Adolescent Psych Exam 3

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Which of the following statements about boys' first sexual experience is false?

A boy's first sexual partner is likely to be someone he's in love with

Which of the following is not a characteristic of an adolescent's growing emotional autonomy?

Adolescents become more likely to believe that their life would have been better if they had their friends' parents

Between early and late adolescence, individuals improve in their ability to:

All of these are correct

Tim and Carol are upset because they recently discovered that their 13-year-old daughter has already engaged in sexual intercourse. What other types of problems is their daughter likely to have?

All of these are correct

Which of the following adolescents (all are the same age) would have a heightened susceptibility to peer pressure?

All of these youths are likely to appear relatively more susceptible to peer pressure

Compared to same-sex peers, who is likely to be less socially mature, less imaginative, less achievement-oriented, more superficial, and more likely to exhibit problem behaviors?

Amber, who started dating seriously at age 14

Which of the following statements about autonomy is false?

An absence of conflict between an adolescent and his or her parents indicates a delay in autonomy development

Approximately what percent of American adolescents has been the victim of dating violence? Who is more likely to be the victim of dating violence, boys or girls?

Approximately 40% of American adolescents have been the victim of dating violence and male and female adolescents are equality likely to be the victim.

Which statement about autonomy in adolescence is false?

Autonomy is closely related to adolescent rebellion

According to researchers, because ________ girls do not feel as ________ about their appearance as girls of other racial backgrounds, these individuals typically have ________ overall self-esteem.

Black; negatively; higher

Carol has just learned that her son, Mike, has been caught shoplifting for the fifth time. Carol told the police that Mike is just reacting to the stress of going through puberty. How accurate is Carol's idea?

Carol is incorrect; problem behavior is virtually never a direct consequence of the normative adolescent changes.

Which of the following statements concerning volunteerism is false?

Engaging in community service has a long-lasting positive impact even when it is part of a school mandated service-learning program

What is the immigrant paradox?

Foreign-born and first-generation ethnic minority youth perform better in school and are less likely to be involved in delinquent behavior or have physical, emotional, and behavioral problems than adolescents from the same ethnic group whose parents were born in America.

According to research presented in the textbook, the expression of intimacy is more advanced among adolescent girls than among boys. What is a consequence of this advanced intimacy?

Girls' mental health is more positively affected than boys' when things are going well in relationships AND girls' mental health is more negatively affected than boys' when things are going poorly in relationships.

Alice, a 16-year-old, gave birth to a baby boy last year. How will this affect the likelihood that her 13-year-old sister, Marie, will have a baby?

It will increase

According to the textbook, which of the following statements about moral reasoning and moral behavior is not true?

Moral behavior and moral reasoning always go hand in hand

Which of the following is the main reason some experts advise against applying the term psychopath to people under 18?

Most young people who engage in antisocial behavior as teenagers do not continue to do so after their mid-20s.

Which adolescent would probably score lowest on measures of prosocial moral reasoning?

Randy, who scores high on masculinity

According to research by Small and Luster, which adolescent is most likely to engage in early sexual activity?

The adolescent most likely to engage in early sexual activity is one that has a combination of the above risk factors

Which of the following statements about suicide is true?

The suicide rate among 15- to 19-year-olds increased alarmingly between 1950 and 1990.

Across all the identity development frameworks, what is a common factor related to healthy development?

a period of experimentation and exploration before finalizing choices

Individuals are more likely to engage in risky behavior when they see the behavior as:

a personal choice rather than an ethical dilemma

According to Erikson, a necessary "time-out" for adolescents is called

a psychosocial moratorium.

An analysis of "virginity pledges" that encourage adolescents to promise to abstain from premarital sex has found that:

about 82% of adolescents who take a virginity pledge will deny having done so five years later

Moving through the early stages of ethnic identity development may be more successful if parents teach their children

about dealing with racism

Researchers have found, regarding problem behavior in adolescence, that

adolescents may exhibit both internalizing and externalizing problems, such as depression and delinquency.

Involvement in delinquent activity may lead to ________ in self-esteem, perhaps because involvement in delinquency ________.

an increase; earns teenagers approval from certain peers

Boys' initial interest in sex is motivated by ________ hormones, whereas girls' initial interest in sex is motivated by _______.

androgen; androgens and estrogen

Which of the following is considered an internalizing disorder?


Adolescents with a depressed parent

are three times more likely to develop depression.

What is the best way to conceptualize adolescent sexual development?q

as gradual stages of increasing intimacy

The close, significant emotional bond between parent and infant is called:


In early and middle adolescence, adolescents become more _____ with respect to parents, and more _____ with respect to peers.

autonomous; conformist

Adolescents who have less positive relationships with their parents are more likely to do all of the following except?

be influenced by friends who perform well in school

The sexual ______ of males and females may be similar, but the sexual _____ of males and females is quite different

behavior; socialization

Most researchers today believe that adolescents evaluate themselves

both globally and along several distinct dimensions.

Research on religious changes during adolescence indicates that:

children are more strict observers of religious customs

Cassandra and Rosemarie spend a lot of time obsessing over each other'r problems. What is this called?


One of the most consistent predictors of chronic delinquency appears to be rooted in

coming from disorganized families with hostile, inept, or neglectful parenting.

Research addressing difficult social situations related to adolescents' transitions into romantic relationships found _____ to be among the most frequently mentioned themes.

communicating with the other-sex

What is the most common method of birth control among sexually active adolescents?


Evaluations of school-based clinics have found that:

contrary to parents' concerns, they do no appear to increase sexual activity

Adolescents are most likely to exhibit false-self behavior with their


Peter is noticing changes in the expression of affection and distribution of power in his relationships with his parents. He is less likely to rush to them with a problem, and is spending more time with his friends. What type of autonomy is developing with Peter?


Kikko strongly dislikes country music but told Keith, who is a big country music fan and her latest love interest, that country music is her favorite and that she would love to go with him to a country music concert. This type of behavior is called

false-self behavior

Which would be considered a cognitive symptom of depression?


Which of the following is most important for adolescent development?

having a few good friendships

In addition to parental supervision, what else might help decrease the probability of adolescent sexual activity?

having adolescents participate in after-school programs

According to Erikson, the major crisis of adolescence is called

identity versus identity diffusion.

The likelihood that an individual will turn to a peer during a time of trouble ____ in adolescence and the likelihood of turning to a parent ____.

increases; remains stable

Emotional autonomy develops best when parents encourage _______ and _______

individuation; emotional closeness

Current research suggests that sexual intercourse during the high school years:

is part of the normative experience of adolescence in America

Individuals high in callous-unemotional (CU) traits

less likely to emphasize with others

Adolescents' close friendships are distinguished from their casual friendships in the types of conflicts they have. Although conflicts between adolescents and their close friends are ____ frequent than they are between adolescents and other peers, arguments between close friends are ___ emotional.

less; more

Which is not a risk factor for sexual abuse?

living in a major city, compared to living in a rural area

Researchers have found that with respect to reporting their sexual activity:

males tend to overstate their level of activity

During ______ concerns about loyalty and anxieties over rejection become more pronounced and may temporarily overshadow concerns about intimate self-disclosure, particularly among girls.

middle adolescence

Vaping e-cigarettes is addictive because they contain


The textbook suggests all of the following as ways to increase use of contraceptives among adolescents, except:

offer sex education that teaches the fundamentals of contraceptive use once adolescents become sexually active

Which prevention program is most likely to be successful?

one that combines social competence training with environmental changes

Rejection sensitivity is a term that psychologists use to describe:

over-sensitivity to romantic rejection that is related to an insecure attachment in infancy and early childhood

Which aspect of parent-adolescent communication about sex is likely to have a meaningful effect on the adolescent's behavior?

parent-child communication specifically focused on the topic of contraception lowers the rate of risky sex

Bobbie Jo's employer has been sexually harassing her. Bobby Jo has found a new job, which she will start next week, and she also has filed sexual harassment charges against her current employer. Bobbie Jo is using ________ strategies to deal with her stress.

primary control

According to the textbook, evaluations of programs aimed at enhancing teen mothers' access to adequate income and employment have found that:

programs aimed at enhancing teen mothers' employability and preventing their subsequent pregnancies have been largely disappointing

Bruce, a second-year college student, has switched majors three times. He is still undecided about what he wants to do with his life. Bruce is most likely in a state of

psychosocial moratorium

Based on prior successful methods, which of the following methods is likely to be most effective in reducing drug and alcohol use?

raising the price of alcohol and cigarettes

Dating among adolescents today is largely a:

recreational activity

Margaret has been able to withstand many stressors in her life without showing negative effects. Margaret's behavior would be considered an example of


________ strategies are more effective in situations that are clearly uncontrollable.

secondary control

According to one study of 10- to 15-year-olds, which aspect of emotional autonomy does not increase over the period of adolescence?

seeing parents as people

wen has recently been preoccupied with trying to understand what kind of person she is. As an exercise, she writes out a list of 20 traits that she thinks best describe her. According to researchers, Gwen is focusing on her


When contrasting life-course-persistent offenders with adolescence-limited offenders, researchers agree that

the causes and consequences of the two are very different.

Although the rate of sexual activity among adolescents in the United States does not differ much from that reported by other industrialized countries, the rate of teenage pregnancy in the United States is:

the highest in the world among industrialized countries

With age, adolescents become more likely to consider both the risks and benefits associated with the decisions they make and more likely to weigh the long-term consequences of their choices, and not just the immediate ones. According to the textbook, these improvements seem to be due to all of the following except:

the increase in the probability that decision making is influenced by emotions

In Sullivan's view, the shift in the "targets" of intimacy during early adolescence from same-sex to other-sex relationships is primarily motivated by:

the onset of puberty and the emergence of sexuality and a biologically based sex drive

According to Kohlberg's theory, the most important thing is:

the reasoning behind an individual's response

The common factor with respect to comorbidity in internalizing disorders is

the subjective state of distress

Research on teenage mothers indicates that:

their infants are at heightened risk for school problems and other behavior problems in childhood

Date rape is when a young person is forced to have sex when he or she does not want to. Sexual coercion and date rape are more likely to occur when:

there is a large (3 or more years) age difference between a girl and her partner

According to the textbook, many young people find it frustrating that:

they feel emotionally independent but have to abide by their parents' rules as long as they are being supported economically

Sullivan believed that important interpersonal transitions are more likely to be negotiated successfully if:

they have a solid foundation of security in past relationships

According to researchers, a young adolescent who has ________ is also likely to report high levels of anxiety, tension, and adjustment problems.

volatile self image

According to research cited in the textbook, all of the following are reasons that some sex education programs fail, except:

when teachers are uncomfortable talking about the subject with students

The ways in which adolescents interact with romantic partners changes with development, with increasing:

willingness to acknowledge, analyze, and work through disagreements

Michael and Kayla are concerned because they noticed their 10-year-old son, Tom, engaging in sex play with a male friend. They ask a psychologist what she thinks. What did she probably say?

"Same-sex play among young adolescents is more common than many would think and nothing to worry about."

Being securely attached in adolescence is associated with all of the following outcomes:

1. Better social competence 2. better academic success 3. more stable romantic relationships than their insecure counterparts

3 true statements concerning sexual-minority youth

1. These youngsters often pursue sexual activity outside the context of a dating relationship to avoid harassment by peers. 2. The stigmas attached to homosexuality complicate the development of intimate relations. 3. For sexual-minority youth, development of close, nonsexual friendships with same-sex peers may be hampered by their peers' homophobia.

3 examples of the ways adolescents display intimacy with their friends

1. they respond sensitively to their friends' feelings 2. they know what their friends worry about 3. their behaviors and emotional states are frequently synchronized

Based on the research you read about in the textbook, what are three true statements about dating and relationships

1."Birds of a feather flock together" 2. Romance and relationships have powerful impacts on adolescents' emotional states. 3. Adolescents with problems who date peers whose mental health is good show improvements in their psychological functioning over time.

Approximately what percentage of sexually active women between the ages of 14 and 19 have at least one of the following infections: HPV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, or trichomoniasis?


Which of the following statements about sex differences in partner preferences is true?

Although girls may believe that they place more weight on interpersonal qualities (such as support and intimacy) than physical attractiveness, controlled experiments indicate that girls are more influenced by physical attractiveness than they think.

Which of the following is a reason that "identity development" is an adolescent issue?

Changes take place during adolescence that cause young people to alter how they view and feel about themselves.

Jesse is a physically immature 14-year-old who goes to school where it is expected that 14-year-old girls date. Hillary is a physically mature 14-year-old who goes to school where it is expected that students delay dating until age 16. Which adolescent is more likely to date?


Alice has high academic self-esteem, whereas Loriann has high physical appearance self-esteem. According to researchers, who will probably have higher overall self-esteem?


Peter's parents caught him drinking alcohol with a couple of his friends, and now they're worried. They think his alcohol use might turn into a long-term problem. What does research say about situations like Peter's?

Many adolescents experiment with alcohol in high school without growing into adult alcoholics

What is a reason why many youth do not receive substance abuse treatment?

Many families, especially minority families, cannot afford (or do not have adequate health insurance) to send their adolescent to treatment.

Why is early adolescence a time during which parents' knowledge of their adolescent's behavior declines?

Parents are less likely to to supervise their adolescent children and adolescents become less likely to spontaneously disclose information to their parents during this period

When researchers use brain-imaging technology to investigate patterns of adolescent brain activation, what do they find?

Researchers find that regions of the brain that are especially sensitive to rewards are more intensely activated during early and middle adolescence than adulthood

Which of the following statements about sexual orientation in adolescence is false?

Researchers have been able to identify consistent predictors for adolescents who will later identify themselves as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender

Which of the adolescents below will be most vulnerable to the potential negative consequences of a break-up?

Richard, an adolescent who is a binge drinker and engages in deliquency

To treat depression, anxiety disorders, and social phobia in adolescence, a class of drugs known as ________ has been shown to be effective, especially when used in conjunction with cognitive behavioral therapy.


Which theorist adopted the most important theoretical perspective of development?


Consistent with the immigrant paradox discussed in another chapter of the textbook, which of the following statements is true?

Susceptibility to peer pressure is higher among relatively more acculturated Latino adolescents than their less acculturated peers

Which of the following is a reason that early adolescents might experience fluctuations in self-esteem?

The opinions of peers take on increased importance in early adolescence.

Bill is a very feminine man. Based on this sex-role behavior, one would predict that Bill is probably:

There is no connection between sex-role behavior and sexual orientation

Until recently, what aspect of teenage sexuality did social scientists focus on?

Until fairly recently, researchers only focused on the problematic aspects of adolescent sexuality (precocious sex, promiscuous sex, unsafe sex, etc.)

Of the following adolescents, who will be the most well-adjusted?

Vicki, who has experimented with alcohol

According to social control theory, delinquency is caused by

a lack of bonds to the family, the school, or the workplace.

Recent research on promoting safe-sex behaviors among adolescents has suggested all of the following, except:

being aware of the risk of STDs is sufficient to ensure safe sex practices among adolescents

Awareness of racism is associated with ________, while mistrust is associated with ________.

better achievement; doing poorly in school

Christi suffers from depression. She also gets in fights at school to express her anger and sadness. Christi's problems fall into which category?

comorbid disorders

Sexual activity in the United States is _____ in other industrialized countries, and the rate of pregnancy is _____.

comparable; higher

Viggo says to his friends, "You know, sometimes my Dad is wrong and I tell him so and I give him my opinion. I didn't use to do that when I was younger—I used to think that everything he said was right." Viggo is demonstrating:

de-idealization of parents

Recent research indicates that _______ has negative effects on adolescents' mental health, whereas _________ has positive effects.

detachment; individuation

For middle adolescents, the least important aspect of dating is:

developing intimacy

Many experts endorse a model of depression that suggests individuals who are predisposed toward internalizing problems will develop depression when they are exposed to chronic or acute stressors. This is called

diathesis-stress model

When asked to describe himself, Aaron stated, "Most of my friends think I don't care about school, but I really study a lot at night because school is important to me." This is an example of how adolescent self-conceptions become more


Amy, a 16-year-old girl, is shy around boys though she would really like to be more outgoing. This reflects

discrepancy between ideal and actual selves

Evaluations of adolescent treatment programs suggest

drug treatment programs for adolescent substance abuse are more effective when the adolescent's family is involved in therapy with the adolescent.

Findings from research studies have found that the most marked fluctuations in self-image happen

during the transition into adolescence.

Problems in identity development can result when

earlier crises have not been resolved

According to national surveys, sexual activity among adolescents is occurring ______ it has in past decades

earlier than

Research assessing the link between infant attachment and the quality of interpersonal relationships in adolescence and young adulthood finds:

early relationships set the stage for later interpersonal relationships

The most common reasons that adolescents give for abstaining from sex are:

fear of disease and fear of pregnancy

Sixteen-year-old Geneva believes that the death penalty is wrong because her parents, friends, and church say so. She has never really thought about the issue, but she has accepted this view as her own. This pattern of following what her parents and peers say and do is pervasive throughout most of her beliefs and behaviors. Which identity state do you think Geneva is in?


The textbook states all of the following to explain why the development of intimacy is especially important in adolescence, except:

friendships transform being self-conscious to being more activity oriented

The idea that pressure to behave in sex-appropriate ways temporarily increases during middle adolescence, especially for girls, is called the ________ hypothesis.

gender intensification

Carol, an eighth-grader, is facing a big dilemma and she needs advice. To whom is Carol likely to turn for this support?

it depends on the specific issue at hand

One recent brain imaging study that was investigating individual differences in susceptibility to peer pressure found that individuals who showed a heightened sensitivity to social rejection were:

less able to resist peer influences

In contrast to delinquent individuals who engage in sex in a romantic relationship, at least one research study found that delinquent adolescents who engage in casual sex:

may have genes that influence both the propensity to engage in delinquency and the tendency to seek opportunities to have sex "just for fun," which is consistent with other research on the genetic basis of traits like sensation seeking and impulsivity

According to Sullivan's theory, which of the following is the correct sequence of interpersonal needs?

need for intimacy; need for sexual contact; need for integration into adult society

Edith, the adolescent daughter of the local police chief, has recently been hanging out with a rowdy group of youth who have vandalized a number of public buildings. Edith has most likely adopted a

negative identity

Research has shown that ethnic socialization that results in having positive attitudes about one's ethnic group is associated with

positive attitudes about other ethnic groups.

Toby's friend committed suicide, and not long after, Toby attempted suicide. This is an example of

suicide contagion

It is likely that a limitation in children's ability to ____ inhibits their ability to have intimate interpersonal relationships.

take another person's perspective

Which type of intervention has been effective for adolescence-limited offenders?

teaching them how to resist peer pressure and settle conflict without resorting to aggression

Boys' and girls' initial interest in sex is influenced primarily by the surge in levels of:


Dr. Diamond conducts and interview with a parent in order to assess the history of the patient's attachment relationships. What method would Dr. Diamond use?

the Adult Attachment Interview

For adolescent girls, which of the following is the most important factor in determining the onset of sexual intercourse?

the attitudes of friends toward sexual activity

How does the average age of first intercourse vary by geographical region?

the average age of first intercourse varies considerably around the world

Many individuals have argued that older adolescents should have the right to seek health care services without parental knowledge or consent because:

the basic cognitive abilities that are most likely necessary to make these kinds of decisions are typically fully developed by the age of 16

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