American History A. L6-8

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The Electoral College was created for the following reasons. Select all that apply.

-Eligible voters were not well informed. -Few understood the needs of a government. -News spread slowly in the 18th century.

How did the Embargo Act of 1807 impact the affected nations? Select all that apply.

-France made a trade deal with America. -England had food shortages and unsold goods.

Which were causes of the French Revolution? Select all that apply.

-France's outdated estates system that gave the upper class too much power -crop failures that led to bread shortages and starvation for the poorer classes -debt accrued by the treasury for its involvement in the American Revolution

Who wrote The Federalist Papers? Select all that apply

-James Madison -Alexander Hamilton -John Jay

Who were the most prominent advocates for war with Britain? Select all that apply.

-John C. Calhoun -Henry Clay

What was the impact of the Battle of Tippecanoe? Select all that apply.

-The battle inflamed tensions already growing between Americans and the British. -Tecumseh went on to ruthlessly fight alongside British forces in the War of 1812.

How did the Kentucky Resolutions advance states' rights? Select all that apply.

-They asserted that the Constitution was a pact between independent states. -They said that a state legislature could nullify an unconstitutional federal law.

On the day of the 1800 election, there was a tie in the Electoral College between which two candidates? Select all that apply.

-Thomas Jefferson -Aaron Burr

What were the Articles of Confederation designed to provide the 13 colonies? Select all that apply.

-a spirit of friendly cooperation among the states -a system to work together in times of need, such as war

What are the two procedures for ratifying and amending the US Constitution? Select all that apply.

-calling for an amendment convention -introducing legislation into Congress

Which were part of Alexander Hamilton's economic recovery plan?

-create a central bank that would pay off the states' war debts -charge tariffs on imported goods so that the United States could grow its manufacturing businesses

Which elements in the Virginia Plan became part of the government under the US Constitution?

-executive branch -judicial branch -bicameral legislature

Which constitutional rights did the Sedition Act violate? Select all that apply.

-freedom of speech -freedom of the press

What actions by the British led to American resentment? Select all that apply.

-impressment -American Indian aid

Which are powers of the executive branch? Select all that apply.

-nomination of judges -veto power

Which are powers of the legislative branch? Select all that apply.

-to impeach a judge or president -to confirm or deny judicial appointments

Which actions must occur before a proposed amendment can pass through both houses of Congress? Select all that apply.

-voting -debating

The Louisiana Purchase involved the countries of the United States and _[blank]_.


What happened during the Quasi-War?

French and US ships battled at sea, although there had been no official declaration of war.

American diplomats and the American people were outraged with the French because of the _[blank]_.

French government's demand for a bribe to begin peace negotiations

Which political party wanted a stronger central government?


Who authored the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions?

Thomas Jefferson and James Madison

The Battle of Tippecanoe served as a preamble to which war?

War of 1812

What was America's first overseas battle?

a battle with the Barbary pirates to end bribery

What type of government was created by the Articles of Confederation?

a collection of states tied together in a loose union

Jefferson was a strict _[blank]_ of the constitution, meaning he followed the document to the letter while not believing in any room for interpretation.


Which of these did the New Jersey Plan have in common with the original Articles of Confederation?

equal representation among the states

For which of the following did Marbury v. Madison establish a precedent that continues to be utilized today?

judicial review

What important principle did the Marbury v. Madison case establish?

judicial review

Which branch of government possesses veto power?


Marshall is credited with _[blank]_ judicial power during his tenure as chief justice.


Which of the following describes the Alien Acts?

laws that took away rights from foreign-born persons in the United States

The Three-Fifths Compromise determined that which group would be counted as three-fifths of one person, for the purposes of representation and taxation?


Which was the official name of the Lewis and Clark expedition group that was commissioned to explore a western route?

the Corps of Discovery

Washington's farewell address warned America against _[blank]_.

the dangers of political parties

Which quote from Jefferson's Inaugural Address cites his attempt to reunite a politically split nation?

"We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists."

How are electors for the Electoral College determined in each state?

A state gets as many electoral votes as the number of its senators and representatives.

Which party's platform included limiting national government, supporting states' rights, restricting participation in government, and protecting private property, including slaves?


Which accurately expresses Jefferson and Hamilton's different views?

Hamilton wanted the federal government to create a national bank. Jefferson felt it was unconstitutional for the government to claim a power that was not specifically granted by the constitution.

Which of the following reasons made George Washington a good choice for the position of president of the United States?

He did not want to hold the position for long.

What was the significance of Zebulon Pike's journey?

He revealed the geography of the Southwest from Spanish maps that he saw.

How did Tecumseh promote cooperation among American Indians?

He traveled throughout native villages seeking support.

Why did President Thomas Jefferson commission General Zebulon Pike?

He wanted to find the source of the Mississippi River.

Why is the election of 1800 sometimes called the Revolution of 1800?

It was a peaceful transition of power from one political party to another.

Who is considered the Father of the Constitution as well as the Father of the Bill of Rights?

James Madison

How did the French Revolution contribute to political conflict in the US?

Jefferson supported the Revolution, while Hamilton opposed it.

Who was president during the XYZ Affair and Quasi-War?

John Adams

Which explorers did President Jefferson send out to explore the Louisiana Purchase?

Lewis and Clark

How did the Alien and Sedition Acts go against the Constitution?

Limits on freedom of the press went against the First Amendment.

Why were farmers like Daniel Shays upset?

Massachusetts punished poor farmers unable to pay taxes.

What was the impact of Jefferson's policy of neutrality?

Not: Jefferson's neutrality led to the purchase of the Louisiana Territory. Correct: The passage of the Embargo Act of 1807 damaged the US economy.

What led to the case of Marbury v. Madison?

Not: President James Madison issuing a writ of mandamus Correct:Adams quickly appointing federal positions at the end of his term

Whose guidance helped the Lewis and Clark expedition avoid hostility from native tribes and the risk of starvation?


Match each term with its correct description.

Shay's Rebellion: demonstrated the weaknesses of national government under the Articles of Confederation Virginia: favored larger states in the new federal government and laid out a two-house (bicameral) legislature New Jersey: gave all states equal representation in the legislature and sought to give Congress powers such as levying taxes Constitutional Convention: later name given to the Philadelphia Convention in commemoration of the final document its delegates produced

Which is expressed by the doctrine of states' rights?

States have the power to make and enforce laws for their citizens.

President Washington discouraged long-term international alliances because he knew these agreements could be broken at any time.


What tax is added to the cost of goods that come from a foreign country?


Which Shawnee warrior traveled to other native villages to seek support for a war against the Americans?


Which identifies Jefferson's stance on foreign affairs?

The United States should keep to itself.

Which position most identifies Jefferson's stance on foreign affairs?

The United States should maintain isolationism as a foreign policy stance.

What is the significance of the Bill of Rights?

The amendments constitute the government's recognition of naturally occurring rights and liberties.

How did the Corps of Discovery expedition impact the United States?

The information they brought back was immensely helpful for Americans migrating west.

Which weakness of the Articles of Confederation were exposed by Shays's Rebellion?

The national government was not allowed to have a standing army.

With widespread discontent and organized resistance occurring in local states, what solution was needed at the federal level?

a new government structure

How can the judicial branch check the power of the executive branch?

by declaring executive action unconstitutional

How can the legislative branch check the power of the judicial branch?

by impeaching judges

How can the executive branch can check the power of the legislative branch?

by vetoing legislation

Washington established the tradition of keeping a _[blank]_ of advisors.


Using the reading, identify the missing term. The power imbalance among northern and southern representatives due to the Three-Fifths Compromise changed the nature of the United States and eventually led to the _[blank]_.

civil war

Read the statement. James Madison refused to deliver Marbury's commission because he was a(n) _[blank]_ appointed by Federalist John Adams.

midnight judge

Which position did James Madison serve in the Jefferson administration?

secretary of state

What was the stated goal of the members of the Philadelphia Convention?

to amend the Articles of Confederation

Why was the Philadelphia Convention called in 1787?

to amend the Articles of Confederation

Which is a power of the judicial branch?

to declare laws unconstitutional

What is the purpose of checks?

to prevent one branch of government from taking control

How many states must attend an amendment convention?


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