Advanced Excel shortcut keys
Calculate the workbook
Shift + F9
Calculate the worksheet
Alt, H, E, A
Clear all using hot keys
Alt, H, L
Conditional formatting using hot keys
Ctrl + '
Copy the value from the cell above the active cell into the cell or formula bar
Create a chart
Ctrl + T
Create a table
Ctrl + X
Alt + Shift +Tab
Cycle backwards through open apps
Alt +tab
Cycle forward through open apps
Cycle through absolute and relative ( in formula)
Ctrl + Shift + !
Apply comma format
Alt, H, B, S
Apply outline boarder to the selected cells using hot keys
Alt, H, B, P
Apply too boarder using hot keys
Alt, H, B, U
Apply top and bottom boarder using hot keys
Ctrl + B
Bold highlighted selection
Ctrl + P
Bring up the print dialogue box
Ctrl + I
Italics highlighted selection
Ctrl + F10
Min or maximize the currently selected window
Ctrl + F9
Minimize current window
Ctrl + Tab
Move between open Excel files
Ctrl + Home
Move to beginning of line of text or last nonblank row/columb
Ctrl + end
Move to end of line of text (or region)
Arrow keys
Move to next cell
Ctrl + Arrow key
Move to next section of text
At, M, M, D
Name a cell using hot keys
Ctrl + N
New workbook
Shift + F10
Open context menu
Ctrl + 1
Open format dialogue
Alt, M, N
Open name dialogue box using hot keys
Alt, A, S, S
Open sort dialogue box using hot keys
Shift + F3
Open the excel formula window
Alt, H, V, V
Paste values using hot keys
Ctrl + F2
Print preview
Ctrl + Y
Redo last action
Alt, H, B, N
Remove the outline boarder using hot keys
Ctrl + S
Save as
Ctrl + A
Select all
Ctrl + Space
Select entire column
Shift + Space
Select entire row
Shift + F2
Adds or edit cell comment
Show hotkeys
Auto sum - sum all cells above
Alt + =
Wrap Text
Alt + Enter
Open a combo box or filter list
Alt + down
Ctrl + ~
Alternate between displaying cell values and cell formulas in the worksheet
Ctrl + shift + $
Applies the currency format to two decimal places with negative in parentheses
Ctrl + Shift + ~
Applies the general number format
Ctrl, + Shift + %
Applies the percent format with no decimal place
Alt, H, B, A
Apply all boarders using hot keys
Alt, H, B, O
Apply bottom boarder using hot keys
Alt, H, 9
Decrease decimal using hot keys
Alt, H, 5
Decrease indent using hot keys
Delete cell content
Alt, H , D
Delete cells using hot keys
Display the go to dialogue box
Ctrl + Q
Displays the quick analysis options for your data when you have cells that contain data selected
Edit selected cell
Ctrl + ;
Enter the current date
Ctrl + Enter
Enter the same data or formula into the cells selected
Ctrl + Shift + ;
Enters the current time
Ctrl + D
Fill down command to copy the contents and format of the topmost cell of a selected range into the cells below
Alt, A, T
Filter a table or range using hot keys
Ctrl + F
Ctrl + H
Find and replace
Alt, H, K
Format accounting using hot keys
Alt, H, P
Format percentage using hot keys
Alt, H, O
Format using hot keys
Alt, W, F, F
Freeze and unfreeze panes using hot keys
Alt, A, G, G
Group using hot keys
Ctrl + 0
Hide columns
Ctrl + 9
Hide rows
Alt, H, 0
Increase decimal using hot keys
Alt, H, 6
Indent using hot keys
Alt, H, I
Insert cells using hot keys
Alt + Shift + F1
Insert new worksheet
Shift + F11
Insert new worksheet
Alt, N, V
Insert pivot table using hot keys
Ctrl + Shift + Home
Select to beginning of line of text or region
Ctrl + Shift + End
Select to end of line of text or region
Alt + ;
Select visible cells
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow
Selecting a range
Shift + arrows
Selecting cells
Show names
Alt, A, S, A
Sort in ascending order using hot keys
Alt, A, S, D
Sort in descending order using hot keys
Spell check selected text and or document
Switch between ribbon and task pane
Ctrl + Pg Dwn
Switched between worksheet tabs from left to right
Ctrl + Pg Up
Switches between worksheet tabs from right to left
Toggle extend selection
Ctrl + U
Underline highlighted selection
Undo last action
Alt, A, U, U
Ungroup using hot keys
Ctrl + Shift + )
Unhide columns
Ctrl + Shift + (
Unhide rows