Adv pathophysiology FNP

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A loud pansystolic murmur that radiates to the axilla is most likely a result of a. aortic stenosis b. mitral regurgitation c. aortic regurgitation d. mitral stenosis


Parasympathetic stimulation of the heart generally leads to a decrease in heart rate because acetylcholine a. inhibits voltage-gated sodium channels in the membrane. b. opens potassium channels allowing potassium ion efflux. c. increases intracellular cAMP levels and opens calcium channels d. binds and blocks beta receptors on the cell membrane.


The cellular component most susceptible to radiation injury is the


Which of the following correctly match intracellular organelles to their functions?

Mitochondria: produc cellular energy in the form of ATP

A patient is seen in the clinic for reports of severe back pain. Her chest x-ray demonstrates generalized bone demineralization and compression fracture. Blood studies demonstrate elevated calcium levels. The most likely diagnosis is:


The first line treatment for PTSD is


Hyperlipidemia occurs in nephrotic syndrome because

hepatocytes synthesize excessive lipids

The diet for a patient with chronic kidney disease should include which of the following?

high carbohydrates high calorie low sodium

The consequence of an upper urinary tract obstruction in a single ureter is


At the midpoint of the menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs in response to the

increase in LH and FSH

Necrotic death of brain tissue usually produces ____________________ necrosis


The organelle that contains enzymes necessary for oxidative phosphorylation to produce ATP is the


Drug resistance of microbes occurs secondary to

mutation of the microbe

The urinalysis finding most indicative of cystitis includes the presence of


Persistent, intrusive, uncontrollable thoughts that an individual recognizes as a product of his/her own mind are called


Tachycardia is a common finding in individuals with

panic attacks

If acute tubular necrosis does not resolve and continued tubular dysfunction ensues, the patient will then experience

polyuria and sodium wasting

The main function of the prostate is to

produce seminal fluid to support sperm

Before the onset of menstruation, water retention and breast swelling are thought to be due to high levels of ___ stimulating the secretory cells of the breast.


Nephrotic syndrome involves loss of large amounts of ___ in the urine.


The BUN level is affected by which factors?

protein intake fluid intake catabolism renal function

An important sign of glomerular basement membrane dysfunction is


Approximately 2/3 of the water and electrolytes filtered by the kidney are reabsorbed by the

proximal tubule

A client who reports hearing voices, some of them saying bad and hurtful things, will now only eat food from unopened sealed packages. The behaviors indicate they may be experiencing ____ symptoms.


) Sudden severe testicular pain is indicative of

testicular torsion

Which disorder is associated with a Type III hypersensitivity mechanism of injury? a. SLE (Lupus) b.Grave's c. allergies d. erythroblastosis fetalis


While hospitalized for management of ALL, a patient develops severe thrombocytopenia. The most appropriate intervention is: a. activity restriciton b. isolation c. chemotherapy d. anticoagulation

A. activity restriction

Which statements are true about PTSD (select all that apply)

Acute stress disorder and PTSD are precipitated by a traumatic event. Women appear to take longer to recover from PTSD than men.

A biliary cause of acute pancreatitis is suggested by an elevation in which serum laboratory results?


The penis is innervated by the ___ nerve


Which is true about the mitral valve? a. located between right atrium and right ventricle b. has 3 valve leaflets c. opens during ventricular systole d. allows blood to flow from left atrium to left ventricle


Which of the following are characteristics of stem cells?

-Have greater capacity to proliferate than more differentiated cells -Can die in the absence of an appropriate environment -Can differentiate into any type of cell -Are dependent upon environmental cues for proliferation

What roles does inflammation play in cancer development?

-causes direct DNA damage -limits apoptosis -initiates carcinogenesis -contributes to angiogenesis

Characteristics of telomerase include (select all that apply)

-contributing to cancer cell immortality -allowing indefinite replication -promoting synthesis of telomere ends

Viruses differ from most bacteria in that they act in which of the following ways?

-do not produce toxins -Enter the host cell -use the host's metabolic processes to survive and replicate

The initial incubation period of syphilis lasts for

10-90 days

Glycolysis is the metabolic process of breaking down a glucose molecule to form

2 ATP and 2 pyruvate

Herpes lesions are fluid-filled vesicles that appear __________ days after infection


In lead II of a normal ECG, the Q wave is a downward deflection resulting from __________ depolarization a. septal b. apical c. lateral wall d. atrial


Transfusion reactions involve RBC destruction caused by A. Recipient antibodies B. donor T cells C. Donor antigens D. Recipent T Cells


A diagnostic laboratory finding in myeloma is:

Bence Jones proteins in urine

Which is true about blood flow from the atria? a. is increased with elevated right atrial pressure b. occurs primarily during systole c. occurs primarily during ventricular diastole d. is controlled primarily by the ANS


HIV infection of T-helper cells is facilitated by attachment of the viral envelope protein gp120 to:

CD4 proteins on helper cells

In general, the best prognosis for long-term disease-free survival occurs with:


Certain autoimmune diseases are associated with the presence of specific proteins on a person's cells. These proteins are called ___ proteins. A. TCR or BCR B. Complement C. Antibody Receptor D. HLA or MHC


In which stage of shock is a patient who has lost 1200ml of blood, has normal BP when supine, but experiences orthostatic hypotension when standing? a. I, initial b. III, progressive c. IV, refractory d. II, compensated


A trauma patient needs fluid administration for massive blood loss. What do we know about this treatment? SATA a. PRBC contain sufficient clotting factors on their own. b. Room temperature crystalloids are the fluid of choice. c. Albumin can be given after 4 units of PRBC. d. Ionized calcium levels should be assessed after 4 units of PRBC. e. Fresh frozen plasma and platelets should also be given to the patient.

D & E

Which manifestation is characteristic of the "positive" symptoms of schizophrenia?


Anaphylaxis may occur in which types of hypersensitivity reactions?

I & II

The principle Ig mediator of Type I hypersensitivity reactions is


In DNA replication, DNA polymerase functions to do which of the following? Select all that apply

Proofread the newly developed DNA for errors in base pairing Match appropriate bases to the template base

An elderly patient taking antipsychotic drugs begins to develop involuntary chewing motions. The patient is likely exhibiting signs of

Tardive dyskinesia

Functions of T cells include

a. stimulating B cells b. killing antigen-presenting cells c. killing virally infected cells d. secreting cytokines

Which chemicals are nephrotoxic?

acetaminophen cocaine heavy metals

Dietary zinc is an important defense against infection because it maintains

a. complement activity b. neutrophil activity c. natural killer cell function d. lymphocyte activity

Proteins that are increased in the bloodstream during acute inflammation are called

acute-phase proteins

The most common cause of mechanical bowel obstruction is


Lithium is used to manage mania because it

affects norepinephrine and serotonin activity in the brain

Which situations increase the risk of urge incontinence?

aging bladder infections prostate enlargement diuretics

Characteristics of X-linked recessive disorders include

all daughters of affected fathers being carriers

Mania and depression are both characterized by

altered decision making ability

The pathophysiologic basis of acute glomerulonephritis is

an immune complex reaction

Which hormones increase sodium reabsorption from the tubular fluid?

angiotensin II aldosterone

The "negative" symptoms of schizophrenia

are mediated by D1 receptors in the brain

Cryptorchidism is

associated with an increased incidence of testicular cancer

Cell-to-cell communication through the secretion of chemical signals into the bloodstream to target cells throughout the body is called ____________________ signaling


Paraneoplastic syndromes in cancer involve excessive production of substances by multiple means. A common substance found in excessive amounts resulting from cancer paraneoplastic syndromes is:


The most common type of renal stone is


The activation of sperm after they enter the vagina is called


Malignant neoplasms of epithelial origin are known as


An important difference between skeletal and cardiac muscle is that

cardiac muscle has calcium channels on the cell surface for calcium entry

Early treatment of panic disorder focuses on

cognitive behavioral therapy

Repetitive or ritualistic acts that a person performs with urgency are referred to as


The corpus luteum

develops at the site of a ruptured ovarian follicle

Antigen-presenting cells function to

display foreign antigen on their cell surfaces bound to MHC

A patient diagnosed with micropenis must be evaluated for

endocrine disorders

Disorders of the esophageal smooth muscle function where dysphagia is a symptom include which of the following?

esophageal tumors esophageal stricture achalasia

During the first 2 weeks of the menstrual cycle, the endometrium proliferates under the influence of


The structure and secretions of the salivary glands most closely resemble those of the

exocrine pancreas

The primary selectivity barrier for glomerular filtration is the

glomerular basement membrane

PET scans performed on the brains of individuals diagnosed with OCD have shown

increased glucose metabolism

One of the most common causes of acute tubular necrosis is

ischemic conditions

Renin is released from the

juxtaglomerular cells

Which digestive enzymes are secreted from the intestinal mucosa during a meal?

secretin cholecystokinin

Individuals with ESRD are at risk for renal osteodystrophy and spontaneous bone fractures because

they are deficient in active Vitamin D

Pelvic floor muscle training is appropriate for

urge incontinence

The primary function of kinins is

vasodilation to enhance inflammation

Excitable cells are able to conduct action potentials because they have

voltage-gated channels

Which is true about the effect of the Frank-Starling law on the heart? a. Increased diastolic stretching of myocardial fibers produces increased stroke volume b. An increase in coronary artery diameter results in less rapid coronary blood flow c. An increase in heart chamber diameter increases myocardial wall tension d. Sympathetic activation leads to increased myocardial contractility and heart rate


Which intervention has been found to retard the advancement of chronic kidney disease?

ACE inhibitors

Which type of leukemia primarily affects children?

ALL (acute lymphoid leukemia)

A patient who has difficulty walking without assistance is incontinent of urine when help doesn't get to her quickly enough. The term for this type of incontinence is


Opportunistic infections are a hallmark of HIV and AIDS. Which infections are considered opportunistic? select all that apply a. cytomegalovirus b. acinnetobactor c. Pneumocystis jiroveccii d. Candida albicans

A., C., D., E.

Which medications can be prescribed for the treatment of premature ejaculation?

clompiramine paroxetine lidocaine

Erectile function is most likely to be impaired if spinal cord injury occurs at


A mild form of hyperactivity in which social functioning is not significantly impaired is called


An increase in extracellular potassium ion from 4.0 to 6.0 mEq/L would

hypopolarize the resting membrane potential

Phimosis is a disorder characterized by

inability to retract the foreskin

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