adolescents.

How valid is the belief that being on welfare has a negative impact on adolescents? Explain.

There aren't many differences in the behavior, values, or family relationships between adolescents in families that are on welfare and those that are not

Are the presence of single parent families more likely the result of divorce than of the mother never having been married in the US?

They are about the same- "the number of American children in single-parent household who live with a parent who has never been married is about the same as the number who live with a parent who has been married and divorced."

How are nonworking students affected when large numbers of students in their school work?

They do not get as good an education because many teachers lower classroom expectations.

Summarize the findings of the research of Pepler, Jiang, Craig, & Connolly (2008).

They followed a group of youth ages 10-17 and developed four different developmental trajectories - (1) 40% of sample never bullied anyone (2) 35% bullied other children occasionally when younger and older (3) 25% fell into two groups: one group were bullies when younger but stopped when older and about 10% were persistent bullies. Individuals who bullied others while younger but stopped when older were not dramatically different that those who never bullied at all.

How are adults different from past generations relative to their adolescent children?

They generally start their families later and so, are older when their children reach adolescence.

What are trademark characteristics of persistent bullies?

They have troubled family relationships, peer relationships, and difficulties controlling aggression.

How much do people's personalities differ before and after adolescence?

They remain about the same.

Tony, a Black adolescent, and Vicki, a White adolescent, both attend a predominantly Black school. Studies predict that:

Tony will have higher self-esteem than Vicki.

Travis, a Black adolescent, participates in extracurricular activities in an integrated school. According to the textbook, which of the following outcomes is most likely?

Travis will show better mental health as a result

T/F In societies where gender stereotypes regarding math and science performance (men are good at math and science; women are good at reading and arts) are more prevalent, adolescent boys tend to perform better on math and science exams than adolescent girls.


True or False: Parents are happier when their teens leave the house for good


True or False: The relationship between parent and teen is bi-directional


True or False: There is a reciprocal relationship between teacher and students


True or false: Chlamydia is one of the most common of all STIs.


How might parents behave differently when there is severe financial stress?

Under financial strain, mothers and fathers experience more depression, worsen the marriage, and result in parent-child conflict over money. This makes parents more irritable, less involved, less nurturing, harsher, and less consistent in their discipline.

Define/describe iatrogenic effect.

Unintended adverse consequences of a treatment or intervention (ie when the side effects of some meds are far worse than the problem it is intended to treat. example: a program designed to diminish adolescents' delinquency or aggression that actually increases participants problem behavior

In developing nations, the majority of sexually experienced males between the ages of 15 to 19 years old are __________, whereas two-thirds or more of sexually experienced females are ___________.

Unmarried; married

Climate of School with Extensive Bullying

Unsupervised locations Teacher-student conflict Low teacher authority Decreased emphasis on learning Lack of support for LGBT+ students

A method of providing moral education by helping adolescents clarify what their lives are for and what is worth working for is called ________ clarification.


Beliefs and attitudes about the way things should be is called __________.


What are the familial characteristics of a well-adjusted adolescent with regard to parental relationships, sibling relationships, family decision making, family responsibilities?

Verbal give and take is the norm, adolescents are encouraged to express their own opinions, even if they lead to disagreements. Maintaining close relationships is emphasized, individuals in the family are encouraged to consider how their action may affect other family members. In other words, adolescents appear to do best when they grow up in a family atmosphere that permits the development of individuality against a backdrop of close family ties.

Define/describe violation of expectations

Violation of Expectations: Adolescence might not be how the adolescent or parent had planned because they both had different expectations. Ex: Adolescents might think that this is a time of great freedom whereas their parents might view this time as one in which tighter reins are necessary. Adolescents might also have the expectation that they will have increased closeness with their parents at this time, and their parents might be excited to have time for themselves.

What might contribute to lesser conflict in immigrant households with adolescents?

WHAT?? Speaking in their native language

One study described in the textbook indicated that, among Black and Latino students, transitioning to a school where the proportion of students from the same ethnic background is lower than it had been at their previous school is associated with all of the following except:

greater engagement in school

Which of the following is not associated with adolescents who work?

greater enjoyment of school

formal societies

groups based in school; which school should they attend, which clubs they're in

According to Kinney's research, youngsters who were "nerds" in middle school:

had opportunities to shift status in high school.

Adolescents who join antisocial peer groups are likely to have:

had problematic parent-child relationships in childhood.

Michelle has been placed in a school program for gifted children. She was probably selected because she:

has a high IQ.

moral rules

has to do with how people should behave toward each other

A reason stated in the text to explain why today's youth do not place the same value on education as their parents is that American adolescents:

have become alienated from and unfamiliar with the values of adults

A reason stated in the text to explain why today's youth do not place the same value on education as their parents is that American adolescents:

have become alienated from and unfamiliar with the values of adults.

The textbook suggests all of the following for parents who leave their children in self-care, except:

have friends come over for study sessions.

Regarding sexuality in adolescence, the majority of teenagers?

have healthy attitudes toward sex

identity achieved individuals

have solidified identity standards, but they developed these standards more slowly and based them more on broad-based feedback


having a different understanding of self in different contexts "I'm outgoing except when I'm tired"

How does a child's relationship with their biological father impact an adolescent's adjustment to a stepfather?

having a strong relationship with the biological father makes the adjustment to a stepfather easier

Positive mental health is associated with:

having strong positive feelings about one's own ethnic heritage and about mainstream culture.

Define/describe nonshared environment

he non-genetic influences in individuals' lives that make them different from people they live with. (examples: differential parental treatment, peer relations, school experiences) factors in the environment of individuals that are not similar and that make the individuals different from one another.

As a social scientist who works with advocacy groups, it is most likely that Professor Sandburg would be interested in tracking the size of the adolescent population over a period of time for all of the following reasons, except:

he wants to see how these groups are influenced by the mass media

Research suggests that the best way to combat the unemployment problem of adolescents who are not attending school is through:

helping adolescents stay in school.

Jamie works at McDonald's. She had a bad day at work. Who is she least likely to talk to about her bad day?

her adult supervisor at work

Self-esteem is _____ among students who are identified with peer groups that have relatively high status in their school.


Which of the following is an adolescent the least likely to spend their job earnings on?

higher education

Many studies find that rates of smoking, drinking, and drug use are _____among teenage workers than nonworkers, especially among students who _____.

higher; choose to work long hours

Shaquille is a jock. Consequently, we would expect him to be involved in:

his peer culture and in institutions valued by adults.

Dan planned a party and invited his whole English class by passing out personal invitations. Dan accidentally forgot to make an invitation for Sam. Sam assumed he intentionally wasn't invited and became irate at Dan for excluding him. This is an example of:

hostile attributional bias.

The Big 5: Neuroticism

how anxious or tense someone is

The Big 5: Openness to Experience

how curious and imaginative someone is

perceived popularity

how much status or prestige an individual has (depends on social context)

global entity

how someone feels about himself in general

sociometric popularity

how well-liked an individual is (determine by social skills, friendliness, and sense of humor)


how you feel about yourself

An important aspect of having a healthy self-concept and more socially appropriate behavior is to be able to balance one's ______ self with one's ______ self.

ideal; feared


identify solely with the culture of the dominant society and relinquish all ties to their ethnic heritage

Studies of ethnic identity development have shown that, relative to ethnic minorities, Whites are more likely to:

identify themselves as "American" rather than a specific heritage label.

Among biracial adolescents asked to describe their own ethnic identity, those with one Black parent and one nonBlack parent are more likely to:

identify themselves as Black.

In middle school, Carlos was involved in many school plays and musicals. Being part of the drama crowd was important for Carlos in what way?

identity development

Identity that is incoherent, disjointed, and characterized by an incomplete sense of self is called:

identity diffusion.

James has flunked out of high school, has severed all of his ties with family and friends, and has no sense of where he is headed. He also seems to have significant disruptions in his sense of time (some things seem to happen much faster than they really do). According to Erikson, James is experiencing:

identity diffusion.

According to Erikson, the major crisis of adolescence is called:

identity versus identity diffusion.

Kurt is 15 and spends most of his energy wondering who he is and what kind of person he will become. Erikson would describe him as facing the crisis called:

identity versus identity diffusion.

By the 1960s, after Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, schools were called on to:

implement desegregation programs.

Research suggests that creating "schools within schools" in larger high schools is associated with all except which of the following?

improving students' mental and physical health outcomes

Mei was an impulsive preschooler. It is likely that, as an adolescent, she will be:


Research on violent video games has shown

in contract to 10 years ago, girls now play violent video games as frequently as boys do

Identity typically is crystallized:

in late adolescence to the early 20s.

emotional neglect

inadequate care, love, attention

social neglect

inadequate supervision of social activities, failure to social the child to get along with others

Adolescents are most likely to behave __________ in romantic situations and with a classmate, and they are least likely to engage in ___________ with parents.

inauthentically; false-self behavior

Even though Scott has some difficulty in English, his school places him in the highest track. Scott's school follows which type of tracking system?


autonomy (white)

increased awareness of being white, less guilt, determination to abandon white entitlement. a more self-aware person, knowledgeable about racial and ethnic differences

As discussed in the textbook, during the 1950s, how did the U.S. respond when politicians felt the United States had lost its scientific edge to the former Soviet Union?

increased emphasis was placed on math and science education

Which of the following is not an effect of premature affluence?

increased social belongingness

What are the characteristics/effects of living in poverty for long periods?

increases in anxiety and depression, more frequent conduct problems, and diminished school performance, more exposed to violence, higher levels of stress

Expanding opportunities for adolescents to get involved in community service would be associated with all but which of the following outcomes?

increasing the likelihood that they drop out of school

moral relativism

individual's make their own moral judgements rather than blindly follow rules -independent and cooperative -concept of fairness changes, begin to develop a sense of reciproficty -by early adolescence, individuals should be firmly in the state of moral relativism

ethnic emergence

individuals realize they can't fully join the mainstream, motivates them to immerse themselves in their culture

stage 5: social contract orientation

individuals understand that the purpose of rules and laws is to serve the greater societal good


individuals who have friends from several cliques but belong to none -about 30% of individuals -generally well thought of -serve as bridges between cliques -challenges - difficult to lead activities

The discipline style that parents use when they reason with their child and tell them how their actions affect others is called ________.


Max tells his friends that his mother is a "real marshmellow" who does whatever he wants and who never enforces the rules she tries to set. If Max's statement is true, his mother is best characterized as :


According to the textbook, all of the following contributed to the rise of the adolescent workplace in the United States, except:



infancy; boys and girls are interested only in themselves



transitory self-concepts

influenced by the mood of the moment or by a recent continuing experience ex: a recent low grade on an exam may leave a person feeling stupid

Specific to the ways of resolving an identity crisis, in which category would you classify Robin, an adolescent who approaches identity related decisions with an open mind and actively seeks information:

informational orientation

Adolescents who use aggression deliberately, known as _______, are much more popular than adolescents who use aggression without planning to, known as _______

instrumental aggression; reactive aggression

Adolescents who use aggression deliberately, known as ________, are much more popular than adolescents who use aggression without planning to, known as _

instrumental aggression; reactive aggression

Changes in the structure of secondary schools have been linked to broader societal revolutions. All of the following factors have contributed to these changes, EXCEPT


Changes in the structure of secondary schools have been linked to broader societal revolutions. All of the following factors have contributed to these changes, except:


When asked to describe himself, Aaron stated, "Most of my friends think I don't care about school, but I really study a lot at night because school is important to me." This is an example of how adolescent self-conceptions become more:


The key to resolving the crisis of identity versus identity diffusion, according to Erikson, is:

interactions with others.


intimacy + commitment

Racial socialization, the process by which parents teach children about their ethnic identity and the experiences they may encounter within society as a result of this identity, is thought to focus on three major themes. Which of the following is not one of these themes?

intolerance of the majority culture

According to the textbook, research indicates which of the following is not a correlate of high self-esteem:

involvement in many extracurricular activities

Adolescent peer groups fall along which two dimensions?

involvement with adults and involvement with peers

A(an) _____is an individual that has few or no links to others in the social network and a(an) _____ is an individual who interacts with two or more adolescents who are members of cliques, but who themselves are not part of a clique.

isolate; liaison

Amy, a social reformer in the early 20th century, would have likely considered all of the following to be good reasons to push for secondary education, except:

it is effective in increasing the economic development of the United States.

One tremendous problem in interpreting studies of media use and adolescent development is that:

it is extremely difficult to disentangle cause and effect

Which type of crowd would probably not be found in European schools?


Professor McGonagall has been watching the students at Hogwarts for several years as they move through adolescence. Which groups are most likely to exhibit favorable patterns of achievement over time?

jocks and brains

Mrs. Denny wants to provide the best educational opportunities for all of the students in her high school. As school principal, she should:

keep remedial classes small, but not worry if other classes have as many as 40 students.


large, loosely organized groups of young people, composed of several cliques and typically organized around a common shared activity

All of the following changes typically occur during adolescence, EXCEPT

larger groups are replaced by smaller cliques

All of the following changes typically occur during adolescence, except:

larger groups are replaced by smaller cliques.

subjective judgements

later judgements that take into account intention or motive -ex: skipping school to protest


liked by many, disliked by few


liked by many, disliked by many others (liked because they're feared)


liked or disliked by a moderate number of peers

Abner works long hours on weekends and after school. Research suggests that Abner is:

likely to engage in minor delinquency

intimacy (triangle)



little or no interaction with the dominant culture

Dr. Eckert wants to learn whether students with high self-esteem are more likely to participate in extracurricular activities, or if participation in extracurricular activities enhances adolescents' psychological well-being. She is most likely to understand a cause-and-effect relationship between psychological well-being and extracurricular activities by using which type of study?



loose associations of cliques that usually meet on weekends -approx. 20 members -may all attend the same parties -provide structured risk

informal socieites

loosely structured groups who get together socially, without adult supervision (on the weekends)

According to research by Wayne Osgood and colleagues, the combination of several factors is the recipe for delinquency and other problem behaviors among adolescents. This view is called the routine activity theory, and all but which of the following are thought to be major contributing factors to this combination?

lower then average intelligence

According to a recent analysis of national data discussed in the textbook, Black students were especially likely to be enrolled in:

lower-track math classes in school in which Blacks are in the minority, even after taking into account students' qualifications

Under current federal law, children with learning disabilities must be:

mainstreamed whenever possible

Under current federal law, children with learning disabilities must be:

mainstreamed whenever possible.

Although Chris is significantly delayed developmentally he goes to a regular grade school, takes classes in social studies, music, and physical education with the non-handicapped students, and goes to special classes to learn about reading and arithmetic. This situation is an example of


Exploration in Depth

making a commitment to an identity and then exploring one's options

According to the textbook, which of the following explanations support why some researchers believe the availability of private schools in urban areas has contributed to racial segregation?

many White students who would otherwise attend their neighborhood public school attend private school instead

According to the textbook, which of the following is not true?

many working adolescents are busy with school or work commitments for close to 50 hours a week (including time devoted to extracurricular activities or homework).

Based on information from the textbook, among both males and females, many traits traditionally labeled as _____ are associated in adolescence with __________.

masculine; better adjustment and greater peer acceptance

Sex bias in tracking students in junior and senior high schools is most evident in which subject?


A learning disability:

may be caused by a neurological problem.

Which theory of media's impact emphasizes the reciprocal link between adolescents' preferences and their media exposure and that adolescents not only choose what they are exposed to but interpret the media in ways that shape their impact?

media practice model

Placing students in tracks that match their abilities is called:


Mixed-sex cliques start becoming more prevalent during:

middle adolescence.

Secondary education refers to:

middle school, junior high school, and high school.

Marnia attends a school with seventh and eighth graders as well as adolescents who are 1 or 2 years younger. This type of educational institution is called a:

middle school.

Taisha was discouraged from taking math classes throughout her high school years. Although she is intelligent, a likely long-term implication of this biased tracking is that Taisha will:

miss the opportunity to pursue certain careers for which she may be well qualified.

Albert Bandura believes individuals develop a _______ self which allows people to adopt standards of right and wrong that serve as guides and deterrents for conduct.


International comparisons of student achievement consistently found that American youngsters were faring poorly. Noting that America was losing its competitive edge in the world market, what did reformers call for?

more academic rigor

stage 4: social-order maintaining orientation

more advanced type of conventional moral reasoning, one unquestioningly obeys societies rules and laws

All of the following are factors associated with higher performance of students in Catholic schools relative to other schools, EXCEPT

more effective use of academic tracking

According to personality research presented in the textbook, there is evidence that, between adolescence and young adulthood, individuals become:

more emotionally stable and more extraverted

Which of the following has not been found to be a characteristic of adolescents who work more than 20 hours per week?

more involvement in extracurricular activities


more rigid, interests, what you gravitate towards, does not change very easily

Research studying adolescent friendship networks has found all of the following, EXCEPT

more than half of the adolescents in any given school are members of cliques

Research studying adolescent friendship networks has found all of the following, except:

more than half of the adolescents in any given school are members of cliques.

Which of the following is NOT a benefit that small schools offer?

more varied instruction

Over the course of adolescence, relationships among siblings become more egalitarian but _________ distant and __________ emotionally intense

more; less

In comparison with teenagers in previous times, teenagers in contemporary societies spend ______ time with their peers ______ with their parents

more; than

In comparison with teenagers in previous times, teenagers in contemporary societies spend ________ time with their peers ________ with their parents.

more; than

Research on the nature of parent-adolescent relationships reveals that:

most adolescents appear to maintain positive, supportive, and mutually respective relationships with parents

Which of the following statements regarding internet harassment is false?

most cyberbullying is conducted anonymously.

Affluent, suburban, and White children are _____likely to be home unsupervised, and poor, minority, and urban and rural children are _____ likely.

most; least

Aside from athletics, which types of extracurricular activity are next most popular among adolescents?

music-related and academic-related

Identities that are undesirable to parents and community members are referred to by Erikson as:

negative identities.

Jane, the adolescent daughter of the local police chief, has recently been hanging out with a rowdy group of youth who have vandalized a number of public buildings. Jane has most likely adopted a:

negative identity.

Which of the following jobs would be least likely to be held by an adolescent girl?

newspaper carrier

child abuse

non accidental physical injury and assault, sexual abuse, and/or mental or emotional injury of the child

Define/describe shared environment.

non genetic influences that make individuals living in the same family similar to each other. factors in the environment that individuals such as siblings have in common and that make the individuals similar in personality and behavior.

What factors would explain the fact that Dorothy and Rose, sisters who are only 1 year apart in age, have different memories of their family life as they were growing up?

nonshared environment

Robert, a 15-year-old, works for a fast-food restaurant. How old is Robert's supervisor most likely to be?

not much older than Robert


not really liked or disliked, basically invisible

Parker, a senior in high school, is looking for a job. What type of job is he least likely to take?

nurses' aide

Kelly's parents are disappointed with the education she is receiving in her public high school, so they have been investigating alternative options. Assuming Kelly's parents are financially strapped but want to send her to a private school, which of the following should they do?

obtain government-subsidized school vouchers to use for private school tuition

All of the following are classifications for unpopular or disliked adolescents, except:



often after an event (awakening), person begins to reach out and try to understand different social groups

Mark is a teenager who generally respects his parents. On which of the following issues, however, is Mark most likely to side with his friends and against his parents?

on how to wear his hair

Today's teenagers spend the most hours:

on leisure activities.

stage 1: punishment and obedience orientation

one acts so as to avoid negative consequences -obey because they are afraid they will get in trouble if they don't

stage 3: good girl-good boy orientation

one acts so as to win other's approval


one has merged one's ethnic traditions and those of the cultural mainstream into a new, coherent whole

foreclosure society

one has not choices to make, everyone has the same beliefs, only one possible occupation (farmer)

James Marcia's Identity Status Theory

one's sense of identity is determined largely by the choices and commitments made regarding certain personal and social traits

According to Brown's (2004) study of crowds in high school, what fraction of adolescents do not fit clearly into any crowd?


All of the following led to an increase in free time for contemporary adolescents, except:

organized youth movements.


our sense of self

foreclosed individuals

overemphasize the feedback from their parents and from standards too early on -discount feedback that doesn't align with their already established identity standards

According to the textbook, victims of cyberbullying often report all of the following adjustment problems except:

parent-child conflict.


parental control through offering alternative choices -discipline technique most frequently used by authoritative parents -talking with the child, explaining why the action in question was inappropriate and how it affected others in a negative way -induce feelings of guilt over the behavior so that it will not be repeated

Thirty-four states require some form of _____ _______ in a minor's decision to have an abortion.

parental involvement

Eleanor Maccoby states all of the following reasons that adolescents separate themselves into same-sex cliques, EXCEPT

parents' fears that cross-sex cliques will lead to early sexual activity

Eleanor Maccoby states all of the following reasons that adolescents separate themselves into same-sex cliques, except:

parents' fears that cross-sex cliques will lead to early sexual activity.

A research technique in which the researcher "infiltrates" a group of individuals in order to study their behavior and relationships is called:

participant observation.

Dr. Whitney wanted to study the structure of adolescents' peer groups. She pretended to be a newcomer to the community and attended the local high school. She met a group of students and eventually joined their group. This type of observation is called:

participant observation.

In a particular tribe, relatives of the chief are allowed to choose their own mates, whereas others must abide by arranged marriages. This is an example of a:

particularistic norm.

fatuous love

passion + commitment

romantic love

passion + intimacy

Similarity in ________ is most likely to serve as a basis for cross-ethnic group friendships.

patterns of substance use

According to the research, conformity to peer pressure:

peaks in adolescence relative to childhood and adulthood.

How do the peer group and the family differ in their ability to help an adolescent in terms of intimacy, responsibility, social interactions and leisure?

peer groups provide more opportunities for interaction and leisure, which contributes to the development of intimacy and enhances adolescents' mood and psychological well-being intimacy and sexuality are much more common between peers than between adolescents and adults activities with peers are more organized around leisure activities whereas activities with parents are typically organized around household chores and rules thus the family may be more important in the socialization of responsibility and achievement.

Judy and Jessica hang around people their same age. These people are most accurately described as:


stage 2: instrumental hedonism

people are motivated by the thought of payback and future gain -confirm to rules to gain rewards

possible selves

people he/she might be someday (refer to the future)


people in this group are oblivious to racism, these people seldom think of themselves as existing in the dominant gruop

feared selves

people we dread becoming

expected selves

people we will likely become

hoped-for selves

people we wish to become


person's anatomical attributes, genetically/hormonally determined

Lisa earns approximately $300 a month from her part-time job. She is most likely to spend the money on:

personal luxuries.

According to Smetana, adolescents often judge keeping one's room clean and style of dress as ________, whereas parents tend to judge these issues as __________.

personal; conventional

What does the Five-Factor Model describe?

personality dimensions

Which of the following factors is the most important predictor of overall self-esteem?

physical self-esteem

In The Adolescent Society, Coleman expressed concern over the finding that adolescents:

placed less emphasis on academic success than their parents.

Ivan, a teenager, is most likely to expend high levels of concentration and interest when he is:

playing sports.

Hostile attributional bias:

plays a central role in the aggressive behavior of rejected adolescents.

Adolescents are least likely to seek out ____ webt sites on the internet


Adolescents are least likely to seek out ________ Web sites on the Internet.


Research has shown that racial socialization that results in having positive attitudes about one's ethnic group is associated with:

positive attitudes about other ethnic groups.

Based on the definitions outlined in the Five C's of positive youth development, what does connection mean:

positive bonds with people and institutions that are reflected in bidirectional exchanges

According to the textbook, being placed in a more advanced track has which of the follow effects:

positive influence on subsequent course selection

Being androgynous may have _____ effects for girls and _____ effects for boys.

positive; negative

Tony belongs to a peer culture called "the toughs." We would expect that Tony is:

possibly a gang member.

Based on the textbook, which of the following statements is NOT an accurate description of most other industrialized nations?

postsecondary education systems are composed of a wide variety of public and private two-and four-year institutions, some emphasizing a liberal arts education and others focusing more on technical, vocational, and pre-professional training

carl rogers

predicted the end point of personality development as the basic congruence between objective reality and one's self-perception

Having more income than one can manage during early adolescence has been called:

premature affluence.


presence of warm, stable, loving, and attentive bond between parents and child

According to Sellers's Multidimensional Model of Racial Identity (MMRI), three different aspects of racial identity are important to consider in understanding discrimination and its effects. These three components are:

private regard, public regard, and racial centrality.

Adolescents spend the least amount of time on _____ activities and the most amount of time on _____ activities.

productive; leisure

gender intensification hypothesis

proposal that adolescents feel more pressure than children to behave in gender-stereotypical ways

Based on the success rates of different interventions designed to combat youth unemployment, the textbook suggests that efforts be directed at all of the following ways to reduce youth unemployment except:

providing government training programs for adolescents who are not in school.

Some critics of the No Child Left Behind act argued that it was having the unintended consequence of:

providing incentives for schools to push low-achieving students out of school


psychological and social phenomenon, culture expectations (girl boy)

According to Erikson, a necessary "time out" for adolescents is called:

psychosocial moratorium.

Dr. Smith argues that adolescence is such a demanding time that adolescents need several years with as few responsibilities as possible so they can sort out their identities. His argument focuses on the idea of:

psychosocial moratorium.

Since Jerry became an adolescent, he has experimented with different roles and personalities. Jerry's parents are telling all their friends that this is just a "phase" that he's going through. According to Erikson, this "phase" is called:

psychosocial moratorium.

avoidant style

put off making decisions and evade feedback; when they do make changes, these changes are superficial and short-lived -diffused individuals


realizing they're a product of both cultures, feeling good about one's own identity allows one to be positive about people whose ethnic backgrounds are different from their own

Karen, a 9th grader, was mad at Cheryl for spilling juice on Karen's shirt. Karen spread a rumor that Cheryl had gossiped about her friends. Karen is using _____ to express her aggression toward Cheryl.

relational aggression

Sarah is a popular teenage girl who has just been made captain of the cheerleading squad. She is very socially adept, and notices that Britney, her social rival, is starting to enjoy more attention from their peers than Sarah receives. Jealous, she decides to start a rumor about Britney that she knows will cause many people to stop liking Britney. Sarah's behavior is best described as an example of what?

relational aggression

positive affect

relationships characterized by emotional warmth, affection, love, and sensitivity


relatively small, tightly knit group of friends that spend a lot or even all of their time together -3 to 10 friends -most prevalent and important friendship structure for adolescent -status hierarchy -characterized by similarities among members in age, gender, race/ethnicity, social status, enjoyment of the same kinds of activities

Which of the following is not generally a predictor of self-esteem?

religious affiliation

During the first half of the 21st century, the adolescent population is expected to:

remain constant.

During childhood, Cathy had high self-esteem. As she enters adolescence, Cathy's self-esteem is most likely to:

remain the same or increase.

Research evaluating media messages about sex and drugs finds that:

repeated exposure to these messages is likely to have an effect on adolescent attitudes and beliefs.


repetitive, unprovoked aggression against another

According to the textbook, one limitation of studies of youth in self-care is that:

researchers typically lump together all children who take care of themselves after school

normative style

resistant to change and block out discrepant information -foreclosed adolescent

Based on the definitions outlined in the Five C's of positive youth development, what does character mean:

respect for societal and cultural rules

In contrast to the role of the peer group in adolescent development, the family is best suited for helping the adolescent with regard to:


Overall, the greatest number of working high school students are employed in:

restaurants and retail establishments

Overall, the greatest number of working high school students are employed in:

restaurants and retail establishments.

gender schema theory

revised cognitive development approach to gender that emphasizes the effects of labeling, attention, and interest in developing gender beliefs -children will begin to prefer gender-appropriate actions and will perform them more frequently

In early adolescence, _____ friendships are most common, and in late adolescence, _____ friendships are common.

same sex; opposite sex

Marilyn, a typical high school freshman, has been asked to list the people in her life who are most important to her. Nearly half the list consists of:

same-age peers.

Which of the following is most important in influencing adolescents' learning and psychosocial development?

school climate

Which has a greater effect on students' scholastic achievement: school size or class size?

school size

psychological development 2-7

seek companionship of other children regardless of sex

informational style

seek out diagnostic information and modify their plans and behaviors if necessary, to match it

According to the textbook, some adolescents might forge some sense of self-definition in an environment that has made it difficult to establish an acceptable identity by:

selecting a negative identity

Dawn has always enjoyed school and excelled in her classes. In middle school, she has connected with a group of friends who also enjoy school and her grades have continued to improve. They often spend time studying together. This is an example of:

selection and socialization.

Gwen has recently been preoccupied with trying to understand what kind of person she is. As an exercise, she writes out a list of 20 traits that she thinks best describe her. According to the text, Gwen is focusing on her:


Maria sees herself as an only child, as a person who likes art and music, who is shy, and who likes to read. Maria's description fits best with the idea of:


How positively or negatively people feel about themselves defines:


Susan, a White adolescent, is more likely to be vulnerable to disturbances in ________ than any other group of youngsters.


Researchers have identified all of the following factors as critical components of the development of identity during adolescence, except:


social selves

selves he/she thinks others see, which influence how the individual sees himself

Identity formation is best seen as a:

series of interrelated developments.

During childhood, boys typically associate with boys, while girls primarily associate with other girls. This separation of boys and girls has been referred to as:

sex cleavage

Jordan is a preadolescent. Her friendship circle is largely comprised of other young girls. What has Jordan's social life been influenced by?

sex cleavage

Which of the following is most characteristic of childhood peer groups?

sex cleavage

Professor Lerner is investigating sexism in tracking in same-sex schools and in coeducational schools. She is likely to find:

sexism exists in all of these schools.

Generation gap between parents and teens

shared: socioeconomic, regional, and cultural background unshared: tastes (music/clothing/etc.) Most adolescent continue to maintain a positive, supportive, and mutually respective relationship with their parents.

Identity status:

shifts across the life span.


small, tightly knit groups of between 2 and 12 friends, generally of the same sex and age


smaller segments of adolescent society within the larger social system -positive correlation between academic success and popularity

According to Hollingshead, adolescents associate with peers based chiefly on:

social class.

The chief determinant of popularity in high school is

social competence

The chief determinant of popularity in high school is:

social competence.

The practice of moving students from one grade to the next regardless of their academic performance is known as what?

social promotion

Adolescents from divorced families frequently display all of the following negative effects, EXCEPT

social rejection as a result of stigma

social convention

social rules that dictate what is appropriate and expected -agreed on by everyone


societal pressure, a person moves backward to support the dominant groups ideology about race. May become less tolerant of racial minorities

Compared with their counterparts from previous decades, today's American adolescents:

spend more days per year in school.

Research about contemporary adolescents is clear that these adolescents ________than adolescents in previous times.

spend more time in peer groups

Annie is an adolescent enrolled in Mr. Love's science class. Annie will most likely do best in class when Mr. Love:

spends a high proportion of time teaching lessons

reputational aggression

spreading rumors or doing other actions to hurt another's reputation

Temperament and personality tend to become _________ as we __________.

stable; get older

Debbie is moving from elementary school into middle school. We would expect her to experience declines in all of the following EXCEPT her:

standardized test scores

Debbie is moving from elementary school into middle school. We would expect her to experience declines in all of the following, except her:

standardized test scores.

All of the following have been found to be benefits of playing sports as an adolescent, EXCEPT

starting training while young helps protect adolescents from injuries later

blended biculturalism

state in which one finds the commonalities between one's ethnic and mainstream identities

alternating biculturalism

state in which one vacillates between following one's ethnic beliefs and those of the societal mainstream

role strain

stress experienced by people when they are tugged in different directions by competing demands ex: when a teen gains status with his peers by excelling in sports, but his parents pressure him to devote himself solely to getting good grades


strong identification and involvement with the dominant culture and the traditional ethnic culture

The extent to which students are psychologically committed to learning and mastering the material rather than simply completing the assigned work is called:

student engagement.

Mitch attends a high school where 95% of the students are involved in extracurricular activities. This probably also will mean that at Mitch's school:

student enrollment is low.

Comparisons of large and small schools reveal that:

students in small schools are more likely to participate in school activities.

What is the paradox of dropping out of school?

students who drop out are typically the ones who are most harmed by doing so..

Authoritarian Parenting

style of parenting in which parent is rigid and overly strict, showing little warmth to the child


successful parents monitor and supervise their children's behavior and set rules that limit that behavior

sexual abuse

suggestive language, use of pornography, fondling, masturbation, oral sex or full intercourse

adolescent culture

sum of the ways that adolescents behave

Treponema is the bacterium that causes _______.


All of the following are examples of universalistic norms in American society, except:

taking piano lessons.

Jacquelynne Eccles describes all of the following changes in school environment when moving from elementary school to middle school or junior high school, except that:

teachers in middle and junior high schools feel more confident in their teaching abilities.

Jacquelynne Eccles argues that the difficulty adolescents experience in the transition to junior high school is a result of the:

teachers' beliefs about junior high students

Eccles argues that the difficulty adolescents experience in the transition to junior high school is a result of the:

teachers' beliefs about junior high students.

Which of the following statements about tracking is FALSE?

teaching quality is more or less the same in different tracks

All of the following are noted to be benefits of service learning, except:

teaching respect and obedience.

Interventions designed to help unpopular adolescents improve their social skills have employed which of the following techniques?

teaching social skills like self-expression and leadership techniques

moral courage

tendency to stand up for one's values in the face of opposition

Diane Ravitch, and educational historian, argues that the problem with the comprehensive high school has been a lack of focus. Which of the following is NOT one of the beliefs she argues has interfered with successful educational reform:

that parents need to grant their children more independence


the ability to identify with the thoughts, attitudes, and feelings of another person


the adolescent's period of engagement in choosing among meaningful alternatives -exploration

Which of the following is NOT a finding of social scientists regarding the effects of divorce on adolescents?

the adverse consequences of divorce for adolescents are directly linked to living in a single-parent household

Ethnic Identity

the aspect of individuals' sense of identity concerning ancestry or racial group membership *Developed by the context in which adolescents live

Educational historian Diane Ravitch believes that:

the basic problem with the comprehensive public high school is lack of focus.

One potential explanation for the finding that gifted students who are integrated into regular classrooms have more positive academic self-conceptions than those in special classes is:

the big-fish--little pond effect.

Which of the following has the least effect on student achievement?

the classroom


the degree of personal investment the individual exhibits

Amy, a 16-year-old girl, is shy around boys though she would really like to be more outgoing. This reflects:

the discrepancy between her ideal and actual selves.

What explains completely different personalities in siblings?

the divergent experiences that siblings participate in outside of the family

Experts are likely to express all of the following reasons for the failure of school reform, EXCEPT

the explosion of job opportunities in inner-city communities have left many students leaving school to pursue careers

Experts are likely to express all of the following reasons for the failure of school reform, except:

the explosion of job opportunities in inner-city communities have left many students leaving school to pursue careers.

Kikko hates country music but told Keith, who is a big Garth Brooks fan and her latest love interest, that she adored country music and would love to go with him to see Garth in concert. This type of behavior is called:

the false-self.

Gender Intensification Hypothesis

the idea that pressures to behave in sex-appropriate ways intensify during adolescence

ideal selves

the kind of person and adolescent would like to be

Robert Sellers and colleagues have presented a model to help make sense of the complicated relations among perceived discrimination, ethnic identity, and mental health among Blacks. This model is called:

the multidimensional model of racial identity (MMRI).

President Obama's education secretary suggested what to address the problem of the state-dependent standards in the No Child Left Behind act?

the need to have a set of common standards across all 50 states

Jacquelynne Eccles believes that ________ a negative effect on junior high school teachers, which then affects the teachers' interactions with their students.

the organization and anonymity of junior high schools have

adolescent society

the organized network of relationships among adolescents

Ethnic Socialization

the process through which individuals develop an understanding of their ethnic or racial background, also referred to as racial socialization

Define/describe sibling deidentification.

the process through which siblings deliberately try to be different from each other.

The Anytown town council developed a program to curb delinquent behavior among the town's adolescents. The program had an iatrogenic effect, meaning:

the program backfired and delinquent behavior increased.

What is the most critical influence on adolescents' adjustment?

the quality of relationships at home-- adolescents who believe their parents or guardians are there for them are healthier, happier and more competent than their peers

The text states that _______ is/are the most critical influence on adolescents' adjustment.

the quality of their relationships at home

According to the textbook, in general, how does employment affect adolescent development?

the question of how adolescents are affected by working depends on many factors, including the nature of the job, the number of hours worked each week, and the aspect of development studied.

The three dominant theories concerning the media's impact on adolescent development today include all but which of the following?

the routine activity theory

Research has shown that teachers tend to favor high-achieving students by providing extra cues for answers and more positive nonverbal behaviors than for lower-achieving students. Such evidence provides support for the notion that teachers' expectations may contribute to:

the self-fulfilling prophecy

Kerry and Kristie's teacher accidentally got their test scores mixed up and mistakenly thought that Kerry was the more intelligent of the two girls. At the end of the year, her records demonstrated that, indeed, Kerry had gained more and performed at a higher level than Kristie. This is best thought of as an example of:

the self-fulfilling prophecy.

Research has shown that teachers tend to favor high-achieving students by providing extra cues for answers and more positive nonverbal behaviors than for lower-achieving students. Such evidence provides support for the notion that teachers' expectations may contribute to:

the self-fulfilling prophecy.

possible selves

the various identities an adolescent might imagine for him or herself

Mr. Edwards is the principal at a public school and has just read a research study that discussed ways to maximize student's success. The main message of the research study was that what takes place within a school is probably more important than the nature of its funding and oversight. Based on what you learned from the textbook, what do you think the researchers argued that schools should focus on?

the ways in which schools train, certify, place, and compensate teachers

According to some commentators, teenagers have become separate from adult society to such an extent that they have established their own society, which undermines parents' authority and emphasizes peer deviance. This society is called:

the youth culture.

The recent, get-tough approach to dealing with violence in schools that has been hotly debated among researchers is known as:

the zero-tolerance approach.

Over the course of adolescence, which of the following is not true of changes that take place in crowds?

their descriptions become more concrete (e.g., the "preppy" group becomes "the Playstation crowd")

Adolescents who have more complex self-conceptions are less likely:

to be depressed.

being alone

to be physically apart from others

The process of separating students into different levels of classes within the same school is called:


Today, approximately _____ of high school graduates enroll in college immediately after graduation.


In the United States, all citizens over the age of 18 are allowed to vote. This is an example of:

universalistic norm.

Age segregation in schools is the most efficient way to educate children in societies that are:


Contemporary societies are more ________, whereas societies from the past were more ________

universalistic; particularistic

Which of the following in NOT a common message that the media conveys about sex?

unprotected sex can have serious consequences

Which of the following is not a common message that the media conveys about sex?

unprotected sex can have serious consequences

According to the textbook, compared to young people who are supervised after school by adults, Stephanie, a self-care adolescent, will likely experience all of the following except:

use less drugs and alcohol

As a follow-up to the Supreme Court rulings in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954, 1955), in which the Court found that it was unconstitutional to maintain separate schools for children on the basis of race, the Supreme Court rule in 2007 that school districts may no longer:

use race as a factor in deciding how to assign students to schools

Which theory of media's impact emphasizes the fact that adolescents choose the media to which they are exposed?

uses and gratifications approach

relational aggression

using your friends to help hurt another socially

adolescent subculture

values and way of life that are contrary to those found in an adult society

Describe common findings of recent cyberbullying research studies

varying findings. some say that 10% participate in cyberbully, 40% physically bullying and 70% verbally bullied someone. Another finding showed that 75% were victims of harassment on internet. Other studies arrived at a medium between the two findings here. common finding: adolescents who engage in traditional bullying also participate in cyberbullying. frequent victims of traditional bullying are also victims of cyberbullying. most internet bullying is not anonymous

In recent years, studies of adolescents' consumer behavior have noted the strong influence teens have over one another when it comes to spending money. Advertisers have taken advantage of Internet sites such as YouTube, MySpace, and Facebook to utilize what kind of marketing?

viral marketing

In America today, what percentage of individuals between the ages of 14 and 17 are in school?

virtually all individuals

According to the textbook, which of the following might make individuals especially vulnerable to the effects of stress?

volatile self-image

Generally speaking, the parenting style that is associated with the healthiest identity development is:

warm but not excessively constraining.

According to Jacquelynne Eccles, a thorough understanding of school and its impact on adolescent development requires an examination of:

what goes on beyond the classroom.

When are adolescents usually in the "worst" mood?

when they are alone

Compared to parents who emphasize having pride in one's ethnic group, parents who emphasize the need to be wary about potential racism tend to have children:

who fare worse in the face of discrimination

Compared to minority adolescents with families that have been in the U.S. for a long time, foreign-born ethnic minority adolescents tend to perform:

worse in school, and are more likely to have emotional and behavioral problems.

diffused individuals

yet to develop identity standards, so do not experience discrepencies

moral realism

you do what authority figures tell you to do -rules are absolute and unchallengeable -believe you will inevitably be caught and punished if you transgress -immanent justice

Which of the following statements about stepfamilies is FALSE

younger adolescents have a harder time adjusting to stepfamilies than older adolescents

Lawrence Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development

• Grounded in Piaget's theory of cognitive development • Moral reasoning becomes more sophisticated with age • 6 stages nested within 3 levels of moral reasoning •Assessed by examining responses to hypothetical moral dilemmas • Reasoning behind choice is more important than the actual choice

How does the time a 4th grader spend with his peers differ from an older adolescent?

While adolescents are granted more independence, younger children typically play in the presence of adults or in activities organized or supervised by adults. While adolescents begin spending more time with the opposite sex, younger children participate in peer groups that are highly sex segregated. Also, while adolescents begin spending time in bigger groups, children play in relatively small groups.

Overall, which group of adolescents feels least positive about themselves?

White females

Effective anti-bullying interventions involve the whole school and What are three specific interventions that may be included in a "whole-school" bullying intervention?

Whole School Intervention includes: Zero tolerance policy Greater adult supervision Positive student-teacher interaction Limit social playoffs (adressing bystander issue) Conflict resolution training Teacher training Red Zone: Most affected Yellow Zone: not yet identified as bullies or victims but are still at risk Green Zone: most people are at low risk but can be bystanders There needs to be an intervention that addresses each level BUT everyone is at different levels of how they're affected "Dosage and Fidelity": Different amounts of intervention for different levels and must be consistent Social Psychologist Intervention: Used a grassroots program using adolescent "social referents" and assigned each school to a control group or grassroots program. Those with the social referents reduced bullying by 30%

What does it mean to parent for "wings and roots?"

Wings: Autonomy- self-regulation and goal setting Roots: Attachment- where you come from/sense of identity and connectedness Parent for: 1. Warmth (positive emotional bonds and love/safety/appropriate involvement) 2. Support (providing structure while children develop abilities to manage themselves, logical reasoning) 3. Firmness (Clearly articulate rules and expectations and explain reasoning behind rules)

Which of the following statements is not supported by research with regard to adolescent employment?

Working builds character, teaches adolescents about the "real world," and helps them prepare for adult responsibilities.

Should parents treat siblings differently from each other? Why or why not?

Yes, as long as they treat each child well. This is because studies have shown that siblings tend to get along better when their parents treat all siblings well and fair. pg 136

Define/describe youth culture. What concerns does researcher Coleman have about the youth culture?

Youth culture means young people maintain attitudes and values that are different from and even contrary to those of adults. Coleman worried about the low value adolescents placed on academic success, and that youth culture fueled the development of a separate and troublesome culture.

Steve eats lunch with Jeff, Hans, and Mike every day. After school, they play computer games and talk about girls. This group of boys is called:

a clique.

A group of individuals who are born during a particular time period (e.g., the baby boomers) is known as what?

a cohort

The main reason that reactive aggression is associated with unpopularity and greater problems with peers is that reactive aggression is characterized by:

a combination of aggression and poor emotion regulation or lack of social skills.

Mitch organizes a party for about 20 of his classmates who are all interested in theater, and they all watch a tape of the musical The Phantom of the Opera. This group of teenagers, who don't always hang out together, but share common interests, would most appropriately be labeled:

a crowd.

A U-shaped or inverted-U pattern of results, as seen in studies that have examined how adolescents' moods change over time when with their families, is called what?

a curvilinear pattern

All of the following are significant changes in peer groups that occur during adolescence, except:

a decrease in the size of their peer groups.

Reference group

a group against which an individual compares him or herself

Remarriage: Boundry ambiguity

a lack of understanding about responsibility for tasks in the family, exacerbates adjustment issues

Define/describe Smetana's ideas regarding personal, conventional and moral issues.

a major contributor to adolescent-parent bickering is the fact that teenagers and parents define the issues of contention very differently. parents view many issues as matters of right and wrong, not necessarily in a moral sense, but as matters of custom or convention. Adolescents are likely to define these same issues as matters of personal choice.


a part of an individual's personality of which he/she is aware


a personality trait that denotes an overly vain and self-absorbed person

Based on the definitions outlined in the Five C's of positive youth development, what does competence mean:

a positive view of one's actions in domain-specific areas

A group against which an individual compares himself or herself is called:

a reference group.

Greg is the star quarterback of the football team and hangs out with Larry, who is the star pitcher of the baseball team. Ben also hangs out with Larry and Greg. When classmates refer to Ben, they call him a member of the "jocks." The crowd with which Ben associates serves as:

a reference group.


a sense of self that provides a person with a level of self-awareness about how they fit into the world

perennial cultural lag

a situation that renders them relatively poorly informed -parents tend to compare today's youth and lifestyle with those of their own past

Bruce, a 2nd-year college student, has switched majors three times. He is still undecided about what he wants to do with his life. Bruce is in:

a state of psychosocial moratorium.

Indulgent Parenting

a style in which parents are very involved with their children but place few demands or controls on them

According to the textbook, young adolescents with __________ also report high levels of anxiety, tension, psychosomatic symptoms and irritability.

a volatile self-image

Pepler, Jiang, Craig, & Connolly (2008) studied a sample of 10 to 17 year old Toronto youths and found that:

about 40% of adolescents have never bullied anyone.

Ethnic identity may be sped up if parents teach their children:

about racism.


absence/loss of one's culture of origin and lack of involvement with the dominant society

A separate youth culture is said to promote all of the following, except:


According to Marcia's research, which identity status is associated with healthy development?


prosocial behavior

actions that benefit, help, and bolster others

Felicia has a problematic relationship with her parents. All of the following negative effects are likely to occur for Felicia, except:

active school involvement.


actively seeking feedback and are willing to adjust their identity standards


adjustment of minority groups to the culture of the dominant group

overall basic self

adolescent's view of his/her personality and "perceptions of his abilities and his status and roles in the outer world"

The positive effects of service learning are most likely to occur in all of the following circumstances, except when:

adolescents are closely supervised.

Researchers are particularly interested in the identity changes that occur in adolescence for all of the following reasons, except:

adolescents are now capable of thinking in concrete terms about who they are and where they are going.

The world is arguably a more stressful place to grow up in now than it was in the past for all of the following reasons, except:

adolescents are now more susceptible to their peers than were other generations.

Which of the following is true of most adolescents' jobs?

adolescents are rarely required to use skills taught in school

Research assessing adolescent work experiences found:

adolescents are unlikely to see their coworkers outside of work.

The Experience Sampling Method involves:

adolescents carrying beepers and reporting their moods when paged.

In addition to the school year being longer than it was in the past:

adolescents remain in school for more years

Which of the following is a common finding of recent cyberbullying studies?

adolescents who engage in traditional bullying often also engage in cyberbullying.

Which of the following is a common finding of recent cyberbullying studies?

adolescents who engage in tranditional bullying often also engage in cyberbullying

According to the textbook, one of the pathways by which adolescents who feel discriminated against experience negative mental health outcomes is:

adolescents who feel discriminated against in school report feeling less control over their academic achievement, which leads to feelings of depression

Adolescent peer groups fall along two dimensions:

adult orientation; peer orientation

Name the factors that have contributed to the rise of age segregation in contemporary society?

age grading in schools (as of mid 19th century) and increased prevalence of high school attendance (as of 1930's)

The process of grouping individuals within social institutions on the basis of chronological age is called:

age grading.

Contemporary societies are highly...

age segregated

Much of adolescents' money is spent on discretionary purchases related to leisure activities. Additionally, many adolescents spend money on ____, which accounts for one-sixth of the amount of dollars spent each year on _____.

alcohol and cigarettes; alcohol

A recent study of ethnic identity and academic achievement illustrated how racial centrality, private regard, and public regard work together to influence Black adolescents' school performance and motivation. The researchers identified four distinct clusters within their sample of 600 students. Which cluster of students was most likely to drop out and which cluster of students was most likely to hold positive beliefs about the school?

alienated students were the most likely to drop out; idealized students were most likely to hold positive beliefs about the school.


all aspects of personality that make for inward unity

With respect to violence in schools:

although there has been a decrease in the number of school shootings since the 1990s, there has been an increase in the number of student deaths as a result of school violence.

Who is at the greatest risk of developing psychological problems as a result of peer rejection?

an aggressive-withdrawn child

Involvement in delinquent activity may lead to ________ in self-esteem.

an increase

Based on the definitions outlined in the Five C's of positive youth development, what does confidence mean:

an internal sense of overall positive self-worth and self-efficacy


an orientation toward life in which the needs of family take precedence over the needs of the individual

postconventional morality (gilligan)

an understanding of an interdependence, concern for self and others, see the world as much more interconnected

Possessing both highly masculine and highly feminine traits is called:


Overall, teenagers are least likely to comment that their jobs:

are dreary.

According to the textbook, the harmful effects of low parental monitoring are especially bad in neighborhoods that:

are low in collective efficacy

In contrast to adolescents in the United States, adolescents in Europe:

are more likely to drop out of school early to take on a full-time job

In contrast to adolescents in the United States, adolescents in Europe:

are more likely to have an apprenticeship while in high school.

According to the textbook, Black individuals who believe that the public has low regard for African Americans typically:

are more sensitive to racial cues

Among ethnic minority youth, academic achievement is highest when adolescents experience all of the following except:

are not aware of racism

In contrast to crowds, cliques:

are settings for adolescents' intimate interactions.

personal preference

aspects of behavior that involve independent choices with which others have not right to interfere

Jeb has the choice of several after-school activities. Statistically, he is the most likely to choose:


The most popular type of extracurricular activities are:


Define/describe restrictive parenting strategy. When/why is it used?

attempts to minimize child's exposure to dangers in the neighborhood. Typically used by families in poor neighborhoods

Ms. Willingham sets high standards for her students but is very responsive to their needs. What type of teaching style is this characteristic of?


What kind of family environment most closely resembles the optimal classroom environment?


lesbian trajectory

awareness labeling disclosure relationship sexual behavior

gay trajectory

awareness labeling sexual behavior disclosure relationship

Following the end of World War II, many parents wanted to have children as soon as possible, creating what has come to be called the postwar:

baby boom.

Ryan did a survey at his middle school of the most common after-school jobs for the eighth grade class. What are his results likely to say?

baby-sitting and lawn work

Level 1: preconventional moral reasoning

based on reward and punishment

level 2: conventional moral reasoning

based on the desire to conform to social convention -act so as to gain others' approval

As discussed in the textbook, adolescents who work more than 20 hours weekly are more likely than their peers to:

be absent from school.

Which of the following is not a reason that early adolescents might experience fluctuations in self-image?

because early adolescents spend most of their time engaging in false-self behavior

Which of the following statements is most true of minority families and parenting styles?

because ethnic minorities are more likely to live in dangerous areas, authoritarian parenting may actually be beneficial for these adolescents

According to the textbook, why do private school students academically outperform students at public schools?

because of the characteristics of the students who attend private schools

By the end of high school, crowds:

become less important to adolescents.

emotional autonomy

becoming free of childish emotional dependence on parents

behavioral autonomy

becoming independent and free enough to act on your own without excessive dependence upon others for guidance

stage 6: universal principled reasoning

behaves so as to avoid self-condemmnation -based on autonomous, universal principles of justice that are valid beyond existing laws, social conditions, and peers' values -only very few people employ this stage -individuals may break unjust civil laws because they recognize a morality higher than existing laws

self-enhancement thesis

being delinquent is an attempt to compensate for having negative feelings about oneself

According to adolescents, what is the best thing about school?

being with friends

identity standards

beliefs about how one should behave

Being aware of potential racism and mistrusting others are not the same thing. Awareness of racism is associated with _________, while mistrust is associated with _________.

better achievement; doing poorly in school

All of the following are factors associated with higher performance of students as a result of the social capital in Catholic schools relative to other schools, except:

better use of academic tracking.

What percentage of today's high school students will have worked in an after school job before graduating?

between 80-90%

Adolescents whose parents are not both from the same ethnic or racial group are known as ________ adolescents.


All of the following are defining characteristics of agency, except:

blaming other people for one's problems.


blending of male and female characteristics and roles

In contrast to Kohlberg's justice perspective, Gilligan's _______________ perspective views people and their moral reasoning in terms of their connectedness with others and emphasizes interpersonal communication, relationships with others, and concern for others.


During the 1970s, educational reformers sought to promote greater emphasis on _____ in the school curriculum.

career and experiential programs

Based on the Five C's of positive youth development, which "C" stands for a sense of sympathy and empathy for others:


Samantha attends a public school that has a great deal of freedom to set its own curriculum. This type of school is referred to as what in your text?

charter school

immanent justice

child's belief that immoral behavior inevitably brings pain or punishment as a natural consequence of the transgression

How does growing up in a step family compare with growing up in a single-parent family?

children/adolescents in stepfamilies are even more at risk for problem behavior than those growing up in a single-parent family (they are exposed to a "double dose" of marital conflict and to a new set of potentially difficult issues related to the blending of children from two different marriages)

_____________ is named after an organism that spreads by sexual contact and infects the genital organs of both sexes.


Which aspect of the school climate is the least important in influencing psychosocial development during adolescence?

class size

Sarah was placed in an advanced track at school. Which of the following is Sarah NOT likely to experience?

classroom activities that emphasize rote memorization

Research on the structure of cliques during high school has suggested that adolescents can fall into any of the following categories, except:

clique avoiders.

Andrea, a 15-year-old, is most likely to learn social skills in a ________ and develop her sense of identity in a ________.

clique; crowd

Heathy individuation and positive mental health are fostered by...

close, not distant family relationships

Girls are most likely to spend their money on:


Understanding social relations that lead adolescents to gather in crowds is an example of which form of transition that occurs during adolescence?



component of the identity control system that compare's one's self concept with one's identity standards -matches one's self perceptions against the standards one has about who one wants to be

During the 1920's, the ________ was designed to meet the needs of a diverse and growing population of young people.

comprehensive high school

During the 1920s, the _____ was designed to meet the needs of a diverse and growing population of young people.

comprehensive high school

conventional morality (gilligan)

concern for caring for others, being a responsible

preconventional morality (gilligan)

concern for self and survival

morality of constraint

conduct that is coerced by rules of authority -rigid: the rule is the rule -when faced with a moral dilemma follow the rules -obey without question

morality of cooperation

conduct that is regulated by mutual respect and consent -socially derived -coming up with a consensus as a group -have to be able to think about other people's perspectives


conflict develops about racial moral dilemmas (I'm not a racist but I want my child to marry someone of my race)

public families

connected to some sort of social service (food stamps, housing assistance)

emotional abuse

constant screaming at child, calling foul names, ignoring the child

"Druggies," "jocks," and "nerds" are examples of:


Professor Gates is studying large groups of adolescents to learn about their particular mini-cultures. Professor Gates is studying:


Which theory of media's impact emphasizes the idea that media shape adolescents' interests, motives, and beliefs about the world?

cultivation theory

Between grades 5 and 9, adolescents' moods while with friends become more positive, whereas moods while with their families follow a(n) _____ pattern.


Adolescents are most likely to exhibit false-self behavior with their:


All of the following contributed to the rise of age segregation in contemporary society, EXCEPT

decrease in family values

All of the following contributed to the rise of age segregation in contemporary society, except:

decrease in family values.


degree to which family members are connected to one another


degree to which parents are affectionate and supportive as opposed to rejecting and unresponsive


degree to which parents mange their child's behavior

negative identity

deriving satisfaction from rebelling against and defying mainstream individuals -"reversed foreclosure": do the opposite of what teachers, parents, society want

In terms of time spent with peers, recent research has categorized adolescents into four different groups based on their social self-perceptions. Of these four groups, which two spend the most time with peers?

desperate and confident adolescents

What is the chief determinant of popularity in high school?

determinants are highly variable across schools, ages and backgrounds. it depends on what is valued in that adolescent's social context

By middle to late adolescence, cliques are often segregated by race. All of the following are possible explanations for this phenomenon, except:

differential abilities in athletics.

Self conceptions are more...

differentiated (when answering "who am I?") better organized (actual self, ideal self, and future self)

As adolescents develop, their self-conceptions become more:


Esther has been rejected by her peers because she is withdrawn and reclusive. Esther is most likely to be at risk for:

diminished social competence.

During the school year, the rate of academic progress was equal between students with higher socioeconomic status and disadvantaged students. During the summer months:

disadvantaged students' scores declined.

Which of the following is NOT a factor that moved children out of the workplace?

discrimination against young workers


disliked by many, liked by few, greatest risk of adjustment problems later in life

What two dominant characteristics distinguish the development of postsecondary education in contemporary America from that in other parts of the world?

diversity and accessibility

To reduce the decline of students' academic knowledge, the Carnegie Corporation Council on Adolescent Development recommends all of the following, except:

divide middle schools into units of 50 to 100 students.

level 3: postconventional moral reasoning

do what you believe is right and just

ethnically ambivalent

downplay the importance of their ethnic background, don't strongly identify with their ethnic group

According to the textbook, most teenagers feel that their friends are likely to pressure them to:

drink alcohol.

identity status (james marcia)

dual criteria that must be met before one can attain a mature identity -undergo crises and make commitments -a mature identity is achieved only after the individual has beome committed to an ideology

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the gender intensification hypothesis in adolescence?

during adolescence, boys can be highly pressured to behave in masculine ways without necessarily being punished or labeled deviant for exhibiting some feminine traits at the same time.

Simmons and her colleagues found that the most marked fluctuations in self-image occur:

during the transition into adolescence.


during which the parent-adolescent bond is transformed but maintained

Problems in identity development can result when:

earlier crises have not been resolved.

Which of the following statements regarding sex differences in self-esteem is accurate?

early adolescent girls are more likely to say negative things about themselves than same-aged boys


early emotional bond formed between child and parent

According to the textbook, which of the following resulted from standards-based reform:

educators could not agree on the body of knowledge and skills that comprised what high school graduates should know and be able to do

negative affect

emotional coldness, rejection, hostility

As discussed in your text, the major characteristics of good schools include all but which of the following?

emphasizing rote memorization and passive listening in classrooms


emptiness, isolation, boredom -subjective feeling that one is not receiving enough support or companionship; one can feel lonely when standing in a crowd

commitment (triangle)

empty love

Ruben works over 20 hours a week during the school year and Marianne does not work at all. Ruben, compared to Marianne, is more likely to:

endorse unethical business practices.

ethnically unaware

ends by the time child enters school, difference based solely on physical attributes

Kent has been involved in minor delinquent behavior. In order to curb this type of behavior, Kent's parents should:

enroll Kent in an after-school activity.

Erik Erikson believed that ________ is the primary psychosocial crisis of adolescence.

establishing a coherent sense of identity

James Marcia: Exploration is...

experimenting with different ideas about occupations, values, relationships, and so forth

immersion/emersion (white)

explore what it means to be white. develop personal meaning of racism and begin to understand how white people benefit from racism

Exploration in Breadth

exploring one's options and then making a further commitment

peer acceptance

extent to which a child is viewed by peers as a worthy or likable companion

moral neglect

failure to provide a positive moral example for the child

physical neglect

failure to provide enough food, adequate clothing, health care, shelter, sanitary conditions

child neglect

failure to provide even minimal care of the child, adequate food, shelter, medical care. failure to provide for a child's emotional, social, intellectural and moral needs


families whose members are isolated from one another


families whose members are too heavily connected with one another

Decisions about whether to implement tracking in non-tracked schools, or whether to "de-track" schools that use ability grouping, are typically quite controversial; not surprisingly, parents of students in the higher tracks _____, while parents in the lower tracks _____.

favor the practice; oppose it

Of the students who enter college, what percent complete their degrees within six years?

fewer than 60%

objective judgements

first judgements based solely on the consequence of wrongdoing -focus on the consequence -something is right/wrong depending on the consequence

One out of every ___ pregnant adolescent girls receives any prenatal care during the first three months of pregnancy.


Hillary is a high school senior. Which of the following jobs is she most likely to have?

food server at a restaurant

Prior to the early twentieth century, high schools were designed:

for elite youngsters.

Sixteen-year-old Mercedes believes that the death penalty is wrong because her parents, friends, and church say so. She has never really thought about the issue, but has accepted this view as her own. What is her identity status?


Older students are more likely to hold _____jobs and working teenagers in rural areas are more likely to be employed in _____jobs.

formal; agricultural

psychological autonomy

freedom to form one's own opinions, have privacy, and make decisions for oneself

Adolescents increase their ability and tendency to consider the long-term consequences of their decisions, which is one aspect of:

future orientation

According to the textbook and in regard to gangs, all of the following are true except:

gang members have better self-conceptions than other adolescents who are involved in antisocial activity but who are not gang members.

The idea that pressure to behave in sex-appropriate ways increases during adolescence, especially for girls, is called the _______ hypothesis.

gender intensification

HPV is the virus that causes

genital warts

Stan's parents both work long hours. They are concerned that he doesn't have enough interaction with adults. If they want him to be exposed to more adult interaction, which of the following activities should they not encourage him to do?

get a job at the local music store

When siblings are treated differently by parents, research shows that they are likely to:

get along better because they feel unique

According to the text, _____ do better in math during elementary school and _____ are more likely to be enrolled in advanced math classes in high school.

girls; boys

According to the text, ______ do bettter in math during elementary school and ______ are more likely to be enrolled in advanced math classes in high school

girls; boys

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