AIS Exam 1

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relational data model

A two-dimensional table representation of data; each row represents a unique entity (record) and each column is a field where record attributes are stored.

data definition language

DBMS language that builds the data dictionary, creates the database, describes logical views, and specifies record or field security constraints

data manipulation language

DBMS language that changes database content, including data element creations, updates, insertions, and deletions

report writer

DBMS language that simplifies report creation

data query language (DQL)

High-level, English-like, DBMS language that contains powerful, easy-to-use commands that enable users to retrieve, sort, order, and display data.

Structured Query Language (SQL)

Standardized commercial programming language designed for managing data in relational database systems. Even though it is standardized, variations exist among different database systems.

ERP systems

Systems that integrate all aspects of an organization's activities-such as accounting, finance, marketing, human resources, manufacturing, inventory management- into one system. An ERP system is modularized; companies can purchase the individual modules that meet their specific needs. An ERP facilitates information flow among the company's various business functions and manages communications with outside stakeholders.

relational database

a database built using the relational data model


a description of the data elements in a database, the relationships among them, and the logical model used to organize and describe the data

data dashboard

a display of important data points, metrics, and key performance indicators in easily understood line or bar charts, tables, or gauges

transaction file

a file that contains the individual business transactions that occur during a specific fiscal period. A transaction file is conceptually similar to a journal in a manual AIS.

data flow diagram

a graphical description of the flow of data within an organization, including data sources/destinations, data flows, transformation processes, and data storage

specialized journal

a journal used to record a large number of repetitive transactions such as credit sales, cash receipts, purchases, and cash disbursements

general journal

a journal used to record infrequent or nonroutine transactions, such as loan payments and end-of-period adjusting and closing entries

general ledger

a ledger that contains summary-level data for every asset, liability, equity, revenue, and expense account of the organization

subsidiary ledger

a ledger used to record detailed data for a general ledger account with many individual subaccounts, such as accounts receivable, inventory, and accounts payable

chart of accounts

a listing of all the numbers assigned to balance sheet and income statement accounts. The account numbers allow transaction data to be coded, classified, and entered in to the proper accounts. They also facilitate financial statement and report preparation

internal-level schema

a low-level view of the entire database describing how the data are actually stored and accessed

entity integrity rule

a nonnull primary key ensures that every row in a table represents something and that it can be identified

audit trail

a path that allows a transaction to be traced through a data processing system from point of origin to output or backwards from output to point of origin. It is used to check the accuracy and validity of ledger postings and to trace changes in general ledger accounts from their beginning balance to their ending balance

master file

a permanent file of records that stores cumulative data about an organization. As transactions take place, individual records within a master file are updated to keep them current.

smart contract

a regular contract with the terms and agreed upon details built into the blockchain. Rules govern the blockchain's interaction with users. A smart contract can be automated and executed based on external triggers.


a request for the database to provide the information needed to deal with a problem or answer a question. This information is retrieved, displayed or printed, and/or analyzed as requested.


a row in a table that contains data about a specific item in a database table


a set of fields whose data values describe specific attributes of an entity, such as all payroll data relating to a single employee. An example is a row in a spreadsheet.


a set of interrelated, centrally controlled data files stored with as little data redundancy as possible. a database consolidates records previously stored in separate files into a common pool and serves a variety of users and data processing applications.


a set of logically related records, such as the payroll records of all employees

business process

a set of related, coordinated, and structured activities and tasks, performed by a person, a computer, or a machine, that helps accomplish a specific organizational goal


a subset of the schema; the way the user defines the data and the data relationships

Accounting Information System

a system that collects, records, stores, and processes data to produce information for decision makers. It includes people, procedures and instructions, data, software, information technology infrastructure, and internal controls and security measures

control account

a title given to a general ledger account that summarizes the total amounts recorded in a subsidiary ledger. For example, the accounts receivable control account in the general ledger represents the total amount owed by all customers. The balances in the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger indicate the amount owed by each specific customer

business process diagram

a visual way to describe the different steps or activities in a business process

batch processing

accumulating transaction records into groups or batches for processing at a regular interval such as daily or weekly. The records are usually sorted into some sequence ( such as numerically or alphabetically) before processing.


actions that transform data into other data or information

human resource/payroll cycle

activities associated with hiring, training, compensating, evaluating, promoting, and terminating employees

expenditure cycle

activities associated with purchasing inventory for resale or raw materials in exchange for cash or a future promise to pay cash

financing cycle

activities associated with raising money by selling shares in the company to investors and borrowing money as well as paying dividends and interest

revenue cycle

activities associated with selling goods and services in exchange for cash or a future promise to receive cash

production cycle

activities associated with using labor, raw materials, and equipment to produce finished goods.

data model

an abstract representation of database contents


an agreement between two entities to exchange goods and services, such as selling inventory in exchange for cash; any other event that can be measured in economic terms by an organization


an analytical technique that uses a standard set of symbols to describe pictorially some aspect of an IS in a clear, concise, and logical manner

foreign key

an attribute in a table that is also a primary key in another table; used to link the two tables

supply chain

an extended system that includes an organization's value chain as well as its suppliers, distributors, and customers

external-level schema

an individual user's view of portions of a database; also called a subschema

business intelligence

analyzing large amounts of data for strategic decision making

block code

blocks of numbers reserved for specific categories of data, thereby helping to organize the data. An example is a chart of accounts

data dictionary

contains information about the structure of the database, including a description of each data element


data in a format that can be processed by a computer


data that have been organized and processed to provide meaning and improve decision making

primary key

database attribute, or combination of attributes, that uniquely identifies each row in a table

online transaction processing database

database containing detailed current transaction data, usually in third normal form. Focuses on throughput, speed, availability, concurrency, and recoverability. Often used concurrently by hundreds of users

system flowchart

depicts the relationships among system input, processing, storage, and output


detailed methods, procedures, and routines that carry out activities, perform a duty, achieve goals or objectives, or solve problems

record layout

document that shows the items stored in a file, including the order and length of data fields and the type of data stored

source documents

documents used to capture transaction data at its source -when the transaction takes place. Examples include sales orders, purchase orders, and employee time card

Internet of Things

embedding sensors in devices so they can connect to the Internet

information overload

exceeding the amount of information a human mind can absorb and process, resulting in a decline in decision-making quality and an increase in the cost of providing information


facts that are collected, recorded, stored, and processed by an information system


following relational database creation rules to design a relational database that is free from delete, insert, and update anomalies

referential integrity rule

foreign keys which link rows in one table to rows in another table must have values that correspond to the value of a primary key in another table

context diagram

highest-level DFD; a summary-level view of a system, showing the data processing system, its inputs and outputs, and their sources and destinations

logical view

how people conceptually organize and understand the relationships among data items

document flowcharts

illustrate the flow of documents and data among areas of responsibility within an organization

program flowchart

illustrates the sequence of logical operations performed by a computer in executing a program

insert anomaly

improper database organization that results in the inability to add records to a database

update anomaly

improper database organization where a non-primary key item is stored multiple times; updating the item in one location and not the others causes data inconsistencies

delete anomaly

improper organization of a database that results in the loss of all information about an entity when a row is deleted


individual digital records, called blocks, linked together using cryptography in a single list, called a chain

general ledger and reporting system

information-processing operations involved in updating the general ledger and preparing reports for both management and external parties

sequence codes

items are numbered consecutively so that gaps in the sequence code indicate missing items that should be investigated. Examples include prenumbered checks, invoices, and purchase orders

mnemonic codes

letters and numbers interspersed to identify an item. The mnemonic code is derived from the description of the item and is usually easy to memorize.

value chain

linking all primary and support activities in a business. Value is added as a product passes through the chain


narratives, flowcharts, diagrams, and other written materials that explain how a system works

access rights

permissions granted to create, read, update, and delete data, database records, or data files

transaction processing

process of capturing transaction data, processing it, storing it for later use, and producing information output, such as a managerial report or a financial statement

turnaround documents

records of company data sent to an external party and then returned to the system as input. Turnaround documents are in machine-readable form to facilitate their subsequent processing as input records. An example is a utility bill.


records of transaction or other company data. Examples include checks, invoices, receiving reports, and purchase requisitions.

physical view

refers to the way data are physically arranged and stored in the computer system


running multiple systems simultaneously on one physical computer


system output organized in a meaningful fashion used by employees to control operational activities, by managers to make decisions and design strategies, and by investors and creditors to understand a company's business activities

data value

the actual value stored in a field. It describes a particular attribute of an entity. For example, the customer name field would contain "ZYX Company" if that company were a customer.

value of information

the benefit provided by information minus the cost of producing it

source data automation

the collection of transaction data in machine-readable form at the time and place of origins. Examples are point-of-sale terminals and ATMs

real-time processing

the computer system processes data immediately after capture and provides updated information to users on a timely basis

information technology

the computers and other electronic devices used to store, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data

database system

the database, the DBMS, and the application programs that access the database through the DBMS

data source

the entity that produces or sends the data entered into a system

data destination

the entity that receives data produced by a system

data processing cycle

the four operations (data input, data storage, data processing, and information output) performed on data to generate meaningful and relevant information


the item about which information is stored in a record. Examples include an employee, an inventory item, and a customer

business processes or transaction cycles

the major give-get exchanges that occur frequently in most companies

data flow

the movement of data among processes, stores, sources, and destinations

conceptual-level schema

the organization-wide view of the entire database that lists all data elements and the relationships between them

information system

the people and technologies in an organization that produce information

database administrator

the person responsible for coordinating, controlling, and managing the database

data store

the place or medium where system data is stored


the portion of data record where the data value for a particular attribute is stored. For example, in a spreadsheet, each row might represent a customer and each column an attribute of the customer. Each cell in a spreadsheet is a field.

database management system

the program that manages and controls the data and the interfaces between the data nd the application programs that use the data stored in the database


the properties, identifying numbers, and characteristics of interest of an entity stored in a database. Examples are employee number, pay rate, name, and address


the systematic and comprehensive recording of an organization's financial transactions, including summarizing, analyzing, and reporting these transactions to all users


the systematic assignment of numbers or letters to items to classify and organize

artificial intelligence

the use of computer systems to simulate human intelligence processes such as learning, reasoning, and self-improvement

give-get exchange

transactions that happen a great many times, such as giving up cash to get inventory from a supplier and giving employees a paycheck in exchange for their labor

group codes

two or more sub-groups of digits used to code an item. A group code is often used in conjunction with a block code

data analytics

use of software and algorithms to find and solve problems and improve business performance

internal control flowchart

used to describe, analyze, and evaluate internal controls, including identifying system strengths, weaknesses, and inefficiencies

cloud computing

using a browser to remotely access software, data storage, hardware, and applications

semantic data modeling

using knowledge of business processes and information needs to create a diagram that shows what to include in a fully normalized database

online analytical processing (OLAP)

using queries to investigate hypothesized relationships among data

data mining

using sophisticated statistical analysis to "discover" hypothesized relationships in the data

support activities

value chain activities such as a firm infrastructure, technology, purchasing, and HR that enable primary activities to be performed efficiently and effectively

primary activities

value chain activities that produce, market, and deliver products and services to customers and provide post-delivery service and support

data warehouse

very large databases containing detailed and summarized data for a number of years used for analysis rather than transaction processing

goal congruence

when a subsystem achieves its goals while contributing to the organization's overall goal

goal conflict

when a subsystem's goals are inconsistent with the goals of another subsystem or the system as a whole

narrative description

written, step-by-step explanation of system components and how they interact

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