all geog 1001 midterm q's and a's

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One reason that the surface of a large land mass heats more quickly than a water body is that:

-Radiation cannot penetrate the surface water layer -The albedo of land is much lower than the albedo of water -The specific heat of land is higher than that of water Correct! The specific heat of land is lower than that of water

Lightning is caused by:

-Shock waves initiated by thunder -Intense solar heating at the top of cumulonimbus clouds -Jets of plasma originating within a cloud -No choices are correct. Correct Answer: The equalization of regions of different electric charge with a cloud or between a cloud and the surface

The turbulent sensible heat flux will tend to be _________ (large/small) when there is a ________ (large/small) temperature gradient between the surface and the atmosphere and when the winds are _______(strong/light).

-Small, large, strong -Small, small, strron -Large, small, strong -Correct! Large, large, strong

Which of the following is true:

-Temperature decreases with height in the stratosphere -Temperature increases with height in the troposphere -Professor Serreze recently emigrated from the dwarf planet Pluto -Correct! Temperature increases with height in the stratosphere

At the spring and autumn equinoxes, the sun is above the horizon (10 / 12) hours at all latitudes and the subsolar point is directly above the ___(equator/tropic of cancer).

10, equator 10, tropic of cancer 12, tropic of cancer Correct! 12, equator

The carbon dioxide absorbtion band that accounts for its role in as a greenhouse gas is centered at approximately:

14.7 micrometers

If the latent heat of evaporation is 2.5 MJ per kg. How much energy (MJ) is released when 2 kg of water vapor condenses to liquid water?


Which of the following is true of ecosystems?

all of the above (Have self-sustainability,Have complex linkages (feedbacks) between components, Rely on solar radiation for energy)

The following are abiotic components of ecosystems:

all of these answers ( water, solar energy, and nitrogen)

The turbulent latent heat flux varies as a function of the gradient in humidity between surface and the atmosphere as well as the strength of the wind.

Correct! True False

In air movement, frictional force:

Is directed in the opposite direction of the movement of the wind and weakens the relative influence of the Coriolis force.

What form of energy is required for photosynthesis?

solar (shortwave) radiation

The earth orbits the sun.


True or false. In general, the smaller the spatial scale of a weather disturbance, the shorter the lifetime of the disturbance.


On June 21, daylight hours are longest at the following latitude:

-40 deg. N -23.5 deg. S -23.5 deg. N -Correct Answer: 90 deg. N

A Watt (W) is defined as:

-A Pascal per second (Pa/s). -A Newton per second (N/s) -A Newton per square meter (N/m2) -Correct! A Joule per second (J/s)

Winds at the surface within high pressure cells:

-Are always very cold -Are always very warm -Blow roughly counter-clockwise in the northern hemisphere -Blow in tandem with political winds -Correct! Blow roughly clockwise in the northern hemisphere

Extratropical cyclones (lows) tend to form:

-Around noon, when solar heating is at its maximum -Every other Tuesday -When the wind blows from the east -Near the equator -Correct! Along the boundary between warm and cold air masses

The reason that Boulder sees especially high air temperatures when there is a Chinook Wind is:

-As air ascends the windward side of the Front Range, it mixes with very warm stratospheric air -Air ascends the windward side of the Front Range, cools at the DAR, then descends in the lee of the Front Range and warms at the MAR -As air descends the lee of the Front Range, there is a tremendous amount of frictional heating -No choices are correct. -Correct Answer Air ascends the windward side of the Front Range, condenses, and cools at the MAR, then descends in the lee of the Front Range and warms at the DAR

On what day would you expect the sun to be directly overhead at Boulder, Colorado (latitude 40°N)?

-August 15 -December 21 -June 21 -Correct! It is never directly overhead

Trade winds:

-Blow from the west to east -Rarely get the credit that they deserve -Blow only at night -Blow from the northeast in the northern hemisphere and can be exchanged for bit coin. -Correct Answer: Blow from the northeast in the northern hemisphere

In general, in Boulder, days are warmest and nights are coldest when you have:

-Clear days, cloudy nights -Cloudy days, clear nights -Cloudy days, cloudy nights -Correct Answer: Clear days, clear nights

The atmospheric path length of solar radiation through the atmosphere tends to be smallest in which situation(s):

-Correct Answer: Solar noon, in low latitudes -Solar noon, in high latitudes -In the morning -Near sunset

Which of the following statements is correct about the dry and moist adiabatic lapse rates (DAR and MAR, respectively)?

-DAR is larger than the MAR -The MAR is larger than the DAR -The DAR and MAR describe temperature changes of a rising parcel of air -Correct! DAR is larger than the MAR, in addition, the DAR and MAR describe temperature changes of a rising parcel of air.

Which of these is true:

-For land areas as a whole, precipitation exceeds evapotranspiration -For the global ocean as a whole, evaporation exceeds precipitation -For the globe considered as a whole, precipitation equals evapotranspiration -Correct! All of these answers are corrrect

Absorption of solar energy within the atmosphere is (greater / smaller) at noon versus sunset because light travels a (longer / shorter) distance through the atmosphere.

-Greater, longer -Greater, shorter -Smaller, longer -Correct Answer Smaller, shorter

Most of our planet's fresh water is stored in:

-Groundwater -Soil moisture -Deep groundwater -Correct! Ice sheets, ice caps and glaciers Lakes

With regard to energy emitted from black bodies:

-Hotter objects emit greater amounts of energy than cooler objects -Hotter objects contain more nitrogen. -Hotter objects emit peak energy at shorter wavelengths -Correct! Hotter objects emit greater amounts of energy than cooler objects and emit peak energy at shorter wavelengths

The term "sublimation" refers to the state change from:

-Ice to liquid water -Liquid water to water vapor -Water vapor to liquid water -No choices are correct. -Correct! Ice to water vapor

Which of the following is (are) true regarding the Intertropical Convergence Zone?

-It is a place where ideas converge -It is characterized by persistent ascending air and high rates of precipitation -It migrates northward during the Northern Hemisphere summer. -It is a very dry place -Correct! ITCZ is characterized by persistent ascending air and high rates of precipitation, additionally the ITCZ migrates northward during the Northern Hemisphere summer.

Energy is required to transform liquid water into water vapor. This is because

-Liquid water is always colder than water vapor -Per unit mass, water vapor is lighter than liquid water -Water has a low albedo -Hydrogen bonds must be formed -Correct! Hydrogen bonds must be broken

If snow covers a grass surface, the albedo would be ______ (higher/lower) compared to the pre-snow condition. This change in albedo would cause (less/more) solar radiation to be absorbed, and the net radiation would be (higher/lower)

-Lower, more, lower -Higher, more, lower -Lower, less, higher -Correct! Higher, less, lower

Which layer of the atmosphere has the highest atmospheric pressure?

-Mesosphere Correct! Troposphere -Thermosphere -Ionosphere

The earth has a natural greenhouse effect, without which it would be too cold for life to exist. Which of the following lists includes only greenhouse gases (gases that absorb longwave radiation):

-Methane, oxygen, nitrogen -Argon, water vapor, nitrogen -Argon, oxygen, helium -Correct! Water vapor, methane, carbon dioxide

The earth emits most of its radiation in which of the following wavelengths:

-Microwave -Ultraviolet -Shortwave (visible light) -Correct! Longwave

Which of the following are needed for the formation of precipitation?

-Moisture in the atmosphere -Lifting of air -Saturation of air -Condensation nuclei -Correct! All choices are correct.

During the December solstice the earth is tilted toward the sun in the (northern / southern) hemisphere, the daylength at the south pole is (12 / 24) hours (longer / shorter) than at the north pole and the daylength at the Tropic of Capricorn (23.5oS) is (longer / shorter) than at the Tropic of Cancer (23.5oN).

-Northern, 24, shorter, shorter -Southern, 12, shorter, shorter -Southern, 24, longer, shorter -Correct! Southern, 24, longer, longer

Which of the following statement is true?

-One orbit of Earth around the Sun takes 24 hours. -The distance between the Earth and Sun does not vary annually. -The Earth is closest to the Sun on July 4. -Correct! The Earth revolves around the Sun in an elliptical orbit

Which of the following contribute(s) to the changing seasons?

-Perihelion and aphelion (Earth's varying distance to the sun) -Axial parallelism (the fact that the Earth's axis maintains its alignment during Earth's orbit around the Sun) -Earth's revolution around the sun -Correct! Axial parallelism and Earth's revolution around the sun

Which is true about scattering of solar radiation in the atmosphere?

-Radiation can be scattered in all directions -Scattering increases with increasing path length through the atmosphere -It explains why the sky is blue -It depends on the wavelength of solar radiation Correct! All of these answers are true

At high latitudes, the earth emits more longwave radiation to space than it absorbs as solar radiation. The opposite holds true at low latitudes. This is because:

-The high latitudes are closer to the sun -The high latitudes are further from the sun -Most of the longwave radiation emitted by the surface is trapped by greenhouse gases -Correct! Advection transports warm air from the lower into higher latitudes

In a mixed-phase cloud (consisting of mix of ice crystals and supercooled water droplets) ice crystals will grow while water droplets will shrink. This is because:

-The ice crystals are colder than the water droplets -The saturation vapor pressure over an ice surface is greater than the saturation vapor pressure over a water surface at the same temperature -The water droplets are heavier than the ice crystals Gravity only affects the ice crystals -Correct Answer The saturation vapor pressure over an ice surface is less than the saturation vapor pressure over a water surface at the same temperature

A kilogram of water vapor is at a higher latent heat state than a kilogram of liquid water at the same temperature. This is because:

-The kilogram of water vapor is lighter -The kilogram of water vapor will quickly condense into steam -To form water vapor from liquid water, energy had to be absorbed to form hydrogen bonds -Correct! To form water vapor from liquid water, energy had to be absorbed to break hydrogen bonds

We find that for the globe as a whole, net solar radiation is slightly greater than the amount of longwave radiation emitted to space. This leads to conclude that:

-The law of energy conservation is being violated -There is a negative change in energy storage in the earth system -Correct! There is a positive change in energy storage in the earth system -The second law of thermodynamics is being violated

On an annual basis, high latitudes receive less solar energy than the equatorial regions because:

-The polar regions are farther from the sun than the equator. -Correct! The earth is a sphere -They are colder -None of these are true; each latitude receives the same amount of energy at the surface

The dew point temperature is defined as:

-The temperature of stable air -The temperature of stable air and the temperature at which saturation occurs. -No choices are correct. -Correct! The temperature at which saturation occurs The temperature of unstable air

Annual precipitation of Boulder, Colorado, is much less than in Portland, Maine. This is primarily because

-Uplift mechanisms are rare in Colorado -The atmosphere in the Boulder area doesn't have enough cloud condensation nuclei -Winds in Boulder tend be closer to geostrophic balance. -Maine is located further north -Correct! Water vapor is less abundant in Boulder compared to Maine

The Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) is characterized by

-Warm, dry rising air -Warm, dry sinking air -Warm, wet sinking air -Correct! Warm, wet rising air

Which of the following best explains the extreme range between January and July surface air temperatures over North Central Siberia:

-Water vapor feedback -Atmospheric path length -The extensive winter cloud cover in the region -Correct! Continentality

Air lifting forced by topography is referred to as:

-convergent -convectional -occluded -frontal Correct! orographic

In a situation with geostrophic balance, at what angle (in degrees) does wind cross the isobars?


If the surface air temperature is 12oC, the corresponding value on the Kelvin scale is about:

261 K 273K The Kelvin scale does not apply in this case Correct! 285 K

Consider a forested ecosystem that has a rate of photosynthetic uptake of carbon equal to 14 kg C per year per square meter and a respiration rate equal to 11 kg C per year per square meter. The Net Primary Productivity (NPP) in kg C peer year per square meter is:


Using the graph above, what is the dew point temperature (in Celsius) for air with a saturation vapor pressure of 30 mb?

5 degrees Celsius 10 degrees Celsius 15 degrees Celsius 30 degrees Celsius Correct! 25 degrees Celsius

In the troposphere, the concentration of oxygen, as a percentage of all gases present, is approximately:

71% 1% 5% Correct! 21%

At what position of the earth does the northern hemisphere receive the greatest amount of solar radiation compared to all other times of the year?

A B C Correct! D

At what position of the earth is there a 12-hour day and 12-hour night at all latitudes?

A B and D C Correct! A and C

At what position of the earth does the southern hemisphere receive the greatest amount of solar radiation compared to all other times of the year?

A Correct! B C D

On average, about what percentage of incoming solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere is reflected back to space? (by the atmosphere and by the surface combined)

Correct! 30% 50% 70% 90%

Net radiation refers to the balance between incoming and outgoing shortwave radiation and incoming and outgoing longwave radiation.

Correct! True False

Temperature is a measure of kinetic energy at the molecular scale.

Correct! True False

The natural heat flow is from higher to lower temperature.

Correct! True False

Which of the following ecological fields of study encompasses the largest spatial area?

Ecology of Biomes

The principal limiting factor that determines the location of the Arctic treeline is how cold it gets in winter:


The process of respiration releases oxygen:


True or false. Air parcel #1 has a dew point of 20o Air parcel #2 has a dew point of 15oC. With this information alone, we can be quite sure that the relative humidity of parcel #1 is higher than that of parcel #2:


Tornadoes tend to form:

In association with supercell thunderstorms and where there is significant vertical wind shear.

Net Primary Productivity (NPP) is highest:

In tropical rain forest

In the Northern Hemisphere, the Coriolis force (effect) results in a deflection of moving air to the___.

North South Left No choices are correct. Correct! Right

Boulder Reservoir is

Part of the Colorado - Big Thompson Project

The following is true regarding relative humidity.

Relative humidity typically increases as air rises, additionally when the temperature and dew point temperature are the same, relative humidity is 100%.

The net radiation balance (Rn) at night in Boulder simplifies to which of the following (L is longwave radiation, S is solar radiation):

Rn =S↓ - S↑ Rn =S↓ + S↑ Rn =S↓ * (1 - albedo) Rn =S↓ - S↑ + L↓ - L↑ Correct! Rn =L↓ - L↑

Consider a food chain in which a grasshopper eats grass, the grasshopper is eaten by a frog, and the frog is eaten by a snake. Given these relationships, which of the following is not correctly matched:

Snake--Primary Consumer

The law that best describes the uneven distribution of solar radiation at the Earth's surface is:

Stefan-Boltzmann Law Planck's Law Newton's First Law Correct! Lambert's cosine law of illumination

The elevation of the alpine tree line west of Boulder is primarily determined by:


Net Primary Productivity (NPP) is defined as:

The difference between photosynthesis and respiration

Atmospheric pressure decreases with elevation above the surface, meaning that there is a vertical pressure gradient. However, the atmosphere does not rush off into space. This is because

The upward pressure gradient force is usually closely balanced by the downward gravitational force

Which of these is true of a confined aquifer?

The water may be under pressure, and there are impermeable layer both below and above the aquifer

In a food chain, which of the following is true of primary consumers:

They consume producers and they may be consumed by secondary consumers

A column of air (column #1) exerts a pressure at sea level of 1030 mb. Another column of air (column #2) exerts a pressure at sea level of 1000 mb. This means that there are more molecules of air in column #1.


During respiration, green plants release carbon dioxide:


The primary reason that clouds decrease the amount of solar radiation received at the surface is that clouds strongly absorb solar radiation.

True Correct Answer False

The surface of a natural grass football field will be cooler than the surface of an Astroturf football field because the sensible heat flux is greater over the natural grass.

True Correct Answer False

The turbulent sensible heat flux over a lake in summer tends to be greater than over an adjacent desert because a lot of energy is used to evaporate water in the lake.

True Correct Answer False

The air flow at a warm front is best described as:

Warmer air advancing into colder air

An El-Niño event occurs when the trade winds in the tropical Pacific Ocean ___________ and a large pool of unusually ________ ocean water forms over the eastern tropical Pacific.

Weaken, warm

Boulder, Colorado, tends to get its biggest winter snowfall events when an extratropical cyclone (a low) is located near the Oklahoma panhandle. This is because:

Winds have a component from the east and often draw in moisture from the Gulf of Mexico, in addition, elevation increases from east to west, orographically lifting the air.

For a typical cloudless day in Boulder, Colorado, the maximum incoming solar radiation at the surface will occur during ________(morning/solar noon/mid afternoon) and during ______(April/ June/August). However, the maximum air temperature just above the ground will occur around _______(morning/solar noon/mid afternoon).

a) Solar noon, April, mid afternoon Correct! b) Solar noon, June, mid afternoon c) Late afternoon, August, morning d) Solar noon, August, mid afternoon

In the Savanna regions of Africa, elephants dig holes in dry river beds to create water holes that also provide water for other animals that would otherwise die during the dry season. The location where the elephants live is an example of a(n)_______, and the role they play is an example of a(n) :

biome; niche

Which of the following are decomposers:

both fungi and soil bacteria

The cold, nutrient-rich waters of the California Current primarily arise from:

coastal upwelling

As an air parcel rises, its dew point temperature increases:


Heterotrophs are the living beings that can produce food by themselves:


Over the past 30 years, the increase in the heat content of the atmosphere has been larger than the increase in the heat content of the ocean.


True or false. Newton's first law of motion states that an object in motion with a particular speed and direction will slow down, even in the absence of an unbalanced force:


Two columns of air (#1 and #2) exert the same pressure at sea level. 3 km above the surface, the pressure measured in column #1 is greater than in column #2. This means the air in column #1 has a _____________temperature and a _________ density than the air in column #2.

higher, lower

An air parcel has a temperature of 10oC and the environmental air in which it is embedded has a temperature of 15o The air parcel hence has a ___________ density that the environmental air and wants to __________.

higher, sink

Which of the following is a PRIMARY driver of nitrogen fixation:

nitrogen fixing bacteria in the soil

The dominant primary producers in the ocean are:


Which of the following lists contain all generalists?

raven, skunk, robin, coyote

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